Sean's Double Dose

Gay, 30 years old, 5’11” and 150 pounds soaking wet. Sean ran, lifted on occasion, but was chronically thin...and he hated it.

Sean was the exact demographic that the Énorme promotions team was looking for.

Sean had recently submitted some headshots to a gay-owned modelling campaign, hoping to get cast as an extra in a local TV or movie. Not long after his photos were posted up on a extras modelling page, he got a surprising email, seemly out of the blue.


How would you like to get big and get noticed? We are looking for models interested in beefing up for our newest ad campaign. Our product helps thin guys like you bulk up. Let us know if you’re interested


the Énorme team”

Somehow this random company had hit on something that Sean had always dreamed about- beefing up. He loved the idea of getting bigger. Despite years of trying to get into lifting, he had never been able to put on weight. How did they know he was the kind of guy who’d be into a supplement like that?

Sean followed up right away. The campaign was simple, they would be able to use his photos and credit him, and they’d send him the product and pay him $200.00 USD to take photos after the results.

It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was something... and definitely worth checking out. The Énorme contact also said that it if turned out well, they’d pay for a visit to the studio for a professional photo shoot and would provide an additional $500.00 plus any travel expenses paid.

Sounded like a good deal. The company sent him two vials of a “Bear strength” formula. With the instructions to take the first one after a workout and that the second one was an extra dose in case he wanted it.

Odd, very odd. How was this going to make him bigger? The email correspondence promised him rapid results, and that it was totally legal, but he wasn’t fully convinced. It was just a vial of liquid, not a big tub of gainer protein powder or anything like that

As soon as Énorme had wired him the funds, Sean took the formula.

It didn’t take long for the effects to begin. About an hour after he took the formula, his shirt began to feel tight. His pants too. He examined himself in the mirror to see that his whole frame looked a little wider... thicker. No, it couldn’t be real, it couldn’t work that fast...

Sean stepped on the scale to see if he was just imagining things. 170 pounds. That was a full 20 pounds heavier than normal. Damn! It was real. He was actually beginning to grow.

Over the course of the next hour, Sean monitored his body closely, examining his arms and shoulders... watching as beef gradually and steadily piled onto his frame. With each passing minute he grew meatier, heavier and broader. 170 soon became 180, then 190. He stripped out of his tight clothes and got a good look of his growing frame. His scruffy beard was starting to lengthen and the patchy chest hair he had seemed to fill in more. Fuck he was getting big!

Sean was in awe of the transformation he was undergoing. It turned him on to see his body fill out, grow heavier, bulkier. Muscle and fat were blowing him up bigger and bigger. Soon he looked like a full blown lineman on a football team. He was getting huge.

Sean loved it, he loved how big he was getting. His belly was rounding out, his chest was getting massive and hairier, his arms were thick and powerful. He really was starting to look like a bear of a man. He looked down and didn’t recognize anything about his body. He felt so... bulky.

After nearly two hours of steady growth Sean surveyed his new frame. He had put on a total of 140 pounds onto his body, nearly doubling in size. 300 beefy, bearish pounds. Thick, powerful arms and shoulders, big meaty pecs. He took a photo to show off his new size. Fuck, this was incredible. His dick felt so heavy and fat in his hands. He had already doubled in size.

He’d have to show this to the Énorme team. He was bigger than he had ever dreamed of being. His face had filled out, as he had packed on a good amount of fat as well. His hands explored the thick new belly he sported.

Sean was so turned on that he could hardly stand it. He stroked his dick as he felt up his new form. It was real. He was huge. Rock hard he eyed the second vial of formula still on his desk. He was so turned on, all he could think about was keeping the growth going. He could get truly huge, truly enormous. Freakishly big.

Sean, in his testosterone and growth induced haze, couldn’t stop thinking about how big a second dose of this miracle formula would make him. All he wanted was more. More growth, more muscle, more belly, and more dick.

The growth never really stopped. It had slowed down, but when he threw back the second dose of the formula, the wave of growth just reignited, surging through every part of him. Suddenly he was flushed and hot again. Fuck, the formula was hitting him hard now. He was so fucking turned on. He jerked off as he grew, steadily blowing up bigger and bigger. He came all over himself in one massive load, all over his belly.

Sean cleaned up the mess and then snapped another shot as he grew somewhere north of 350 pounds. He wasn’t sure, as now all he was getting was an ERR message on his scale. He put his hand on his round belly. He looked like a strongman. Fuck, he felt so massive. He loved this. He looked so hot like this. So huge.

Sean was hard again, and still growing. Truth was, he was slightly scared of how big he was getting. His whole body felt like a tank. A hulking frame that now caused the floorboards to groan. He wouldn’t admit that to himself though. All he wanted to do was keep feeling up his body as he expanded, blowing up in the biggest most bearish fucker he’d ever seen. While he was oblivious to the fact that his height had gone up several inches already, he did note that his perspective seemed... a little higher up.

Sean was immense. Huge didn’t even cut it anymore. No, he was immense. Had he a working scale, Sean would have discovered he was now tipping the scale at over 450 pounds, and still growing. He sent went to take some more photos to show off this new mass, this brutal, overblown size that he now posessed. This blimped up, hyper beefy body. He set the camera on his desk with a timed shot. He climbed onto his bed which now creaked loudly in protest. His huge round bear belly now hanging down and brushing against the sheets. He lumbered his enormous bulk around, feeling himself grow even thicker still. Goddamn, he was still getting bigger

Fuck he was huge. He saw the photo and it turned him on even more. A giant gorilla of a man.

He groaned as another wave of growth hit him. Ever inch of him swelling even larger. Sean was now teetering at almost 600 pounds of overgrown beef. Everything about him was huge now. Everything about him was gigantic. His bed groaned loudly in protest. Nothing he owned was built for the man his size. Hell, nothing in the world was built for a man his size.

Sean’s growth slowed down eventually, leaving him freakishly overbulked. His hypersized body felt powerful, but slow. Every motion felt so deliberate. No clothes would fit him at this new size. He had to squeeze through doorways now. He was four times as big as he had been before the formula. He didn’t realize it, but he was now six foot five and hovering around 630 pounds. Even a silverback gorilla didn’t hold a candle to him now.

And he loved it.