
Lucas loved almost everything about his new size. Almost.... 

Having grown from a fairly normal 6 foot 200 pound gym bro into a hulking 6′7″ 480 pound monster, Lucas was now living with a massive tank of a body that sat statistically on the furthest extreme of human size.  Sure he didn’t have abs anymore, but he didn’t mind his big new bear belly.  His 27″ arms were enough to make up for the lack of abs. He didn’t mind the increased body hair either, made him look rough and manly. No, the only thing that bothered him was when he went to shower. He just didn’t fit in it. His head nearly scraped the ceiling and the shower head was level with the bottom of his chest. To make matters worse, he was now so incredibly broad and thick that the shower itself was too narrow. He couldn’t even move at all in it without worrying about busting the glass. He had to carefully squeeze into it, one arm pressed up against the wall and the other hanging out from the open shower door. 

Lucas had to gingerly tip toe around the shower to try and keep all his mass from busting the thin aluminum frame that enclosed it. It felt claustrophobic, and all this new beef needed a good wash down. With all this size and weight he sweat a lot... he could smell it... his pits were ripe. So he tried his best... but his movements were limited and he couldn’t get enough water over all that mass. He was never going to be able to wash off all of his musky aroma. This shower was just no longer meeting the needs of the beast he had turned into.  ‘Fuck’, he thought.. I’m going to have to get a new shower.