
Martim stared blankly into the mirror. He was in complete shock. He did not recognize the chubby-face brute in the mirror at all. He... didn’t look anything like he had just minutes before. Without a doubt, he now inhabited an utterly enormous man’s body.  Miraculously, improbably, this inexplicable transformation had packed on over 100 new kilos of fat and muscle on his frame.  Martim was now a monstrously large man. How could he explain this to anyone?


 Earlier that morning Martim had been a skinny guy.  A perpetually skinny guy. Martim had always wanted to build more size, but he had practically resigned himself to the fact that he’d always have a small frame.  The heaviest he’d ever weighed was maybe 64 kilos, and that was when he was trying hardest to bulk. 

 But something came in mail, something he vaguely remembered filling out as part of a “mailing list for free workout supplement samples”  It was a formula, supposedly, for mass gainer. “Ultimate mass” it was called. Martim wasn’t an idiot, so he rolled his eyes a bit at the brightly emblazoned claims that it would cause “Massive gains” , “insane size and strength gains”, and “provide skinny men with the opportunity to bulk up huge”. It did seem to come with a disclaimer that as a weight gainer it would promote both muscle and fat gain. Even more outlandishly, it even claimed that the supplement could increase height. 

 Martim was not convinced of any of that, but he decided to work it in to a morning routine. After all, even though he felt destined to remain shrimpy, he could at least do his best to have *some* muscle.  In reality Marti looked pretty good, even if a little skinny, the man sported an athletic defined physique and had enough muscle to be proud of. 

 But he always wanted to be bigger. He was unhappy about his height, his weight. How this marketing firm that found him and sent him supplements so targeted was something of a mystery. 

 So that morning Martim worked the supplement, which was surprisingly a rather small amount of liquid, rather than a protein powder, into his protein shake. Ignoring the instructions he just poured the whole container in. 

 It wasn’t until about 30 minutes later that Martim realized something was off. His shirt was tight. His pants felt uncomfortable.  Martim, still getting his day started at home, had not even yet put on his shoes to get to work.  He looked down and saw his chest sticking out further than usual... and instead of a flat stomach, his stomach had the start of a curve to it.  Martim stared at disbelief. 

He felt flushed, warm. Some kind of allergic reaction he reasoned. His body was starting to change, it was gradually beginning to inflate beneath his eyes. 

It was relatively rapid. Martim went from skinny gym goer to bulky gym goer in mere moments, packing on 10 kilos, then another 10... and then another. His ballooning physique was growing at a pace he would have never believed possible. It felt like it was some kind of dream, or a hallucination. He was getting meatier, fat and muscle was packing onto his frame and it was really starting to add up. His belly had rounded out and was pushing out dramatically. His arms were widening and thickening, his stance changed as his now meaty thighs push his legs further apart. His back and shoulders dramatically widened. Martim had to quickly strip off his shirt and pants to relieve the mounting pressure. 

 Martim stood there naked in his living room, morning light shining through his windows, watching in disbelief as his body just grew and grew. His arms, chest and belly were blowing up larger with each semi-panicked breath, with each anxiously passing minute.  Even his hands and feet were growing. Martim rapidly went from thick gym goer to overbulked lifter and then bigger still. He wasn’t aware of it, but his torso wasn’t just thickening up, it was growing slightly longer. Martim’s perspective shifted slightly as his height climbed from a modest. His 1.66m height was stretching to 1.68..then to 1.7m, then taller still. Yet this incredible height change was lost to the more dramatic transformation- Martim was turning into a huge, hulking, overfed bear of a man.  His face changed, growing chubbier, rounder, just like the rest of his body. Amongst all the radical changes  he hadn’t even noticed that his beard had grown out and thickened up. 

 He was growing heavy. He could feel it. He was getting so wide. his limbs were so packed full of fat and muscle. He looked down at his huge barrel chest.  Everything seemed off, seemed foreign to him. Even his perspective of his apartment looked diferent. From his now 1.78 m height things looked just a little... different. 

 Then, after all the panic, Martim slowly sauntered towards the bathroom, convinced that his body had finally stopped expanding. There he stood and stared in shock. He was immense. All 180 kilos of him.  He had blown up so big he didn’t even recognize himself.