The Trainer

____By Tommykat___

Joe stood on the street looking at the little doorway, tucked in between a pastry shop and a deli, staring at the note in his hand. The address seemed to be correct, he had written it down carefully, triple checking the information to make sure it was correct. As he looked back up at the nondescript entrance in front of him, however, he began to doubt he had the right address at all. Sighing and shrugging his shoulders, Joe stepped forward and tugged on the door, which opened easily, and he stepped inside.

Before him was a long, nondescript hallway, and he could see a light at the end of it. Cautiously he walked toward the light, until he emerged in what appeared to be a small private gym. There were some workout benches, a treadmill, a few rows of dumbbells and barbells, and off to one side was a mini juice bar. There was a doorway at the back of the room with a sign that read 'Showers/changeroom' in bold letters over it, and the wall across from it was lined with mirrors. Joe was looking in those mirrors when he noticed motion to one side of the room. Looking to his right, he spotted a guy using one of the benches, pressing a barbell over his head. Joe looked the man over as he benched, watching his plump pecs seem to get plumper then return to normal with each lift of the dumbbell, his round gut rising and falling with his heavy breaths. It was obvious the man worked out, judging by his beefy arms and legs, but Joe had his doubts about how good a trainer this guy could be. If indeed this was the trainer, with a gut like that. Not that there was anything wrong with that, Joe found the man to be very attractive. He liked the beefy ex jock look, the round gut below a nice pair of pecs, and the scruff on the face adding to the overall appeal. Hell, if he wasn't here to work out, he'd already be hitting on the guy. But as a personal trainer? Joe was very skeptical.

"Can I help you?" A voice rang out, pulling him back from his musings to reality. He glanced over and noticed the man had sat up, his belly bulging out in front of him like a medicine ball hidden under his shirt.

"Yes, I, um, I'm here about the ad for a personal trainer..." Joe began, unsure of how to word his next sentence, asking where the trainer was, without insulting the man.

"You've come to the right place. That's me. I'm Matt, nice to meet you." The big guy greeted the man before him, extending his hand for a handshake. Joe took the hand reluctantly and shook it, noting a strong grip and feeling a little bit better about the situation.

"I, um, wasn't sure about this, but I think we'll give it a go." Joe stated, looking around the room once more, taking in all the equipment.

"Great. Let's get started then." Matt replied, taking Joe off guard with his sudden eagerness to begin.

"Right now? I, um, didn't bring a change of clothes.." Joe admitted sheepishly, motioning to the jeans and tshirt he was currently wearing. He had only expected this visit to be an introductory one, not an actual workout, so he had come completely unprepared.

"Not to worry. I keep a stock of mens workout clothing, just in case. You aren't the first guy who's not brought anything with him. Just head into the changeroom and grab some clothing from the trunk in the corner." Matt motioned to the area Joe had spotted earlier, and the young man strode over to the door and stepped inside. Spotting the trunk against the wall, he walked over and opened the lid, a bit surprised by how much clothing was inside. Rifling through the pile, Joe pulled out a rather large pair of workout trunks and held them up, his eyes going wide at the sheer size of them. Checking the size on the label, he gasped audibly when he read '7XL'. Picking up a few more, he discovered the sizes ranged from small all the way up to 8XL. Joe sat there a moment in confusion, wondering why there was spare clothing in such big sizes here, but decided not to question Matt on the subject. He decided that perhaps, as a trainer, he had men of various sizes show up to work out. Some of them, just like himself, may not have come prepared either. Pulling out his size of workout clothes, Joe closed the trunk, then stripped down to his tight black underwear and put them on. The trunks were tight, and the tank top he had chosen hung comfortably on his average sized frame. Looking himself over in the mirror, he shrugged, deeming himself ready enough for a workout and left the changeroom.

"I see you found something that fit. Good." Matt remarked, looking over from the workout bench he was setting up as Joe came walking over. "Now then, have a seat and we'll get started with your training." The big man motioned to the bench beside him, and Joe took a seat, laying down on the flat, cushioned surface. He watched Matt place a bar in the supports over him, and begin placing weights on either end. At his vantage point, Joe could see right up the big guy's shirt, his round ball gut seeming to bulge out with every movement. When he reached with his arms to adjust a weight, his shirt rode up and exposed his gut. Joe had a full view of just how big and round it was, beach ball-sized with a sexy navel. So entranced was he that he did not hear Matt tell him to change his leg position, so the big guy leaned over to position Joe's legs himself, pressing his big belly into Joe's face in the process. He was barely able to take in a breath before he was smothered in the warm, soft belly, and a moan escaped his lips. His hands went up reflexively towards his face, but instead of pushing the big man off, Joe let his hands rest on the side of Matt's gut. He slowly let them glide along the soft curve of the big man's belly. He could feel Matt still move his legs into position, his warm hands on his thighs making him bulge a bit in his tight trunks. Joe became increasingly aware of his lack of air to breath, but he wanted to feel that big belly in his face for awhile longer. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult. Just when he thought he couldn't stand it anymore, Matt finished moving Joe's legs around and stood up, releasing Joe's face as he gasped for breath.

"Oh, sorry about that. I was just trying to adjust your position, but you kept moving your legs. I didn't realize my gut was covering your face." Matt stated with a straight face, and Joe didn't know if he was joking or serious. The big man placed his hands under his belly and shook it a couple times, before tugging down his shirt and reaching behind him, plucking a bottle of water up off another bench and handing it to Joe as he sat up, still panting. "Here. Drink this, and we'll get back to the workout."

Joe gulped down the water quickly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand once he's finished, handing the empty bottle back to Matt.

"Thanks. It was, um...unexpected. I'll be ok. Yea, let's get back to it." Joe laid back down on the bench, positioning his legs and planting his feet in the proper stance, and lifted the barbell off the bar holder. Under Matt's guidance, the rest of the workout went smoothly, with the big guy's belly only being a minor distraction as he spotted for Joe. When they finished, the two men headed for the changerooms to shower off. Joe tried to keep his eyes averted, but he could not help but sneak a glimpse or two at the sight of Matt's naked form. The man's big, round belly loomed out before him as he lathered it up, his hands caressing it almost lovingly while he washed off the soap. Joe turned the cold water up on his own shower, shivering a little at the drop in temperature but glad for the cooling down to put his hardon in check. After towelling off, where the two chatted some more about the workout while Joe made a point not to look at Matt, they got dressed and went back into the workout room.

"Okay. Ready to go eat?" Matt asked bluntly, and Joe just shrugged his shoulders and nodded. He was suddenly feeling a little famished, and grabbing a little bite to eat sounded like a good idea. The pair left the building and walked down the street, passing the deli next door which Joe had assumed they would be stopping at. After about a block Matt stopped outside an Italian restaurant and, after opening the door, motioned for Joe to step inside. They were greeted by a hostess, a pretty young blonde, who smiled brightly when she saw Matt.

"Hey, welcome back! Got another one, I see. Shall I seat you in the usual spot?" She queried, and Matt nodded his agreement. As she led them through the dining room, Joe went over the blonde's comment in his head. Another one? The usual spot? Obviously Matt had brought other clients here, enough that he had a regular spot he liked to be seated at. He was brought out of his pondering by the hostess stopping, signalling they had arrived at their table. It was a private booth at the back of the restaurant, set apart from the rest of the dining area by a large divider that stood separating the two sides. Matt took a seat on one side of the booth, with Joe sliding in on the other side, as the hostess passed them their menus before leaving. There appeared to be a large amount of room between himself and the table, and looking across the table Joe noticed that Matt's belly almost touched the edge. Attempting to adjust the table to be more evenly spaced, Joe discovered it was bolted to the floor. Watching his trainee in his attempts, the big guy just chuckled.

"They occasionally have rather large guests. They sometimes seat them back here so they can eat in peace, without all the stares." Matt explained, as the waitress arrived to take their order. Joe realized he hadn't even looked at the menu, but Matt spoke up before he even had a chance to open it.

"I'll have my usual, Sally, and he'll have the trainer special." Matt ordered for them both, and Joe just sat there, a little stunned. Did he just order for me?What the heck is the trainer special? He only had a moment to try to figure it out before the waitress returned with a drink that she sat down in front of the big guy, and another glass twice the size, that she sat down in front of him. He stared at the glass for a moment, before looking up at Matt.

"Is this for me? What all did you order? I'm not that hungry, you know.." Joe began, before Matt put his hand up to cut him off.

"Are you questioning the trainer? I know what's best, trust me. Now drink up." Matt commanded, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Joe until he sighed and gulped down what tasted like some sort of shake. As he set the glass down, the food arrived, and his eyes went wide as the waitress set down four plates in front of him.

"All this is for me?" He questioned, looking at Matt, who just nodded, arms still folded across his chest. With another sigh, Joe picked up his fork and placed a penne dish in front of him. He found that he was hungrier than he thought as he ate the pasta, and he made short work of that plateful and moved on to the next. Twirling large portions of spaghetti around his fork, he crammed it into his mouth, practically shovelling it in while he worked his way quickly to the bottom of the plate. Joe couldn't believe he was still hungry, making his way in record time through plate number three and onto plate four, all the while Matt ate his food slowly and watched with a smile. Once he was finished, Joe chugged his shake refill and slammed it down on the table, taking a deep breath and sitting back against the seat. His full belly outlined perfectly in the tank top, which now fit snugly over his packed, distended gut. He rubbed it carefully, moaning softly and taking slow, deliberate breaths. He hadn't eaten like that since his college years, and he felt so full and heavy, like a pile of lead in his stomach. Matt finished his meal and placed his fork on his plate, getting up from his side of the table and sliding over next to Joe. He reached out his hand and placed it on top of his trainee's taut belly, carefully rubbing it in a wide circle, while Joe sat back and groaned. He found himself reaching his own hand over and caressing Matt's big ball gut, the two of them sitting there for a few minutes, just rubbing and patting each other's bellies. Eventually, Matt looked over and smiled.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" He asked, and Joe wasn't sure if he was referring to his big ball or Joe's own packed gut. Either way Joe just nodded his agreement, as he sat there panting and his groin tingling from the warm, soothing sensation of having his tight belly caressed. They sat in silence for a few minutes more, enjoying the gentle touch of each other's hand on the rounded midsections, until the waitress arrived with the bill. Joe pulled his hand away quickly and blushed a bright pink, but Matt left his hand where it was, continuing to massage it while he fished in his pocket for some money and paid for the meal.

"Thank you. You didn't have to pay for my meal." Joe said, looking sheepish and still blushing.

"You're welcome. First one's on me. It's part of the training, after all." Matt replied, giving Joe's belly one more pat before the pair got up from the table. Joe moved a bit slower thanks to his tight, full belly. As they stepped outside into the sunshine, Matt turned to Joe, looking down at his gut with a smile before he moved his gaze back up to the man's face.

"So, same time tomorrow?" Matt asked, cocking one eyebrow up as he awaited the answer.

"Yea...yea, ok. Same time tomorrow." Joe responded, nodding his head as they both shook hands and parted ways. Joe watched the big guy walk away, his mind going over the day's events before he turned and headed for home, a smile slowly creeping over his face.

The next day went pretty much the same as the first day, other than a different workout routine, and after a quick shower and change they stopped at the same restaurant at the end. Again Joe was hungry after the workout, but this time around, he was going to pay for his meal, but Matt told him it was already taken care of. He had apparently made some kind of arrangement so neither of them had to pull out any money at the restaurant for the bill. Joe wasn't going to argue the point as he was getting a free meal, and he devoured it greedily, finishing it off quickly and letting Matt rub his packed gut. This daily routine of workout then meal went on the rest of the week, with a day off in between. By Friday Joe had to admit, he liked the workout and the attention he was getting from his trainer, and he was kinda enjoying the big meals, too. That tight, stuffed feeling felt rather good, and the belly rubs afterwards were always welcomed. As the weeks went by, Joe's strength increased, along with his waistline, as both the workouts and the meals were having a noticeable affect on his body. His arms and legs grew thicker, more muscular after all the training sessions. Even his ass had filled out, his glutes becoming rounder and more pronounced. The most noticeable transformation, however, was his growing gut. Now the size of a beachball, his belly jutted out in front of him in all its rounded glory, and this new paunch had forced Joe to buy bigger shirts just to contain its increasing size. In fact, Joe found all his clothing to be rather tight now, which he attributed to his increased muscle mass, thanks to his workouts. His coworkers and friends had commented favourably on his new size, none of them mentioning the gut he was sporting along with the muscle, and Joe himself was pleased with his overall look.

Weeks went by, and as the training continued, Joe could feel his arms and legs getting stronger as his muscles grew and developed. He'd stand in front of the mirror regularly, flexing his biceps and admiring their size and shape before he'd bring his hands down to rest on his round gut, which had grown from a small paunch into a regular beach ball of a belly. Rubbing the large curve of it that jutted out in front of him, he'd then slide his hands underneath it and bounce it up and down, enjoying the heft and the feel of it in his hands. It was an unintentional side effect of his training, or more precisely, the meals afterwards, but Joe found that he actually rather enjoyed having a gut along with the muscle. He liked the look and the feel of it all, and it made him feel big, and surprisingly, he found himself wanting it bigger. He was enjoying the attention from Matt, and found himself almost craving that tight, stuffed feeling he would have after the big meal. The more he thought about it, the more he found that to be what he looked forward to most out of his workout days, and he had to shake his head and remind himself that this was just the bulking part of his overall workout.

One morning, the day after a particularly big workout and even bigger stuffing afterwards, Joe slept in later than usual. He had the day off, both from work and his workout, and he as he finally roused from his slumber he found himself feeling particularly large and lazy. Reaching down to scratch his gut while he yawned, he was surprised to find his beachball gut still tight from the night before. Looking down at the mound that rose up before him, he poked at it a few times, his finger barely dimpling into the taut, round surface of his big ballgut. Having to roll over in order to sit up, he managed to get himself upright, his belly taking up his entire lap as he stared down at it in surprise. He ran his hands over the hairy, curved surface, sliding them underneath and lifting it up, feeling just how much heft and weight it had to it. With a grunt he stood up, his big gut making it impossible for him to see his feet.

Lumbering over to his dresser, he pulled out a pair of shorts to wear, but when he tried to put them on, he found he was having trouble reaching under his big gut to do them up. Once he finally managed to grasp hold of the tops, he couldn't pull them together to button them up, no matter how hard he tried. Giving up, he tried another pair, and another, going through his entire wardrobe of shorts and finding he no longer fit into any of them. Giving up, he threw on his workout shorts and grabbed a tshirt and pulled it over his head. When he tried to pull it down over his gut, it only went down to just above his navel, leaving his lower belly exposed. Grumbling to himself, Joe tried on every shirt he owned, with the same result. Even his workout shirt didn't fit the same way, which surprised him greatly, as it fit fine only the day before. With a sigh, the big man decided he had to go out and buy bigger clothes, otherwise he'd have nothing to wear at all that actually fit him. Pulling his workout shirt as far down as it would go and throwing on some sweat pants, he set off to the department store in search of bigger clothing, which took him longer to walk to than he remembered it being.

As Joe walked into the men's fashion section of the store, the young male clerk looked the big guy over, his eyes lingering on Joe's exposed midsection, peeking out from under his shirt and spilling over the top of his sweats. This made the big man uncomfortable about his size, feeling fat all of a sudden and very self conscious, and he shuffled over to the other side of the store, so his big gut would be out if eyesight of the clerk. Rifling through some of the clothing racks, the big guy picked out a few garments and headed to the fitting rooms to try them on, the young clerk watching him the entire time. Once inside the room, Joe stripped down to his underwear, giving his big gut a rub as he looked himself over in the full length mirror, hefting his belly with both hands and giving it a shake. He watched it bounce with satisfaction, reaching down to adjust the bulge in his underwear before he picked up the first pair of jeans to try on. With a little effort and a few grunts, Joe managed to pull the jeans up past each leg, but struggled to pull them up any further. His rather large rump refused to tuck itself into the back of the denim pants, instead spilling over the top and bouncing slightly every time Joe tried to tug the waistband up over them. After a few tries, he gave up and pulled them off, tossing them onto the bench and grabbing the next pair.

The second pair proved to be harder to put on than the first, as Joe couldn't even get them past his thick thighs and had to sit on the bench to peel the too tight jeans off his beefy legs, as he had wedged them tight into the jeans in his attempt to put them on. Throwing them to one side, Joe picked up the final pair of jeans he had selected along with a button up shirt, and placed them on an empty spot on the bench. Sitting down beside them the big man grabbed the jeans, which were a bigger size than what he would normally wear, and started to pull them on one leg at a time. Successfully getting them up past his big thighs, he stood up and proceeded to stuff his big ass into the back of them. After some shifting around and a few loud grunts, he had them on and, sucking in his big gut, he managed zipped and buttoned the jeans. Lifting up the shirt, he slid his big arms into the sleeves, which were tight around his biceps. He struggled to slide it on, once again having to suck in his big belly, and finally he buttoned it up and turned to look in the mirror. The reflection that greeted him looked like a stuffed sausage, his beefy body bulging out all over in both the jeans and the shirt. The look didn't last long, before the buttons on the tight shirt began to gap and strain to contain his fat, fleshy torso. His jeans creaked and groaned as they, too, struggled to hold his meaty legs and bubble butt in. Then suddenly the buttons gave way all at once, bursting off the shirt in a loud clatter as they hit the stall wall and bounced across the floor, his jeans button popping off with a slight bang. The zipper flew down instantly and his ass forced the waistband down until his large butt burst forth up over the top of it. Within seconds the curtain flew open and there stood the young clerk with a worried look on his face.

"Sir, is everything alright..." The young man began, before he stopped and just stood staring. Joe returned his gaze with a sheepish expression on his own face, his cheeks turning a rosy red from embarrassment. The clerk bit his lip and blushed as well, his eyes transfixed on the big man's bulging belly and round rump hanging out of the clothing.

"I, um, I'm having a little trouble..." Joe stammered, looking down at his big gut. Despite his embarrassment, having this young guy staring at his body made him a little excited, and a bulge began to press out against his underwear. This made the big guy blush an even deeper shade of red.

"Here, let me help you with that.." The young clerk offered, regaining his composure, stepping forward and placing a hand on Joe's gut. He gave it a gentle squeeze and a rub before he reached up and pulled off the shirt, tossing it on the bench, before kneeling down in front of the big man and grasping ahold of the top of his pants. Looking up at Joe and meeting his gaze with a coy look on his face, the clerk tugged down on the jeans, his fingers hooking into Joe's underwear and yanking them down as well. Finally he had pulled them down enough so the big guy's thick, hard cock was exposed before him. Before Joe could react, the young man slipped his lips over the head, sliding the entire length into his mouth until it reached his throat. The big guy gasped, a low, guttural moan escaping his lips as the young man bobbed his head back and forth. He slid his hot, wet mouth along the length of the big man's shaft, sending shivers of pleasure up through his beefy body. The clerk worked Joe's cock hard, using his tongue to tease the thick shaft and fat head until finally the big man threw his head back and practically howled as he shot his thick load in the young clerk's throat. Once he finished and the lad had lapped it all up, Joe collapsed on the bench and slumped against the wall, spent from such an incredible orgasm. The clerk stood up and grinned down at the big guy in front of him.

"I'm glad I could be of assistance. Now let's get you some clothes that fit that beefy bod." The young man said with a wink, before disappearing back into the store to collect the clothing. Joe was left sitting there on the bench, panting, a huge grin on his own face. Slowly putting his own clothing back on, the big man opened the curtain and emerged back into the store. Quickly glancing over at the checkout counter, he spotted the clerk standing there with a stack of clothes, a sly smile on his face. Blushing slightly, Joe walked over to the counter and paid for articles of clothing the young clerk had selected for him. As he was handed the bag, the young man also handed him a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"Just in case you want to go another round." The clerk said with a wink, making Joe blush even more as he turned and left the store, still smiling to himself as he made his way home. A few more weeks went by, and Joe continued his training regimen, getting stronger and fatter at the same time. Now people were taking more notice, starting with his coworkers making the odd comments here and there and poking his fat belly. Jerry from accounting even went so far as to jiggle his big gut, leaving his hand on it long enough to make Joe blush, and Frank from sales took him out to a buffet just to see how much he could pack into his huge paunch. Secretly Joe was enjoying all this attention, as well as his extra bulk. He felt strong, and he finally felt BIG, something he had always wanted to feel. When he finally decided to step on the scales, however, his opinion changed dramatically.

"Three hundred and eighty-five pounds!?" Joe gasped, staring wide eyed at the digital readout on his bathroom scale. "Holy shit, I'm HUGE!! did I get this FAT!?" Joe staggered out of the bathroom and flopped onto his bed, making it creak loudly as his fat body bounced ip and down on it. Looking down at his huge gut, he grabbed it in his hands and lifted it, letting it flop back down into his lap as he threw his hands up into the air in exasperation.

"How did I let this happen? I was just wanting a personal trainer, to help me get bigger and stronger..." Joe pulled himself up off his bed and thumped over to a mirror, flexing his biceps in the reflective surface. Yes, he had, indeed, gotten stronger. His biceps were much bigger and he could lift more now than he ever did before, and he had to admit, being bigger was what he had wanted. He turned sideways in the mirror, gliding his hands over his fat curves and round belly, and caught himself smiling. He let out a big sigh and patted his fat belly.

"You like that, don't you, fatboy?" Joe said to his reflection, hefting his round gut with his big hands. "You like being big and fat, just admit it. You let this happen because you liked it. Well, now you're a big porker. And you know what? I do like it. I like it alot." Joe smiled again, this time more confidently as he posed and flaunted his fat body in the mirror, and admired the big fatboy he had become. When it was time for bed and Joe had climbed under the covers, seeing his big, round mound of belly looming up in front of him. He patted it lovingly and drifted off to sleep, having finally accepted how fat he had become.

The next day Joe sauntered over to meet up with Matt for his workout, almost strutting down the street and smiling to himself as he got many looks and stares, his fat gut looking like he had a giant medicine ball stuffed under his shirt as it bounced up and down rhythmically with each step he took. He strode into the workout area ready to start, but after looking him up and down, Matt sent him back to the change room to put on a new outfit. Pulling out clothing and trying it on, finding that he could barely pull down quite a few of the shirts over top his barrel chest, nevermind his huge belly. He found a 5XL fit snugly, and a 6XL was much more comfortable, but Joe finally decided on an ill-fitting 4XL shirt that came down to his bellybutton. His underbelly bulged out from underneath it, and he found that he liked that fact. He wanted to show off for Matt today, since it was due to his efforts that Joe was this big in the first place. He then slipped into a tight pair of 42 waist shorts that hugged his ample butt and hips, taking a moment to inspect himself in the mirror. Nodding in approval, the big guy waddled back out to the workout room looking quite pleased with himself. Matt walked over and grabbed a handful of exposed belly, grinning at the big guy.

"I see you've finally given in and accepted your new size." Matt noted approvingly, giving the handful of fat a few squeezes.

"Yea...I have. I've literally grown to like all this fat on me." Joe grabbed his own fat belly and bounced it a few times. "Though I am curious, why you don't just train guys with weights and help them get fit instead of fat. Your advertisement said trainer..."

"You didn't really read it carefully, did you?" Matt asked, cocking an eyebrow up at Joe, who shook his head no in response. "Well, it does list that I am a gainer trainer, offering my services for guys who want to get bigger. Bulking up is the main emphasis, with working out to build strength to carry all that extra mass around." Joe just stared at Matt, his mind taking all that in, and his entire training journey all made much more sense now.

"Are you unhappy with your results?" Matt inquired, looking the fatman up and down with an approving eye.

"No. I rather like how I turned out. In fact...can we skip the workout today, and head right to the meal? I'm feeling famished, and a big stuffing would feel pretty good right about now." As if on cue, Joe's huge belly grumbled and growled, signalling it needed to be fed.

"Sure thing! I hope you are as hungry as you say, because I'm in the mood to order you twice as much food. I'm gonna stuff you so full I may have to roll you home!" Matt chuckled, patting Joe's exposed belly and watching it jiggle.

"Sounds good to me!" Joe replied enthusiastically, as any reservations he had about being fat melted away. He took a step towards the door when Matt put his hand on the big guy's shoulder to stop him.

"Are you going dressed like that?" Matt questioned curiously, looking at Joe's tight shorts and exposed belly.

"You're darn right I am! Let's see if I can fatten up enough to make this shirt ride up even more!" Joe beamed, and the pair headed over to the restaurant to continue what Matt had started...the training of a gainer.