
By BigAndLovinIt


It was nice to finally have a normal day, Ronnie thought, but it was still too early to tell. He stood in front of a tall mirror as he tucked in his blue button-up shirt. He moved his arms around and straightened his shirt before he sighed and stared at himself. It was getting to the point that his own face was starting to become foreign to him. He turned his clean-shaven face from left to right as he stared at his brown eyes for a moment. He straightened up and rocked back and forth on his heels, his slender 5'8" form rising up and down for a moment.

Who are you, he thought to himself.

"Hey, baby. Wow, looking sharp!" Tuck nearly whistled as he wrapped his arms around Ronnie from behind. "Looking sexy!" Then he gave a mischievous grin as his hands slid downwards but its descent was quickly stopped.

"I have to get ready for work," Ronnie reminded him, staring at Tuck's reflection in the mirror.

Tuck was eight inches taller than him, but that wasn't what drew Ronnie. It was the spiky blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and his 'I don't give a fuck, life is good' attitude. But had he known what Tuck was like, he probably would've turned around and left the bar that night.

"I'm bored," Tuck complained, pouting momentarily. "Don't you want to play?"

"I have to get ready for work," Ronnie reiterated. "I want to go to my normal job as myself now. Can I do that? Today, at least?"

"Come on... You don't want to do something else? Not even a little bit?"

"No, not really." Ronnie straightened his shirt again. "I'm still recovering from being Officer Chubby last week."

"Then I'll make you big and strong this time."

There was no mistaking it. Feeling himself shift a couple inches taller against Ronnie, he frowned a bit. Suddenly the sleeves of his shirt felt constricting. His shirt tightened as his chest swelled. His jeans creaked as his thighs grew thicker.

Hoping to distract him, Ronnie quickly suggested, "You know, Tuck, you could get a job yourself if you're bored all the time."

"Nah," he shrugged, his hands resuming their trip down until he grabbed at his boyfriend's bulge. "It gets boring changing everyone in a workplace. You can't really do anything with them." Tuck smiled as soon as he felt it; Ronnie's eyes had closed when he leaned back against his chest, almost as if finally welcoming his touch.

The more his bulge was played with, the more Ronnie knew that his cock was swelling bigger. It stiffened inside his slacks, forming a tent that would be impossible to hide when he leaves, or rather, if he leaves. He could already feel himself turning into putty in Tuck's mischievous hands.

"I wanna do something fun today. I wanna go somewhere..." Tuck studied their reflection in the mirror when Ronnie didn't protest. "I wanna hit the road and travel. I just want to go somewhere. Doesn't matter where... Just somewhere! You know the feeling I'm talking about, don't you?"

Ronnie felt it as soon as he heard the question. It welled up inside him and he nodded. He wanted to hit the road, too. This time he had missed it; he was inching taller and taller, his widening shoulders and lengthening torso was tugging his shirt partially out from his pants. He felt something resting on his left shoulder and his eyes opened quickly. Now seeing eye-to-eye in the mirror, Tuck was able to rest his chin on his shoulder. Ronnie felt ridiculous with the lower five inches of his legs being revealed.

"You're a strong man now," Tuck said, enticing muscles to swell all over Ronnie.

The second and third buttons strained as the pecs beefed up even more but he was distracted by the sudden shredding as his upper arms swelled thicker than the sleeves could hold.

"Yeah," Tuck cooed in Ronnie's ear. "You're a big man. Every step you take gives you command, presence..."

The end of Ronnie's shoes bulged madly as his toes swelled up against them, being pushed forward as his feet grew wider. Discomfort grew until a couple pops were heard, the ends of his shoes finally exploding open. The pinched feeling faded away to a cool sensation as his socked feet inched out onto the floor. His cock stretched over to the side while his balls swelled, forcing the pants zipper to shine in the light.

"You have a healthy appetite," Tuck snickered.

Sure enough, a layer of fat was spreading over Ronnie's body. The khakis exploded as his thighs grew rounder and rounder. His flat stomach puffed out, inch by inch, just enough that it finally dug his shirt free, forming a slight paunch that strained at the buttons. Tuck admired it with his hands, his own crotch hardening up against the seat of Ronnie's pants.

"In fact, your desire for good eating matches that of my desire to travel..."

Poomf! Poomf! Poomf! Poomf! went the buttons as Ronnie's middle swelled as if an air hose was put to it. It surged forward and outwards. His ass swelled rounder and rounder, quickly doing away with the seat of his pants. His shoulders seemed to grow wider as the firm layer of fat thickened even more. His face grew rounder, fuller, and he couldn't help but smile at his reflection. All of his clothes ripped to pieces and had fallen to the floor except one thing; his underwear, but it was already being put to the ultimate test.

"Yeah, feel that gut of yours!" Tuck said, watching as it swelled to fifty, sixty, seventy inches. "It's hard, it's firm, it's sturdy. It's like a god-damned wrecking ball." Ronnie did so, slowly feeling his big front before Tuck continued, "Really feel it! With those big strong hands of yours! Look at them! Look how big your hands are."

Ronnie watched as his fingers grew longer while his palms widened. His hands were getting so thick that if he made a fist, it was almost like he was wearing boxing gloves. Then with renewed vigor, he grabbed his belly with both hands and was awed at how firm and round it was.

A donut had materialized out of nowhere in Tuck's hand as he brought it up for Ronnie to smell. "Smells good, doesn't it? A fried donut with powdered sugar on top. Can you smell it? Take a bite."

As that donut came closer, he opened his mouth and took the whole thing in one bite. For a moment Tuck feared that he'd lose a few fingers but he felt a wet tongue licking the powdered sugar off his fingers as he slowly withdrew them. Ronnie moaned, chewing noisily before he swallowed. Tuck offered another donut, and another, and another, and they all vanished with ease into Ronnie's mouth. A few seconds later a loud belch erupted out of him.

"It's like a cauldron, this thing," Tuck said, his own hands roaming the firm expanse, ruffling the hair as it continued to expand to eighty, eighty-five, ninety inches. "There's a fire in here, Ronnie! Yeah, anyone that looks at you can tell. It's all over you. It's all over your face."

Ronnie's brown hair was quickly turning red. His body hair followed suit but more and more hair was sprouting, curling all over his body. Hair pushed out over his lips and along his chin, turning into a well-groomed mustache and long beard. A red rug formed over his chest while a thick hairy treasure trail grew downward over his belly and around his belly button. His pubic bush puffed bigger and bigger, with more and more curly hair.

Tuck's chin slid off his shoulder as Ronnie inched up again, two, three, four inches taller than him, settling at 6'8, a foot taller than he was moments ago. After shrugging Tuck away from him, he turned from side to side, admiring his profile. He was big, he was thick, he was furry, he was... who was he?

Tuck had something else in his hand now. "For you, big guy," he said as he reached up and tugged it onto Ronnie's head. It was a gray hat with mesh on the sides. "How are you feeling, ...Eddy?" At that moment, Ronnie's eyes turned light blue, almost appearing like faded denim. As Ronnie tugged on his hat a few times to make it more comfortable on his head, he was unaware that he swelled several more inches taller, turning into a solid 7' wall.

That's who he was now. A trucker named Eddy. He remembered now but he wondered if he ever remembered it before, yet a big grin appeared as he was mesmerized by his reflection in the mirror. He was a big strong trucker that only an idiot would mess with. When he spoke, his voice came out deep. "I'm hungry. Thinking of getting on over to Iowa for some of their famous loose meat sandwiches."

"Yeah?" Tuck was pleased, ready to hit the road. He can already see images in his mind of the road blurring underneath them, the hot wind blowing in their hair, the faces of many waitresses greeting them...

"But first," Eddy growled as he turned to look at him. "I'm gonna fuck yer ass good." There was no hiding the thick cock that stretched the underwear far out beneath his ballbelly. A slimy wet spot was already forming at the tip as Eddy advanced on Tuck.

"Come on, Eddy! Road trip first!"

But there was no reasoning with the big guy. Eddy grabbed him up into a big bear hug and walked over to the bed. His mustache stretched real wide as he stared at Tuck.

"No... Eddy! Come on. You're far too heavy!"

"Yeah, boy. Timber!" Eddy squeezed him tighter just before he fell forward, all of his weight crashing down on Tuck as they landed on the bed.

Tuck sputtered like a balloon as all the air was pushed out of him while he sank deep into the mattress. The bed frame gave out a nasty metallic complaint from the impact before it squeaked a few times as Tuck found himself being ravished by a big angry, hungry growling bear.