Hi so as the title states, I get no sound when docked. I tried with my third party and o.g dock and no sound when docked. My hdmi and everything is okay since I play actual switch games and I have no problems, it's just android 11. Any help?

Thanks for the reply dusty_nv. I think many users here would be interested in Official support. Google has support for linaro hikey. Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi have android support. Both platforms having dual ubuntu/debian android support. We can certainly port in build support but official NVIDIA supported android device/kernel repositories would be key due to many users not knowing where to start and how to build.

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It will hardly come as a surprise that us geek folk over at GSMArena love the Nintendo Switch. Less surprising still is the fact that we love Android. Put the two together, sprinkle-in a hefty dose of tinkering and you get a janky "fusion" recipe that is just hard to pass by. Running LineageOS on Nintendo's amazingly popular handheld/home console is actually nothing new. A bunch of amazing people who refer to themselves as the switchroot group have been working hard on getting alternative platforms running on exploitable Nintendo Switch units, including Ubuntu, forks of LineageOS, originating from the Nvidia Shield TV branches of Android. I have personally been running their older Android 8.1 Oreo, LineageOS 15.1 build for a good few months now on my personal Switch, as a secondary OS and was delighted with the results.

As you can imagine, it's a janky experience through and through, but one that against all odds works and has given me access to a whole world of excellent Android games, multimedia and even productivity packages, as well as trendy cloud and remote gaming platforms like GeForce Now and Steam Link on my favorite carry-on device. Recently, the switchroot team put out an Android 10 ROM, based on LineageOS 17.1 which massively improves the experience. We decided to do a quick review of what it's like running it on a Nintendo Switch. We won't be offering a guide for how to install Android on your Switch, since the switchroot group already has an excellent one over at XDA's forums. As for general Nintendo Switch exploits and hacking, here and here are great places to start. Just to save you some time, we will note that for now only older, original Nintendo Switch units are easily exploitable. No Switch Lite and no new battery-refreshed Switch units.

If plan on using your Switch in docked mode, you should probably also get the Shield TV remote companion app form the Play Store and run it on your phone, since that works now, as well. It is also worth noting that there are two different Android 10 switchroot builds - one is just a general Android one, called "Tablet", while the other is based on Android TV. The latter offers a slightly better visual experience in TV mode, but lacks the full Android app library. We personally like the general one better and the following UI shots are taken from it.

As you will notice, we are including results from both the older Android 8.1 switchroot ROM and the new Android 10 one. The increase in performance is noticeable and great to see, since it is effectively "free" in this case. It is also worth noting that both the original switchroot ROM and the new one have dedicated Performance modes. The old one featured a slider with a few positions, while now this has you get the more sensible "max performance" toggle. It is only recommended to use it while the Switch is docked or charging, since the extra power draw can be damaging to internals, especially the battery. But, again, it provides a notable boost in performance.

Also, there is active effort to get CUDA support up and running. Though, even if that does become reality, unless someone can convince the likes of Unity to open-up easy Android support for it as well, it won't really be of much use. There is a much brighter future to switchroot's efforts to bring CUDA to its Ubuntu Nintendo Switch build instead.

A big reason one might want to run Android on the Switch is versatility. There is definitely plenty of that available with access to the rich Android app ecosystem on a device that excels at both handheld and docked use and can even pull off some decent desktop productivity with the right peripherals attached. Frankly, though, if you are looking for somewhat of a laptop replacement to lug around and potentially do some work on, we would definitely suggest exploring the switchroot Ubuntu project instead. Android's desktop mode and free-form window support aren't perfect even in the best of implementaions and this is far from a stable bug-free setup.

We also tried Plex with a home server with plenty of 4K and HDR content available. Even though direct playback was enabled, the Switch could only go up to 1080p without HDR in both handheld and docked mode and thus required transcoding. Again, not a massive issue, but hardly worthy of a recommendation as a multimedia box. You might have slightly better luck with certain services and resolutions if you go for the alternative Android TV-based build that switchroot offers, but then some other apps will likely start experiencing issues.

This is a lame case, but just in case... I have a mac laptop with a power/usb hub but it only has a couple usb ports so I hung another powered usb hub off that. Seems/seemed to work fairly well, but for some reason my android device wouldn't keep a connection. Plug it in, it shows 'device', but try to do anything via adb and get an error and status goes "offline". Drove me crazy. Then I decided to try plugging in Android device straight to the first hub... worked immediately and solidly. I had been using the two hub setup for a while, but all of a suddden it just stopped working. Hope it helps somebody!

In LAN, there are multiple android boards with same IP.And adb could connect to the board(one of them), and could open shell of the board(one of them), but get "device offline" when push file to board, or other operation. e24fc04721

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