Teddy Bear

John had just washed his bedding in a new detergent, claiming to make his bed 'Teddy Bear Soft'. The sheets were unbelievably soft and fuzzy as he pulled them out of the dryer. He couldn't stop himself from lying down on top of them once they were on his bed, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the fabric against his skin.

Before he knew it, he was sleeping, drifting deeper and deeper into the wrappings of the bed. He dreamed that he was slowly being wrapped in the cushiony softness of his mattress, enveloped by the heavy padding. He wasn't aware as his body slowly adopted the same comfort of the soft plush, expanding and growing heavier and beefier with each second.

His stomach swelled, growing rounder and pushing out above his waistline. It wasn't long before it took the liking of a weighted pillow, supple and pliant. His chest had become bigger and meatier, two pecs protruding from the center of his torso, widening his shoulders and forcing his growing arms out to the side. His facial hair began to thicken and grow into a full beard while the rest of his body adopted its own fuzzy coating.

John woke feeling much better rested than ever, the sensations from his dream even stronger while he was awake. He lay, comforted by his own body, too relaxed to care about anything. His new enormous body was perfect for cuddling, beefy, thick and round, with big powerful arms. His body looked so big and cuddly that it was begging for someone to embrace it. He was huge, probably well beyond 300 pounds now. There was no doubt he would enjoy his new state as a massive teddy bear.

By Change-Your-Instinct:   https://www.tumblr.com/change-your-instinct