Travis and Rick

Travis always insisted he wanted to “get big”, and his boyfriend Rick certainly didn’t mind. Rick loved his skinny, nerdy boyfriend, but he didn’t expect him to actually get serious about bulking up. So when Travis decided to start joining his boyfriend in the gym , Rick was more than happy to help show him the ropes.

It was about a week after they began lifting together that Rick noticed something different about Travis. At 5’10”, Travis had always been taller than Rick’s modest 5’6”, but he started seeming...well, a little taller than normal.

At first Rick felt like he was imagining things, until his boyfriend announced one morning that his shoes didn’t fit anymore. Travis didn’t mention anything about the fact that he appeared to be getting taller, but Rick knew there had to be something going on.

Not only had it appeared Travis had grown several inches, he was getting stronger in the gym and gaining muscle mass rapidly. Finally after a little over a week of inexplicable steady growth, Rick broke the topic:

“Babe, what’s going on? You just got size 13 shoes two days ago and your already growing out of them, your pants have gotten too short, you’re bulking up, and your having to lean down further to kiss me. ”

Travis, who had been tiptoeing around the now obvious changes, came clean. The day after their workout in the gym he had taken some supplement created by a French company that promised to help him grow, but he didn’t it would actually work. Rick measured his boyfriend. He was up to 6’2”, and had just broken 200 pounds.

“Fuck Trav, you never needed to change for me, but, I’m loving your new size.” Rick confessed. The sex was intense. Rick was sometimes a bottom, but having his boyfriend get so much bigger.... Trav has top him now, and his new size sent Rick over the edge. Rick swore that even Travis’s cock felt a little bigger. He was thrilled with the idea that his handsome nerdy boyfriend was growing bigger and bigger every day.

And as the days went by, Rick doted on his steady growing boyfriend, keeping well fed, going to the store to buy new clothes, and measuring him. It appeared that Travis was growing around a half inch taller every day.

6’4” and 235 pounds. Two weeks had gone by since his boyfriend took the growth potion. Travis had grown 6” taller and 80 pounds heavier. Fuck, just those stats alone gave Rick a boner. His boyfriend, the man he loved, was getting huge. Even though Travis was not really the dominant type, his sheer size in comparison to the 5’6” Rick was an undeniably dominating presence. Rick loved ever second of it. Travis, big and getting bigger, was less enthused. How was he going to explain this to people? How big was he going to get? He loved topping Rick, but he also missed bottoming. At this size, he was concerned men might not want him to bottom ever again.

6’6”, 260

Rick nearly got off just seeing those numbers alone. 20 days after their first workout, There was now a full foot in height between them. It was clear to Rick that his boyfriends cock had put on several inches as well. Travis had to be pushing 8”, maybe 9” inches now. As far as Rick was concerned, his boyfriend had grown into the ultimate stud, a towering, strong, masculine hunk who needed to be worshipped at every chance.

6’8”, 285 pounds. A giant among men, a massive, handsome beast of a man. Rick barely could contain himself after measureing his boyfriend. Travis’s arms were getting so big, his shoulders so wide. He was much stronger than Rick now at the gym.

Travis had gotten used to the routine: wake up. Rick makes food, Rick makes him a protein shake, Rick measures his height (now using a step stool), Rick takes his weight, Rick gets so horny that he pulls the bigger man back into bed with him and rides him like a bull. Travis even got into flexing for the smaller man, showing off his added muscle mass.

Rick loved riding this big powerful man. This huge, hung muscular stud his boyfriend had grown into. Their love life had never been more intense.

6’10”, 310 pounds. Unbelievable, incredible, astonishing. Travis looked into the mirror at his bigger body, his head too high for the top of the mirror, and he was now having to duck at doorways in their apartment. Fuck he was getting big alright. A full foot taller than a month ago. Rick was over the moon, and Travis had to admit, that despite the challenges to get size 19 shoes and find clothes that fit, being this big wasn’t the worst.

The growth was tapering off. As the days went by he seemed to grow heavier more than taller, his shoulders grew wider and his pecs grew. Rick wasn’t disappointed that Travis had stopped growing, as his boyfriend was already this enormous hunk, and Travis was relieved it was over. He was big enough. 9.5” of cock was more than enough for Rick. If anything, Travis’s manhood was now a little too big. While usually Travis would lay on his back, the few times he had taken charge he had to be careful not to break his 5’6”, 150 pound Rick.

7’, 340 pounds.

Huge. Impossible to get around normally. Travis’s biceps looked as big as Rick’s head. Their car was tight squeeze for Travis now. None the less, they went to the beach on a vacation together, a small, tightly packed road trip. The two were happy, deeply in love, and thrilled. Travis was just glad he wasn’t getting bigger.

It was a few days after their beach trip when a strange package came addressed to Rick from “énorme”. Travis panicked. That was the company that had sold him the growth formula.

“To the MMs Ricardo Gutierrez et Travis Holly” it read. “We would like to provide to you an optional second dose of our famous growth elixir, for either of you to use. M. Gutierrez, provided you wish to enjoy the pleasure of growth, this has been left to you- however, it is free to anyone who wishes to use it.

-The Énorme team”

The two couldn’t believe it. “Well, what are you going to do?” Travis asked. Rick was unsure, he loved their size difference, but Travis wanted to get topped like he used to before the growth, and the logistics of topping a man his size was challenging at his current height.

“Well, I don’t know. I kinda love you as the big man” Rick said.

“Well, if this is the same thing I got, I’ll probably still be taller than you.” Travis replied. “I'm always the top these days” he continued “and while I love it, and I love you, it might be nice to lay back and let you take charge like you used to” Travis continued.

At that last comment, Rick look his boyfriend deep in the eyes, opened the lid to the potion, and downed it.

“To getting big! ” Rick shouted. Growing from his own point of view was going to be fun.