Italian Bull


Hi! I’m a 26 Italian male who s always been a little nerdy and slim / skinny. I’m 5,5 feet tall and I weight 132 pounds, my cock s a decent 7 inches. I’ve also always been the smart one in class and among my friends. But I don’t want to be thin anymore, I want to become big and muscular and a bit dumber, to worry less about life… can u do something about it?

I sure can I have the perfect t idea for someone like you. And the best thing is that you’ll even get to stay Italian. You said that you no longer wanted to be thin but rather muscular. I think you’ll find that you’ll be eating those words. Literally. You eat a lot now. You actually have to in order to keep packing on the muscle that you’ve always wanted. So for you I’m going to allow you really be that muscular man you always wanted. And since you have generously shared you pic with me, I’ve decided you have to keep that sexy body hair !! So, to get things started…. Driving down the road in your cute little Miata. You're a small man so when you found the car you thought why not. It's cute. Good on miles. And you’re small enough that you won’t look silly driving it.

But that’s before you made this wish. On the way home you find that all of a sudden you’re feeling so hungry you almost feel sick (a feeling you know which comes from not devouring large amounts of food). And your legs are aching. And your back too. Almost as if your bones are grinding like they did when you were younger and growing. You make it back to your apartment and find yourself staffing from the car as you seem to be slightly taller. Your perspective has shifted up a little. And when you shut the door you actually slam it without realizing it. Stumbling to your apartment. Your bones hurting as you’re growing. Along the way your shoes falling off as your feet start to explode in size. When you’re in your apartment you skimp down to the floor as you feel pain start to take over. And one by one you’re muscles start to balloon in size. Arms becoming rounded masses of muscle and your pecs a shelf that you can’t see past. Your stomach twists and turns and sticks out slightly but packed with an intense six pack as your legs start to bulk up. You butt getting bigger and your feet are still growing. You’re beginning to look like a real bodybuilder. Your shoulders widen and your back thickens with mass. You have to tear off your shirt now-- its far too small for your now powerfully build muscular frame.

You can even feel your hands getting bigger. But that’s nothing compared to how warm it’s getting as you get even hairier. And as you grow taller you start to find that the room begins to feel smaller...You lay your heavy, bulky body down on the floor in pain... your room slowly morphs into a small studio apartment. With tren needles littering the near by table. Dumbbells appear around you. You feel your back widening and growing against the wooden floor, muscles surging to even larger sizes. You’re becoming truly immense. Your change slows down and you manage to stand up. Your new height is a towering 6’6”. Size 16 feet. Your muscles have ballooned into a freakish size. Massive in all areas, even your groin. You're a Massive Italian muscle bull now. And you’ll find that you're trapped in the endless cycle of growth and fuel. Doing whatever you have to do to get bigger.