
"I've always been small in size and only recently has that started to bother me, all I want is to be bigger can you help?"


Bigger? Well that’s an awful broad term (no pun intended). Bigger can apply to a lot of different things: bigger ego, bigger muscles, bigger ass, bigger dick… How can you expect me to make you “bigger” if I don’t know what part of you to make big?

Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wing it. After all, there’s nothing wrong with being just a little bit bigger overall. Just tall enough so that everything seems a little bit closer to the ground, being able to reach those tall kitchen shelves with ease. Not to mention just the little bit of extra added muscle. Nothing like feeling your skin brush up against itself in places you didn’t expect. Thighs don’t touch? No problem when you’re bigger. Just don’t mind the pec shelf blocking the view of your cock. Trust me when I say, that’s bigger too.

There, that big enough for you? You’re already starting to look like you spent a hefty amount of time at the gym. Not like the small, scrawny guy you were before.

Even BIGGER, you say? Why didn’t you say so in the first place! All you need to do is bump that “hefty” amount of time at the gym to a “ridiculous” amount of time. And you’ll be eating a lot more. A LOT more, but don’t worry; with your new height, the tall kitchen shelves will be the short kitchen shelves. When people look at you, “big” is going to be the first word that comes to mind.

Still not big enough? Are you kidding me?? Man, you weren’t joking when you said you wanted to be bigger, but this is encroaching on muscle monster territory. Don’t even think about fitting through anymore doors without having to turn sideways and duck down. We're talking tall. If you have a small car, you might want to trade it in for a pickup, because you’re almost the size of a small car by now. The gym isn’t just your favorite place; it’s your temple. Your muscles aren't just large, they're enormous. You're absolutely huge now. Even your beard got big.

Though if I were you, I would be careful when picking up any guys there. Your dick might just be the biggest thing on you, which is saying something if you ask me. Just make sure they’re able to handle someone as “big” as you.