
Faisal and I texted pretty often. After meeting on the apps for a particularly hot hookup last year I had kept in touch with that stud. He was athletic, handsome as hell, hairy. Everything I was into.  

So even though he was half the world away in the UAE, I stayed in touch with him. Checking in with him here and there. He kept inviting me to Abu Dhabi. I wasn’t sure what there was to do there, but I was damned sure I’d want to hang out with Faisal

Faisal was always into working out, and I knew he wanted to get bigger. A few months ago Faisal told me he was going to start doing powerlifting and bulk up. That sounded hot to me. Imagining that stud bigger and stronger? Hell yes.  So of course I was supportive.  

Then a little after he went into powerlifting told me that he was a lot bigger “You’ll hardly recognize me” Faisal said. “Yeah? how big?” I wrote back. 

“You won’t believe it if I told you. Come visit and I’ll show you.” he texted

 Faisal didn’t really post pictures much, and if he did they were rarely selfies, but that was ok, I knew what that stud looked like, so I didn’t really need to see.  But his invitation was certainly intriguing. 

So after months of talking about it, I finally booked the flight to Abu Dhabi. Faisal promised we could do the fjords in Oman, go to the beach, we could go sand dune trekking and lift tons of weight and eat big.  Sounded good to me!

Before I left he told me where to meet him. At a huge gym in the center of town. “That's where I’ll be when you get in. Come meet me here. I wanna show off how much I’m lifting now”

Fuck, that was kind of hot. OK, I was into it. Even though I was exhausted I went to this huge gym in the center of Abu Dhabi. It wasn’t far from the airport, and I didn’t have a lot of luggage.  The guys at the front desk seemed to know I was going to show up. They said “You here for Faisal?” they asked. I said yes and they just gestured to continue into the gym. 

And I looked around, and around and didn’t see him. Then, emerging from the benching area came this behemoth of a man. A Huge, hairy, hulking, shirtless Arab powerlifter with a thick round belly. As this overgrown giant sauntered towards, getting closer and closer, I realized this dude was probably the biggest man I’d ever seen. He was looking right at me and smiling, his huge lumbering steps coming directly for me. My brain was tripping out. This man kinda looked like Faisal, except... he was three times the size Faisal had been and had a round chubby face. 

He came right up to me smiling. 

“What the fuck...” was all I could think. And then this enormous man spoke... and Faisal’s voice came out.  I looked in the mans eyes and despite his chubbier face, there was no denying it was him. 

“Hey handsome, welcome to Abu Dhabi. I hope you had a good flight”

“Faisal!!” I yelled in complete shock.  How was this possible? How was this gigantic overfed weightlifter my thin, athletic Faisal. 

“Faisal! I yelled again practically out of breath from shock. “How is this possible?!” I said gesturing to his humongous body. What.. did... How...” I stuttered. ”...What happened to you?!”

“Yeah, I told you I got really big. I knew you wouldn’t recognize me.” He was still smiling, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

“You’re... so... big.... Fuck....” I said again 

The beast in front of me sort of blushed. “Come here” he said, gesturing to me. “Come spot me” He turned around to give me a view of a massive wall of bulging hair-covered muscle that his back had grown into. 

I followed this oversized brute back to the bench where he had a crowd of admirers waiting for him to push up a hugely loaded bar. It looked like it had five 45 pound plates, and two 25 pound plates which I realized were 20 KG weights and 12 kg weights, meaning he was benching something like 224 kgs.  I wasn’t exactly sure what that translated to in pounds, but I knew it was a lot. Sounded like a lot. 

Faisal then benched it with ease, repping out at least 4 or 5 times before stopping.  The crowd of men around him cheered him on, shouting encouragement in Arabic. 

My jaw was on the floor.  What had happened to him? How could this even be real? 

Faisal told me he was basically done for the day and had been waiting for me, so after thanking his admiring crowd he talked to me again, unloading the bar.  “We can head home now. I just wanted you to see me here, this is like my second home now.”

“Faisal, how is this possible!? I just saw you last year and you were smaller than me!”

“Oh I know. Don’t worry handsome” he said with a grin “I’ll explain it on the way back to my place.”

We left shortly after and Faisal squeezed his hulking hairy bulk into his BMW.  He barely fit. His furry shoulders pressed nearly into mine. It was so surreal. I just kept looking at this huge man next to me. 

“Told you I got big”” he said, noticing the shock still written all over my face.  

“I didn’t even recognize you” I said. “I still... kind of don’t” I said. 

He smiled.  “Eh, you’ll get used to my size.  I did. “ He said. 

“So how did...how...did you..” I asked, stuttering again. 

“It all happened about 4 months ago. This supplement company gave me a supplement. I know you won’t believe me, but they told me to try it, and I did.”

“Thats... it?”

“Well, and I started lifting heavy. Yes. I took the supplement and the first time I grew to about 130 kilos. Then, about a month later I took the second dose. That pushed me up to 180 kilos. Thats about how much I weigh now, more or less.” Faisal said matter-of-factly. 

I couldn’t believe it, still, even with the evidence in front of me. Surely this had to be some crazy new kind of steroid. Even normal steroids  couldn’t transform a man like this in just a few months. 

Faisal’s place in the suburbs of Abu Dhabi was spacious and private. To be honest I was slightly worried that at this size I wouldn’t be into him anymore, but as soon as we got back to his place he turned to me, moving in close, wrapping his massive arms around me, and pulled me in for a kiss... “I missed you stud” He said. “I hope you still like me...” 

My dick was rock hard.  I felt his   thick round belly and huge hairy pecs pressing up against me, much firmer than I expected. He was so big, his body just surrounded me completely. He could crush me at this size, but despite my apprehensions, I was totally into it. 

My arms couldn’t even wrap all the way around him. He was a lot hairier than he had been a year ago, and the powerful curved of his hyper-sized beefy body just went on forever. I could have spent all day just exploring and worshipping this hairy beast of a man.  I had found a new level of attraction that I didn’t know existed, and didn’t expect. This was where I wanted to be, in the arms of this massive stud. This bulked up giant. It felt amazing to have all this beef pressing up against me. 


 I extended my trip several more days. It was heaven, and yes I plan to go back next month. We text every day now.  He loves it back home, but I’m thinking about what it might mean if he stays with me here in the States. Fitting him into a plane seat would be pretty challenging.. but we could figure out. 

This month he said he got another shipment of the supplement that he says transformed into the giant he is now. He said he doesn’t want to get any bigger... but if I do, its right there waiting for me.  We’ll see.  I wouldn’t mind getting bigger... and I can tell Faisal wants me bigger. Fuck, if that stud wants me bigger, maybe I should do it. 

Anyway, I’m counting down the days until I fly out to see him again. If I come back a lot bigger, you’ll know why!