A Life Altering Experience

By Yffrit:  

If someone would have a look at your browser history, they would know rather quickly what you were into. And I mean, everyone who reads this will probably have searched for the same things. You liked buff men. Dumb men. Buff dumb men. And, like most of us, you wanted to become one. A big buff dumb man. 

You were scrolling over Tumblr for the billionth time when you got a notification. It was from an app you didn’t know was on your phone; “YFFRIT”. You tried to delete it, but when you selected the application you could not find a way to get rid of the app. You accidentally opened the app, taking you to a screen with a white background. Words faded onto the screen. “Muscle”. “Testosterone”. “Dumb”. “Muscle”. “Testosterone”. “Dumb”.

Being almost hypnotized by the screen, your body started to expand. Your arms became more toned as muscle fibres grew and thickened. Your body fat melted away, revealing a chiseled six-pack. You grew a few inches, and a sudden calmness spread across your body. Your mind had become slower as if all the stimuli needed some extra time to process. 

The transformation finished. Your new body: it was just wow! It was strong and lean. You felt the testosterone pumping through your veins. Your mind was calm. Life was great. New words appeared on the screen. “Your first transformation is complete. Care for a change?” You pressed yes, and new words started to fade onto the screen: “Muscle”. “Testosterone”. “Musk”. “Muscle”. “Testosterone”. “Musk”.

These new words changed you even more! Your body began to emit this strong smell. Pungent, like a gym bag that hadn’t been washed for days. You felt sweat dripping down your body, forming a little puddle between your feet. A small layer of fat started to spread across your body, topping off your muscles with a bit of jiggle. A light beard appeared on your chin. You went from a generic muscle jock to something beefier. Something between a jock and a bear.

The words on your screen changed once more. “Muscle”. “Musk”. “Bear”. “Muscle”. “Musk”. “Bear”. 

A thick pelt of hair covered your arms, legs, torso and back. This layer also started to stink, making your whole body a big smelly mess. The hairs on your face grew more coarse, and your muscles grew even bigger. What you thought were your abs grew exponentially. However, instead of 6 abs, your belly started to expand like a balloon. A giant muscle gut formed, the size of a medicine ball! You heard a grumbling sound, followed by the belch escaping your mouth. You had gone from a jock to a full-on muscle bear! 

The magical app deleted itself, leaving you in this new, over-bulked, big-bellied, hairy reality.