Bear of a Man

the-natwolf asked:

One of my biggest desires is to suddenly become a big, strong, bear of a man. I wish I could just be going about my day when I hit a sudden growth spurt and become the man of my dreams. Shooting up a foot taller, gaining muscle and fat, sprouting hair and a beard, and, best of all, outgrowing my clothes. I can only imagine the type of dominant burly bear dad I'd become...

davidsp01 answered:

So you wish to be a big, strong, bear of a man. That is definitely possible, but the thing with wishes is there are a lot of components. It was a Saturday afternoon, you were shopping in your local mall. Window shopping mostly but nothing was catching your eye. Crowds of people rushed past you eager to get on with their day. One man, sporting a dense beard and a black tank top that accentuated his bulbous pecs and thick arms, pushed past you. He barely seemed to notice you as he did. His eyes locked on some store up ahead. As much as the inconvenience caught you off guard, there was something about him that drew you in. His masculinity? The way his clothes showed off this hard earned muscle? Maybe the faint smell of musk he left in his trail? Nevertheless, you were hooked.

You found yourself following him down the mall, past the oncoming traffic of shoppers. His strong stature never left your sight. As you walked you could feel yourself brushing past the crowd. This struck you as strange as you were small enough to slide right past people. It was like your arms bowed out slightly as you walked. But no matter what you did you couldn’t bring them full down to your sides. Still, you persisted after the captivating stranger. Your feet felt heavy against the tiled floor as though you’d been walking all day. Each step felt weightier than the other. In fact, your shoes felt tight around your feet, so did your trousers. They were hugging your legs where they had once been loose. And your shirt became extremely constricting. It clung around your chest as it felt like it was puffing out. Your nipples were practically piercing the fabric as they stood out. Then as you brushed past another bystander, your sleeves ripped. The seams ripped and tore down the length of your arm, falling in tatters to the floor. The smell of unwashed armpit started to assault your nose as you raised your now chunky arms. They looked as though they’d been pumped with muscle. The way your bicep and tricep contorted as you lifted it. You even found yourself flexing in the middle of the mall as you strode forward. A thick bush of wiring hair was now pushing out from your pit, begging for air and releasing the stench of body odour with its exposure. You even cracked dumb smile as you looked at your new muscular arms.

You should have been worried, you knew something wasn’t right but you couldn’t stop following the man. People were begging to stare as you flexed and started to outgrow your clothes. Next your shoes popped off as your cramped feet got release from their fabric prisons. They slapped against the ground as you walked growing rough and calloused. Your trousers started to shred as your wider strides pushed your skin through the seams. Eventually, they too crumpled to the floor. Your bare legs on display as thick black hairs started to pierce your skin. A forest of pubes emerged over the top of your underwear and your cock grew hard as the sight. You looked like some dumb oaf outgrowing your clothes. A man was even recording you as you pushed past him. Catching your now hair ass as it bounced with new found muscle. Part of you begged your underwear would hold, but another part of you hoped it too would rip away.

The man in front was now looking closer and closer in reach of you. Your bones cracked as you shot up a few inches until you towered over the crowds of people, making your barely covered body even more visible. “Dude, put on some clothes!” Said one jock you pushed past. “You fucking reek!” Said another woman that you barged out of your way. You couldn’t help it. All the while muscle was packing onto your frame and thick hair was sprouting across your entire body. Sweat was starting to drip down your back and cling to your patches of body hair. If you sweat anymore, you might have a green waft of air around you. Musk trailed your every movement. A beard grew down your face and neck and stretched at your skin. Then your shirt finally felt like it was about to give up. A pressure pushed from your stomach as a feeling of fullness overtook you. BURRRRRP! You belched so loud your cheeks quaked as it escaped your lips. Strings of saliva being shot onto those in front of you. Your stomach felt heavier than it had before. It felt softer. And started jiggling almost. No, it was definitely jiggling! You looked down with concern as your shirt was strained outwards by a muscular gut. Raising your shirt, you could see the hair that covered the ball and how deep your cavernous belly button looked. Everyone ogled and stared.

It bounced and protruded from your otherwise muscular frame. It stuck out on you like you did thin the sea of shoppers. In show for everyone to see. With one final surge forward and another hearty burp, the remains of your shirt fell to the floor. Looking hip from your wide gut, you just saw the man you were following as you crashed into him. Your stomach wobbled as you jutted backwards. It was like two pillars crashing. He looked at you with seductive eyes as you felt a rough hand stroke you won your chest and cup your belly. It dove into the forest of pubes and pinched your dick. It was the only thing that didn’t grow with you. See you may not be the man of your dreams, but you were certainly the man of his. A muscle bound pig with an ass begging for a fat cock. HIS fat cock. He tore your underwear away letting it flop to the floor. Your cock and balls looked small on your gigantic new frame. Comical even. It definitely made you appear like a steroid junkie. A hand clasped the back of your head, fingers entangling themselves into your hair. It pulled your head forward and your face was met with cracked lips and a thick beard. Your dick pulsed in the larger hand as your face was pulled away. You could see the states of everyone around you. The shock, the concern. Next all you saw was black as sweaty hair stuck to your face and BO flowed into your nostrils. Your head was locked into his armpit as you huffed in every fume. Now, you can only imagine the type of dominant, burly bear dad you could have been as it was clear who was submissive in this relationship.