The Supplement

Alex Farmer had been home for a few weeks before he saw his friend Tom Matlock. Alex had gone away to school and having finished had moved home to be near his family as his mother battled cancer for a second time. Tom had never left. The one time high school football star had neither the grades or desire to go away to school and after playing for a couple seasons with the team at the junior college, he had dropped both football and school. He now worked full time with the city road crew, filling potholes or directing traffic through work zones, depending on the day When Alex had seen him last Christmas break, while he still moved with athletic grace, Tom had begun developing the look of an ex-jock gone to seed, his firm abs covered by a belly that began to pull against the fabric of his dirty tee shirt, his arms and legs smalller, less defined...Alex, therefore, almost walked past his childhood friend, because Tom now looked nothing like the man he had seen just a few months before. If Tom hadn't spoken, he still might not have been sure...
"Hey bud, whatssup?" Tom asked in his familiar, lazy accent.
"Tom? Dude, holy fuck, look at you... what have you been doin?"
"Just back in the gym a little, you know didn't want to end up another fatass sittin' at the bar talkin' bout high school..."
"A little, dude, you must be living there!"
Tom indeed, looked as if he had been living in the gym. His trapped rose out of his shirt, sloping to thick, round shoulders and large well defined arms, His pecs were as visible in the yellow construction zone tee shirt as if he were bare chested... the fabric of the shirt hung loose below his swollen chest, there was obviously no gut there...
After several minutes of casual conversation, the pair decided that they would meet at the gym later in the week to work out.After several weeks of casual workouts, Tom asked if Alex would be his permanent training partner, if he was ready to really blow up...

"Yeah," Alex laughed, " like I'm gonna grow... you know I fight for every pound"
Tom asked in a voice low enough not to attract attention, "You ever consider supplements?"
Alex had tried supplements, he'd in fact tried evrything that was available over the counter in an attempt to put on a little size, because he had what could kindly be called a runner's build... but no matter what he ate, no matter what pills or powders, he remained tall and slender, even though he had always had suprising strength for his weight. his mother used to joke that he was her little ant, able to move 10 times his body weight.
"You on something?" he asked Tom. Secretly he had been wondering what his friend was taking, but didn't want to upset his buddy by asking what was painfully obvious. His friend was no doubt on a cycle, and from the looks of it, it was a big cycle indeed.
"Yeah man, figured you knew but had to make sure you were interested and that I could score some for you before I told you... you afraid to stck yourself?"
"Well, I never have, but it can't be that hard right?"
"Tell ya what bud, I'll pin you the first couple times, and you can do it once you feel okay about"
"Sounds good, uh, how much?"
"I can get you set up for $200 to start, bring me some cash tomorrow and I'll get you hooked up..."
The next day Alex followed Tom to the supply closet at the back of the gym.Making sure no one was looking, Alex followed Tom in, and looked at the cloudy liquid in the brown glass vial that Tom held in his beefy hand.
"You sure it's safe," he said handing over his cash to his muscular friend.
"Brother, look at me, what do you think?"
"Okay just, make it quick, don't want to get caught," Alex said bending over and pulling down his shorts.
"Whoa, dude, nobody needs too see your pimply ass, you know you can pin in your shoulders or legs, right?"
Alex flushed, pretty much all of his knowledge of steroids was based on after schools specials that spoke about the dangers of doing these demon drugs. In fact the thought of doing something illegal, so forbidden caused Alex's dick to twitch and tighten in anticipation. seeing his friend's reaction, Tom laughed and said,
"Easy there killer, haven't even done anything yet!"
Tension broken, alex laughed as well, and Tom gave his friend the first shot. It burned as it entered his shoulder and soon he could feel a knot below the surface of his skin. Gently Tom pressed and massaged the area, explaining to alex that this was helping to dispers the oil, and it would be much less painful over the next few days if he massaged each time he injected.
Over the next several days the friends lifted and pulled. by the end of the week, Alex swore he saw some changes, even though his subsequent research into steroids revealed that it usually took two to three weeks for them to begin taking effect, and real change wouldn't be noticable for several weeks after that.
But the next week getting out of the shower one morning, he knew his eyes were not deceiving him, he was bigger... his chest had begun to mound above his ribcage, his shoulders seemed broader, his waist narrower. as he stood admiring himself he heard his cell ringing from the dresser in the next room.
He looked at the display and saw Tom's name and the picture of his extended middle finger that was his photo icon...
He picked up the call and before he could speak heard Tom's deep, rumbling voice...
"Well dude, what you thinking, how's it going?"
"Tom, you aren't gonna believe it, but man these roids, I mean I swear I look like I'm growing already. I know it's not possible..."
Tom interuppted, "Who says it's not possible, my source told me these worked better and faster then anything you've ever seen. I thought, bullshit, but after I used em for a week, I saw what you're seein now. I was bigger, stronger, leaner... nice thing is with each shot it only gets better... I mean, damn, you should see me today..."
Alex again felt his cock stir and swell, His buddy had gone from typical high school football player, to burgeoning fat boy, to thick muscled stud, how much bigger could he be.... what's more how much bigger could he himself get?"
Meeting at the gym, he was astounded. If his buddy Tom had the look of a thickly muscled fitness model last week, now he looked like a light heavyweight body builder, his thick forearms covered in veins, his arms thrown wide as he walked so that he could show off his tremendous lats. If he didn't know better, Alex would swear that Tom's face was also a little broader, and that he could see just the beginning of thinning hair on the crown of Tom's cropped head. People stared, and a few whispers of roids, blow up doll, could be heard as he strutted toward Alex. Tom was oblivious to the whispers, and Alex while he heard them was transfixed. He felt somehow turned on by his friends lumbering, heavy gait, and the way his muscles moved under his clothes... if this was where he was headed, he'd be very happy indeed.
As they worked out Alex bombarded his friend with questions, how long until he looked like that, how good was the supply from the source, what happened if he doubled up?
Tom answered, should be a couple months, no worries with supply, dude makes it himself, he'd been told never to take more then the once a week dose...His source was actually a doc at that research lab out the highway, and that doctor had been clear, this was an extremely concentrated drug, he couldn't be sure of how severe the side effects might be if too much was taken at once.
Tom laughed as he flexed his ball shaped bicep,
"Only side effect I see is getting bigger, but I ain't taking any chances..."
Alex could hardly wait to get home, His friend be damned, he had to catch up, he had to try doubling the dose, had to grow... even though he had never injected himself he eagerly pulled out the stopper on the syringe and pushing air in to help displace the oil, just as he'd seen Tom do, he then pulled back, watching as the oily substance filled the tube, one CC, two, oh hell, may as well do three... injecting that on top of the spot where Tom had injected him the previous week and yesterday, he pushed the plunger in and winced as the oily substance coursed into the muscle.
The last thing he remembered before blacking out was trying to massage away the pain of the supplement beneath his skin. Alex had no idea how long he had been out, but he felt groggy, felt different. Weaving toward the bathroom, he flipped on the light. What he saw astounded him. His forehead sloped lower into a deep thick brow, his jaw was heavy and firm... his hair was definitely sparser on top, but was growing with prolific abandon on his arms, chest, legs, shoulders and back. Everywhere he looked he was covered in mounds of thick round muscle, from his traps that brushed his ears, to his shelf like pecs, to his rounded ball gut, down his tremendous tree trunk legs, even his feet looked thick and were crisscroosed with veins and sinew.
He felt his dick stir, and knew that he had to relieve some pressure. He stroked, he massaged, he pulled until he spewed in an arc over the mirror. He looked at the syringe, the half empty bottle on the counter, and knew that his work was not done that night. And once his work was done, it would be time to get to work on Tom...
Alex came to face down on the bathroom floor... he was so tired, so groggy, something he had to remember... what? So tired, so hungry... he rolled a little to his side, and with instinct alone, grabbed his cock and beagan to stroke... oh how good it felt... for several minutes he pulled and moaned until again cum spewed from his body, wiping his hand on his thick chest hair, he stood facing the mirror.
The reflection that greeted him repulsed and fascinated him at the same time. No trace of Alex remained, the monster before him was huge, twisted, massive... dark hair covered his body like a fur sweat suit, his furrowed bald head and his heavy brow gave his eyes a squinting sunken look. His strong jaw jutted forward and his ears looked too small on the head that now sat on a body that could only be described as gargantuan. His nipples hung like a dog's teets from his huge, heaving chest, his swollen gut hung ponderously over his long, thick penis. His arms and shoulders looked like basketballs had been shoved into a fur coat for storage. He had legs that exploded with mound upon mound of muscle,and melted into feet that looked to be twice as wide and long as the feet that Alex knew. Not a pretty body, not even one a mother could love, not even one that looked fully human, but strong, so strong, meanacing and powerful...
"Strong..." he thought to himself, "strong..." with that again his frenzy to pleasure himself began anew... again he climaxed, and as he stood panting, slowly he remembered..."hungry and.... Tom.... Must... help ...Tom..."
The mental image of his friend came to mind, and with a wicked grin he remembered his plan. With effort he drug his bulk through the house, and out the patio doors. Once outside, he breathed in the clean, predawn air. When had air smelled so good, so rich, so full of scent?
Again, pausing to concentrate, he caught a scent that he had to chase... through the woods he loped, pausing occassionally to sniff. soon he came to the place the scent was strongest. Ahead was the trailer that Tom now called home. Alex stood upright for a moment, and scratching his chest, he concentrated. With ever increasing difficulty he thought, "Why am... I... here...Tom?"
He remembered again his plan, and pounded the door with his heavy mittlike hands.Tom opened the door, with the groggy look of someone who had been rudely awakened from a heavy sleep. the look on his face soon became one of horror as he took in the sight before him... he heard the thing give a low growl...
Suddenly he knew that this was his friend Alex, something in the voice said it was.
"Buddy, man, what the fuck happened?" He said to the naked, hulking, sweating brute that half stood, half crouched on his deck.
"Needle... more...Tom"
"Buddy, wait, let me call the doc... stay put i'll be right back..."
It only took a second once his back was turned for the freak to knock Tom to the ground and overpower him. With one crushing blow he knocked Tom unconscious.
"Good, Tom... want..." he thought his mind focusing slowly.
Again the plan came clear in his mind and he pulled Tom to the counter where his syringes and bottle were kept .After four or five fumbling attempts, he managed to fill the syringe. He looked blankly at it for a moment until he again knew what he had come to do...
As he did he heard Tom stir. Looking up Tom saw the creature holding the needle above him, and at first thought he meant to inject himself one more time... it was only when Alex pulled Tom roughly erect, that he knew, and as much as he thrashed and screamed, the viselike grip of Alex was too tough to break. He felt the needle pierce his skin, felt the liquid hot and painful enter his body. And with that he screamed one last time before the world went black.
For years afterward the legend grew of the beasts of Alden Creek. People swore that they saw in the moonlight two hairy, massive creatures who loped through the woods with incredible speed, and who wrestled and fought in the moonlit meadows... after a rain, some even swore they saw heavy freakish footprints circling their homes, and a few even thought they heard, low and guttural, "moooorrrrre...."