The Third Tower

“Give me that, you little twerp!” David said as he swiftly took the muffin out of Mike’s hand. “Do you really think I’m gonna sit here hungry while I watch you eat the last one?”

“Oh, come on, Dave, how can you still be hungry?” Mike asked. “You and Brad ate the last of the cereal, all the fruit, and the leftover pizza, too. What am I supposed to have for breakfast?”

“Mike, look at us! We need to fuel up in the morning!” Brad said as he and David rose from the breakfast table. Each of Mike’s older twin brothers were 6’1” tall and weighed in at around 230 muscular pounds. “It takes a lot to power up these bodies,” he added as he flexed his beefy pecs. “Unlike your little bony ass, which could probably survive on three grapes a day.”

“You know, Brad, maybe we should have left Tiny some scraps,” David snickered. “Since Mr. Nerd is going off to college today, he’ll need to add some meat on his bones to protect himself from the jocks.”

“Yeah, your book smarts ain’t gonna protect ya in a fight,” Brad remarked, as he crossed the floor to where Mike was standing. In one swift motion, Brad took off Mike’s shirt to reveal his undeveloped torso. He moved Mike’s arm up and down, then said, “Looks like nothing but skin and bones, I’m afraid, Dave.”

Brad tossed the shirt on the floor and, putting one hand on Mike’s leg and the other on his shoulder, started curling him up and down. Mike tried to struggle, but he was no match for Brad’s superior strength. “Go ahead and squirm, Mr. Brain. Nothing like a little muscle - or in my case, a lot of muscle - when you want to win.” Brad smiled, obviously proud of the huge pump he had going in his monster arms, which by now were truly bulging out of his sleeves.

“Maybe they have the dorm equivalent of the kiddie table,” laughed David as he took off his shirt, exposing his mighty physique. He grabbed Mike’s shirt off the floor and put it on his extra-large body. The seams strained mightily, and once David hit his most-muscular pose, it ripped into shreds. “I can’t even remember being that puny,” he chortled. “ How do you even have the strength to hold up that big brain of yours?”

Mike knew it wasn’t worth it to say anything. Every time he opened his mouth, it only egged his brothers on even more. Eventually, once their fun grew tiresome, Brad set Mike down and David put his shirt back on. “Have a good time, little boy,” Brad said as he and David left for work at their father’s construction company.

Mike watched them get into their truck, more than just a little jealous over their physical perfection. They were known as Two Towers around town, from the Lord of the Rings movie, widely sought after by all the women in the county. He sighed as he caught his reflection in the kitchen window - he flexed his arm, and then watched again as nothing happened. Oh, how he wished that he could be as big as his older brothers, or at least, not be quite so small. Even though Mike was only two years younger than his 20-year old brothers, he was still only 5’6” and 130 pounds. By the time Brad and David were 18, they both weighed close to 200 with fantastically developed muscles. Mike was beginning to think he was ever going to have the “growth spurt” that would turn him into the third “tower” of the family.

Mike continued his search for some breakfast (he found a couple of overlooked graham crackers), and then went back up to his bedroom to finish packing for college. Although he would miss his parents and his friends, he was glad to be going to a place where everyone wouldn’t think of him as the runt of the litter. After packing, his father and mother helped him carry his stuff downstairs (it was too heavy for Mike to carry) and loaded up the car.

Sitting in the back seat with the warm September sun beating down on him, and only vaguely aware about what his parents chatting, Mike began to daydream about how his life would be different if only he had been as big as his brothers were in high school. He pictured himself as the captain of the football team, the first one chosen for teams during PE, and the best-looking guy around. Mike fantasized about growing more and more, and then he saw himself as a contestant on the World’s Strongest Man competition and as the star of his own series of action/adventure films. Of course, everyone would ask him to flex and pose all the time, and he would be obliged to show off his immense strength and power. He continued to dream, imagining that he was on Venice Beach, clad only in a tiny speedo, lifting weights that no other man could handle. Bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger...

He awoke suddenly as the car stopped and his father announced, “We’re here!”

Mike realized he had slept for nearly the whole trip. “But that dream was worth it,” he thought as a wide grin appeared on his face, still fantasizing. “Maybe my new roommate will be a chemistry major and have a secret potion to help me turn into a hulk overnight!”

Mike exited the car and grabbed his backpack, while his parents took his stuff off the luggage rack, and together they headed it to his dorm room. Nobody was in the room when they entered, so they set his belongings one of the empty beds. Then, following a tearful goodbye from his mother and a firm handshake from his father, he was left alone to await his new roommate.

While Mike was putting away his clothes, the door opened and his new roommate walked in. Mike nearly fell over when he saw him - the guy was certainly no chemistry nerd - more like a professional bodybuilder with the looks of a male model. He was wearing a tight white polo shirt and khaki shorts that had two very muscular quads sticking out of them. “This guy is even bigger than Brad and David,” thought Mike, “I escaped from two giants only to be paired up with a bigger one!”

“Hi, I’m Patrick,” the giant said as he stuck out his hand. Mike put his tiny hand up and nearly fainted from Patrick’s vise-like grip. “How’s it going?”

“OK - I’m Mike,” was about all Mike could say. He couldn’t stop staring at the giant, going over and over in his mind all the future humiliations he thought he would have to suffer. “How is Mr. Muscles going to torture me? How many times during the year is he going to pound me? Will me make me wait on him hand and foot? Will I have to be his slave?”

Patrick continued talking, and then noticed Mike’s trance-like state. “Is something bothering you? Are you OK?”

“Bothering me? No, I’m was just thinking that you’ll - I mean, I wasn’t expecting a guy like my brothers - er, rather, I was hoping that you would -“

“I think I know what you’re getting at. Your brothers are the big, mean bullying type and you were hoping your roommate would be more like you? Well, don’t worry. Lots of people expect me to be gruff and demanding and bullying because I’m so big. But that’s not me. I’m a fairly mellow guy with decent manners and a good sense of right and wrong.”

Mike smiled and felt more at ease. “You wanna go get some lunch after we unpack?”

“Sounds great to me!”

Both boys finished stowing their belongings and headed off to the cafeteria. Mike told Patrick how his brothers had always made fun of his size, and that he had always wished he could be bigger. He had come to this college not only because of the academic scholarship he was offered, but also because it was just far away enough from home that he could develop his own identity. Patrick also had a scholarship, but his was for baseball - and he told Mike he was worried he wouldn’t be able to make the grades to keep it.

“Perhaps we could help each other,” Mike suggested. “If you help me to get bigger, I’ll help you study for your classes. Patrick thought about it for about one second and quickly agreed. Mike smiled, hoping that at last he would be able to put some meat on his bones.

“Let’s go get started right now,” said Mike. “We could go to the campus gym this afternoon.”

“You’re right. We should get started right now,” said Patrick. He walked over to the cafeteria counter and picked up three more hamburgers. “First, you have to start eating more. You can’t build any muscles without food.” Mike tried to protest, but Patrick would hear nothing of it. They sat there for another 30 minutes as Mike ate bite after bite. He never felt so full in his life - or so happy.

After lunch, they returned to their dorm room to change for the gym. When Patrick took off his shirt, Mike gasped at his physique. He looked like one of those guys in his brothers’ muscle magazines. “Just how big are you, anyway?”

“Well, I started out as a chubby kid - always getting picked on liked you. So I began lifting about 6 years ago to improve my body. Right now, I’ve got a 54 inch chest, 32 inch waist, 21 inch arms, and 29 inch thighs. And I weigh between 260 and 270. Some say I’m too big for baseball, but it seems to work for me.” Patrick smiled and hit a double bicep pose for Mike

“Holy cow!” responded Mike. “You’re way bigger than my brothers - I can’t wait to train with you!”

“First, remember, this took me 6 years of really hard training to accomplish. You won’t get this big overnight. And second, being huge won’t solve all your problems - but it will help your self-confidence, and you can use that to help overcome difficulties in your life. Keep those two things in mind so you don’t get disappointed later on, OK?”

Mike agreed, and the two new friends started their workout regimen that afternoon. Patrick got him an extra pass to the athlete’s gym, so they only lifted with the biggest and the strongest men of the school. Mike got to train with some of the massive football players, and they treated him with respect because he was Patrick’s training partner. He learned a lot about how to train each muscle, how to use the equipment and how to avoid over-training. Mike was beginning to feel like a real athlete now that he lifted almost every day.

Mike also began to eat huge quantities of food with Patrick at every meal. They both ate four or five times a day, and then washed their meals down with huge glasses of milk. Half the time Mike was so stuffed he didn’t think he would be able to move, but he was so glad it gave him the extra energy to complete his workouts. In addition, since he was a member of the athlete’s gym, he had access to all the free supplements that the university supplied to help buff up the football and baseball team members, so Mike was sure he would be huge before his freshman year was over.

But, by the end of the school year, Mike had gained only about fifteen pounds, up to 145, mostly due to the fact he had grown from 5’6 to 5’9”. Patrick told Mike that this was a great start for someone with a high metabolism, but despite this encouragement and Patrick’s initial warning about growth taking time, Mike was still disappointed that he hadn’t grown big enough to challenge his brothers. Although they promised to be roommates again next year with the same deal (under Mike’s tutelage, Patrick had gotten a 3.3 grade average), Mike wondered if he’d have the resolve to continue working out during the summer months without Patrick cheering him on.

It didn’t take long to find inspiration, however - his brothers wasted no time bullying him from the moment he walked in the door. As soon as they left for work the next morning, he sneaked down to the basement and began to lift his brothers’ weights. He pumped iron for a couple of hours, and then carefully put everything back in its original position. Mike didn’t want Brad or David to know he was fiddling with their stuff - he could only imagine how mad they would be.

Later that day, Mike went scrounging through the pantry looking for something to eat - the workout had left him starving - and, lo and behold, he came across a huge canister of protein powder hidden on a low shelf that must have belonged to his brothers. It was quite dusty, but the expiration date still had six more months to go. “They must have used it for a while and forgotten about it,” Mike thought. “Well, their loss is gonna be my gain!”

Without even reading the product name, Mike hurriedly took the powder and poured it into a large tin that he got from the back of a cabinet. He then quickly looked at the directions - one teaspoon per day - and hid the canister at the bottom of the garbage can. He then took the new unmarked tin upstairs and hid it under his bed - now nobody would know where he had gotten it. He grinned, thinking how helpful the powder would be during the next few months.

Unfortunately for Mike, he didn’t know the real reason his brothers were not using the powder. They had tried it for a short while last year, and although it really increased their strength, it also piled on the flab. The fat content of the powder was way off the charts - it was by far the highest for any commercially available product. They both quickly became disgusted with their growing waistlines and decided the stuff wasn’t worth it. A few months of jogging had restored their hard, flat abs, and they soon forgot the powder was even in the pantry.

Mike began taking a heaping spoonful of powder right before he ate each of his four daily meals. He couldn’t remember if it was “with each meal” or “once a day, “ but he assumed for such an extreme case of underdevelopment he would need quite a bit. At first, he didn’t notice any strength gains, but his body did seem to be getting bigger, although it was hard to tell since he mainly wore oversized sweats and shirts that once belonged to his brothers. And when he looked in the mirror, his attention was focused on his developing pecs, arms, shoulders and legs, and not so much on his growing belly and ass. By late June, he had gone from 145 to 165 - he assumed some of it was because he had gotten taller, but surely most had to be from putting on muscle.

And finally, after another month on the powder, he finally began to get stronger as well. Mike’s bench press jumped from 120 to 160, he could curl about 30 pounds more than previously, and his squat weights went up, up, up. “Soon,” Mike thought, “I’ll be ready to arm wrestle the Two Towers!” He was just so contented eating and lifting, he thought nothing bad could happen. And besides, his brothers had pretty much left him alone for the last few weeks - perhaps they were noticing how muscular he was becoming and were starting to get nervous?

The fact that he had gained a lot of fat didn’t really hit him until mid-August. One evening, his father announced that, because his Aunt Phoebe was unexpectedly going to visit a friend in Florida for a few weeks, they could all go on a family vacation to her summer home on the coast. The twins, of course, were very excited to hit the beach and impress all the girls with their bodies, while their mother prepared a list of things she would need to get.

“Let’s see - some books, that new suntan lotion, some trunks for Michael...”

“Why do I need new swim trunks? I have lots of old ones that I like,” retorted Michael. His mother turned, obviously surprised she had been speaking out loud.

“Because you’re turning into a fatass, that’s why!” chimed Brad.

“Oh, Bradley! I told you and David not to make fun of - I mean, say anything - you know how sensitive...” his mother stammered. She turned to Mike, “Honey, um, you’ve gotten taller since last year. I just assumed your old trunks wouldn’t fit.”

“Come on, Mom - you know that’s not all. He’s porking out! Not even my old extra-large shirt can hold in his flab anymore,” David said.

“Well, I have put on some weight, and you’re right, it’s not all from just getting taller,” Mike said as he turned to sneer at his brothers, “but it is mostly muscle. I’ve been lifting weights at a friend’s house during the day while you guys were at work. I’ve gotten a lot stronger.”

Laughter erupted from his brothers as their parents tried to shush them. “The only thing that got worked out on you is your jaw muscles, little bro,” David said as he poked Mike’s growing belly.

“That’s not true,” Mike said, and he stood up to whip off his shirt. He began flexing his arms, watching as his biceps bulged. His parents tried to act proud, even though his mother worried he might be getting too heavy.

After a few minutes of laughing, Bradley left the room and returned a minute later with a tape measure. He wrapped the tape around Mike’s arm and it stopped at 15 inches. “That’s 5 more than last year,” Mike proudly stated.

Then Brad took the tape measure and wrapped it around Mike’s waist, where it stopped at 36 inches. “That’s like 10 more than last year, isn’t it? It’s even 4 inches more than David and me.”

Mike was aghast. Could it really be that much? He ran upstairs to the bathroom and hopped on the scale, something he avoided for so long because it had always been the same for so long. When the needle stopped at 195, he almost cried. He looked at himself in the mirror - and couldn’t believe it was him staring back. Sure he had seen how big his chest and arms had been getting, but he hadn’t seen his gut sneaking up on him. Mike poked at it and watched it jiggle - then rubbed it - and played with it - and then smiled. He wasn’t sure why, but he liked it. Mike liked that every part of him was getting bigger. He played with his pecs, and smiled as he cupped their new beefiness. He turned around and saw his ass for the first time in months - it was HUGE! How could he not notice this gorgeous gigantic mound sticking out from behind him? He turned back to the mirror and flexed and posed for another ten minutes before he decided he was looking really good!

Mike, fueled by new admiration for his body, agreed with his mom that it was time to get some new clothes. They went to the mall the next day, and Mike could hardly stop smiling. For the first time in his life, he was not shopping in the little kid’s sections - he’d gone straight to the husky sizes. He felt like the biggest man in the world! He bought all kinds of polo shirts that strained against his expanding chest and arms and several pairs of Levi’s that wrapped tightly around his ever-growing legs. His swimming trunks also fit him like a glove - they didn’t leave much to the imagination, and Mike got excited knowing people would finally have the chance to check out his body.

The best part of the whole day, though, came when they were leaving. Mike, excited to get home and put on his new duds, accidentally ran into a man while exiting the main mall doors. This guy must have weighed 170 pounds and was quite buff, and if this had happened three months ago, Mike would have gone flying. When they collided, however, the man just bounced right off Mike and fell to the floor. Mike kept a serious face and was very apologetic as helped the guy to his feet, effortlessly picking him up.

But on the inside, Mike was cheering. He left that mall feeling like the Incredible Hulk.

The whole family left a week later for the seashore, and not surprisingly, Mike had a great time with his new and improved body. There wasn’t a gym for him to work out at, so he would lift whatever he could find in the cabin: the couch, the TV, the old steamer trunk. He didn’t want to take any time off from his training - it just felt so good to be getting so strong. And when he wasn’t lifting, he was eating. “Aunt Phoebe is going to think a whole army ate here when she gets back,” thought Mike. Everything he could find went into his mouth - his brothers just couldn’t keep up with him anymore. Sometimes he’d even get up at midnight at stuff his face because his stomach was screaming out for food.

Mike spent a good deal of time outside, too - something that he hadn’t done much of when he was smaller. He loved to go shirtless all day, and he caught more than one passerby checking him out. He would lay in the sun for hours, go swimming and water-skiing, or take walks along the beach. The golden tan he got from this exposure only further improved his good looks.

When they returned home, Mike continued to spend more and more time outside with his shirt off. He started working in his parents’ backyard garden, at first arranging the 50 pound decorative stones his mother had purchased. After that was finished, he built a small retaining wall with railroad ties near the back fence that his dad had wanted his brothers to finish (but David and Brad were too busy, they always said). It was hard work lifting all the ties and shoveling all that dirt, but Mike reveled in it. After the wall was done, he started working in the front yard - mowing, trimming the hedges, painting the front porch. The late August sun was so hot, but it felt perfect beating down on his skin.

In addition to his outdoor work, Mike continued to lift every day, usually for close to three hours, and he took the mystery powder until it ran out a week after Labor Day. By the time college was about to start again, Mike was weighing 215 pounds and had shot up to 5’11”. He was tan, buff, and huge. Boy, was Patrick gonna be surprised!

Sure enough, Patrick hardly even recognized his friend. While he wasn’t too happy about the added fat, he was very amazed at the muscle gains. Patrick didn’t think it would be possible to get so much bigger over one summer, but Mike had gone and proved him wrong. “How did this happen? You didn’t go on the juice, did you?”

“No way, I just took some weight-gain supplement of my brothers that really helped me pack on the pounds. Once the weight came on, I just seemed to get a lot stronger.”

“Do you have any more of that supplement?” Patrick asked.

“No, it ran out a few weeks ago.”

“Well, we’ll have to see if we can’t reverse some of it’s effect here,” Patrick said while poking Mike in the belly, “without losing any of the result here.” He grabbed Mike by the bicep and marveled at its increased size and hardness. Mike didn’t say how much he liked his big belly to Patrick, not wanting to offend his trainer. He decided to do whatever Patrick said.

They quickly fell back into their old routine, with Mike carefully following all of Patrick’s instructions. He began to monitor what he ate, and he added jogging to his training. After a few weeks, his weight was definitely going down, but so was his strength. Mike’s intensity in the weight room had slowed greatly, a fact not lost on his trainer.

“When exactly did you start taking take that powder?” Patrick asked after one of their workouts.

“May 22. The day after I got home,” Mike replied.

“And you say you put on weight right away?”

“Yeah. Somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds, I think, by the end of June.”

“And it was only after that you noticed your strength increasing, right? Do you have your workout journal?”

“Sure - let’s see, it wasn’t until July 15th that my bench press finally went up. And that same week so did my squat. And nearly everything else, too. You think that means something?”

“I think it must be the weight. The fat. Somehow, it makes you stronger. Or, more likely, your body was meant to be heavier. The added weight brought your system into equilibrium.”

“Well, let’s test that theory, shall we?” Mike said with a big grin on his face.

From that moment on, he began to redouble his efforts at the cafeteria, practically stuffing his gorged belly with food. He bought dozens of bagels and doughnuts between classes. He went to the all-you-can-eat pizza night at the local pizza parlor and out-ate most of the guys on the football team. And he finished off every night with a trip to Dairy Queen for three or four large blizzards.

Within a few weeks, Mike had quickly gained back all the weight he had lost, plus about 20 pounds more. Getting dressed turned out to be of his daily highlights - feeling how tight his shirt were getting over his chest and arms, and struggling to get his pants over his ever-growing waist. It excited him to no end to feel himself getting bigger with each passing day.

And as his weight climbed, Mike’s strength surged. He was suddenly able to work out for a lot longer without getting tired, and he was getting more powerful every time they lifted. In fact, he was rapidly catching up with some of the collegiate athletes on some of his lifts. He’d even surpassed Patrick on the squat rack!

This training continued all throughout the winter, and Mike shocked his parents with his growing body when he returned home for Thanksgiving. The food was plentiful that holiday, with both Brad and David off partying with some friends in Florida. Mike came back during Christmas, but again his brothers weren’t there - Brad had won tickets to the Aloha Bowl in an arm-wrestling tournament, so they were off in Hawaii this time. Not that Mike was unhappy about that - they would just be even more surprised when he came home for Spring Break.

By late January, Mike had reached superhuman proportions. He had grown so large that he was buying new clothes almost continuously from the campus store - it was fortunate for him they stocked size XXXL. The other lifters in the team gym were getting to be jealous of Patrick, as he got to lift with the biggest man on campus. One day during a workout, Patrick’s coach caught sight of Mike’s mighty guns while he was doing curls, and knew he had to have the big hulk on the baseball team.

The coach approached the lifters, and after Patrick made the introductions, he suggested Mike try out for the team. Mike informed him he had never played before, but the coach kept insisting. He finally agreed to try out when he realized it would be worth his time because if he made the team, he would get to spend more time with Patrick.

Mike suited up the following week, and because he turned out to be the strongest hitter, he easily made the cut. Coach Grayson put him on as catcher, and a special uniform had to be made to fit his overwhelming bulk. Unfortunately for the coach, Mike didn’t let up on his time at the training table or the weight room during the season. His massive frame continued to grow, and his poor uniform ripped over and over again as his muscles and his belly bulged out.

Being on the team made Mike feel great, especially since he finally felt a sense of brotherhood he didn’t get from his real brothers. With him and Patrick leading the way, the team had a winning record for the first time in 6 years, and even came close to winning the state tournament. Even better, his baseball schedule kept him from going home for Spring Break, so Mike had even more time to get bigger before seeing his brothers.

When school ended that May, Mike was sad to leave Patrick. They had grown very close during the last year, and he didn’t want be without him for four months. Patrick, of course, felt the same way. They made plans to see each other over the summer, and they were both excited to get their own off-campus apartment together next fall.

Mike’s parents came soon afterward and took their mammoth son back home. They arrived early in the afternoon and Mike went upstairs to unpack. He felt like a workout, so he began to change into his gear when he heard his brothers calling.

“Hey, fatass, we’re home! Mind if we measure your belly!” laughed Brad from down the hallway.

“Dude, that tape probably won’t be big enough to measure his gut anymore,” added David.

Whatever the twins were expecting to see when they entered Mike’s bedroom, they were not expecting what they got. Before them stood one very large and angry-looking man, clad only in a thinly stretched pair of black gym shorts. He stood 6’4” tall, weighed 350 pounds, and radiated strength and power. He had enormous delts, arms bigger than most people’s legs, and huge meaty pecs that rested above his large but firm-looking gut. His ass generously filled out the back of his shorts, and his legs looked like they belonged at the base of an oak tree. This could not be Mike - it had to be someone from the Powerlifting Hall of Fame!

The twins both turned to run, but the giant was as quick as he was big. He caught them both by an arm and squeezed firmly so neither could break free. “Hello, fellas, I’m so glad you brought the tape. Why don’t we take a few measurements? I think I may be a little bigger than the last time you saw me?”

Neither Brad nor David could say or do anything. For the first time in their lives, they we scared of their once-little brother. They couldn’t believe how much Mike had grown.

Mike grew restless waiting for them to act. He effortlessly picked up Brad and tossed him on the bed across the room, and then he pinned David against the wall with his gut.

“Not quite the jelly belly you expected, huh, boys? How’s my gut feel to you now, David? Still soft and squishy?”

David, panicking and stuck against the wall, looked down at Mike’s chest and belly. “You’ve gotten a lot bigger,” he stammered.

“That’s not what I said, Tiny. How does my gut feel?” Mike increased the pressure on his brother, who then got the message. David raised his hands and caressed the giant rock-hard gut of his brother.

“Wow, it’s really hard.”

“Is it harder than my biceps?” asked Mike with a devilish smile.

David continued to rub the beach ball with his right hand, and then felt Mike’s biceps with his left. “They’re about the same – both like warm steel,” replied his brother, mesmerized by the power and the heat of the incredibly manly physique in front of him.

Mike began to gyrate him hips, rubbing his belly up and down onto David. After about 30 seconds, Mike could feel his brother’s hardening dick rubbing up against him. He gyrated harder and harder, and his brother soon had a far-off look in his eyes.

“Fantasizing about something?” Mike asked. David didn’t reply, but rather just closed his eyes and moaned softly.

Finally, after another 30 seconds of belly rubbing, David’s mouth opened wider, he emitted a small cry, and then his body began to spasm. Mike released him from the wall, and David crumpled to the floor, with his erection still evident under his jeans.

“Nice to know someone appreciates all my hard work,” Mike said. He then turned to Brad, who had watched the erotic episode from the bed. Mike walked over and scooped Brad up again, putting both hands on the sides of his chest, and held him in the air. “Now, are you ready to measure me? Let’s just see how big I really am.”

Brad snapped out of his trance and nodded. When Mike set him down, he lifted up the tape and took Mike’s vitals. His arms had grown to 25 inches cold - one could only imagine how big they would be after Mike had a chance to pump them up. Next, Brad measured his calves, which were a stupendous 23 inches around, and his thighs, which had ballooned to 35 inches. Mike’s waist was next, and it was a rock solid 50 inches in circumference at its largest point. Mike smiled, knowing that it was this flab that turned out to be the key to his incredible growth and newfound power.

Mike saved his mighty chest for last. Brad stretched the tape around Mike’s front and tried to connect it in the back, but it just wasn’t big enough. “Well,” Mike said, playing with his gut, “how big?”

“The tape won’t reach all the way around,” Brad answered. “It only goes to 60 inches.”

“Stretch it as tight as it’ll go and guess the rest!”

Brad did as he was told. He pulled the tape hard around his newly big brother, but it was about 8 inches short. “It looks like your chest must be 68 inches!”

Mike smiled again. He suddenly flexed his gigantic pecs, and because Brad was stretching it so intently, the tape snapped. With the tension gone, Brad fell backwards to the floor. David, who by this time had emerged from his masturbation coma, scooted over to his brother’s side to help him up.

“I guess I need to work on that first,” said Mike as he turned around to face the twins. “Gonna have this beast up to 70 inches within a few weeks!” He continued to flex, hitting pose after pose and knowing how jealous his brothers would be.

“OK, so here are the new rules around the house. First, the downstairs gym is now my domain. You guys may spot me and towel me off, but you don’t lift unless I say so.” The twins nodded, afraid of what might happen if they disagreed. “Brad, you will be my spotter today.”

“Second, I’m gonna need a lot of food to keep these muscles nourished. I’d advise you to keep me well-fed or I may get crabby. Got it?” Again, the twins nodded. “David, while I’m working out, go outside and fire up the barbecue. I’m feeling like some ribs for my afternoon snack. So let’s get going!”

David and Brad got up and followed Mike downstairs. “It’s going to be a great summer,” he thought, knowing know that he was the third, and biggest, tower.