Adam Turns Into a Bear

News of a body modification formula came into the scene quickly. Reportedly the developers intended it to help trans men make the transition, but no one was certain that was the real purpose of the drug. It created a lot of buzz in some circles of gay men, but they seemed to be the only ones who heard about it. It was no where on the internet or the news.

Adam heard about the drug and didn’t think too much of it at first. Supposedly it could work overnight, turning skinny guys into big beefy bears over night. Rumors. Nothing real.

But the supposed effects of the substance, which included increases in body hair weight, he couldn’t deny that he was curious. Living in Toronto, he had come to see the bear scene in person but always felt too skinny and, despite his middle eastern ancestry, not very hairy for bears to pay attention to him.

When a buddy of his said he had a connection to the drug, Adam jumped on the opportunity. It was a sketchy deal. He was instructed via text to leavemoney for some guy in a lock box on a random fence. Not even much, just 50 dollars. He was then advised to go back the next day to pick up the substance in that same lockbox.

Somehow the transaction worked. He had a vial of the mystery substance and a typed note: “You don’t need much, and the effects are permanent”.

The vial sat on his desk for several days while he questioned if he should try it. One afternoon he worked up the courage. He swollowed about half of the vials contents. His mind raced. Could any of this be real or just a hoax?

About a half hour Adam began feeling warm. Something was happening. He looked down at his hands and noticed more hair than normal. He stripped his shirt off and raced to the bathroom. Hair was sprouting all over his chest and shoulders, far more than he had ever before. He was quickly getting hairier.

Adam took a photo. He wasn’t just growing a little bit of hair, he was growing hair everywhere. Shoulders, upper arms, back. It was spreading everywhere. His beard was rapidly starting to fill in, despite having just shaved.

“Fuck I can’t believe this is real” he said to himself. He watched his beard lengthen as he stared into the mirror. The stuff worked faster than he could ever imagine.

Adam couldn’t keep his hands off his hairier new body. As he explored his new found fur, he noticed his arms and chest were feeling... beefier than before. Just as rapidly as the hair has sprouted the next phase of his transformation had began. Adam was rapidly bulking up. Muscle and fat began piling onto his lean frame.

Adam could watch in real time as his frame filled out, growing thicker and heavier with each minute. He had originally weighed around 67 kilos. As he stepped on the scale he saw 77 kilos flash. Then 78... 79... he was blowing up quickly. Adam explored his transformation.

His now furry chest ballooned outwards, growing beefier and thicker with each second. His arms grew bigger and shoulders widened. His flat stomach began to thicken and his whole body gained kilo after kilo of beef. His lithe 67 kilo frame had rapidly grown to over 100 kilos in minutes, and then he grew heavier still. He had never been big, and now he was inflating into a true bear of a man.

After about an hour the transformation seemed to slow down. He took out his phone and took another photo. He was huge. No clothes would fit him now. His scale now read 140 kilos and his thick, extremely hairy frame was a remarkably different from the one he had woken up to that day. He couldn’t believe it was him. He was enormous.

He felt... different. His heavy beard, thick forest of body hair, his hefty, thick, powerful looking build. He was more bearish than any of the men he ever saw in town.

And those bearish guys who ignored him when he was skinny wouldn’t be able to ignore him now.