You Reap What you Sow pt. 2

This is a sequel to ‘You Reap What You Sow’. I would recommend that you read this before the story that follows.


Jason stood in the aircraft galley, topping up glasses of Champagne, which he we would soon deliver to the boarding Business Class passengers. He loved flying to London, it was a cosmopolitan party city, where he could be and do anyone he wanted; a stirring in his groin brought a smile to his face, as he took the tray into the cabin. “I wonder what eye candy we have on board tonight?” he thought to himself.

As he breezed through the cabin he eyed the cute guys, checking their wedding finger for telltale signs. As he got to 8A, he offered the occupant a glass of Champagne, who in turn smiled, taking every effort to check Jason’s name badge and thanking him personally. Jason returned the smile and checked his wedding finger for a ring; the occupant noticed the move and curled his finger to hide the offending object.

After takeoff, the service kept Jason occupied until the cabin was darkened and the passengers dozed off into an intoxicated sleep. 8A was fast asleep; Jason ensured that his wine glass was never empty, in a futile effort to drum up conversation. This part of the flight was always the hardest, little to do and his body clock was telling him to go to sleep. To counter the impact, he put on a pot of coffee and as he flicked the switch he was joined in the galley by 8A. His stomach leapt and he made rambling small talk. God he was sexy, tall, slim and a mop of ruffled brown hair; as he talked his stubble accentuated the dimples on his cheeks and chin.

Jason handed him a glass of water but to his surprise 8A put down the glass and led Jason’s hand to his obviously erect crotch. Nervously, Jason looked around the galley, before massaging the bulge with his palm and fingers; he was so hard that his trousers felt paper-thin, he felt the twitch of the damp, powerful head as he massaged through the seam of his pants. Before Jason realised it, he was being manhandled into the lavatory and his trousers being abruptly pulled down. With a slam of the bathroom door, Jason’s head was pushed up against the mirror and he could feel the moist tip of 8A’s penis probing his hole. Jason tried to turn his head to kiss his mate but his head was twisted back towards the mirror, as 8A nipped the top of his shoulder and his penis entered. Jason gasped in ecstasy as the pain subsided and the rhythm of 8A’s penis massaged his prostate, the warm breath on his neck and his stubble scratching his upper back. The rhythm increased and with a staggered jerk 8A came in Jason’s arse, resting his full weight on Jason, spent and exhausted.

Suddenly, the weight on Jason’s back jumped back, frantically pulling up his trousers. “I’m sorry. What the fuck have I just done?” said 8A with a wild desperate look in his eyes.

“Sorry? That was fucking awesome!” exclaimed Jason, reaching forward, in an attempt to kiss 8A. 8A pushed him away and slipped out of the lavatory. Jason pulled up his trousers and tidied his appearance. “That was unreal, I love flights to London!” he told the reflection in the mirror.

The nocturnal lavatory event gave Jason a buzz for the rest of the flight but he could not get 8A out of his head and every time he thought of him he became instantly hard. By the time the aircraft touched down at Heathrow, he was totally preoccupied with 8A; Jason shagged and moved on but this was different. As the passengers deplaned, Jason took 8A’s arm and said. “I am stopping at the Excelsior tonight” 8A averted his gaze and continued out of the aircraft door but stopped, turned and stared at Jason before disappearing into a sea of passengers.

Jason returned to the galley to check the manifest and identify the occupant of 8A. Thomas Watson.

Jason sat in the crew bus, heading for the hotel, watching the autumn London drizzle steam the windows; he was obsessed with the thought of Thomas and the rising pressure in his groin. As they arrived at the hotel, Steve, another South Pacific flight attendant cheerily said “So what time should we hit Soho tonight?”

“Oh, I dunno. I need a couple of hours sleep, should we say 9?” Jason responded, taking his case out of the hold. As he turned to walk to the hotel, a hand on his arse stopped him. “I want a piece of this tonight. You up for a little fun?” Winked Captain Wilson. “Sure, I take it that you are having problems with your wife again?” quipped Jason.

As Jason arrived in his room he dropped his case and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” Came a sleepy voice on the other end of the phone.

“Marion, its me Jason. I need a favour.” Marion was his ‘fag hag’ friend who worked at the reservation desk at Rio airport and lived in the apartment below.

“Do you know what fucking time it is?”

“Yeah, but this is an emergency, I need the contact details for a passenger on my flight.”

“Are you trying to get me fired?”

“No one will know, just get me the contact number for Thomas Watson – 8A on last nights London flight.”

“Fuck. You owe me big time, Watson – 8A. I will be going into the office in a few hours and I will SMS you.”

“Thanks gorgeous!”

With a sense of accomplishment, he put the phone down, stripped and hopped into bed.

In minutes Jason was fast asleep, his mind kept replaying the event on the flight but this time it was Jason, stalking and shagging the other male passengers on the flight. He was crouched in the galley, hidden, waiting and as the male passengers walked past, he pounced on them and dragged them screaming into the toilet, he would make them part of his pack.

An elongated chirp woke him with a start; it was his mobile phone. He sat up on his haunches and inhaled the acrid smell of semen; he rolled back the covers to find that his sheets and pubic hair was covered with dried cum. “What the fuck? I’ve not had a wet dream in years!” He sat on the edge of the bed, shaking the sleep from his brain. He picked up the mobile phone and opened the text message from Marion, complete with passenger’s number. As he dialled the number his penis started to fill, rising vertically towards his belly button.

“Hello, can I talk with Thomas Watson?”

“I’ll just put you through,” said the polite receptionist

“Thomas Watson’s phone” came the voice of a young man

“Oh, is Thomas there?”

“He was but he left for lunch about 3 hours ago; I don’t think he is coming back today. Can I take a message?”

“If he comes back or calls in, tell him Jason called”

“OK, Jason from?”

“I’m one of his pack, he knows where to find me”

Jason put down the phone and head to the shower. As he walked into the bathroom, he stared at his face, which was thick with blond stubble. Never a hairy guy he rubbed the scrub on his chin and he got flashbacks to Thomas shagging him on the plane. Stepping into the shower he stroked his hard on, which was so hard that it lay vertically against his stomach. He let the water run over his body, wanking himself to orgasm.

Jason returned to the bedroom to find the hotel phone ringing. “Thomas?” he picked up the phone filled with anticipation.

“Jason, I’m heading down to you” Said Captain Wilson.

Jason looked at the cum stained sheets “No, I’ll come to you. Which room?”

“1501” the phone clicked.

Jason was used to Captain Wilson’s games, his wife did not get him and he was curious; he loved to be tied up while Jason blew him. Jason had a soft spot for Wilson, he was in his mid forties and had a great body for his age; he was tall, dark and hairy. He ticked all Jason’s boxes.

The door to 1501 opened and Captain Wilson examined the corridor to ensure that know one had seen Jason enter.

“Strip” ordered Jason

“Er, OK” agreed Wilson, surprised by Jason’s assertiveness. Wilson did as he was told; removing his t-shirt and freeing his cock from his tight, grey boxer briefs. Jason pushed him onto the bed; his lean hairy body stretched out, his penis lay lifeless on his left thigh. Jason leaned over him, tying his arms to the back of the bed head, bringing Wilsons penis to life.

Jason stood at the end of the bed and removed his jeans and t-shirt. “Wow, have you been working out?” admired Wilson, raising his head from his confined position. “You look great, those briefs make your package look huge!”

“You’re just a fucking horny old man!” Replied Jason as he removed his underwear and climbed up the bed towards Wilson. “Why don’t we try something new tonight?”

“Nah, just blow me” replied Wilson nervously.

Jason lifted Wilson’s hairy legs and moved his erect penis towards Wilson’s arse “Trust me, you are going to enjoy this”

“No! No! Stop!” Yelled Wilson, twisting and writhing while Jason tried to tame his legs. “I said fucking stop!” shouted Wilson, freeing a leg from Jason’s grip, smacking him in the face; Jason fell to the floor.

Jason stood up, his nose bloodied and slightly swollen. “You don’t know what you are missing!” exclaimed Jason, grabbing his underwear, heading for the door.

“Jason, free me, I can’t release the ties!” Commanded Wilson from the bedroom; Jason stopped and saw Wilson’s suitcase by the door. Jason instinctively lowered his underwear and pissed on the suitcase, saying to himself “he will be mine”.

Back in his room, the magnitude of what Jason had done rang through his brain. Why had he tried to force sex with Wilson and then piss on his case? Jason, lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

Jason woke with a start, his underwear covered with dried semen. He looked at the clock and realised that the crew pickup would depart in 30 minutes. “Shit!” he jumped out of bed and showered. As he started to shave he realised the density of his beard, it reached high into his cheeks and down his neck to a light dusting of blond hair on his chest. As he shaved the hair on his face, he tried to grapple with what had happened over the last twenty-four hours. As he put on his uniform, he noticed that his body had changed. The buttons on his shirt could barely contain his chest and his trousers were tight around the thighs and groin.

On the bus to the airport, Captain Wilson called Jason a wanker, sentiments echoed by Steve who had been stood up in Soho. Jason was more preoccupied by the fact that Thomas had not come to the hotel.

Whilst Jason was waiting for the passengers to board, he called Thomas’ number again, only to be informed that Thomas had not shown up for work. Maybe he would surprise Jason and he would be on the flight? As the plane entered the clouds above Heathrow, it was clear that Thomas was not on board; Jason’s heart sank.

The flight was not good, Jason was clumsy, uncoordinated and turned on by every male on the plane. Jason had just finished the meal service and the purser took him on one side.

“Jason, I know London is an exciting city but if you must party all night you must shave before you fly, you look quite unkempt”

Puzzled, he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. A blond stubbled face greeted him, as he raised his neck, blond hair protruded from the collar of his shirt. He undid the buttons with his right hand to reveal a pelt of blond chest hair, whilst his left hand frantically jerked himself off. As he came, he growled Thomas’ name.

He gained composure, something was wrong but he loved what was happening to him; he was becoming a hairy man and this turned him on.

He stood at the baggage belt, waiting for his case to arrive; Wilson stood next to him.

“Are you OK? You look… I’ve never seen you behave like that. We go back a long way and If I can help?” asked Wilson with genuine concern.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. I have these urges and they seem to control me.” Responded Jason, as Wilson pulled his, piss-covered case off the carousel. Jason sniffed, he could smell his mark and instincts flooded his mind “Come back to mine and we can finish off what we started last night.”

“Fuck, Jason. Don’t you get it; I am your friend but I am not going to let you fuck me!” Wilson walked away shaking his head.

“I will have your fucking arse!” snarled Jason “Count on it”

Jason closed the door to his apartment, he felt like shit and a quick look in the mirror confirmed this. All he wanted was to go out and pull but he needed to do something about his appearance. He took off his clothes and stared down at his body. Whatever was happening to him was accelerating. His legs were now hairy, not overly hairy but significantly more than ever before; his groin was now a wild blond bush. It was only when he cupped his balls that he realised they were almost the size of peaches, his penis hanging below them, about 7 inches. His stomach was covered in soft blond hair that thickened into fur that covered his chest and had started to grow on his shoulders. He loved hairy men but he knew he would struggle to pull with this much body hair. He needed to borrow some clippers to trim this forest back; he called Marion in the apartment below, he knew she had some she used for her dog. The phone went to her answering machine and he left a message asking her to meet him for coffee, in the morning, telling her to bring the clippers.

He sat back on the bed and decided to jerk off, he would go out on the prowl tomorrow. He lay back and his hairy hand slowly worked his cock as it slid up his stomach, past his bellybutton.

Jason woke as the sun slipped across the apartment floor; he yawned and stretched, looking down at the unfamiliar body that lay before him. He looked down his chest at his huge, blond furry pecs and at his large penis that snaked up his furry torso. Sleepily he walked to the bathroom and stared with horror and hunger at his body. What intrigued him most was his penis, which lay vertical to his stomach; at first he thought it was erect but he winced as he tried to pull it horizontal, it was firmly attached. As he played with it, a pink penis rose up his stomach. His mind swamped with emotion, passion, fear but mostly hunger. He needed to talk to Thomas, there was no rational reason to think he would know what was happening but he felt as if Thomas was the leader, but of what? His thoughts were cleared by a knock at the door. He grabbed a pair of boxer briefs and pulled them on, the waistband only came halfway up his sheath, the restriction making him instantly hard; his peach sized balls created a huge bulge down his left leg, he looked deformed. There was another knock on the door, followed by “Jason, I know you are in there” he put on a pair of exercise shorts that covered up most of the unnatural shape. Finally he pulled on a t-shirt this could hardly contain his large pecs and went to the door. As he opened the door he caught a glimpse of his appearance. His legs were covered with blond fur and tufts stuck out the neck of his t-shirt, crawling up his neck to his furry face and pointed furred ears.

“Shit” exclaimed the voice in the doorway.

“Who are you?” asked Jason

“Have you had sex with anyone since Thomas Watson?”

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Answer the question?”

“I tried but no.. I have not had sex”

There was a sharp sensation in Jason’s neck and all went black.

Jason slowly became aware of his surroundings and overheard conversations in the distance.

“…he was moving into stage three”

“Did he respond to the antidote?”

“He appears to have stabilised at stage one”

“And the contagion?”

“Tests are showing elimination, with 98% confidence”

Jason sat up; he was lying on a table, naked save for his underwear. It appeared he was in some kind of glass cage, in a laboratory. In the far corner of the lab there were two men talking; one noticed Jason’s consciousness and walked over to the cage.

“Jason, my name is Josh, I am sorry for kidnapping you but we had to stop what was happening to you”

“I don’t understand?”

“You slept with Thomas Watson and you became infected with a virus that devolved your DNA and it your case it appeared that you were becoming some kind of wolf. To be honest we don’t know why?”


“We are an environmental organisation, who use persuasive methods to ensure that our work is carried out. Thomas was on an assignment for us that went wrong. We had someone following Thomas to ensure that he did not run and hence, we saw your little interaction on the plane.”

“Am I cured?” asked Jason

“Hmm, cured is subjective. We have reversed most of the devolution but some changes remain. Physically, well look yourself.”

Jason looked down at his body. His body was more tone than before and he was more hairy or more appropriately downy; his chest hair felt like soft fur. He looked under the waistband of his underwear; his penis was no longer attached to his abdomen, however, it was significantly larger than before.

“Some things look like an improvement” smiled Josh

“I guess” replied Jason continuing to stare down into his underwear.

“Who is the president of the US?”

“George Bush”

“What is 50 multiplied by 84”

Jason thought “4,200”

“Mentally, you seem fine”

“So, I can go?”

“Ah, eventually. We need you to work for us; we are planning an assault on the airlines and you could be useful”

“If I say no, will you infect me like you did to Thomas” Jason suddenly filled with sadness for Thomas.

“There is no need. We have brought you back but it is not permanent. Without a daily tablet you will start to regress again, until…”

“So I keep working for you and you supply the tablets?”

“You got it and once our tests are completed, we will return you to your life and will replenish your tablets, monthly, as long as you are a good boy.

As the implication ran through Jason’s head, the door to the lab opened and four men in lab coats, carrying two unconscious men entered. One man was put in the cage to Jason’s left; he was a tall, Italian looking guy in his mid thirties, he was extremely muscled, with a broad hairless chest and the biggest bulge that Jason had ever seen. The other man was put in the cage to the right; at first Jason thought that he was wearing underwear and a t-shirt but on further examination, it was only underwear, his upper body was incredibly hairy.

The muscle guy was coming round; as he noticed his body he jumped off the bed and screamed. Josh went to his cage to calm him and explained that Thomas had also infected him.

“You were in the wrong bar at the wrong time and as a barman you have little to offer the Company. You know too much for us to let you go but you will love your new life.”

“What have you done to my body?”

“We have sold you to a gay muscle bar in Rio and you are the latest attraction. We have re-sequenced your DNA, you will be a dumb, obliging escort.”

“I will never do it.”

“What is your name?” The guys struggled with the concept “Your name is Tim but in another 10 minutes you will have completely forgotten. Open the cupboard at the side of your bed” Tim opened the draw and pulled out a dildo and gay porn. Within seconds, Tim was masturbating with the dildo inserted.

“What’s your name” jested Josh, Tim stared back with a blank stare “I rest my case”

“See Jason, do not fuck with us” said Josh leaning up against the cage.

A lab technician joined Josh and they talked in hushed tones, until Josh became visibly angry.

“I know he reached stage five but you must be able to get him back to at least stage two.”

“Like I said, he is stuck at stage three.”

“Fucking hell, when will he wake up?”

“I can wake him now?”

“Do it. If he is mentally there we can shave the chimp, until he has completed the assignment. Why couldn’t he control his prick!”

The lab technician opened the cage to the right of Jason and gave the man a shot in the neck. He quickly retreated and locked the door. The beast stirred.

He sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes with his heavy hands. Jason sat watching the man in the next cage, becoming aroused by the man’s hairy chest and thick beard.

“What is your name?” Quizzed Josh

“Thomas, Thomas Watson. Where the fuck am I?” Said the man; Jason was stunned and slowly started walking over to the other cage.

“Good, Who is the prime minister?”

“Gordon ‘fucking’ Brown. Why the stupid questions? Where is the antidote?” asked Thomas, his hand stroking his hard on.

“Thomas, stop wanking! Did you get the Company to stop?” demanded Josh. Thomas momentarily removed his hand before continuing again.

“Thomas, its me Jason, the flight attendant” Thomas looked up and smiled.

“We fucked, you were hot!” acknowledged Thomas, quickening his strokes.

“Did you get the Company to stop?” reiterated Josh.

Thomas grunted and came in his hand, raising it to his mouth, licking his fingers clean. “No, give me the antidote and I will stop them. Please don’t leave me like this”

“Thomas, you have had the antidote – this is as good as it gets. Fuck we will never pull this off.” Cursed Josh.

The statement registered in Thomas’ mind, he stood up and looked at his body, thinking of this wife and his job. “Josh I can do this; I’ll stop the Company you can work on a better antidote. I know all their secrets, we can do this” pleaded Thomas.

“How Thomas? You are wanking again. You have no control. How would you get in the building if you are constantly wanking?” Josh placed his head in his hands.

“Look, I’ve stopped” assured Thomas but by the time Josh had looked around his hand was back. “What will happen to me?” Asked Thomas.

“Without further treatment you will completely devolve and we will put you deep into the Amazon. The only thing you will get to fuck is an occasional bastard logger”

Thomas slumped onto the floor, sobbing, with his right hand wanking his member.

Josh walked out of the lab and was met by his superior. “Josh come with me” They entered his office and shut the door.

“Sir, I have…”

“Josh, I am fully aware of how this fucking nightmare has turned out”


“You’re fired, get out”



Josh walked to the door but couldn’t turn the doorknob.

“Its difficult without opposable thumbs” said his superior. Josh looked at his hand and his thumb had shrunk and moved up his arm.

“Josh I switched your pills to placebos at the start of this fiasco. I hope you like Labradors?”


Jason woke to the sound of his answer phone. “Jason you have been AWOL for over a week. You better call in today or you’ll be fired.”

He sat up and checked his body; he was the same as he remembered from the cage. The phone rang again and ran to answer phone “Jason, one tablet every morning. Start now and await orders”.

Jason got out of bed, picked up the tablets and through them in the bin. “Captain Wilson will join the pack” He said as he left the apartment.