Dante's Growth

Dante had been wanting to work on his body for a while. He felt he'd be sexier with a thicker rear and legs, and he had finally decided to start working out at the gym doing squats. He knew it would help develop muscle all over his body, so with his post work-out appetite made sure to keep himself calorie fed by going to eat afterwards. Following his meal, Dante washed it all down with a special supplement he had bought online, one that promised fast gains.  

He started to feel the changes almost immediately. His body started to become heavier, his rear bulging and growing thicker. His legs had started growing sturdier, filling out his workout shorts forcing them tight. His testosterone levels started to increase, leading to body hair starting to grow in places he didn't know it could. He rushed home as his shorts grew tighter against his lower body

But it wasn't only his lower body that was increasing in size. The larger his ass became, the fatter his stomach grew to accompany it. His torso had filled out, turning soft and doughy as a fat paunch took over his midsection. He felt it jiggling every time he squatted, his lower belly falling out of his shirt every time he went down. He hated it, constantly having to pull down his clothes to hide it, feeling like a stuffed sausage.

Then he noticed how his shorts struggled to stay up around his growing waist, beginning to be pulled down exposing his rear. If it wasn't for his wider body, his belt line wouldn't have been so tight and forced to wrap his ass, showing his crack whenever he bent over. He began to grow fond of his excess padding, feeling it helped to highlight the new size of his rear.

He felt sexy, walking around with his wide rear and tow, each step sending a jiggle through his body and up his front. He felt that his stomach paired with his ass nicely, giving him the right curves he needed, all his clothes tight showing off his new additions. He had become more confident in himself, feeling hot walking around the gym and catching the eyes of others. Soon enough he couldn't see himself being any different.