A Tennessee Titan

“Fuck” Collin muttered under his breath

“What did this shit do to me?”

The Tennessee Titans fullback looked down at his enormous body. His brand new uniform was stretched to fit over his ballooned up frame, but just barely. No one on the team wanted to tell him yet, but there was no way they were gonna let him out on the field looking like that. He was gonna have to stay hidden back in the locker room. How was anyone gonna explain to ESPN how their fullback had gained around 150 pounds over a course of a day or two?

Collin had taken something, some kind of supplement, to “bulk up”, and the 5’10” 240 pound fullback really wasn’t trying to get huge. But here he was, blimped out into a huge bloated monster. His whole body had grown. He looked down at his massive chest and even more expansive belly, rising and falling with each breath. At least he felt stronger, at least his arms were bigger.

Fuck, but how was he gonna run around the field carrying this much... weight? He hadn’t checked his weight since that morning when he clocked in at the 390s, and thankfully he didn’t look *that* much bigger, at least he could tell anyway. Collin hoped the number on the scale would still be under 400. In truth, it wasn’t, but he held out hope anyway.

‘Maybe’ he thought ‘coach will let me go out for defensive line’

The rest of the team avoided Collin, things had been awkward since Sunday morning practice when he had showed up suddenly 100 pounds heavier. No one knew what to make of it. At least the company supplying the uniforms was able to get him a bigger size. NFL players were supposed to be big, but not this big. And now it was Monday, and he was even bigger, Collin’s teammates seemed distant. In truth they were kinda scared about what happened to Collin. How could anyone gain so much weight over a couple of days? And... could that happen to them? Collin was so huge, too huge even for pro football.

Some of the guys were right to worry. That day a vial of Enormé’s bulking formula had slipped into two more of Collin’s teammates water bottles. It would just be a matter of hours before more Tennessee Titans grew to match their name.