The Wrestler

Hamid was a big guy. 6’2” and 220 pounds, nearly all of it muscle. He didn’t look like the kind of guy one would want to mess with.. With dark, handsome features, thick eyebrows, a heavy beard and a strong hairy chest, he knew he was a near perfect image of masculinity. Yet despite this, Hamid wrestled with his feelings, his attraction to other men. Something he never felt comfortable to express.

Hamid walked into the weight room at his college gym and noticed Josh, a guy he had a few classes with. Josh was a handsome, athletic white guy, maybe 5’10” and 175 pounds, lifting some weights that Hamid could press with ease. Hamid had admired Josh’s good looks before, but had never dared say anything.

Now they were alone in the weight room together. Hamid felt like he could say something, he started eyeing Josh, getting slightly turned on by the smaller mans athletic form. He tried to ignore it, but so worked up, he couldn’t help but flirt with him. “Hows did you think that lass class went?” Hamid asked as Josh rested between a set. The two chatted and Josh admitted that he was trying to bulk up.

“Oh yeah?” Hamid asked. “Me too… maybe I can help you…. And maybe we can push each other and get bigger” He continued. “Wanna lift together? I was going to do chest too” Hamid said.

Josh saw the spark of interest in Hamid’s eye. He knew something was different. Hamid wasn’t just making gym talk, there was a clear look of desire. Josh watchedHamid bench presses with ease.

Josh clasped his necklace his grandfather left him, closed his eyes and concentrated hard and imaged a future for Hamid. Perhaps even a future with Hamid. Josh imagined Hamid would get the size what he wanted… and then some…

Hamid helped Josh with his workout and the two continued from flat bench on to incline, and then to flys. Josh was happy to see the big man taking such an interest in him, and he loved his passion in lifting. . The funny thing was that Hamid seems even more energetic than usual at this point in his workout. Suddenly Hamid felt a sensation of heat coming from his chest. At first he thought it was from exertion, but then he noticed that it has a different quality than the "burn" from exercise. He starts experiencing a little bit of vertigo

Josh looks on in anticipation, now Josh was the one who seemed to be flirting back.

Hamid and Josh wrapped up their workout. Hamid stood up. Something was different.He was now an imposing 6'3 , 250 pounds; he has already gained an inch and 30 pounds of muscular bulk. He sauntered off to the showers. Hamid didn’t really notice anything odd since he had been wearing a loose tank-top and elastic waistband shorts, though those were getting noticeably tighter on his growing frame.

Josh looked on in satisfaction, increasing satisfaction. Hamid was becoming noticeably bigger and more muscular as he showed. . Josh snuck in from behind and observed that Hamid was closing in on 6'4" and 275 pounds. He was getting enormously muscular. He was beginning to look more like a professional bodybuilder than a wrestler. Josh closed his eyes again and thought "beefier." Again, Hamid experiences a burning sensation, but it wasn't from the hot water. Hamid soaps up his growing pecs as his weight increased another 20 pounds. Now he’s a massive 295 pounds, a hulking, hairy-chested offseason bodybuilder. He looked magnificent at his new size. His whole look had embodied a powerful masculinity before… and now seemed all the more hyper-masculine….pumped full of testosterone and new mass. He looked like a towering monument to ultra- masculinity

Hamid took stock of the dramatic changes to his body. He had known something was happening but couldn’t figure it out. There was a lot of steam, so Hamid couldn’t really see clearly how much size he had put on, but he could feel it. His hairy pecs felt rounder, heavier and much beefier. His arms, far thicker and more muscular, and there seems to be much more mass as he soaped up his imposing frame. Concerned and wanting to understand the changes he rinsed the soap off his body and grabs for the knob on the shower. It wasn’t there. After fumbling around a bit he finds it much lower down than he expected.

Josh, standing on the sidelines, watching this sexy behemoth wash himself, sent more energy Hamid's way. The large man grew to 6'5" and an incredibly beefy 330 pounds. The stream of hot water stoped and the steam begins to dissipate. Hamid looks down in shock. He’s far taller and much bigger everywhere. His hairy pecs were now heavy, massive. His arms powerful and hugely thick. His back has widened so much that his arms now rest on his overgrown lats. His shoulders had taken on the huge rounded appearance and his traps rose higher and higher. He was truly enormous.

Josh appeared from the side of the showers and approached Hamid. Josh looked on with a gaze of lust and desire. Hamid’s enormous hairy chest heaving with each breath. His muscular legs had grown into gigantic tree trunks, and his abs barreled out into an enormous off-season muscle gut. In another wave of energy, Hamid gained another 20 pounds of muscle mass. Now he was twice Josh’s mass.. Hamid backs up from Josh's advance and bumped into the walls of the seemingly narrower shower stall..

“I feel… huge” Hamid said.

“You are...big guy… and you’re still getting bigger. “ Josh said as he moved in closer.

Josh noticed Hamid’s somewhat average six-incher now erect and sticking out between his gigantic legs. "Oops, forgot something," Josh thought. Hamid felt his balls tighten up and grow. Hamid grasps his manhood feeling wave after wave of erotic energy.

"Wouldn't want you to be out of proportion, would we?" Josh said. Hamid’s average dick began to expand. From 6 inches it goes to 6.5 inches...7 inches...7.5 inches…8 inches…”Holy fuck” Hamid exclaims in rapture….8.5”…..9”…."Fuuuuck!!!"

There’s a momentary pause and then Josh said, "Don't worry, there’s only a little more more to go...” 9.5 inches…. 10 inches…10.75 inches...11 inches...11.25 inches...

"That ought to just about do it," Josh said stopping the growth at a nice 12 inches erect. Hamid came a gigantic torrent in the shower stall, covering its walls.

Josh concentrated again as Hamid sees the glint in his eyes and wonders what is next. Hamid, exhausted and panting, started to grow again, packing on on another 30 pounds of beef and another inch in height, becoming an impressively tall 6'6" and enormous 380 pounds,

Hamid leans back, exhausted from his massive organsm. Hamid, finally begins to come to and realise that he has grown into utterly freakish size. “Holy fuck” He mutters “This is incredible… But… But I’m so huge…. How can I get dressed?” Hamid’s boxers were far too small for his greatly enlarged frame.

"Well, let's see if I have anything bigger," Josh said with a grin and reached into his gym bag, pulling out a very large pair of shorts about the size a massive powerlifter wear. He tossed them at Hamid.

"Here, try these on for size."

Hamid looks at the shorts and then back at Josh, "What is this? How have you… How is this possible? This is incredible. " He's both puzzled...and profoundly aroused and excited by the changes “These are huge!!!"

"Try them on," Josh said firmly, “it's an order, not a request!”

He lumbered his massive legs though the leg holes and pulls the shorts up. Every massively overgrown muscle flexed and tensed as he shifted his huge weight around the shower stall. The shorts were tight, absolutely skin tight. More like a G string than underwear, on Hamid's huge hulking body. His newly enlarged manhood was outlined tightly through the fabric when Josh once again held the necklace and sent some more energy Hamid's way.

Hamid’s huge cock starts to tingle and so does the rest of his body and he starts to grow again proportionally. Hamid can feel his big feet grow against the tile floor as they get larger. Hamid looks down at Josh, now barely chin high. “I’m fucking huge”

"How are those shorts fitting now? Still too big?" Josh asks gleefully. The shorts were starting to burst at the seems, Hamid cringes slightly as another seems bursts along his thigh. They tear apart even more as Josh into his gym bag again and pulls out a huge stringer tank top He tosses it to Hamid, “you know what to know, those huge hairy pecs would look good in this..."

Josh sends some more energy Hamid's way. His skin tingles all over. Hamid instinctively rubs his hairy chest. The hair on his huge, powerful chest starts to get denser and longer. Then it starts to spread. Soon his chest looks like a fur pelt, with hair spilling out over the tight stringer top he had just put on. So thick it became hard to see skin underneath. He was a total beast of a man.

Hamid noticed that, slowly but surely, Josh seems to be getting taller too. He is almost tall enough to kiss without leaning down. Lean, athletic Josh is looking bigger. His muscles were starting to grow more pronounced and more developed. Josh's face forms a smile. This had to be a dream.

Hamid once again became turned on watching the somewhat small, athletic man in front of him begin to grow. Josh’s arms thickened, his shoulders widened and his whole body bulked up. He looked closer to 200 pounds, then 210…. And within moments, lean, athletic Josh was looking just as big and beefy as Hamid had been before the insane growth had began.

“Fuck you look so good.” Hamid panted, stroking his now foot long cock. “Keep going… get huge!” Josh closed his eyes and concentrated. His arms and shoulders once against thickened and grew. Josh felt Hamids huge hands start running over his growing physique. “Fuck yeah Josh, get huge for me. Get that chest huge” He panted. Josh felt the energy radiating out from him. His whole body was feeling heavier, beefier, more tank-like.

Hamid came a second time, unleashing another load onto Josh’s beefy new body. Now up to 6’4” and 275 pounds, Josh was looking just as big as a professional bodybuilder. Josh couldn’t help but admire his own changes. He looked like the guys he jacked off to now, and Hamid, well, he could hardly have ever dreamed of a man as big as Hamid before.

Despite his new, powerful build and height, Josh was still feeling mischievous. He decided a little more size would be just the thing for his new lover. At a towering 6'6" Hamid cried out as he watched his whole body swell larger again.. "Big" Hamid is now absolutely gigantic. 440 pounds of hulking, inhuman, extreme offseason muscle. his body flexed with every movement, with each caress of Josh’s body. Hamid was supposed to have a wrestling match tomorrow, but he knew from then on the only man he would be wrestling would be Josh.

"I think we’re both big enough for now " Josh said very matter-of factly to Hamid. He lifted up his arms to rub his hands over Hamid ‘s huge, hairy, cannon-ball sized shoulders, Hamid’s inhuman mass was just so intoxicatingly sexy. There wasn't a bodybuilder his size anywhere else on the planet. This was it. Josh had transformed a sexy wrestler into the biggest bodybuilder ever.

Or at least, the biggest so far.

"Can you still fit in your car? Or can I give you a ride...?" Hamid can't even find his voice. He was so turned on.

“I’ll take that as a yes”, Josh said as he reached into his tight pants and pulls out his keys. “It's a Forrester, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble fitting in it… Well, You might still have trouble fitting in, but that's ok. I think we should go back to my place for a bit… maybe explore our new sizes. What do you think?”

Hamid nods. He was still too turned on but to think of anything but getting off again with this handsome, beefed-up hunk in front of him.

As they exit the locker room, Hamid's teammates Erick and Sam stroll in. Sam sees a towering, bodybuilder that Josh had become with the even more enormous, inhumanly muscular Hamid, Their mouths fall open, agape in shock. The two giant men left without a word.