Alex Gets Big

Alex had always been skinny, his whole life. He despite his Greek heritage, he wasn’t particularly hairy either. When he came out as a gay man he learned that a lot guys in Kansas City called him a “Twink”. He was somewhat effeminate, and maybe even a little submissive, but he wasn’t in love with the idea of being a twink- it just seemed to be his natural state of being. 5’8” and 120 pounds.

Being from a smaller midwestern city, he didn’t yet have much exposure to gay culture, so he went along with being a twink because it seemed to get him some attention. He trimmed the little body hair he had and kept his beard short. He didn’t even have to do anything to change his physique, he was naturally thin and liked to run several times a week.

So when he saw a product online advertised while he was watching porn which promised to beef him up, something to make him more rugged, it immediate caught his attention.

“Embrace your inner bear” was one of the lines in the ad. It was a little strange... but he had to say it intrigued him. He always envied men like his cousins, who were bigger and played football in high school. He wanted to be bigger, stronger, to have that same kind of natural size. Instead he was always skinny.

Maybe it was the horniness talking, the fact he was already looking at porn, but the ad worked. So Alex bought the extra strength bear supplement “specifically formulated to bring out your inner bear” and forgot about it.

Three days later the package came. He couldn’t believe it, they had actually sent him a package of this stuff. He pulled it it out and it was just a vial. “Extra strength” it said.

He didn’t think too much of it and after his coffee, before his run he downed it.

As he began running he felt this energy coursing though his muscles. He figured it had to be the bear strength supplement working. Probably just a preworkout loaded with caffeine.

As he ran along, not thinking of anything much, he began to feel his shirt scrunching up more around his chest. As he kept running he noticed his shorts felt tighter, and there was a certain bounce to his body... it was his chest. His chest was starting to bounce as he ran, up and down. That wasn’t right. He wasn’t beefy enough to have anything moving around as he ran.

His ass was starting to bounce too, he could feel it. And his arms... his arms muscles were making th sleeves of his shirt felt tight. He was starting to get more winded. It felt like his feet were hitting the pavement harder. His shoes even felt tight.

Alex felt the cool air against his belly button. He tried his shirt down only to discover it wasn’t going down further, and as he looked down a very unfamiliar sight greeted him, a thick chest and the start of a belly. ‘Shit’ he thought, he could actually feel his belly bouncing now as he ran. He was getting so out of breath, his body was working harder just to keep him moving. He had to slow his pace down a bit.

Alex. decided to turn around to get back home so he could figure out what was happening. It was getting harder and harder to keep going. Every block was noticeaby more of a struggle than the last. His shorts were getting tight,his shirt was snug against his body, hugging him tighter than ever before. Looking down his forearms looked foreign to him. They were beefier and hairier. As he glanced down beyond the twin mounds of his chest he could see and feel his now hairy belly peeking out.

He was getting so exhausted. Normally he would have tons of energy at this point, normally he’d be able to go for 5 or 6 more miles, but ever second the running was getting harder and harder. His chest was bouncing around so much now, everything about his body felt foreign right now and his feet were killing him, hitting the pavement with so much force. His jog slowed down, he was totally out of breath, and then slowed further. He felt like his whole body was getting so heavy. He had to slow his pace yet again.

Fuck, he had blown up. He could look down now and see how big and bloated he had become. No wonder running was so hard, he was getting huge. His belly was really sticking out now, and his shirt was uncomfortably tight.

The last block back to his apartment, Alex stopped jogging, and walked, defeated. His body felt so different, so big and bulky. His arms were rubbing against his sides as he walked, his legs chaffing. He was huffing and puffing. He was enormous, he felt like a tank. He could see hair everywhere, it was tickling the base of his neck. He looked down his shirt to see a new rug of fur on his sweaty chest.

As he slowly made his way up the stairs to the apartment his shorts tore on his big new ass. His shirt was bunched up over his belly, showing off his new furry gut to the world. He bumped his shoulders into the door as he tried making his way into apartment. The door handle was lower than it should have been. As he walked in, it seemed like his perspective had shifted... higher. He couldn’t believe this was real. He was so out of breath that all he could do was rush back to his bathroom. His feet were killing him.

Alex stripped down and tried catching his breath. His feet were way too big for his shoes now. He *was* huge. His body had blown up into a full bearish size, and then some. He had to be somewhere north of 250 pounds, if not more. All his body hair had grown in and then spread, covering his huge new torso in a thick carpet of fur. He was a beast. The sink looked a little different. Lower than usual. Not much lower, but just enough that it was noticeable. His perspective was definitely different. He looked at his bigger hands, his bigger feet. Fuck he was taller too!

He stood there, looking into the mirror, unable to believe this was real. His mind was reeling. At this size, his running career was definitely over, but he could definitely pass for a defensive lineman now! For 20 minutes he just explored his new body. He was a bear alright, and no wonder he was so out of breath. He had bulked up to an immense 350 pounds and had grown to 6’2”. He was huge. Nothing would fit him now.

In the couple of hours since he drank the formula, he had more than doubled his body mass.

Alex didn’t know what to do, but despite the panic, he knew deep down he loved it. He was a fucking beast of a man now. A thick, powerfully built hulking bear. Hell, he’d dwarf his cousins, and pretty much everyone he’d ever known. Goddamn. No one would wanna pick on this gay boy now.

Alex couldn’t help but jerk off at his reflection. He was the manliest fucking bear he’d ever seen, and his dick even felt heavier and thicker in his huge new hands. He came and it was the biggest load he’d ever produced. Goddamn, he loved everything about this.