The Ride Home

Jake couldn’t hide his surprise when this huge, bearded guy suddenly approached him at the gas station, asking him for a lift like it was nothing. He was a perfect stranger and yet he just casually walked up to him, introduced himself as ‘Pa’, placed his meaty, furred hand over his shoulder and behaved like they knew each other for years. All Jake could do was muster up a faint nod of agreement before Pa practically led him back to his own car.

For the first few minutes of the ride Jake couldn’t believe how insane he was to let this guy inside his car He didn’t as much as a blink or question what was he even doing on that gas station in the middle of nowhere or where he was headed to. While some hirsute guy with a bushy, grey beard and a big gut poking out of his denim vest was pretty far from the image of a serial killer that he always had in his mind, Jake still didn’t feel all that comfortable sitting only a few centimeters away from a complete stranger who looked liked he could probably break him in half with his bare hands without even working up a sweat if he ever wanted to.

Pa must have sensed the rising tension, because before long he started chatting up Jake in a fairly friendly manner, eventually even telling him various stories from his life in an attempt to lighten up the mood a little. While the plan seemed to have been working rather well at first, so much in fact that it almost seemed like any moment now the whole thing was going to turn into an actual conversation. It all went south the moment Jake learned that his companion spent a good portion of his life as a leader of a notorious biker gang, riding his hog across the country.

Now that Pa had actually admitted himself that he really was someone to look out for, Jake simply couldn’t keep on telling himself that his intimidating appearance was the only reason he was so afraid of this giant of a man. But even then, Pa was acting rather quite friendly and benign, wasn’t he? Maybe he was just worrying too much.

Instead something completely different was starting to make Jake feel concerned. It was the increasingly musky smell that was slowly filling the air inside the car. His nose had picked up some faint whiffs of it earlier, but as the time went on it only grew more and more pronounced. It seemed like it was only a matter of minutes now before he was going to be breathing nothing but his passenger’s body odour.

It didn’t even smell all that bad really, just very musky and… kind of masculine actually, more or less how you would expect somebody to smell like after a whole day’s worth of physical labour. At the beginning Jake found it only slightly irritating to his nose and thought that he would get used to it eventually, but the moment Pa lifted his arms while stretching out, and a wave of his pure, concentrated pit stench filled the cabin of the car, Jake realized that he had been overly optimistic.

The cloud of ripe musk coming off from Pa’s pits was so intense that after his first breath Jake felt so dizzy, he actually had to slow down for a moment. Immediately he found himself thinking that if he were to lean in closer, and try taking a full breath after burying his face deep inside Pa’s furry, ripe pits, he would have been knocked out cold for sure. But just as quickly Jake realized just how crazy of a thought that was and shook his head, wondering where it could have possibly came from. He smiled and looked towards the mirror, about to give himself a “What the hell man?” kind of stare, but instead his eyes went completely wide when he noticed a dusting of dark stubble covering his face.

Crap, did he forget to shave today? No… he couldn’t, he spent nearly an hour in his bathroom preparing for the meet up with his buddies later today. But even then, that fuzz looked so much thicker than just a single missed shaving session could have possibly amounted to. More like a whole week’s worth of his usual beard growth. How could he have missed it until now?

This was bad, he couldn’t just show up at Ed’s place looking like a slob and especially not smelling like one. If they ever caught a whiff of Pa’s stink on him, they would never have believed the whole story about getting manoeuvred into giving a car ride to a real life mountain man.

Jake always had serious trouble with saying anything that could have been construed as indiscreet or impolite to others, even when they didn’t have an appearance of a humongous bigfoot. Coming up with a right way of letting his passenger know just how disconcerting he found his smell was really quite troublesome for him. Eventually Jake decided that the best course of action would be to just roll down all the windows and hope that Pa doesn’t see it any sort of affront on his part. Much to his surprise the very opposite happened.

The moment Pa noticed what he was doing, he patted Jake over the cap resting on the top of his head and proceeded to pull out a stubby cigar from the front pocket of his vest, thanking him and saying that he really needed a smoke. Before Jake even had a chance to come up a single word of protest, the car was filled with thick, fragrant smoke. As if kept inside by some magical force it persistently lingered around, refusing to let itself be blown away by the countless gusts of wind that rushed inside the cabin through the open windows.

Jake was starting to boil inside, he tried to be nice and hospitable but this was too much! Not only did he waste so much time driving this guy around but now his car was also going to be soaked in the stench of his sweat and cigar smoke! He started turning towards the man with a death stare on his face, fully prepared to stop the car and at least attempt to kick him out, but the only thing he was met with was Pa’s cocky smile that showcased the fat cigar sticking out of his bearded mouth.

Pa blew out a huge cloud of grey smoke directly at Jake and watched as it enveloped his body. Just as the smaller man opened his mouth to say something he swiftly stuck the cigar between Jake’s teeth, patted him over his cap again and chucklingly asked him not to look so angry anymore. Explaining that he knows very well how much Jake loves his stogies and that he was always planning on sharing it with him.

Jake had no idea what he was talking about, but that didn’t matter, suddenly he found himself involuntarily breathing in some of the cigar smoke. Instantly feeling like he had to slow down the car to an almost full stop at the side of the road, fully expecting to be coughing out his lungs any moment now.

But no such thing happened, Jake did feel the smoke slowly rolling through his throat, burning it up and eventually getting all the way to his lungs where it gave him a really pleasurable rush. He couldn’t quite place its smell, but he liked it. It reminded him a bit of how Pa smelled like, but there was still something more to it, he just couldn’t figure out what. What he found himself enjoyed even more was the oddly salty taste that the end of the cigar had left on his lips.

Soon he was so lost in his thoughts as he contemplated the smell and taste of the smoke and how it made him feel, that he completely forgot that he was just about to kick Pa out of his car a moment ago. The buzz inside his head kept on growing with every next lungful of smoke that he took in, and eventually Jake’s head was so foggy that he barely even noticed when Pa pulled him out of the car and gently carried his limp body over to the passenger’s seat, saying that Jake was in no position to be driving right now, and that he will take it from there himself.

Jake didn’t have much control of what he did after that point, he tried saying something when Pa rolled up all the windows in the car, but it didn’t come out as anything even remotely coherent. Then he recalled feeling really hot and itchy all over, especially around his face. And after that his clothes got so impossibly tight that he was sure he was going simply burst out of them amidst all the ripping sounds he could hear..

That feeling was the worst around his crotch, especially after Pa got back to telling his stories.

They were all a bit different this time around, still about the various bikers and truckers he had met in the past, but so much kinkier than before. He recounted all his favourite truckstop glory holes and the numerous, nasty, perverted men he got to meet and fuck at each one of them. He described in great detail all the gangbangs he and his boys routinely threw out at the bars they stopped at, explaining to Jake that whoever was at the receiving end always found himself joining their crew afterwards. It didn’t matter who he used to be before, some trucker who bumped into them at a wrong time or a lone guy on a business trip who happened to take a stop at their favourite place, after Pa and his boys were done with him, he was a rugged, cigar smoking bear of a man like the rest of them.

Even then as his head kept on spinning Jake couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something really weird about that story, but in the end he was way too horny to care. And the thought of Pa having his way with him, fucking him as roughly as he described, filling his ass with loads upon loads of his cum until he grew as big and furry as he was, seemed like the hottest thing imaginable at the time. Jake was so turned on that he was ready to whip out his rock hard cock right there and start jacking off, he knew that Pa would like the show, and maybe even join in.

He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself when he watched Jake as he moaned, groping at his crotch and chuffed on the cigar he gave him. Finally he turned to him and said that there is one more story he should hear, one he was bound to love even more than the rest.

It was about one of the first men Pa had ever changed, someone young who looked very unassuming when he met him many years ago. But who had grown to be a real symbol of masculinity for all the other men they encountered on their journeys. Pa was right, there was something special about that story, something that made it so Jake just couldn’t contain his arousal as he frantically clawed at at his jeans, trying to free his cock. When he finally managed to rip his fly open with his bare hands Jake began jacking off like there was no tomorrow, splattering the entire car cabin with his oozing out precum.

There were no questions inside his head about what was going on and how did his pants suddenly become so tight he couldn’t get them off without tearing them apart. All Jake cared about was blowing a big load against his chest and hearing the rest of what his passenger had to say.

Pa told him about how he seduced that man and how they spent their first night together at a roadside motel, having rough, sweaty sex and feeding each other cigar smoke. Fuck, that sounded so hot, Jake blew a small cloud of smoke against his crotch and nearly came when it scattered after a moment. His cock and the hand holding it had grown, not by a lot but it was instantly noticeable. He continued to repeat that process and watched as his tool became thicker and longer each time, the fingers of his hand that wrapped around it getting meatier and covering with more and more hair, until it became a real bearish paw with truly monstrous beer can cock within its grasp.

Pa wasted no time describing how his lover ended up looking in the morning. With his beefy, barrel chest covered with a forest of chestnut hair, the bushy, luxuriant beard and his immense size that rivalled even himself, he became the epitome of masculinity. With each word Jake felt his body changing as if to match the description. His arms and legs suddenly burst out of his clothes leaving them in tatters on the floor, his shirt split in half, now looking more like a sleeveless vest as it exposed his growing chest.

Jake couldn’t hold back anymore, he was so turned on he thought he was going to go crazy, not a single drop of doubt had remained in this torrent of excitement he was experiencing. He watched as his pecs pushed out of his chest and covered with fur, his beard grew out further and creeped up higher on his cheeks. But he still wanted more, Jake seized his cock with his massive paw of a hand and began beating off even faster, showering his body with more smoke from the cigar that within minutes turned from a sizeable stogie into a tiny nub clamped between his teeth as it accelerate the change.

Jake started running his other hand across his body, feeling as it curved around his belly, his pecs, as more of the hair sprouted underneath his palm. When the realization came that he was almost there, almost ready to become that furry, hulking beast from Pa’s story Jake’s cock simply exploded, covering everything with ropes of his creamy, milky white seed.

But Pa’s story didn’t end there. He told Jake about all the years they had spent on the road together, all the men they had met and transformed into sexy biker bears before they both grew older and decided to settle down. Jake felt a bit strange, his mind was foggy jast like the air inside the car, filled so thickly with the haze-like smoke he couldn’t see anything clearly but then things began to gradually start coming together. Everything that Pa had told him about, they didn’t feel like just some random stories he’d heard before, more like memories, his own memories. Jake found himself remembering every last one of them like he had experienced them before himself.

The smoke began to clear up and so did his head. Jake looked at the beefy belly peeking out from his vest and gave it a firm pat. Yeah, it’s gotten a bit big as he grew older but he didn’t mind that, not at all, it only added to his rugged papa bear looks. He turned to Pa and smiled, judging by how turned on he looked, he didn’t mind it either, Jake chuckled.

Sure, they might have settled down and their beards might have turned completely grey by now, but they still as horny and virile as on the day they first met. In fact Jake had only just told Pa about these few cute cubs he had met earlier and they were inside their truck and on their way in an instant. He couldn’t wait, there was nothing he loved more than some hot, sweaty cigar sex with a bunch of younger bears.