Carlos Gets Big

Carlos couldn’t believe it. He’d always been lean, maintained a fit physique. Suddenly, that day, his body was beginning to change.

Carlos was groggy. In bed, hung over, something didn’t feel right. The handsome man pulled up his profile on Grindr, showing his “beach body” from his trip to the Bahamas just a few weeks before.

Already that physique was starting to change.

As Carlos got up, his center of balance had shifted. Bleary eyed, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Seemingly overnight his beard has grown in. His body hair, which he usually kept trim, was growing out of control, and his abs were gone. A small belly had replaced the flat stomach he had the night before. He looked… wider.

Carlos’ mind raced, what could have done this to him? He was just enjoying a night out at the bar last night before we went home. He hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Sure he had gone to a bear bar, but he liked going there. The bears usually ignored him and his friends and the drinks were cheap.

Carlos looked at his reflection some more. Fuck. He was gaining weight. His belly was starting to get a real curve to it, and it was covered in hair. His arms looked bigger and his shoulders were wider, but it was his belly he was most focused on.

Carlos had been pretty drunk when they left the bar the night before, but he was struggling to figure out- had someone slipped something into his drink?

The formerly trim 175 pound Carlos stepped on then scale with some trepidation. 215 pounds. Fuck! He was blowing up. Carlos poked and prodded his new hairy belly. It was getting larger. His whole body was getting larger. His arms, legs, ass. He couldn’t keep his hands off his expanding physique. He was getting huge.

The growth continued steadily. A few hours later he was up to an impressive 250 pounds. Then 260, 270. His whole body packed on weight, growing thicker and thicker by the hour. His beard grew longer and denser, along with his body hair.

It wasn’t until later that afternoon that the growth tapered off. Nothing would fit his new body, and nothing he had could cover his new hairy bear belly. He flexed his arms periodically, admiring the new size, his wide, muscular shoulders and growing traps. His neck was getting thick. Damn, he was looking kinda like a heavily-bellied powerlifter.

Carlos couldn’t keep his hands off his new big bear belly. ‘Fuck’ , he thought. He was huge. A 300 pound, blown up, hairy, big-bellied bear of a man. Strong arms, big shoulders, powerful chest.

Maybe this new body wasn’t so bad after all