The Crystal

Adam was a biochemical engineer, and he was on assignment to analyze samples obtained from an excavation in Africa. He was an expert in identifying samples obtained from big assignments like this and determine what each new discovery was. The archeologist sent him this new piece, what looked like a simple crystal. Apparently the archeologist couldn't identify this kind of crystal so Adam was sent the discovery to view its microscopic structure and create a report of the findings.

Adam opened the shipping box that arrived to his lab to find the crystal surrounded by soft cushion that protected it on its travel to the States. He stood it up on a stand and observed it.

Adam took out his tools and continued to look at it, thinking about what he would do to start the process of identifying the crystal.

Adam brought his chipping tool out. He needed a small piece of the crystal to place under the microscope to see the crystalline structure that it has.

Adam took the tool to the edge of the crystal and tapped at it, getting small shavings of the crystal land at the baseplate the crystal was resting on. The small chip managed to show a more intricate design within the crystal to come out. It started to reflect with the light, as if it was under the sun, beams shone out of the crystal, hitting Adam in the eye managing him to accidentally stub his thumb with the chipper. Adam winced in pain and saw that he had gotten a good amount of sample to place under the microscope.

Adam heard a knock at his door, another scientist asked him if he could assist in a demonstration. Adam set the crystal sample down, knowing all he was gonna do was look in a microscope, it was not too important at the moment. Adam followed his colleague, but then stopped, feeling a staining feeling in his chest. Was he having chest pain? No, Adam thought, he was the epitament of health. He shrugged the thought off his mind and went to help his colleague. After he helped his colleague, he began to walk back to his lab. As he was walking, he did not notice that his skin began to darken, from a pale completion to a deep brown. Adam checked his watch for the time and noticed his skin changed. Adam jumped, why would his skin be changing, that does not happen so quickly. He arrived at the lab and decided to continue the examination and worry about his sudden color change after.

Adam chipped a bit more of the crystal, but not realizing it was releasing an odorless, colorless gas. This gas began to cloud over Adam, which began to change his body with no realization. His arms began to expand. Adam moved around a bit in discomfort as he moved to his microscope. He clenched onto his chest, as it began to round out and push past his once loose labcoat. Adam grunted, with a now deeper voice than before.

Adam was stern on getting this analysis done. As he was prepping the sample for the microscope, his back began to expand. Adam grunted as he struggled to get the sample on the glass plate as his hands began to thicken into meaty limbs. His labcoat began to stretch so far beyond his normal body proportions.

Getting uncomfortable, Adam took off his lab coat, exposing the now enormous arms that he still hadn't realized were there. Adam observed the crystal, wrote down his findings and was able to get work done until he got a phone call. Adam answered the phone with a now deep baritone voice. It was the archeologist, and he sounded in a panic. He said that apparently this crystal once gave the African village their biggest Warrior with magic. Adam let out a hefty laugh, now realizing what had happened to him. Apparently cracking the crystal had released the little bit of magic left because the main mineral now was a pale white instead of that clear beige color. He thanked the archeologist for the tip and wished him the best. Adam began to flex his new muscles and smiled. He had to get back to work so he set a reminder on his phone to get a gym membership sometime that week. Other than that, it was time to look at other samples in his microscope, which he thought he could crush if he wasn't too careful about it.