MASS Inc: Swell-let

The render included was done by the brilliant hugeadmr


A hushed murmur fell over the crowd of reporters and sponsors that had filled the outfitted conference hall, all eyes on the stage as they waited for the latest unveiling of the new products MASS Inc had been teasing for the past week. Surprisingly the hype hadn’t been spoiled with any leaks. It wasn’t long before a suited man walked out onto the stage, receiving a round of applause from the awaiting crowd as he trekked towards the lone podium that stood centre stage. Waiting for the applause to die down, the man smiled to the audience before him, his clean face having a small smile before he spoke up into the microphone.

“Hello there everyone, I’m Chairman Douglas Gains, on behave of MASS nc, I welcome you to the unveiling of our latest project,” The Chairman announced earning a few scattered claps before he continued. “Since the founding of our corporation, MASS Inc has had one clear goal; to help men achieve the size they’ve always desired. We’ve had many successes from our early products such as the ‘Bear-chips’ and who could forget our quick selling ‘Football-Bear’ jerseys.” The man listed off, a projector beside him lighting up and illuminating the curtain behind him with images of the products and the happy customers, one having a huge muscular man reclining on a couch, filling the clearly struggling furniture whilst the other had a gargantuan man taking up the entire back of a pick up truck, belly and moobs straining the sport jersey he was clad in. A dense beard framing his mouth, open as caught in mid belch.

“Now, it’s my pleasure to announce our latest product that’ll be available for general purchase soon. I give you, the Swell-let.”

The Chairman announced, earning a round of applause as the projector changed from a morbidly obese giant, one arm raising a keg to his lips drinking like it was a soda can whilst his free hand rubbed his hill sized belly, to the new item that was mentioned.

The Swell-let seemed to be a regular singlet one sees on wrestlers. Even with multiples shown, with the exception of the placement of the MASS Inc logo, it did seem like an ordinary garment.

“Now, the Swell-let does seem like your average singlet you expect to see a guy wear to wrestler or for pleasure,” Douglas paused for the quick laughter that went through the crowd. “But this is a MASS Inc product, so there will be some extras to add. But rather than talk about how this new product will change your life, I think a demonstration is in order first.”

“This is Derek, a 21 year old intern at MASS Inc who agreed to volunteer,” Douglas explained, the image projected behind him being swapped to show a slim man, easily mistakable for a teenager with how slim and short he was compared to the photo version of Douglas who stood head and shoulders over the young man. Derek stood up, bare hairless chest and torso on display as his slim arms held up the large singlet, practically swimming in the fabric around him. “The young man has always been small as you can see in these photos from yesterday. Now, how about we see him today?” Douglas called out, earning some excited applause before it died down when a new noise pulling the crowd’s attention, a dull repetitive thud sounding with the drinks some of the guests were holding starting to shake. The ground shaking thuds continued growing stronger before stopping, the curtain behind Douglas shifting as something clearly big moved against it, the sound of floorboards creaking drew the attention of the crowd.

“After one day, see the results of Swell-let on the young man!” Douglas announced before the curtain was drawn back and the audience was presented with a sight.

Standing behind the Chairman was a man twice as tall and many times fatter. His huge belly, thicks and side stretching out the skin tight, dark red singlet he was wearing, a pair of hair covered pecs sitting atop the mountain of a belly that dominated the bear of a man’s front. The huge man raised one of his arms, fat covered bicep flexing with mass as a baseball mitt sized hand waved to the crowd. The movement drew the audience's eyes to the giant man’s broad shoulders, too wide for most normal doorways. This led up to a thick neck that would make a bull blush with its thickness, and nestled atop the mass covered pillar of a neck was a wide face. A dense beard covering his chins and swollen, blushing cheeks. A nervous smile on his face reminding the comparatively small crowd of who this larger than life man was.

“Yes that’s right, after only a day of use our little Derek has more than doubled in height and needs an industrial truck scale to weigh himself.” Douglas cheered, reaching a hand up to place on the solid sphere behind him, causing the mountainous belly to wobble. “Even now, the big lovable lug is still growing.” The comment made the crowd focus on the small hand still placed on the round belly, watching how the fat between his fingers started to bulge out more despite Douglas remaining still. The crowd couldn’t help but be in awe at the sight, much to the giant of mass’s growing blush at being paraded, though the clear bulge showing between his legs and hefting up his belly showed his own excitement for the situation.

“Now, this is all just a preview of what the product known as ‘Swell-let’ will do for you. It shouldn’t be long before you’ll be seeing huge beasts lumbering around in tight singlets.” Douglas began to say whilst guiding the huge Derek to turn around, heavy footsteps shaking the stage, giving the audience a view of his broad back and huge ass cheeks that rest atop his thick thighs. “But that’ll be all for the display, though we will keep you all informed when we release the singlet. Our speakers will try to answer your questions.” Douglas said with a wave before stepping down the podium, leaving behind the crowd and flashing cameras as he and Derek walked to the back of the stage, the large man’s heavy waddling shaking the creaking floor before the two were within one of the service halls. Douglas watched how Derek’s huge body filled the hall, sweat covered sides pressing against the walls with his hunched shoulders pressing against the ceiling.

“The crowd sure loved you boss.” Derek said, deep voice unintentionally sending an excited shiver down Douglas’s spine, watching as the huge man stopped in his tracks and try to glance over his broad body to look at the significantly smaller man, only succeeding in having to partially lift his arms to look over, giving the Chairman a view of the dense forest of sweat soaked armpit hair.

“Well, I think they were more interested in you big boy. Especially with seeing that huge gut of yours.”

Douglas smiled when he managed to get a glimpse of Derek’s face, seeing the blushing cheeks of the huge bear before the large man’s face was hidden from view with the dense chest and huge belly that filled the smaller man’s view. “Well come on Derek, let’s get you your promised meal. Help fill that tank of a gut and fuel your next growth.” The shorter Chairman said, patting the huge belly before moving to continue walking, stopping when Derek began to speak up.

“Y-You sure sir?? I’m already too big for my apartment. My landlord wasn’t happy this morning when I broke a wall trying to get out.” The swollen man said, voice heavy with embarrassment for the morning activity, though a quick glance over from Douglas saw his belly clearly being lifted up with his own excitement recalling said event.

“Course Derek, besides we already moved your stuff to a new place to give you room to grow.” Douglas said, moving closer to give the huge belly a proud pat before moving on down the hallway, hearing the familiar grunting and booming steps as Derek resumed his trek through the seeming narrowing hallway.

“N-New place?”

“Course. Can’t have you stay in that tiny place. Especially since a growing boy like you needs a lot more space to really grow.” The chairman smiled, opening the double doors and stepping outside of the building and taking a few steps into the parking area before turning back to watch the blimped up intern try and get out. His broad shoulders scraping through the doorway with one thick arm out as the other tried to squeeze through. Douglas watched the immense mass of muscle and fat try and squeeze through, his eyes catching sight of the creaks and bends spreading across the doorway and wall as Derek put more and more of his strength and weight to getting out, eventually managing to crawl out and just taking some of the doorway with him.

“Oh, sorry about that.” Derek said as he got up and stood, turning to take in the damage he had caused.

“It’s okay, we’ll pay for the damages. It comes with huge guys like you. Hell, I’ve seen some big guys make a game of wrecking stuff under their huge bodies.”

“Really?” Derek asked, bending so he could look over his huge chest and belly to see his boss, the surprise and slight excitement on his face before a frown settled. “Wait, you said new place before.”

“Yes, considering you outgrew your apartment, as an employee of MASS Inc you deserve the best, especially as you show the effects of our products.” Douglas said, patting the wrecking ball sized belly before stepping towards a truck close by. “Now though the warehouse is a bit a way off, it best we get a move on.”

“A warehouse?”

“Why course, give you more room for growing.”

“Sir stop.” Derek’s booming steps halted, making Douglas stop himself before turning around to see the fat giant standing still. His large hands rubbing his belly as he looked down, a few passersby stopping close by and taking photos of the growing man. “I-I know I agreed to try the singlet and grow. But I think this is too much, and… I don’t know,”

Douglas blinked a bit, watching the blushing giant try to explain his thoughts. The smaller man kept his face neutral as Derek spoke more about how his seeming ever growing size was causing issues.

“-A-and, then there’s how much food I eat. I ate 10 pounds of food for breakfast and I’m already hungry again.”

“Tell me young Derek. Don’t you enjoy it?”

“Huh?” Derek’s speech was broken as Douglas spoke up suddenly. Taken out of his thoughts and looking down, surprised by how his boss seemed to be smiling at him despite his complaints.

"I mean, that is the job of MASS Inc. for our clients to enjoy themselves. And do you enjoy yourself?”

“I. Sir, look at me. I’m gargantuan?” The swollen sized man said, grabbing his belly and giving it a shake, his thick blubber wobbling about. The huge bear biting his lip to keep from moaning as the movement stimulated his cock, feeling the thick member get erect, a sight which Douglas could see, glancing at the impressive body part before looking back up at Derek’s blushing face.

“Yes, but you still didn’t answer me. Are you enjoying yourself?” Douglas began to say as he moved around the huge man, taking in the sight of how Derek’s body filled out the once loose singlet, stretching out the lycra fabric and highlighting his new and thickening fat rolls that filled the man’s body. “I’ve heard many clients who initially had concerns with their new size and adjusting to it. Course after a while they really start to think and feel their bodies, their concerns just drift away. But the main issue, are you pleased with your new body?”

“I… Y-Yeah, it does feel… kinda good.” Derek admitted, his wide hands feeling up his belly, giving the rolls a squeeze before moving up to one of his massive pecs and groping it. The huge man seemingly lost in the feel before shaking his head. “B-But what about work? I can’t really fit in the office.”

“Hah, you think you’re the first employee who outgrew his cubicle? I can assure you you’re not. Hell, there was once a prank that resulted in one of our clerks outgrowing his cubicle whilst on the phone. Course his moans apparently helped with the client ordering multiples, but I digress.” Douglas conceded, realizing he was getting a bit off topic. “The point is, work can be adjusted my young man. Of course this is a big adjustment, almost as big as yourself, but for now I suggest taking a second to take a deep breath, relax. And tomorrow we can start to tackle all these worries.” The chairman explained, passing besides one of Derek’s thick thighs, giving the dense limb a comforting rub as he looked up the huge man. “Besides, you still have a bit of growth left so no use making plans for your current size.”

“I.. I guess you’re right.” Derek said slowly, blinking a bit as he seemed to forget the worries he had before, focusing now on the feeling of his hands on his belly and chest, along with the tiny spot where Douglas had his small hands on. “I mean, not like can do much right now anyway.”

“Exactly, so just get in the truck over there and it’ll take you to the warehouse where you can lay back on some king-sized mattresses we brought for you, have a couple snacks, and just enjoy the rest of the day like a big guy like you should.”

“Yeah. I deserve to relax.” The huge man agreed, nodding along as he seemed to go with the decision. “But tomorrow-”

“Is tomorrow,” Douglas interrupted before leaning against Derek;s huge thighs and tried to push him forward to the truck. “But today you should relax.”

“O-Okay sir, then I’ll see you tomorrow.” Derek conceded before waddling to the truck, leaving Douglas with the image of the gargantuan man’s singlet clad form wobbling with each earth shaking step before he climbed into the back of the truck. The entire vehicle dropping down a foot from the immense weight on the suspensions before it closed and drove off, engine straining a bit but getting the job done.

As the truck drove off, Douglas watched a moment before pulling out his phone and making a call.

“He’s on his way, has the food been prepared?”


“Good, make sure to keep it stocked. R&D made it clear he’d need a constant flow of food to maximise the growth caused by the singlet.”


“Well considering he’ll grow as long as he’s wearing the singlet, and I’ve seen 800 pound men stretch out singlets that would be tight for 90 pound twigs, it’s safe to assume he’ll outgrow the warehouse well before he’s done growing. On the plus side, he’ll provide plenty of space for MASS Inc advertisement.”