Camo Hat

Ever since your roommate bought the new camo hat, his personality had started to change. Every word out of his mouth was loud, even indoors when he was still walking around with it on. You tried to ignore it, thinking he was just being a dick and that he'd return to normal, but every day he seemed even more boisterous than before.

It wasn't long until he started going around without wearing any clothes in the unit. You quickly realized he wasn't just being careless, but had actually grown out of his old clothes without bothering to get new ones. His body had grown, each of his steps hitting the floor with a heavy thud as he lugged his heavier body around. You didn't know how he could have grown huge muscles so fast, his figure surrounded in a healthy padding.

His body had become a space heater. You could feel the warmth emanating off him whenever you were nearby, but you could see how it affected him too. He was constantly sweating, a sheen of moisture across his brow. Soon it became all you could smell when you woke up, his musky scent constantly flooding the house even after he showered. It didn't help when he started growing hair all over his body, trapping the smell around him making it even stronger than before.

The strangest part was when you felt yourself missing it when you were out of the house. You had grown so used to it permeating the air, you felt empty without it. You had started daydreaming about it, distacting your train of thought to remember the time you spent at home. Every time you stepped into the house you would take a deep breath, refilling your lungs full with the homely smell.

You were no longer in control. You loved spending every minute around him, relaxing next to him. It wasn't long until one day you came home you found him flexing, his sight soft on your eyes. You were drawn to his underarms, feeling the need to clean them with your tongue. You couldn't help yourself, your face ending up in them getting as much of his sweat inside you as possible. It happened daily, every chance you could get. The scent drove you wild, the addiction slowly consuming you. You could feel yourself becoming more and more devoted to him, and you loved it.