Burgess lab attending the University of Colorado Boulder Chancellor's Summit in February 2022

Abstract art representing "Burgess bioeconomics lab" generated at https://app.wombo.art/

Welcome! We study the economics and ecology of human-environment systems, and we strive to inform solutions to important environmental problems. We take a three-pronged approach:

1. Theory to understand problems. We use mathematical and computational modeling approaches to explore the mechanisms driving environmental problems and potential solutions.

2. Data for real-world insight. We use data to test, contextualize, and refine theories, in search of actionable real-world insights.

3. Collaborate to link to practice. We are scientists first and foremost. But we also recognize and value the important role of science in environmental policy and practice. To maximize the impact of our science, we engage and collaborate with stakeholders on solutions.

For more details, see our Research and Publications pages. If you are interested in joining us, please check out our Opportunities page.

Engaging and learning

In addition to our research, we are keen to communicate with, engage with, and learn from diverse stakeholders, scientists, and thinkers, on diverse topics. As students and scholars, we strive to challenge ourselves and expand our minds every day. See our Popular Writing and ‘What we’re reading’ pages for more details. 

Our unofficial motto is: "We're interested in anything that's interesting."

We have benefitted throughout our careers from good advice from colleagues, some of whom have posted their advice online. See our Resources page for compiled advice on a selection of topics including research, writing, getting a job, and mental health.

PI Contact

Email: matt.burgess@uwyo.edu

Office: BU 279

College of Business

University of Wyoming