I Can't Imagine Why

I’m a toned white guy but I just can’t imagine why someone would want to look like some dumb, hairy, smelly guy with huge muscles??

jock-man-spence- answered:

Maybe it’s exactly what you described? 

Here we have another skeptic class.  One of those who is well gifted in the genetic field of life.  One who is always questioning why someone would want to change so much to be happy.  Me David come join me in the front of the class please.   Now class let’s take a good look at what our young fellow believes is perfect. 

Yes just like you said David toned and white is what you definitely are.   But some people want to be more.  Let’s say for instance you were blessed with that wicked smooth skin.  Instead it was course and rough.  Hairy sprouting all over and making you look older.  Even now the whole class can see a change in you for the better.  Hair darker than before and already hair starting to grow across your body.  And look you even have a slight grin on your face.  This makes me think that you intended to made an example of. 

Then you said that comment about being smelly and huge.  Well why not try that on for a change.  How about you try being a size up to the extreme.  Every movement being constructed by muscle.  Muscle that muscle so many calories that your always sweating and you have to always feed that growth with protein shakes after protein shake.  

And don’t think I’ve forgotten about that dumb comment.  I also think it’s fair to say that you need to see what absolute bliss is.   Ignorant bliss.  With you know it tha art smart mouthed brain you have will start to diminish.  Iq crashing.  You’ll be a walking sweaty hairy meat suit before too long.  Now class what do you think ?   Have we done enough to him ?? * the class ops and ahhs over your new dumb ape form *. I hope that I answered your question *I say I tso you on the head and you look at me with dumb doe eyes *. Ahh shit I did it again.  Too dumb to even question anything.