
Hikaru loved powerfully built, bearish men. He loved men with strong heaving pecs, he loved the curve of a manly belly, he loved big muscular arms. Hikaru collected Bara comics, and he even drew them. He designed his own imaginary bara characters,  gave their lives elaborate backstories and imagined them in passionate relationships full of vividly detailed sex.

Despite this, he never aspired to look even close to a bear. Instead he maintained a lean, athletic physique.  He was in great shape by any standard. He lifted weights, ran, and even swam from time to time. He wasn’t unhappy with how he looked, nor should he have been.

But that didn’t stop him from being intrigued by an odd online ad he saw, in English, in a small corner of a Japanese Bara comics page he frequented.

“Grow into a bear of a man!” It read, showing an image, which he presumed to be a morph, of an impossibly bulked up bearded man. “Free trial!”

Out of curiosity he clicked it, just wanting to know what the hell this thing was advertising. Another page loaded:

“Have you ever dreamed of being a big, strong, hairy man? Well how’s your chance! Try a free sample and live bigger forever. All you have to do is click the bear below.” It was a strange ad alright.

Below was a bara drawing of a hulking bearish man. Hikaru clicked it and the next thing he knew a message popped up saying “Thank you, our transformative product is on its way to you!” Hikaru shrugged it off. What an odd advertisement.

A week went by and he had forgotten all about the odd advertisement he had clicked on, and a package arrived at his apartment. He had no idea what it was. He opened it up. The directions were in English:  “our newest product: the Beefy Bear spritzer! Just spray it on your body a few times and enjoy.  For best results, spray directly on your chest and stomach areas. The results will speak for themselves. -The Énorme team”

Hikaru looked at the product, a very small, inoffensive looking spray bottle, the kind that cologne samples might come in. What was the harm in trying a little cologne? He sprayed a little on his wrist and smelled it. It smelled kind of musky, but again, inoffensive. ‘Well, couldn’t hurt” so he followed the directions, lifting up his shirt and sprayed it on his chest and belly, as well as under his arms for good measure.

He went back to surfing the internet and put the small bottle on his desk, thinking birthing more about it.

He scratched his chest absentmindedly, he was sweating a bit and felt a little warm. He didn’t think any thing of it, but his shorts and shirt were starting to feel a little tighter…As he sat there Hikaru’s body slowly started to bulk up, adding a little more mass to his lean, athletic frame. His arms bulged with more muscle and his waist began to thicken somewhat.

Finally, his brain sensed something was off. He shifted his weight in his chair and he felt the chair bounce a bit more than usual under him. He looked down and realized something what quite different. His forearms looked meatier and hairier, his shirt felt tight, his short were snug everywhere. He stood up rapidly and felt slightly unbalanced, like his center of gravity had shifted. He looked down, his chest, his pecs, looked bigger and he could feel it. He rubbed his chest and felt something unfamiliar: hair.

Hikaru rushed to the bathroom to get a look of himself. He was shocked to see that he had the start of a full beard growing over his face, and his shoulders had widened. Two pecs were pushing against the tight fabric of his now too tight shirt and a little belly had appeared beneath.  His thin treasure trail was growing in thick. He stripped off the shirt and was shocked to see his new body.

It looked like he had gained 20 kilos, all at once. He was bulked up and a new coating of hair covered his pecs and stomach. It was exceptionally thick, but it was undeniably thicker than the minimal body hair he had before.  Hikaru was turned on by his reflection. He had never envisioned his body becoming bearish, he never thought he’d become something like a bear, but here he was, a beefier, hairier version of himself.  Damn he looked hot. He swat at his boner with his hands, even his dick felt a little thicker.

It seemed like the growth was more or less done. His beard was short but full. He pawed at it with his hands. No men in his family could grow a beard like this. Hikaru’s weight had settled at nice 92 kilos. A good size. A rugby players size. He was officially a big guy now, and none of his clothes would fit him…but he couldn’t help but wonder, what would happen if he used up the full sample of the bear spritzer he was given?

He rushed his bigger new body back to the hallway where he had left the small bottle. It was about one third used up. “Hell yes” he thought to himself.

He quickly began spraying, and spraying, and spraying, all over his now hairy chest and stomach until the entire bottle was used up.

When he began feeling the warmth again he knew he was beginning to grow again. He stood in front of his bedroom mirror naked, stroking his erect cock, watching his physique start to grow again. “Fuck yeah” he though. His arms were pumping up, his shoulders widening, his belly thickening, rounding out into a furry ball. All the while the dense hair that he had sprouted began to spread across his expanding torso, covering his chest and pushing up to his shoulders. He’d never seen another man this hairy in real life.

His dick felt heavier and longer in his hands as he stroked. His balls felt so big, they were slapping his thick thighs with a satisfying smack.  He was turning into a true muscle bear. He was surpassing just being a big man. Now he was truly huge.  He flexed his thick arms, he felt up the new hairy curved of his incredibly beefy body. God he looked amazing, like some bara dream man. He was as big, as hulking as those comic book characters he had dreamed up, that he had fantasized about.

He came right there, standing in front of his full length mirror.

That night he started a new phase of his life. He was now a model, a muse, a dream man for bara lovers all over the country, and he would embrace it. So would the bear-loving world. They’d embrace all 135 kilos of him. Soon enough, pictures of his hulking, hairy, bearish bod would splash the pages of gay Twitter and tumblr the world over.