Pedro Gets Huge

Pedro had a strong, tanned, well-built physique, dark eyes and jet black hair, and a little scruff every now and then. Sometimes he let his body hair grow out a little. He had looks that would go on the front of magazines, the kind women, and men, would faint over. It suited him well, as he was a trainer who had a number of high-profile clients in the LA area.

He did some modelling, He was almost an icon in southern California fitness scene, particularly in the world of cross-fit.

Pedro was invited to a fitness conference at one of the fancier hotels in the LA area, complete with a room near the pool. The conference was an expo of all kinds of different companies, some of which he did not know. Many offered protein shakes as samples, protein cookies. All kinds of things which Pedro munched on as he walked around.

At one table, which was in the corner of the expo hall and not attended. he saw a new product they were giving away. “Bear Strength formula”, supposedly. By some French company called “Énorme ” Pedro was a little more than skeptical.. With no one around, and just a sample laid out for him, Pedro just took it, and even grabbed a second bottle for good measure. As he walked around the expo, viewing different stalls, Pedro sipped down the bear strength formula, not thinking anything of it. Then as he moved along, he broke open the second bottle and drank that.

After about an hour, Pedro got tired of the expo and went up several flights of stairs to get to his room, He felt kinda warm and sweaty, and couldn’t figure out why. He got up to his room and was about to change into his swimwear for a late night dip in the hotel pool, when he noticed something… his shirt button down shirt felt tight. In the mirror he saw that it looked a little more snug on him than before.

He ran to the bathroom turned on the lights to get a better look. He felt kinda bloated. He rubbed his abs, and out came a loud belch. Unknown to him, Pedro’s whole body swelled just a little bigger with that belch.And then he let out another large belch. ‘Too many protein shakes’ he thought. But something was not right. His shirt was tighter than ever. The buttons were straining and he could feel it constricting his arms and shoulders.

All of a sudden, his white button down began to feel like it would rip at his shoulders, his arms and in particularly at his midsection. He looked down to see a belly forming underneath his shirt.

"”What the-" het let out. Suddenly he belched once more, the bulge growing as well. Soon, a button popped off, and Pedro turned back to the bathroom mirror.

"What going on....?" he asked himself. His abs were gone. , and his muscles looked bigger but less defined. And his trimmed body hair had grown in thicker than ever. A belly could be seen through the tight white shirt, curving out and getting quite round.. Off came another button, his gut growing bigger and visibly hairier. He let out another burp, his whole body swelled. Now a large naked and very hairy gut was in front of him, and it was getting bigger. His whole body was growing heavier, bulkier, and much hairier.

He placed his hands to his face. His short beard was growing longer in front of his eyes. He moved his hands down his expanding body, placing his hands on his new furry gut, trying to push it back down. He only felt it growing bigger and rounder with every belch that he let out. His pecs had grown larger and much, mucher hairier. He was getting hair everywhere!, Pedro’s butt was rounding out dramatically, his legs and arms beefing up, gaining mass. . His face filled out and his beard grew to an unruly length. His powerful, muscular thighs swelled larger. He moaned and groaned, standing there helpless as he grew.

Finally, he let out one last might belch, and he stopped growing. He stared at himself. "What is this?" he asked, grabbing at all new mass, running his hands over all the new fur. He was huge. Like a football lineman or beefy powerlifter… and hairier than any man he knew. He had a full carpet of hair now covering his huge, bulging torso.

"This is a dream... that's all..." He looked like he had bulked up way too hard. Sure his arms were huge, his chest was massive, his shoulders and back was wide and powerful- but it was his gut that he couldn’t get over. It stuck out far from his beefy body.

He flexed his muscular, beefy thighs and arms fit his huge frame. He sauntered his way to bed, the rest of his pants tearing off with every step. He laid down, gut faced up. He couldn't see past it, had grown so large, so hairy. He was a huge bear of a man.

Pedro paced around his room. He wasn’t sure what to do. It appeared the growth had stopped, but he wasn’t sure. He put on his gym clothes and headed to the gym in the hotel, which was large. hoping no one would recognize him in his new size, he took a towel. His shorts were tight, but nothing else fit, certainly no shirts fit him now, so he pretended he was going to swim.

Pedro was shocked by the man in the mirror. He was enormous, and covered in thick fur. He was truly a beast. Part of him was horrified by the loss of his lean physique, but another part of him was excited by this new mass, and this new fur. He was a powerful bear of a man. He decided to do some cardio, maybe lift a bit, if the hotel gym would have anything heavy enough for the big man.

He stepped on the scale, shocked to see it read 310 pounds. He had gained over 100 pounds in one evening.

“Fuck” he moaned “I’m huge” and he snapped another pic in the locker room.

Just then he let out another large burp.

Pedro felt his body swell once again. Muscle and fat piling onto his body, growing him larger and larger. The bench underneath him groaned under the increasing weight. He was just glad no one was around to see him blow up like this. The locker room was empty.

His chest, belly, shoulders, everything seemed to swell larger still. He guess he was well north of 350 pounds now. He waited it out, belching a few more times, and then growth seemed to subside. He took another shot to survey the damage. He was absolutely enormous.

‘Man’ he thought ‘I really shouldn’t have had two of those shakes’

The 400 pound hulking bear eventually got up and looked around. Even his towel wouldn’t fit him now. He felt so huge. Like a tank. Every movement was slower and more deliberate. Just bulk everywhere, every inch of him was so blown up.

At least, he figured, he could have a great career in powerlifting with a body like this.