More than he Bargained for

Alessandro watched carefully as Patrick added the drops of the mysterious serum into a protein shake. In the last few weeks Patrick had begun really adding size, growing just as big, if not bigger, than Alessandro. Even worse for Alessandro, his once-skinny gym partner was now getting stronger than him. Patrick had shared with him that a new serum was helping him add size, and he wanted Alessandro to see it.

A gym veteran many years who had been training for physique competitions and lightweight bodybuilding, he was upset that Patrick was still holding out on him, making him watch him carefully add drops to his shakes, but not giving him a dose of this magic formula.

Patrick, a formerly thin athlete, had gained somewhere around 30 pounds of muscle in the matter of days since he began taking the new serum. He looked like a new man. But there was no way Alessanddro was going to let this gym newbie surpass him, not if he get his hands on that serum.. As he was his gym partner carefully drop the substance in his shake, he went to the bag and grabbed the bottle it came from. Patrick eagerly downed his shake oblivious to what his gym partner had in mind.

Alessandro began guzzling the syrupy mixture as soon as he could. As soon as Patrick saw what he was doing, he reached out to his partner with a panicked look on his face. “You don’t know what you’re doing!” Patrick exclaimed, in a nervous tone.

After nearly finishing the bottle, Alessandro put it down. “I don’t care, I know this is how you’re getting big, and you’re not sharing, well, then I’ll take some myself. I think its my turn to grow” Alessandro said.

“You took way too much!” Patrick exclaimed.” I was going to give you some, but that was way too much!”

“Too much for you, maybe” Alessandro continued. He felt a heat emanate from his body. It was starting to have an effect.

He could see his muscles start to get a pump. He examined his arms- they were growing.

“Fuck, Alessandro, you took so much. I was gonna give you some, but now… dammit man, you took to much! you have to try to get it out of your system before you get too big.”

Patrick looked at the bottle, now almost empty. He put the cap back on quickly and set it aside.

“I don’t care if you think I’m going to get too big. I want to get huge!” Alessandro said pushing Patrick back and flexing his rapidly growing biceps. His whole frame was starting to grow larger, muscles pulsing bigger and fuller with each second.

“Alessandro, you’re growing way too fast! I would have shared it with you- but not like this”

“Well, too bad. I’m happy getting huge.”

“No, Alessandro you don’t understand… you’re...

“I don’t care! This feels… amazing! Goddamn, this is… incredible” Alessandro interrupted, as every muscle on his body grew- gaining more and more mass. He was quickly surpassing the physique competitor size he was working towards, and growing into a full-blown heavyweight bodybuilder. His clothes were getting tighter and tighter against Alessandro’s growing frame. His tank top, already tight, was beginning to bunch up around his growing chest.

“Fuck, this is awesome...” Alessandro moaned. The warmth was so intense. Patrick stepped back as his gym partner swelling in size rapidly. Alessandro saw the look of shock on Patrick’s face and dismissed Patrick as overreacting.

“Alessandro- you’re getting huge” Patrick said in shock.

“Hell yes! This… this… is… “ the growing man said, pulling his arms into a double bi pose which now showed off his new size. “AWESOME!”

Patrick looked at his growing friend. He looked incredible, but here was nothing he could do to stop the effects of the potion- he would just have to wait and see just how big Alessandro would become. There was no doubt that Patrick was oblivious to how enormous he’d become once his growth was over- but the cocky growing athlete in front of him would soon find out.

At the same time, Patrick could feel the the effects of his shake begin to take effect. Normally, Patrick would love watching his muscles slowly enlarge with mass- but with the immediate and increasingly urgent growth of Alessandro, Patrick had no time to stop and think about the impact of his own serum-spiked protein shake.

Alessandro rapidly grew beyond heavyweight bodybuilder size quickly, even surpassing super-heavyweight size in a matter of moments. He was growing into a monstrous muscle freak the size of which was rarely, if ever seen before. All the while his tank top grew tighter and tighter, fighting against the sheer mass of his growing muscles.

With a loud rip, Alessandro’s tank top finally gave up.

Alessandro, still enthralled with his rapid growth, looked down in awe of his enormous bulk. He surveyed the expanding spheres of muscles on his chest that were pulsing bigger with each breath. His now immense arms were beginning to push up and out to his sides as his lats grew wider and wider. His whole body was already freakishly hyper-muscular, and only getting bigger.

As Alessandro surveyed his tremendous, growing physique a feeling of concern started to take hold. Maybe he was getting too big? Maybe he was growing too fast? The adrenaline rush of growth was such a high, but as he looked down at his massive body, he realized he couldn’t see past his huge pecs, and whole body was starting to feel incredibly heavy and bulky. His motion was slowed and movements became more labored.

“Fuck” he moaned under his breath. Alessandro was a supersized freak. He had to be close to 400 pounds of sheet muscular bulk at this point… maybe more. And yet still he grew bigger and bigger. Alessandro felt his muscles begin to press against each other, fighting for space on his ballooning frame. He lifted an arm to flex his tremendous bicep, only to see it was now twice the size it had been just moments before. He was getting top big!

Alessandro couldn’t even flex his arm fully- his biceps were fighting against his colossal forearms. He was losing mobility- so overladen with muscle mass that was was becoming less and less flexible. He felt the crushing weight on his feet- though he had no way to see how huge his lower body was becoming. Alessandro had no way to know it, but he had far surpassed 500 pounds and was soon on his way to surpassing 600- nearly three time the mass he had been just a few minutes earlier.

Patrick, now approaching bodybuilder size himself- continued to anxiously look on.

Alessandro’s elastic boxers were now stretched so thin that they were tearing apart and barely covering the now gigantic muscle freak’s manhood. The super-sized italian weightlifter was now in fully in-human muscle monster territory. No man had even gotten close to his size. Patrick was both in awe at the growing beast in front of him, and scared about how huge Alessandro would end up.

Then, finally, the shorts, stretched to their impossible limits, finally snapped revealed his good sized dick, eager for attention. The now hulking, super-sized muscle man couldn't even see his boxers fall off, as his colossal pecs blocked his view, but he felt it and panicked as his tattered boxers fell down, leaving him completely nude. Even with all his effort, Alessandro’s much too overgrown, humongous arms, so overblown with muscle that he couldn’t reach over his sheer mountainous bulk to cover his dick.

As he struggled to force his gigantic, hyper-muscular arms down to cover himself, his shoulders and arms continued to enlarge, wider and thicker. Though he couldn’t see it- as his vision was increasingly limited by his vast bulk- his arms and shoulders were now getting very close on both sides to the lockers and the wall. Patrick watched in shock as the hulking giant in front of him swelled bigger and bigger, essentially growing too wide for the locker room space he was in. Alessandro suddenly felt his monstrous triceps press into the lockers, and as he shifted his arms, still trying to reach his crotch to cover himself, he felt his triceps begin to brush into the wall on the other side. He was too concerned with covering his nakedness to even realize what that meant- There was at least 6 or 7 feet between the wall and the lockers. He was now just about as wide, or wider that he was tall.

Alessandro couldn’t believe he was possibly getting that big, he didn’t even process it. As he pushed his arms down again to try once again to cover his nudity he felt his gargantuan arms and shoulders pressing into the wall and the lockers. He was pinned in that space! His body was so massive and heavy, overladen with inhuman muscle mass that it took energy just to move, and he panicked at the idea that he was getting trapped in the locker room. Though he had no way to know it, Aldessandro was still growing- more and more massive with each breath, and his arms were getting more and more constrained in the space, pressing against him. His lats widening out further, pushing his arms out further.

As the over-muscled behemoth began to lift up his arms again to free himself from the constricting space, Alessandro panicked. His body was still expanding wider and thicker, causing him to feel more and more squeezed into the space. Alessando jerked and lited his freakishly huge little more- and his bulk, struggling to be free- began tearing up both the wall and the lockers.

There were loud metallic crunching sounds, and the sounds of crumbling drywall and plaster as the gargantuan overgrown muscle monster tried to free himself. Though he was still growing, Patrick who was watching his friend panic, estimated the growth was starting to slow.

“Patrick! Help!” the giant exclaimed- now nearly immobilized by his sheer mass.

“It’s ok Alessandro. I think… I think the growth is slowing down. Just calm down, we’ll get you out.”

Patrick surveyed roughly 900 pound muscle monster in front of him. He had grown in every respect, and now even stood a full head taller than him. He had to be close to 7 feet in height now. Now that Alessandro’s growth looked to be tapering out, minimizing the damage to the building had to be the first priority. He couldn’t admit it to himself, but watching Alessandro grow bigger and bigger had lit up something on in his brain, it had turned him on just a bit.

Patrick had no time to even observe the other fact that he too, had gained a not-insignificant amount of muscle. But that was not the immediate concern. The most pressing thing was- how were they going to get Alessandro unstuck? And once he was freed, how would they even get him home? This naked overgrown giant wouldn’t fit in anyone’s car. He had to weigh close to 1000 pounds over overblown beef. Even Alessandro's quads were now fully spanning the 7+ foot width of the locker room space.

“Well- try to relax” Patrick said to the panicked Alessandro. “ We’ll get you out of here” he repeated, trying to calm down the hyper-sized muscle titan in front of him.

“I cant… move…” Alessandro said with fear in his voice. Suddenly the giant wiggled more- each tremendous muscle flexing. More metallic crunching could be heard.

“Well…. Big guy- uh, we’ll get you home” Patrick said, trying to reassure his now giant gym partner. He couldn’t be sure, but for the last minute it didn’t look like Alessandro had gotten any bigger.

“The good news is… I think you’re done growing.”

“Patrick! What am I going to do? I’m…. stuck. Fuck… what did I do to myself?”

“Well, you got huge alright.” Patrick responded.

The giant man just groaned at the last comment from his friend. Well, he was huge, inhumanly large, impossibly big. Too big to fit through doublewide doorways. To big to fit in his car, to fit in his apartment.

“Try to relax, maybe if you shift to your side we can get you dislodged from here.” Patrick continued.

Alessandro did his best to follow Patrick’s advice. Slowly and surely Alessandro angled himself out of his position, it was tight- it was slow, but he was able to eventually get free without tearing up his arms too much on the mangled lockers. Yet, even standing sideways, the man’s impossibly thick frame nearly took up the entire width of the corridor. With his overblown glutes resting against the remains of the lockers, Alessandro’s heavy, mammoth pecs were mere inches from the cracked wall on the other side.

“Fuck” Alessandro moaned. There was damage everywhere, and even though it was close to closing time, a crowd of gym members came to see the source of the commotion. As Patrick led the nude giant slowly out of the locker room, shuffling his impossibly large quads to the side as he inched his ways sideways through the narrow hall, Men, women, and gym staff all gawked at the naked, nearly immobile muscle giant. Alessandro was terrified by the idea that he was now so big he could barely fit even sideways through the hallway. His point of view was now higher, though he could hardly see much beyond his supermassive pecs and shoulders. He felt the cool air against his naked. He could hear the gaps of the onlookers as he slowly shifted his overgrown bulk out of the main section of gym, led by Patrick. He could only look over his pecs and up to the ceiling.

Alessandro was beyond huge. Bigger than anyone had ever dreamed of being- and there was nowhere built for a man of his stature to go. There was no game plan. No idea what to do next. Patrick knew he had to somehow get him home.

“Does anyone have a truck?” he asked out to the gym. He was going to take Alessandro home somehow. A man in the crowd of gym goers volunteered to help. A staff member had to tie 6 towels just to get something big enough to go around the giant’s waist so he could be seen in public. No one was going to believe how big he had become.

The kind gym goer with a truck took Alessandro back to Patrick’s house- Alessandro’s apartment really wasn’t big enough for him, and didn’t have a garage. Patrick’s garage was going to be the only space big enough to house him for now. Patrick set up the garage for this mountain of a man Alessandro had become. Part of him couldn’t deny that he was curious to feel those overblown muscular arms, that monumentally massive chest, those gargantuan quads. There wasn’t a man in the world even close to as muscular as Alessandro. He felt himself getting turned on by the idea of exploring his gym buddies new body.

Alessandro laid naked on the concrete. His head dwarfed by the hulking mounds of muscles piled up all around him. He finally was able to relax a little. His mobility was limited, but he felt ok. His hands were still exploring all the new gigantically blown up muscles of his still unfamiliar new body. Patrick appeared, he had to walk up close to his traps so he could even be seen past the huge globes of muscle.

“Hey big man, how are you feeling?” Patrick asked.

Alessandro noticed that he had that bottle in hand. “I wanted to grow slower than this, but fuck, seeing you transform into this muscle god, this beast… its fucking hot.” the man said.

“Patrick what are you doing?” Alessandro said, flexing his whole monstrously overgrown body to try and reposition himself. He could hardly see the man with his titanic muscles blocking his view.

“I… wanna keep going… and I think it’s my turn.” He said, taking a big gulp of the serum.

Suddenly Patrick felt flushed, warm. He broke into a sweat, and his was starting to feel… bigger, heavier. Now it was Alessandro’s time to watch in horror as his friend, the only person able to understand what had happened to him, his friend who was still mobile to function in his house, and in society, begin to grow… bigger and bigger.