
Aziz  had been working out for months, determined to get ripped and toned. He was upset though. No matter how much he tried he couldn't seem to put on any more mass. He was about to give up when he heard about a mass gain supplement that promised tremendous results, so he decided to give it a try.

He didn't think he would like the taste of it, but was surprised when it felt like he couldn't get enough. He was drinking it several times daily, in the morning, before his workout, after, before sleep. He didn't know what had gotten into him, but celebrated when the scale had finally started going up. He felt himself growing heavier and heavier, happy to have finally gotten results. At least, until he realized what was happening to his body.

His body was growing bigger, but not with just muscle. His face had filled out, much rounder than it was before as a second chin spilled in over his neck. His chest was much thicker, spilling out under his shoulders as two heavy pillows where his small pecs should have been. His arms and shoudlers grew bigger and bigger but lost definition. The biggest change was his stomach. It pushed out in front of him curving over his waist, a heavy weight attached to his front that filled out all his shirts. He felt it noticeable everywhere he went, lugging it around unable to suck it in.

He didn't recognize himself in the mirror anymore. He had gone from a skinny guy to a huge burly bear in a matter of weeks, a completely different person. He had gained so much weight, He took out his phone and snapped a picture, still shocked at his transformation. His stomach twisted. Somehow… The changes felt good? He didn't know why, but he loved being bigger, bulkier, heavier. He felt something settle inside him, deciding he'd never want to go back to being small.