Titan Tim

Titan Tim: Chapter 1

Tim was pissed as he drove his car home from work. Usually he was more than happy to punch the time clock and race out of the lab as soon as quitting time hit. But today even the prospect of going home for the evening was doing nothing to lighten his mood. It wasn't that he hated his job. In fact it was a decent paying job for janitorial work. And, he had to admit it was pretty cool to work in a government lab even if all he was doing was sweeping floors and emptying trash cans.

Everything had been fine until an hour before his shift ended. He had been doing his usual duties when one of the egg-heads in the chemical lab had asked him to come in and do a detail clean. He agreed of course, since all the lab technicians were his supervisors. He had just been minding his own business, doing his job in the lab, when an alarm had sounded. Before he had time to react he felt a wave of something wet and sticky slam into his body full force.

He'd been knocked off his feet by the impact and crashed to the floor as a viscous, noxious substance washed over his entire body. It soaked his uniform, his skin, his hair, and even managed to get into his eyes, nostrils, and mouth. It was as sticky as maple syrup; if only it had tasted as good. It was sickeningly sweet, and sour, and pungent. It tasted like pure sugar, rotten vegetables, and something foreign and definitely chemical. As Tim pulled himself to his feet coughing and sputtering he could hear the sound of footsteps racing toward him.

Still blinded by the goop in his eyes he couldn't see the technicians, only feel their hands on him as they dragged him to a shower in the locker room of the lab. He felt the warm water spray against his face, and when the substance was finally cleared from his eyes he opened them. He realized they had stripped the uniform off of him and was standing nude in the shower with a florescent green liquid running off his body mixing with the water from the faucet.

Disgusted by the stickiness he felt all over he started to vigorously scrub the gunk from his body. The substance sloughed off of his body and into the drain. He was a bit embarrassed to be so exposed in front of a bunch of lab-coats, but he knew they were only trying to make sure he was alright. He opened his mouth to rinse the bitter taste from his mouth. After spitting the water into the drain he turned to address one of the technicians that was standing outside the shower.

“What the hell happened?” He asked his voice thick with irritation.

The bespectacled, thirty-something, male technician hesitated a moment. He seemed to be trying not to answer Tim's question. The hesitation only made Tim more irate.

“I said what the hell happened?!” Tim asked again raising his voice.

The tone of Tim's voice caused the Tech to jump a little, then he begrudgingly answered Tim's question.

“One of the chemical tanks had a breach.” He explained. “We sounded the alarm too late. You were directly in the path of the spill.”

Tim's irritation suddenly turned to panic. “What!?” He exclaimed rushing out of the shower, water still dripping off of him. Fortunately all traces of the green goop had been rinsed from his skin. “What was that stuff!” He was starting to feel his anger flaring up again. “What the fuck did you poindexters expose me to?”

The Tech's face grew red at Tim's expletive and insult, but undaunted he handed a towel to him and continued to explain. “I'm afraid that's classified, but the important thing is you appear to be alright.”

“Yeah no thanks to you!” Tim fired back, snatching the towel from the Tech's hands.

He furiously began to dry himself off. He was too pissed to care that he was standing naked in front of someone he barely knew. Under the circumstances he was just going to have to swallow his modesty. At least his body was in fairly good shape. Tim was taller than average height with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes. His limbs were long but well muscled. Although the muscles of his body were now layered with some fat from years of beer and burgers. And he had managed to grow something of a paunch over that time as well, but he was still confident enough to go shirtless on a hot summers day. When he finished drying himself he scanned the floor for his discarded uniform. The Tech noticed what he was doing and spoke up again.

“We had to destroy you're uniform.” The Tech said. “It was completely contaminated. We have bio-hazard procedures for a reason you know.”

Tim shot the Tech a death glare. “Then what the hell am I supposed to wear?” He grumbled.

The Tech held out a clean lab coat. “You can wear this till you get to the Medical Center.” He said.

“Medical Center?” Tim asked, his brow furrowing. “I'm getting the fuck out of this place and going home.”

The Tech shook his head matter-of-factly. “We need to run some tests on you before we let you leave. Standard procedure; you understand.” He reached to take Tim by the arm to guide him to the infirmary, but Tim jerked his arm away.

“Don't touch me.” He huffed as he grabbed the lab coat and covered his naked body. “I'll get there my own damn self!”

The Tech shrugged and pointed the way to the Medical Center. The next half hour was spent having his body poked, prodded, and inspected by a dozen or so doctors. Tim tried to keep his cool as they all examined him like some kind of science project. He had to hold his hands over his crotch just to keep himself from feeling like some animal. After they had hooked him up to wires and taken a pint of blood, they finally brought him a fresh uniform to put on. As he was finished buttoning up the shirt. The chief physician walked up to him and addressed him. The physician was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper closely cropped hair and steely gray eyes.

“Well it looks like everything checks out. You're vital signs are stable. You haven't sustained any burns, and your blood work is normal; which means you haven't been poisoned” The doctor explained as he flipped through a chart.

Tim narrowed his eyes at the doctor. “You gonna tell me what that stuff that splashed all over me was?” He asked tersely.

The doctor looked up to meet Tim's harsh gaze, and shook his head. “That's classified information, and besides it appears that you are unharmed. We're going to let you go home.”

Tim scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Gee what a relief.” He said sarcastically.

The doctor paid no mind to Tim's tone and continued speaking. “You'll be fine to return to work tomorrow. But if you are feeling any side effects you need to report them to us immediately.”

“Will do.” Tim mumbled. He turned on his heel and stomped out of the Medical Center. When he was sure the doctor was no longer in earshot he said. “Asshole.” under his breath.

As soon as Tim left the examination room the doctor strode over to a phone on the wall. He picked up the receiver and dialed a series of numbers. When the other line picked up the doctor began speaking. “We may have a problem.” He said into the phone. “There was breach in the Growth Hormone tank. Someone has been exposed.”


Now Tim was on his way home. At least there he could relax, and try to forget the whole thing ever happened. He had to get rid of his foul mood before he got home. His room mate Zach would be home already and Zach didn't deserve to bear the brunt of Tim's bad day. Zach was the best friend Tim had. They had been friends and room mates for years. They had always been there for each other so it wouldn't have been fair to make Zach pay for his bad experience at the lab. Tim scratched at his neck as he turned onto the street that lead to the house. His skin felt itchy all over. It was annoying. He had no idea what he was exposed to or what it could do to him, but he didn't want to think about it anymore.

“Fucking lab-coats.” He cursed to himself.

Finally the house came into view and Tim felt a sense of relief. He pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. Taking a deep breath he exited the car and headed for the front door. He managed to wipe the scowl off his face just as he slid the key in the door and opened it to step inside. The smell of a home cooked meal was the first thing that greeted him. That actually put a smile on his face. Zach got home earlier than Tim did everyday and was always happy to make dinner for the both of them. Zach was not only considerate, but also a damn good cook. Tim walked into the kitchen and made a b-line for the fridge. Opening it up he took out a bottle of his favorite beer and popped the top off. He sat down at the kitchen table and shot Zach a grin.

“Smells great.” Tim said taking a swig from the bottle.

Zach flashed him a grin in response. “Thanks. It should be ready soon.” he responded. Then he noticed that despite Tim's grin, something about his body language was off. “Is something wrong?” He asked. “You seem kinda beat.”

Tim sighed and smirked. “You know me too well.” He said. “There was an accident at the lab today.”

Zach's interest was suddenly piqued. “An accident?” He asked, concerned. “What kind of accident?”

Tim shrugged. “Some chemical vat busted and I got doused with the crap inside it. I was soaked head to toe.” He answered.

Zach stopped what he was doing and took a seat at the kitchen table opposite Tim. “Oh my god, are you okay?” He asked. That was just like Zach, always looking out for everyone.

Tim nodded. “The doctor thinks I am. He said it wasn't poison, and I wasn't harmed. Wouldn't tell me what the hell I was covered in but he said I was fine.” He answered taking another swig. “But he said if there were side effects, that I should let them know.”

“Well, are there?” Zach inquired.

“Are there what?” Tim answered with another question.

“Side effects.” Zach clarified.

Tim shrugged again. “No I don't think so, I just feel kinda....itchy.” He stood up from the table. “Do I have time to shower? I feel like once at the lab wasn't enough.”

Zach nodded. “Yeah sure, of course.” He said. “Go, take a nice hot shower and dinner will be done by the time you get out.” Then he shot Tim a sympathetic look. “But if you start to feel sick I'm taking you the hospital.”

Tim smiled. It felt good to have someone that cared about him so much. “Sure thing bud.” He said, then turned to exit the kitchen. “I'll be out in a bit.”

He headed upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He turned the nozzle to the hot water, and started to take off his clothes. His skin still felt itchy, and also a little tingly. He could still taste that acrid chemical taste in the back of his throat. He grimaced and stepped under the stream of hot water. The heat felt good as it hit his tense muscles. He started to relax, feeling better for the first time all day. He lathered with soap, rinsed, and repeated several times before he finally felt clean enough. Turning off the shower and stepping out he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for his bed room. From his dresser he pulled out a shirt, jeans and fresh boxer briefs. Once he was dressed again he descended the stairs and went back into the kitchen. Zach had already set the table and laid dinner out.

Tim took a seat as Zach set a heaping pile of lasagna on his plate. “Thanks man.” Tim said, feeling like he was finally himself again; so much so that he realized just how hungry he was. He dug in and thoroughly enjoyed Zach's home cooking. He was eating with more gusto than usual and Zach took notice.

“Wow, you're really hungry.” Zach observed. “Did you skip lunch today?”

Tim swallowed his mouthful and shook his head. “No.” He answered. “I ate lunch, but for some reason I'm just really hungry tonight.”

Zach had already finished the smaller portion he'd dolled out for himself. Zach usually ate light, but he always made family sized meals because he knew Tim had a big appetite and a tendency to stress eat. Zach motioned to the pan of lasagna that was more than half full. “Well go ahead man, eat all you want.”

“Thanks dude.” Tim said scooping another large portion onto his plate. “I guess you're cooking is just that good.” He continued eating, savoring every bite, until he'd satiated himself. By the time he was done the pan was scrapped clean. He leaned back in the chair and moaned softly at the feeling of fullness. His paunch was a bit rounder and bigger than it had been when he'd sat down to dinner and his shirt stretched across it tightly. He rubbed it a moment and let out a belch.

Zach was a little surprised at how ravenous Tim had been during dinner, but he was happy that his efforts had been appreciated. “Feeling better?” Zach asked, with a friendly smile.

Tim nodded and returned the smile while one hand absentmindedly rubbed his distended belly. “Yeah man, that was really great.” He answered. “Thanks again, that was just the thing I needed after such a shitty day.” He picked up the beer bottle from the table and took a swig of it. He let out a small grunt after swallowing the alcohol. Maybe he had overdone it a little. His shirt was feeling very tight across his stretched gut.

Zach took notice. “You sure you're ok?” He asked. “I'm still worried about that chemical you were exposed to.”

Tim smiled again reassuringly. “Yeah bud I promise I'm okay.” He replied setting his beer down on the table top. Before he could say anything further to Zach there was a loud rumbling sound that filled the kitchen. Both men were caught off guard by the sound. Zach's eyes shot to Tim's stomach, realizing that was where the sound had emanated from. Tim looked down at his gut in just as much surprise and put his hands on the bloated sphere it had become during the course of his meal.

“That was weird.” Zach said. “Are you still hungry?” he continued hazarding a guess that maybe Tim's appetite was still going strong.

Tim shook his head, and suddenly a strange sensation came over him. The itching and tingling feeling returned to his skin. He felt like there were pinpricks all over him. A wave of dizziness hit him and he felt light headed. “Whoa, uh, man I don't feel right.” Tim answered as his hands moved from his gut to his temples. The dizziness wasn't getting any worse but the pinpricks and tingling were and even in his current mental state he realized his clothes were feeling tighter.

Zach's expression changed to one of concern. “You're not okay at all.” He stated. “Come on.” Zach stood up from the table. “We need to take you to a hospital or something.”

Tim stood up as well but held his hands out to stop Zach. “No no I...I...it's not.” He stammered as the feeling of tightness all over his body began to increase. The dizziness subsided and his vision cleared. Tim was about to protest further until he got a good look at his hands. Were they bigger? He looked over to Zach and it dawned on him that Zach looked a little shorter than he had remembered. The tightness of his clothes was getting worse by the second. Even his shoes felt too tight for him.

In the next instant a wave of euphoria hit him hard. He felt it wash over his whole body and it felt amazing. The feeling was better than being drunk, better than poppers, better than cumming. He let out a moan of pleasure and looked down to see that his bloated paunch looked even bigger than it had before. He watched as it actually seemed to be growing. It was getting rounder, and bigger, and actually getting fatter. His shirt stretched tighter across it, the buttons managing to hold on but gaps began forming in between them. Patches of tan soft flesh began to peek out of the gaps. The seat of his pants felt like it could split at any second as his ass ballooned out larger and rounder as well.

The euphoria he was experiencing was so intense, but Tim managed to keep himself focused as best he could on what was happening to his body. His arms and legs were beginning to get thicker as they swelled up. Seams stretched and pulled tighter, tears beginning to form. He was getting taller as well. When the transformation had began he was an slightly above average 5'10''. Now, he had to be close to 6'3''. The underside of his gut rounded out further and pushed forward cracking his leather belt with a loud SNAP. The hem of his shirt rode up over his navel which was getting deeper with each pound being added to his frame. His feet were hurting more and more as he could actually feel them getting longer and wider. As he continued to grow he edged closer and closer to the ceiling, now probably somewhere around 7'8''. The globes of his fattened ass split the seat of his pants in two and the tops of his beefy checks began to peak over the edge of his underwear waistband. Even the hem of his pants were ridding up showing ankle and then stretching across the calf as they inched up.

The buttons across his ballooning belly gave up the struggle and popped off one by one exposing it as it was freed from the confinement of the cloth. His pecs softened and swelled up beefier with his nipples expanding rapidly. The weight of his underbelly caused the button on his pants to rocket off with such force that Zach actually had to dodge it as he stood there transfixed by the sight of his best friend transforming into a behemoth. Tim's now completely exposed gut swelled bigger and fatter causing the zipper of his pants to be forced down as it filled. He grew several inches taller now close to 9 feet tall. The seams at his sleeves dissolved and the tattered shirt fell to the floor.

His toes burst free from his shoes and the soles separated from the tops at the same time his pants shred and joined the remains of the shirt beneath him. Still in a daze Tim looked down on himself again to see his belly had grown so big and round he could no longer see his feet. He glanced at Zach and was dumbstruck at how small he looked from that vantage. The only article of clothing still intact on Tim was a pair of briefs that was quickly being destroyed by his inflating ass and swelling cock. The euphoria that had washed over him when the growing began, had stiffened his cock to rock hard. The elastic stretched as far as it could take before snapping off with the force of a slingshot. His cock, hard as steel now free of the cotton briefs sprang up and thumped against the soft flesh of his underbelly. The motion sent a ripple through the fat piling onto his gut and made it quiver. The round inflated globes of his ass cheeks bounced and jiggled as they tore through the thin cotton of his briefs.

“What the fuck?” Tim moaned as he felt cool air hitting the hot flesh of his bare skin. His head getting dangerously close to the ceiling.

Now naked, hulking, and still growing larger as he grew taller. His legs and arms swelled larger as muscle grew beneath the soft layers of fat to accommodate the newly added weight and height. He felt massive. He felt as though the growing would never stop. A rational part of his brain buried deep beneath the feelings of ecstasy worried that he might outgrow the room. His enormous cock was dribbling precum at the excitement of what was happening to him. He looked up and saw the ceiling was mere inches from his head. He put his hands against the ceiling as if in some vain attempt to stop his growth. Tim's senses collected themselves and for the first time since the growing started he was able to think clearly. In the next instant the growing had seemed to stop, at least for now.

He looked down at his body, newly grown, fattened, and massively thick. “Oh shit!” He exclaimed realizing that as he spoke how much deeper and louder his voice sounded. He looked down at Zach, who was still standing there slack-jawed and wide eyed at what had just occurred. “Dude, what happened to me?” He asked.

Tim's question seemed to snap Zach out of his trance. Zach shook his head to clear his thoughts and then answered. “I don't know.” He started. “It must be a side effect from that chemical that spilled on you.”

Tim looked down at his body again. “Some fucking side effect.” He said sarcastically. He reached down to grab a hold of his huge round belly and felt his fingers sink into soft flesh. He marveled at how heavy and full it felt. “What the fuck kind of chemical did they spill on me?”

Zach was still wide-eyed and a bit nervous about approaching his giant friend but he did his best to help Tim figure out what had happened to him. “It must have been some kind of growth hormone.” He hazarded. “Didn't you say you got soaked in it?”

Tim was listening to Zach but he was still focused on exploring the changes that had come over him. He looked behind himself to see a massive round ass sticking out behind him. His hands went from his belly to his huge doughy pecs. “Yeah but if it was a growth hormone, then why did I get so fucking fat too?” He answered with his own question.

Zach shrugged his eyes still round as saucers his eyes fixed on Tim's deep belly hole, the underside of Tim's belly now level with the top of Zach's head. Tim's still stiff cock was still bobbing up and down lightly slapping the fat above it, small ripples quivered through that softest fat at the bottom of Tim's belly. “I don't know. It must make things bigger all over.” Zach said.

Tim released his soft man-boobs and watched as they bounced a little as they hit the top of his mamoth belly. It was truly the largest thing on him. It was perfectly round and shapely, but obviously more fat than anything else since it was very bouncy. He reached down to grab his lovehandles now each so full that they spilled out of his palms as he grabbed them. He used them to shake his belly up and down and was almost horrified at how much it jiggled. Zach tried to deftly reach his hand into his pants and readjust his own hard-on without Tim noticing.

Tim didn't seem to realize what Zach was doing as he was still too stunned at his transformation. He released the sides of his belly and his hands flew up to run through his hair in frustration. “Oh man look at me!” he bellowed, his voice thick with embarrassment.

Zach winced at the sound of Tim's louder and deeper voice reverberating off his eardrums. Zach felt a tug on his heart as he watched Tim cover his face with his hands clearly upset by what had happened to him. When Tim removed his hands Zach could see his eyes were welling up. “I'm a fat freak!” Tim exclaimed his voice hitching slightly.

Zach shrugged off his apprehension and stepped even closer to his friend. “Oh Tim, don't say that, you're not a freak.” Zach replied looking up into his friends eyes.

“Zach, come on, look at all this.” Tim insisted. He slapped his belly and one of his pecs causing the fat to jiggle violently. When it settled again Tim continued. “And what about how tall I am? I can barely fit in the kitchen now, how am I ever gonna find clothes to cover all this? I'm just a huge, fat, disgusting freak.”

Zach wasn't sure if he could bring Tim out of his emotional state but damn it he was going to try. He reached up and gently placed his palms against the soft flesh of Tim's underbelly just below his belly hole, and softly began rubbing it.

A look of shock came over Tim's face. He looked down to see Zach touching his newly grown and fattened body. The feeling sent tingles through his whole belly. Apparently his skin had become more sensitive since his growth spurt. “Zach?” He asked nervously. “What are you doing? You don't actually like me like this do you?”

Zach smiled up at Tim reassuringly. He continued to move his hands tenderly across the incredibly soft skin of Tim's belly. Tim's cock was still throbbing and the sensation of Zach's hands on his belly had only caused it to throb more. “Tim, listen to me.” Zach started. “I know you're scared. And I don't know how or why this happened to you. But, and I'm being totally honest, I think you look amazing.”

Tim' expression changed from dejected to confused. “But I'm so....so....” Tim started.

“Beautiful.” Zach whispered as his watched the flesh of Tim's belly move under his touch. Wiggling and jiggling under Zach stroking.

That actually solicited a small laugh from Tim. “I was gonna say fat.” He replied. “And big.” He was twiddling his fingers together slightly nervous at the sensations he was feeling.

Zach stopped his rubbing for a moment. “Can you try to sit?” he asked.

Tim looked around him hoping to find a large enough space on the floor to accommodate his newly fattened ass and his massive bulk. He had to gently push the table away from himself with his leg. The table made a scraping noise as he moved it out of the way. When he thought he had enough room he carefully started lowering himself to the floor. He used the wall to support his back and slid down it until he could sit with his legs spread. The whole house shook slightly as his enormous ass finally touched the linoleum. Sitting his belly looked even rounder and larger than when he had been standing. It pushed his legs apart as it settled. His erect cock curled up against it still leaking precum.

Once Tim was seated Zach approached his mammoth protuberance and placed both hands against it again. Even with his arms stretched all the way out he still couldn't reach all the way around it. He leaned his face against it to feel the softness of the skin, and laid a few soft kisses against it. Tim inhaled sharply at the sensation and there was a tremble that worked its way up through his body. “You really like me like this?” Tim asked still a little apprehension in his voice.

Zach looked up to meet Tim's gaze and smiled sweetly. “I've never seen anything so beautiful.” Zach answered. He reached his arms up motioning to Tim. “Help me up.”

Tim took the hint and wrapped his massive hands around Zach's torso and gently lifted him off the floor. He placed Zach at the top of his belly just under his pecs and cradled him there like a doll. Zach continued his train of thought. “Look, you know I've always been attracted to you. And there were those times we fooled around when we were both drunk. But I've always wanted you. I want you now. I know you don't understand what's happened to you, and neither do I. I just want you to know that I think you are the most beautiful man I've ever seen. And whether your 6 feet tall or 600 feet tall, I will always be here for you.” He laid another soft kiss between the pudgy pecs of Tim's massive chest. “If you can't tell, I think I'm in love with you.”

Tim's expression of confusion melted into a look of pure affection. “You mean it?” Tim asked. “Even as giant fat ass?”

Zach chuckled lightly. “Baby, you're perfect at any size. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't love how BIG you got, all over.”

Tim returned Zach's chuckle. “Yeah I did get REALLY big.” He said slapping the sides of his gut causing Zach to bounce up and down on the top of his belly. He smiled at Zach. “Thank you.” He said and picked up Zach again by his torso. He brought Zach right up to his face and gently nuzzled him with his face. Zach hugged Tim's face with his whole body, kissing whatever skin he came into contact with. Tim's huge lips returned the kisses, they covered Zach's whole body. He held Zach against his face for a moment longer grateful that someone loved him despite the jarring modification that had occurred within him. “I love you too Zach.” He said, his warm breath causing Zach's hairs to stand on end and give him gooseflesh.

Zach took the momentary pause to ask a question. “Hey Tim, can I request something?” He asked.

Tim moved Zach back from his face. “Sure you can. What is it?” He replied.

Zach looked down to the floor. “Put me down. In front of your belly.” Zach said.

Tim smiled shyly and gently placed Zach back down allowing his feet to reconnect with the floor. Zach wasted no time once he was in front of Tim's belly. He practically started tearing his clothes off. Shedding his shoes, shirt, pants, socks and underwear with incredible speed. As soon as he pulled his boxers off his own erection sprang free standing at attention. Zach was practically hypnotized by the sight of the largest, roundest, fullest belly he'd ever seen before him. It was like a round wall of soft flesh just begging him to come and play. Zach was about to advance on the object of his lust when a quiet question from Tim stopped him in his tracks.

“Are you really sure you like this?” Tim asked rubbing the sides of his enormous belly.

Zach smiled broadly at his lover. “Yes baby, now let me show you how much.” He replied.

Zach advanced on Tim's belly. He pressed his naked body directly into the silky smooth flesh of the wall of belly before him. It was pliable and supple so Zach's body sank right into it. He even buried his face into it forgoing the need to breath for a few seconds. The feeling was indescribable. It was warm and oh so squishy. He began grinding his rock hard cock into the skin of Tim's belly humping it and feeling the silky flesh caress his cock. Tim let out a soft moan of pleasure obviously enjoying the feeling too. The precum Zach was leaking slicked the skin it was grinding against and Zach had to hold back from cumming. He didn't want to waste an opportunity to have a giant chubby man all to himself for a night.

Zach detached himself from Tim's belly before he took himself beyond the point of no return. He laid more kisses across the surface of Tim's gut trailing his way down to the navel. When he was finally on his knees staring into the dark cave of Tim's belly hole he reached for it with both hands. It was wide and perfectly round. Not caved in with fat, just a perfect hole just begging to be attended to. Zach was able to fit his hand easily into it, but that wasn't enough for him. His lust reignited he plunged his arm all the way into it. He was delighted to find that even with his arm all the way buried in it he still had not reached the very back of it. Tim's belly hole was incredibly deep. It narrowed within, enclosing his hand in the warm, velvety flesh. He flexed and wiggled his fingers causing Tim to start laughing.

Zach beamed up at Tim's face. Tim gently brushed a finger against Zach's face. “That tickles babe.” he said between giggles.

Zach stopped wiggling his fingers and retracted his arm from Tim's belly hole. “Sorry.” He said still grinning. He spread his arms across Tim's belly again and rested his head on it to look Tim in the eye. “Oh Tim you have no idea how amazing you look.” He said. He nuzzled the belly with his nose taking in the scent of Tim and loving it.

Tim felt better than he had felt in a long time, and certainly better than when he'd first transformed into the behemoth that was sitting in the kitchen. He had been so worried that no one would ever want to be around him as big and as fat as he had become. But his best friend, no, his lover, was not only accepting him but loving everything that had happened to him. He felt worshiped, and more than that, he felt hornier than he had in his entire life.

“My turn babe.” He said as he wrapped his hands around Zach's torso again. He lifted Zach up to his face again and aimed Zach's cock right at his lips. Such massive lips made Zach's cock look miniscule by comparison but that didn't bother Tim. He pressed Zach into his face so his cock slid right between Tim's enormous pillowy lips. Zach moaned in ecstasy as he wrapped his body around Tim's face getting the blowjob of a lifetime. He passionately kissed Tim's face, mostly on his nose but he knew Tim was feeling his love. Tim's hands held Zach firmly but lightly in place making sure he was secure. Zach felt himself getting closer to cumming and softly tapped on Tim's face to make him stop.

Tim complied and pulled Zach away for a moment. “Is everything okay?” Tim asked worried he had somehow hurt Zach.

“Yeah I'm great.” Zach replied a little breathlessly. “It's just I know where I want to cum. Put me back on your belly.”

Tim's face broke out into a huge grin. He pulled Zach back to his face and covered his whole body with kisses before scooting down the wall a little more so his cock and belly were more pronounced and protruding higher in the air. He lowered Zach until he was wedged between Tim's cock and his belly. Zach's cock slid directly into Tim's belly hole and the massive cock laying against his back. Zach began humping Tim's belly hole. It wasn't quite wrapping around his cock but Zach didn't care. He was fucking the biggest belly in the world and that was enough to drive him wild.

Tim began bucking his hips upward rubbing the shaft of his cock against Zach's back. The friction was bringing Tim closer and closer to finally climaxing. Zach was over taken by the passion of their love making.

“Oh baby, your so fucking beautiful. I don't know how this happened but I'm so happy. You're amazing. You're a god. You're a titan. You're.....” He babbled as he cam closer and closer to ejaculating.

“I'm your Giant baby, all yours.” Tim finished the sentence, breathing heavier. He thrust his hips up harder and his eyes rolled back. “Oh fuck!” He bellowed as he felt himself pushing past the point of no return. Zach was right there with him, humping his belly hole furiously.

“Come on baby!” Zach exclaimed. “Give it to me.”

Tim couldn't hold back any longer. He tensed his whole body. The sudden contraction of huge body caused cracks to form in the floor beneath him. A few more thrusts and Tim's cock erupted in a torrent of semen. It shot upwards like a fire hose splashing around the kitchen in large globs. Zach felt the hot cum splash onto his back, into his hair, showering him and running down his shoulders and chest. It pushed Zach over the edge and he came inside Tim's belly hole. He collapsed wet, sticky, but completely satisfied and happier than he had ever been onto Tim's tremendous gut.

He didn't hurry to disengage. He luxuriated in the feeling of being coated in Tim's warm cum and cradled in the glorious flesh of his belly. After a few moments passed and both men were breathing normally again, Zach felt Tim's hand gently on his back. Zach raised his head and smiled a dopey smile. “That was....I don't think there are words for that.” He said.

Tim chuckled again when he saw just how drenched Zach was. “God I'm sorry.” He said. “I guess I didn't think about how much more cum there would be at this size.” He looked around the kitchen to see the large globs of his semen splattered on the floor. “Fuck it's everywhere.”

Zach finally pulled his cock out of Tim's belly hole and slide down the slick skin to the floor. “Don't worry about it babe.” He said quickly. “I'll take care of it. I don't want you to worry about anything. I told you I was here for you.”

Zach started looking around the kitchen for something large enough to soak up all the cum, but Tim spoke up to stop him. “You should shower that off babe.” He said. “You don't want to get sticky and crusty. I'll get rid of all this.”

Zach had to admit that the prospect of washing off the copious amount of cum he was soaked in sounded like a good idea. “Are you sure?” He asked looking up at Tim.

Tim nodded. “Yeah, I'm sure, I'll just be.......here.” He said realizing for the first time that there was probably no way for him to exit the kitchen.

Zach slid down off the slick surface of Tim's protuberant belly and set wobbly legs onto the floor. He was still riding the wave of euphoria from the best sex he'd ever had. He laid a kiss on the wall of belly flesh before him and then headed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the shower.

Once Tim heard the water running he looked around for something, anything, he could use to soak up the semen starting to cool on the tile floor. He noticed that the only item in the kitchen large enough to possibly accomplish the job was the table cloth. He attempted to pull it deftly from the tables surface without breaking the plates and condiments still on the table top; but failed miserably when he underestimated his strength at his current size. The contents on top of table came crashing to the floor. As he pulled the cloth from under them.

“Damn it.” He cursed. But there was nothing to be done about it now. He wiped himself clean first before using it on the floor. Thoroughly saturated, he tossed it aside. Zach was still rinsing himself off and Tim came to the realization that he couldn't spend the rest of his life stuck in the kitchen. Whether the effects of the chemical were only temporary or permanent remained to be seen but the was beginning to get uncomfortable where he was sitting. He eyed the door frame and actually allowed himself to think he could squeeze through it.

Getting off his haunches and onto his knees he positioned himself in front of it. True it was far too narrow for someone of his size. But, he had grown very fat as well as tall, and after all fat was squishy and pliable. Perhaps if he went through at the just the right angle he would avoid any major damage to the house. He had managed to get his head and arms through, as well as his now much beefier man-boobs. However, getting his massive midsection through was going to be more difficult than he had anticipated. He had managed to get squeeze through just to his navel, when he found himself tightly wedged in place. Now his top half was sticking out in the living room, while his bottom half was still sticking out into the kitchen. The soft fat of his enormous belly was now painfully bisected by the door frame.

It was at that moment that he heard the water stop and the sound of the bathroom door opening. He felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him afresh as he watched Zach descend the stairs a towel wrapped around his waist to witness him stuck like some cartoon character. His cheeks actually flushed slightly as Zach approached him. Zach was obviously trying to hold back a grin, and managed to keep his tone of voice level.

“Um, what happened babe?” Zach asked neutrally.

Tim's embarrassment turned to agitation in a split second. “What do you think happened!” He bellowed. Zach actually jumped back a little and visibly winced.

Tim felt the agitation evaporate immediately. He didn't want Zach to be afraid of him. Zach was probably the only person in the world that wouldn't run screaming just at the sight of him. He sighed heavily. “I'm sorry.” He started. “It's just, I can't stay in the kitchen. I needed more room to....stretch out. And I don't think I can get through this damn door without breaking the wall.”

Zach gave him a sympathetic smile and nodded. “Okay....then do it.” He answered. Tim shot him a confused look. “Break the wall if you have to.” Zach clarified. “I'd rather spend the next couple of months doing house repairs then have you be so uncomfortable.”

Now it was Tim's turn to smile at Zach. Taking the cue he braced his huge hands on either side of the wall behind himself and pushed with all his strength. There was the sound of cracking and dry wall splitting as Tim hauled himself out of the door frame. When he'd managed to get himself all the way into the living room he looked behind to see a massive hole left where the door frame had been. “Oops.” He said sheepishly.

Zach shook his head. “I told you don't worry about it.” He said as he patted Tim's monumental shoulder. “I guess we'll have to sleep down here from now on.” He continued.

Zach statement snapped Tim back to the reality of what had happened to him. From now on? And what was he supposed to do? Never be able to leave the house again? And what if the effect never wore off? What if he stayed a giant fat ass forever? Or, what if he just kept getting bigger? Zach took notice of the expression on his face.

“What's wrong?” He asked.

Tim sighed again. “Zach, what if I'm like this for the rest of my life? What if I never shrink back down to normal? I mean come on, I can't just stay in the house forever. And what if I grow again? What if I just keep getting bigger, and taller, and fatter?”

Zach put up his hands to stop Tim's rant. “No matter what happens, I'm here for you, just like I said.” He replied. “And we can figure it out as we go. And, even if you do grow bigger, and taller, and FATTER, I'll never abandon you. Even if we have to hide you somewhere I will still be there, and you will still be the most beautiful man I've ever seen.”

Tim's fears were quelled just enough by Zach's outpouring of affection to quiet him down for the moment. He reached a jumbo palm out to pull Zach closer and laid a kiss on him that almost covered the man's entire head.

“You get comfortable down here and I'll be right back.” Zach instructed before bounding up the stairs again.

The living room was large enough that Tim could stretch completely out without touching any of the surrounding walls and the ceiling was vaulted so there was at least six or seven feet between the top of his humongous gut and it. He had to pull every single cushion and pillow off the couches that were sitting adjacent to him in order to make something of a pillow for his huge head. Once he had rolled over onto his back and laid his head down onto them he realized how tired he actually was. Between growing into the monstrous fat ass he had become and the fantastic sex he'd had with his room mate turned boyfriend; he was down right exhausted.

He heard Zach descending the stairs again this time clad in just a pair of boxers and carrying a blanket. Tim chuckled as he noticed what Zach was carrying. “I don't think normal sheets are gonna be big enough for me anymore babe.” He said playfully.

Zach smirked. “It's not for you it's for me.” He said as he stepped up to the mountain of skin that was Tim's belly. Then he glanced over his shoulder. “Can you give me a lift?” He asked.

Tim caught on to what Zach was intending and smiled broadly before taking a hold of his doll sized boyfriend and lifting him up to rest him on top of his immense tank of a gut. Zach snuggled into the soft flesh sinking in slightly and pulled the blanket over himself. He couldn't have imagined a more comfortable, supple kind of bed to sleep on. He turned over and caressed the silky skin beside him then yawned as he felt sleep begin to overtake him.

“Love you.” Zach said sleepily.

The bass of Tim's voice vibrated the flesh the Zach was currently nestled in. “Love you too.” Tim replied.