Michele and Fransiscu

Michele and Fransiscu were young, uninhibited, and in love. The couple met online and quickly fell for each other. Franciscu was new to Milan. He had grown up in the mountains of Sardinia and it took time for him to get used to life in urban Milan, but Michele helped him adjust.

The two went everywhere together. They moved in together after only a few months of dating and shared everything. Michele had their occasional fights but it seemed fairly smooth sailing.

The two would exercise at the gym together, and Michele especially wanted to build more muscle. Fransiscu was less enthusiastic but went to support his partner. Despite his lack of interest in lifting weights, Franciscu was remarkably strong and had a fair amount of solid muscle. Farm work, he explained, but Michele wasn’t so sure. There were aspects of Franciscu’s family that were a little... mysterious. For one thing, there was an outstanding rumor that the people in his Sardinian village still practiced witchcraft. It was a story Michele only came across when reading up on his partners home town.

Franciscu did have some odd habits and rituals. His affinity for herbs and candles went beyond a regular passing interest. He also sported the supposed the “mark of a warlock” on his arm. A myth maybe, but with all the talk online about the town Franciscu was from, Michele kept this in the back of his mind.

Michele also knew not to take any of that too seriously. Michele was beyond thrilled to have such a warm, passionate man in his life, even if he came with some odd ru

After a year together the Michele had fallen deeply in love with his boyfriend, and yet he couldn’t resist the attention other men sometimes sent his way. The mood in their relationship went sour after Michele recieved a text from his ex. When Franciscu found out his boyfriend was texting with his ex, he was furious. His full blown hot blooded Mediterranean jealousy came into its own.

Michele relented and agreed not to chat with his ex anymore. Three weeks after the fight, while Michele was showering Franciscu saw another flirty text from Michele’s phone pop up. Enraged, Franciscu barged in and screamed at his boyfriend. “ Its over!” he yelled, and “you’ll regret this!” And stormed out.

The two split. Michele tried to make amends but Franciscu wasn’t having it He moved out that night and Michele’s texts went unanswered.

It was a week later that Michele noticed something odd. His clothes felt a little snug. He had a lot of energy when he went to the gym before, but now he was positively bouncing off the ceiling. Despite his grief over losing his relationship, Michele was hitting the weights harder than ever. Soon he could see changes in the mirror. He was starting to fill out... everywhere. All of a sudden his body was starting to pack on weight. His ass, his legs, his belly were all thickening up. He stepped on the scale, only one week since his breakup and instead of the 75 kgs he expected, he was up to 80kgs. That was 5 kgs in around a week... there was no way that was possible. He hadn’t changed his eating habits...

In the next few days the weight continued to pile on at an alarming rate. Four days after he first noticed the new weight, he had baloooned to 90 kgs. Every morning he could see he looked a little bigger in the bathroom mirror. By the time he would get to the gym the mirrors there would show him a little bigger still.

Michele hit the gym harder to try and compensate for his sudden and extremely rapid weight gain, but it didn’t slow it down. His strength and energy was high at the gym, and he could feel muscle was growing, but his body fat was increasing fast. It was less than two weeks after the breakup and suddenly Michele had developed a belly. His clothes were getting very tight and his pants and shorts were impossible to button.

Each morning then routine became to examine his body for the changes and growth from the night before. Each morning he saw new weight, and more mass added to his frame. As he sat up from his bed Michele now felt a belly in his lap. His thick legs and ass now could barely fit even in his athletic shorts. He approached the mirror in shock at his enlarged reflection. Every day was bringing more changes, more fat, more bulk, more weight. He had to buy new clothes to fit over his new size.

And that next morning, Michele looked himself over again. 100 kgs and growing. He pawed at his increasingly rounded belly and thickening arms. He was blowing up. Day by day, hour by hour. Even his two hour lifting, cardio sessions and restrictive new diet were doing nothing to stop the weight from piling onto his body. It was relentless. Part of was terrified by how big he would get. Another part of him was excited by how he had bulked up into one of the biggest men in his gym.

In less than two weeks he’d gained 25 kgs and had to buy an entirely new wardrobe. He was getting huge. His face was filling out, growing chubbier. He was ashamed to meet with his friends when going out, so he just stayed in. Wouls they even recognize him now that he was growing into such a thick chunky bear?

Michele continued to hit the weights in hopes of building more muscle and combat the fat gains. It worked, his arms and shoulders broadened, his pecs rounded out with thick brawn and a layer of chub, and his legs became huge and powerful. Suddenly Michele was benching 100 kgs with ease, then 120, the. 140... and he grew stronger still. He looked like a rugby player, or even a powerlifter. Anxious and self conscious as he was, he had to admit his newfound strength in the gym and thick powerful arms were bringing him a surprising new confidence. He didn’t hate how wide his shoulders were getting. He filled out his shirts in a way that seemed to emphasize his powerful build.

A few days later when he saw the scale turn to 110 kgs, Michele recieved a text from Franciscu “you said you wanted to get bigger, well I hope you enjoy getting bigger then”

Michele’s mind raced. He looked at his thick build in the mirror. Has Franciscu actually done this to him? Had his rapid weight gain been some kind of curse? There was no way his transformation was natural. Were the rumors about that town true?

Michele didn’t respond. He ignored Franciscu. Maybe he had been watching him. Still, he was getting self conscious of his growing size.

Finally, around the time his weight hit 120 kilos it the gains seemed to slow down. It had been a hell of a transformation over the month. 120 kilos on his 1.75m frame was a lot. He started to get used to aspects of his new bearish body. He felt heavy, thick, chunky, but strong as hell. He could bench 200 kgs without much help! He curled 25 kgs easily.

A few more days passed, now at 123 kgs, Michele braved the world of scruff and posted his profile with his updated picture, weight and profile.

Much to his surprise men hit him up from all over much more than before. Texts like “sexy bear” and “fuck me big boy” started coming in. It turned out that a lot of men online really appreciate his new muscle chub build and he began getting together with men who loved his bearish body.

Michele embrased his new bearish identity and powerlifter like build. He was probably the strongest man in his gym now, and frequently pressed weights that grabbed the attention of other gym goers. Franciscu may have tried to get revenge on him, but it backfired. Michele.

And Michele has no idea to what degee it had backfired until a few weeks later. He recieved a text from someone identified as Franciscu’s sister, who urged him to see Franciscu. Apparently his ex had returned to Sardinia to the village for a time after they broke up. As his sister told him, Franciscu’s spell had rebounded shortly after his trip home and franciscu was now back in Milan and scared to leave his house in his new size.

Lonely, and eager to know if this was true, Michele finally wrote back to Franciscu and asked him if he was ok. Franciscu surprisngly wrote back. Asked Micheles forgiveness and if they could see each other.

Michele paid a visit to Franciscu at the new address. The wooden floors of the hallway creaked against Michele’s 125 kilo bulk. When he walked into the darkened apartment he was shocked to see his former lover.

Franciscu had blimped up enormously! He was more than fat, he sported a new enormous gut. Unlike Michele, who had built muscle by his agressive weightlifting, Franciscu looked like he had just grown rounder and rounder with fat. Instead of going to the gym as he gained, Franciscu had just moped around in self pity. He should have known that spells like that would rebound.

“Wow Michele” Franciscu began “you look... good!”

Michele just stood there in silence at this fat man with Franciscu’s face. Motionless.

“I’m sorry I did this to you Michele” Franciscu said in a sorrowful tone. “You can see I did it to myself. It... bounced back on me. It was wrong. I know it was wrong. I’m so sorry”

There was silence as a Michele looked on stunned at the fat bear his ex boyfriend had become.

“Look at you, such a sexy bear now” Franciscu continued. “Look at those arms. You’re huge! But in a good way! Not like me... I just got fat. Goddamn, I’m so fat” he continued.

“I swear to you I will never do anything like this again. I know it was wrong” Micheles fattened ex continued “can you ever forgive me?”

Despite his hugely overweight new frame, Michele still found himself lost in his former boyfriends eyes. He was still in love with this man, even transformed. Even after the transformation he had put them both through.

“I don’t hate you Franciscu” Michele finally said “I’ve missed you” he continued. “And... I don’t... I don’t hate what I’ve become” he said. Franciscu smiled.

Franciscu was the first to embrace Michele, but Michele didn’t resist. Michele pulled off Franciscu’s tight shirt to get a good look at the fat man Franciscu had become.

Soon the two were together again, only much, much larger. Their huge bodies pressing against each other in a new sensations. The bed creaked in protest at the 300 kilos rolling around on top of it.

The two now huge men had found each other again. Michele woke up the next morning to find his fat bear of a boyfriend laying in bed next to him. He realized with a certain satifaction that he could definitely get used to Franciscu’s new fat body, just as he had already gotten used to his own new beefy musclechub frame.

“You still love me, even like this? “ Fransiscu asked in a self conscious tone.

“I love you like this” Michele replied quickly.