
Ted hadn't seen his boyfriend Josh spike his drink while they were out. After a few of them, Ted started to feel a little strange. His stomach felt odd and he was having trouble keeping his balance. Feeling light-headed, they decided it was time to go.

The sensation only seemed to continue growing once they were home, Ted queasy feeling as if his insides were turning to fuzz. He pulled off his shirt, looking down to find his stomach bloated and round, a muffin top over his waist.

"What the fuck?" Ted said, aghast, staring at what was once his svelte body.

"Looking good" Ted heard Josh say, confused why his boyfriend made that comment. The thought didn't last long once Josh's hand connected with the open skin, running his fingers along the taut midriff.

Ted felt a shaky breath escape from his lips, taken aback by how amazing the touch on his stomach felt. His body had never reacted this way, the tickling sensation giving way to a static tingle that spread across him like fire. He let his core relax, pushing his growing appendage further into his boyfriend's grasp.

He felt something else scratching against Josh's fingertips, much like the tactile texture of freshly shaven skin. He looked down, noticing a bunch of black specs spreading across his torso growing longer and longer, turning into black curls of hair. They spread up to his chest, prickling his skin as the black mass took over his body.

"You're turning into a perfect teddy bear" Josh reassured, seeing the panicked look on Ted's face. He ran his hand across Ted's furry chest and stomach, distracting him by playing with his nipples. Ted moaned, unable to control himself against his new nerve endings, his body continug to fatten up into a plush teddy bear that loved being touched

Ted struggled to stand, the weight on his stomach making it difficult for him to keep his balance. His body felt so different, like it was being filled with soft feathers. The sensation was so foreign but amazing at the same time that all he could do was enjoy it as his body grew and grew.

Ted fell onto the couch behind him, letting the fuzzy warmth inside him overtake his senses. He didn’t want to move, feeling as if he really were a living stuffed animal that only needed to be squeezed. His boyfriend continued to stroke him, watching the man become more and more like a teddy bear with his growing body, hair filling in until he was completely covered in dense fur.

Ted loved the feeling as he continued to plump up into the perfect plush. He felt his body growing bigger and heavier, and his mind slowly began to empty, his thoughts becoming simpler. His brain was empty, soft pleasure and comfort being the only sensation that remained. All he could ever need was to be wrapped in another man's arms, squeezed by the tight grip as giant teddy bear.