Smelliest Guy at the Gym

ijusttrash-deactivated20221118 asked:

I can’t stand how sweaty the men at the gym are.  They are always teaming so much and they never bathe !!  Can you make them shower?  I hate that smell


Sure the men at the gym stink, but have you ever thought you could be the problem? You do appear to be the odd one out after all! You may hate that smell but they don’t mind it. I don’t think they’re the ones that need to change, I think it’s you. Now don’t panic it’s not that bad smelling like a musky gym sock wherever you go. You’ll get used to the smell eventually I’m sure. Now let’s go to the very place you hate the smell of. The gym. I snap my fingers and in a flash we’re stood in the men’s changing rooms. The smell of sweat and testosterone fill the air, you were right it’s almost suffocating but very soon your going to be adding your own funk to the already pungent stench. So let’s get started. What? Did I turn up the heat? Kinda, see I didn’t actually make the gym hotter, only you. It feels like your stood out in the sun as a thick hot air beats down on your skin. It’s almost uncomfortable as your sweat glands are sent into overdrive. Let’s help you out of those pesky clothes. SNAP! There we go your just in your underwear now and geez your ass crack is soaked with sweat. It looks like you wet yourself from behind.

I’m sorry man but this is going to be common for you now, it’ll be rare you end a day without a wet butt from all the sweat. Your whole body is glistening! And god it stinks! Dude you already smell like you’ve just finished a workout but you’re still far from finished. Now that your always hot you’re going to be sweating all the time. Even if you showered you’d just come back out dripping in sweat again. Pit stains and wet patches down your back and around your collar are always going to happen. Maybe don’t get any expensive clothes from now on. Actually, that gives me a great idea! SNAP! Okay so I made a small change. Now all of the clothing you own is gym clothing and if you ever try to wash it it’ll come back out stinking just as bad. Let’s get you some clothes then. You’re too hot to wear anything right now? Okay well at least put on this tank top. I found it in lost and found, of course it stinks of sweat, the last person that seared it probably soaked it through and now it’s dried. See it fits you perfectly and you’re already soaking it through.  Okay a few more changes and we’ll be done. You’ll be a new, disgusting man! Now let’s put some hair on your chest so your body will be even warmer! SNAP! Try not to scratch it, I know it’s itchy but just let it grow in. You can feel your chest get scratchy as thick corse hair begins to cover it, your nipples are completely covered but the dense pelt. What starts as a light snail trail creeps across your entire stomach. You face starts to itch as a beard pushes it’s way across your cheeks until it looks like you’ve been growing it for years. 

Speaking of cheeks, your ass begins to feel fuzzy as the black hair covers it making your sweaty underwear even more uncomfortable. This is looking great. The hair makes the stench stick to you even more as it looked matted from the sweat that glistens across it. Now, to add fuel to this sweaty fire, let’s make you feel a bit...fuller. SNAP! Oh yeah this part might feel a bit strange. What starts as a feeling of fullness grows into feeling like you’ve demolished a buffet. Your stomach feels painfully tight as it starts to slowly push out. At first you just look bloated, but that bloat soon turns into soft, warm fat. And trust me fat guys sweat A LOT! Looking down you see as the best your wearing pushes out getting tighter and tighter across your belly. Soon the orb I front of you obscures the view of your feet and you can’t even see your underwear anymore. As soon as it started it calms down. You lift up your vest and look down and the big fuzzy ball. Your belly button looks like a cavernous hole and bits of lint are stuck to your hairy gut. Droplets of sweat drip off your forehead and beard and land on the top of your gut, splashing as it mixes in with the rest of the sweaty gleam. 

What was that big guy? It’s heavy? Well of course it feels heavy, with a ball gut like that you must be about 280 pounds now. And trust me even walking around is going to send you into an overblown sweat, never mind working out. Working out is still going to be something you have to do, you’re the smelliest guy in the gym after all, and if you want to work off that gut it’ll take a lot of hard work. You should carry a towel or two around the gym with you, trust me any surface your body touches is going to be left with warm slimy sweat. And it’s going to stink. No amount of deodorant or showers is going to cover your stench. You might as well just chill in a sauna, you look like you just stepped out of one! I know this isn’t what you wanted but trust me, this is better. Now all of the guys in the gym will want to shower. They don’t want to end up like you after all. Walking into a room your going to smell like the world’s busiest gym. I’m sure some people won’t mind a guy that stinks like an overused jockstrap.