Troy Gets Bearish

Troy had heard about the new bearification drug. It seemed to work like magic to the guys who took it. Within hours, or even minutes, guys who took the drug began growing more and more body hair and packing on bulk. Troy wasn’t sure how much he believed it, but each week there was more buzz about it on a few gay porn sites and fetish pages. The whole thing seemed very unlikely, and a supposed source would appear only for that supposed source to disappear moments later.

A handsome guy, Troy was not particularly bearish. Despite getting plenty of attention for his lean, slightly hairy build, Troy DiAngelo loved the big muscle bear look, and the idea of something that could help him pack on mass really appealed.

He hit the gym regularly but didn’t have that muscle mass he really wanted to build. 170 pounds on his 5’10” frame wasn’t that much.

Troy clicked on the link when someone posted about a source for the bearification formula. It led him to an craigslist -like coded email address. He wrote in asking for the price, not expecting any response.

Only minutes later he recieved a response, still from a coded email address:

“I need to know what you plan to use it for. Tell me, how big do you think you’ll get with one vial?”

Troy wrote back, saying it was just for himself, something to help build mass, something for the gym.

A few minutes later he recieved the response:

“$50.00 for a half dose. If you’re just building some muscle, you only need a half dose taken once. Take it before and after a hard workout. Do weights, none of that running shit, that’ll just make your legs and ass huge. Two workouts after you’ve taken it. Twice a day for three days. If you skip on working out you’ll get fatter and not build much muscle. If you lift, it’ll work correctly. Also, I don’t know what your background is, but some guys get really hairy really quickly. Most guys get hairier, some get really, really hairy. Be prepared.”

Troy couldn’t pretend he wasn’t excited by the idea, and even if It was a scam, it wasn’t that much money. He used some online payment service the guy linked him to and send his address.

6 days later the vial arrived. It wasn’t a scam.

Troy mused over what to do, and waited for the weekend to try it out. He did exactly as the anonymous source had said: on Friday night he hit the weights at his gym hard. He did both back and chest. He went home sweaty and downed the vial. He didn’t feel anything right away.

It was an hour later he began feeling the rising heat on his skin. He itched he felt energetic. He swore his forearms looked hairier. He stripped of his shirt quickly and looked in the mirror. He could see a huge number of new, thin, barely visible hair covering his chest and stomach.

‘Fuck’ he thought, it was working. He was so jacked up and excited he barely slept. He jerked off twice and on the second time finally passed out. As he jerked off that evening he watched the thin hair steadily grow thicker and more noticeable. Soon he could feel more of it on his arms, chest, even shoulders. He felt meatier too. He couldn’t place it, but he felt… a little bigger.

Having barely slept, Troy jumped out of bed to hit the gym as soon as it opened at 7:00 am that Saturday. His shirt was tighter and he had a little patch of hair now swirling at the base of his neck. His chestwas getting totally covered in new, thick hair. As he looked at himself in the gyms mirrors he could see how much bigger he was looking already.

By the time he got home he weighed himself. 190 pounds and climbing. It had been 12 hours since he had taken the formula and it was really doing its thing. His arms were bigger, his chest, his shoulders were broader. He hadn’t gained an ounce of fat either. He was well on his way to muscle beardom.

Troy could hardly concentrate on anything other than his transformation. He was so horny and worked up that he could hardly stand it. He loved how tight his shirts were getting in all the right places. That and the hair was just getting thicker and thicker all over his body. His beard was getting longer. That supplier hadn’t lied! Maybe it was his Italian genes that kicked in, but Troy was now a seriously hairy guy. The impossible-to-hide, overwhelmingly hairy guy. The kind of hairy that pours out of shirt collars and sleeves. People were going to notice no matter how he trimmed it back.

That night he did his leg workout and came back to his home scale. 210 pounds of fur covered beef. He was beside himself. He jerked off 4 more times that night, barely able to keep his hands off his new body. By Sunday morning he was 220 pounds. The growth was slowing down, but man was he thrilled. No one could deny him the title of muscle bear now.

The next days went on without out too much further change, but his libido didn’t seem to diminish much. He was now constantly horny and his dick seemed just a little thicker than before.

Troy had to graduate to larges and extra larges for his shirts to fit over his furry 230 pound build. He was strong as hell, and had virtually gained zero fat in the process. Men seemed to get out of his way when he worked out now, And the other big guys in the gym took notice. He proudly measured his arms at an impressive 19” and benched 315 with no problem.

And when he finally uploaded his new scruff profile pic up that week, the app exploded with messages. No one could get seem to get enough of the hairy beefcake he had become, and he couldn’t get enough ass to ever satisfy him. He had turned into a beast of a man.