Beard Growth Test

To: Énorme Inc. Research Department



Subject: Trial 23 of Beard Hair Growth Supplement - Male Test Subject

Our team conducted the study on the effectiveness of your recently developed beard hair growth supplement on a male test subject, age 28 (Subject 23 B) . The subject showed initially a sparse beard growth pattern.  As is typical [REDACTED] used a combination of visual observation and measuring tools to track the growth of the subject 23 B’s beard.

After the supplement was administered,  [REDACTED] used a digital camera to take photographs of the subject's beard before and after the administration of the supplement. This allowed for a more detailed analysis of the subject's beard growth over the period of the experiment, as well as a more accurate comparison of the before and after results. As the beard grew remarkably fast,  [REDACTED] continued to measure using the  [REDACTED]  to observe and measure the extremely rapid growth of the hair. [REDACTED]  also noted the density and thickness of the beard as it grew, and documented any changes in texture or quality. Throughout the study, [REDACTED] maintained detailed records of the subject's beard growth, including the length and thickness of the beard hairs, the rate of growth, and any other notable changes.

Results of the study indicate that the beard hair growth supplement was highly effective. Within minutes of taking the supplement, the subject's beard started to grow rapidly, resulting in a large, dense beard. The subject's beard growth was remarkable, with an increase in length of approximately 4 inches, and a significant increase in thickness and density. Additionally, the subject noted that the hairs were growing at a faster rate than normal and were of a stronger, healthier quality.  [REDACTED] also observed an increase and growth of a significant amount of body hair. New, thick, vigorous androgenic hair sprouted all over Subject 23 B’s stomach, chest, shoulders and arms.  Subject 23 B showed surprise and alarm at these changes, the subject ultimately appeared to be satisfied with the results once the growth appeared to stop. In addition,  [REDACTED] noted that head hair as well as eyebrows also appeared to grow during the duration of the study.

The subject reported feeling “confident” with his new beard, and stated that he had always been self-conscious about his sparse beard growth  However, he was also alarmed by the dense new hair covering his body. Subject told  [REDACTED] :“I’m hairy as hell!” and “I never imagined I’d be a hairy guy like this.”

Following the experiment Subject 23 B also noted that his peers were shocked by his appearance but commented positively on his new beard. While Subject 23 B was initially surprised by the extensive new growth of body hair,  he reports that he is now happy with the extensive and thick coverage of androgenic body hair.  Overall, Subject 23 B reported that he is grateful for the opportunity to participate in the study.


While the rapid and noticeable effects of the supplement are impressive, we recommend that additional study is needed to assess the long-term effects of the supplement on the subject's beard growth and overall health. It is also essential to test the supplement on a larger and more diverse group of individuals to confirm its effectiveness and ensure its safety for use. The additional and very significant increase in androgenic body hair may pose some concern to marketability.

Overall, the results of this study are promising, and we look forward to further research on this supplement to better understand its potential benefits for individuals seeking to stimulate hair growth.




To: Énorme Inc. Research Department



Subject: Follow-up on Effectiveness of Beard Hair Growth Supplement on Male Test Subject

I am writing to follow up on our previous study on the effectiveness of your beard hair growth supplement on a male test subject, age 28. While the results of the study are promising in terms of beard growth stimulation, Subject 23 B has recently noted some unexpected side-effects.

Several days after our experiment Subject 23 B wrote to us to report, the subject  experiencing weight gain and an increased libido. The subject reports that he has gained approximately 10 pounds since the experiment concluded late last week and noted an increased desire for sexual activity. The subject reports feeling concerned about these side effects.

While we are currently investigating the potential cause of these unexpected side effects, we recommend that further research is necessary to determine the safety and efficacy of this supplement for use. [REDACTED]  We look forward to further collaboration to better understand the potential benefits and risks associated with this supplement.

Sincerely, [REDACTED]



From: [REDACTED].Research Team Lead

Subject: Cease Communication with Subject 23B

Thank you  [REDACTED]  for your email regarding the unexpected side effects reported by Subject 23B. We take these reports very seriously and are initiating an investigation into these potential side effects.

In the meantime, we ask that you cease all communication with Subject 23B to avoid any further potential bias or influence on the subject's reporting of symptoms. We will follow up with the subject directly to gather additional information regarding the reported weight gain and increased libido.

We appreciate your dedication to this project and your commitment to ensuring the safety and efficacy of our products.

Best regards,



(Story and Art created in part with AI, but were heavily modified by author)