Game Night

It’s game night! The games of change have made their rounds over the years and this time one of the games have found itself in the hands of alpha house. The most frattiest house on the University campus. This game resembles jumanji non the way it’s played. So roll cautiously as the er ever can be ...severe!

“Severe? Ha! What a bunch of crap!” Alec said loudly as the game was being laid out on the table by Justin. “When is Richard going to get here ? I’m ready to start drinking !”

“He said that he would be over shortly “. Justin replied, finishing the game setup. He door bell rang and Richard could be heard outside yelling “open up fuckers !”

The party was all here. The three men sat down at the table in Justin and Alec’s room.

It’s was their tradition to have game night even after joining the alpha frat as a way to blow off steam from the day. The three men were always going to classes and what time they weren’t stuck in a class they were stuck in the gym to keep up the alpha house image. All three men were pretty muscular and all the gym time was needed because if not then the frat parties would catch up to them. “So what's the game tonight ?” Asked Richard sitting down with a beer in his hand.

“It’s a game that’s like jumanji. But different”. Said Justin passing him the rules of the game. Alec wasn’t much of a reader and just tossed the rule book in the trash can. “Hey! We need that !” Justin shouted.

“Live a little bro! Geez. Such a pansy I swear”. Richard was always such a dick Justin thought. Always had been. Always will be it seemed.

“Alright I’m ready to play how do we start ?” Richard shouted as the other two were sitting down. “Well if you read the rule book...” Justin started to say but then Richard just held up with hand and said “rules are for losers”. Richard picked up the dice and rolled without even a second thought. His character on the board which was a brown LEGO looking character moved up a few spaces landing on the surprise card. Richard drew the card and read aloud “brave and careless are commendable and reckless attributes. For being fearless gain 100k dollars”. Richard put the card down and said “I like this game already! I’m rich !” At that point his phone went off with a bank notification. Opening the app he seen that he was 100k richer. “Wh...what kind of game is this?” Richard showed the notification to his friends who were as equally taken aback.

Justin was the next one to draw and when his character came up without anything changed Justin breathes a sigh of relief. Alec was not so lucky as his character landed on surprise card. He read aloud “what if working out was something else ?” Immediately the gurgling sounds of Alec’s stomach could be heard. “Ughhhh I’m so hungry” he said out loud. He was bent over in pain from the urge to eat and looked at Richard and demanded he continue the game. Another roll and Richard drew a card “riches are plentiful when you get them illegally”. Richard looked at the card confused and saw another brand notification telling him he now had 1 million in the bank. And another txt right after from a number that wasn't saved in his phone asking where the money was. “Alright I want to stop this is he trying too real !”

With that the mirror on the board showed words that said leaving now will have dire consequences. “Fuck this game ! I’m leaving!” And with that Richard stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Now there were only 2.

The mirror flashed and showed Richard’s punishment for leaving the game. “We have to continue !” Shouted Alec in between spasms of hunger. “Just fucking roll!” Justin picked up the dice and rolled landing on card square. It read “starting young is always best when juicing”. Just just looked at Alec confused. “What’s it talking about ?” Justin asked. His question was soon answered and Alec pointed to his growing pecs and biceps. Soon followed my his abs poking out little by little. Alec said “I think the card means you’re on steroids now bro”. “What the fuck ! I can’t look like this !” Justin yelled.

Lifting up his shirt he seen his new roid gut as hard as ever poking out. He got a txt from an unknown number that said they would be at the apartment within the hour to give him the juice and make him really blimp out. “And now someone is saying they are coming over to shoot me juice me up ! We need to finish this game!”

“It doesn’t look like we have many more spaces and the game will be over” Alec said as he rolled and pulled a new card. “You and Justin are best friends. But when he grew with juice you grew with something else. Drink up bro!” And a glass magically appeared in front of him. His hand as if controlled by a puppet master reached for the glass and brought it to his lips where he began to drink against his will. He could taste beer and protein powder instantly. When one glass was done it magically refilled. Justin was the first to see the results and after three beers Alec looked like he had been drinking the mixture for months. Years even.

Alec put his hands on his new round gut feeling the heaviness and firmness of it. It was hard as a rock. “I can’t live like this !” Alec shouted. Justin took this chance to draw another card. “Years of the juice has changed your body in ways you can’t imagine”. “What’s that supposed to mean ?” Justin shouted at the game. But as soon as he did he heard it in his voice. It was deeper. Huskier. “Bro you’re changing !” He heard Alec yell. He looked down and seen that his muscles were expanding. Then was started as a light dusting of hair turned into a full blown carport. His stomach protruding further outwards. He could hear his chair creaking and put his hands to his head. Only this time where there used to be hair he now found nothing but baldness.

“I look like an over blimped powerlifter who eats too much!” Justin screamed. He felt huge, and he looked immense.

Alec drew another card while Justin was holding his new, massively expanded frame whimpering with tears in his eyes. Alec read aloud “take it for the win! Remaining characters roll a dice for dominance and normalcy! Who ever draws higher wins!” Alec and Justin looked at each other. Alec picked up the dice shaking nervously and he rolled the dice. 16. Justin then took his turn praying that the game would be over. He rolled. And in a moment that seemed to last forever the dice came to a stop. He rolled 17. Alec and Justin both looked at each other. Across the mirror in the board a message came. “Choose an outcome. One of the remaining players can go back to normal while the other cannot. The choice is yours.”

Justin walked out of the apartment with the game board in his hand. He was taking the game to the dumpster. The game was done and he made his choice. And both of them would have to live with that decision now. But what did he choose ?