The Protege's Gift

The Protege's Gift, by Ultrabeef7

Ding-dong. “Shit” I muttered to myself thinking aloud “I guess Bryan must be here already”. I had been kind of dreading this meeting with my former acting student Bryan Sanders ever since he called last week to tell me he was in town visiting his parents and he wanted to stop by to see me. Bryan Sanders had been my star drama student a few years back at the community youth theatre I ran. The kid had a ton of talent and played all of the leading roles under my direction. After graduating high school a few months ago he had moved out to L.A. to continue training as an actor and hopefully break into the Hollywood film industry. I knew he had talent but frankly I wasn’t too hopeful that he would become the next young Hollywood star. I hadn’t seen Bryan since he had moved across the country and was a little interested in how his pursuit of fame and fortune were going. Ding-dong, Ding-dong. The doorbell rang again. Taking one last look in the bathroom mirror and deciding that it was useless, I headed downstairs to the door.

I expected to see the skinny, tall, gangly Bryan with his longish sandy brown hair and perfect gleaming smile. When I opened the door a totally different figure greeting me. There on my porch stood a beautiful young man with longish sandy brown hair, bright green eyes, and a perfect gleaming smile. He was wearing a back track suit that hugged his beefy thighs. His warm-up jacket was unzipped and he was wearing no shirt underneath. The cleavage of his smooth rounded pecs and the tight 6 packs abs peeked tantalizingly from beneath the fabric. “Hey, Mr. Bart!” the cute stud said with a beautiful smile. “Bryan, is that you” I asked while trying to process the incredible transformation that had taken place in my protégé. Bryan had filled out all right, in all the right places. “Yeah, Mr. Bart. It’s me. “Bryan grabbed me in a big bear hug, his powerful arms wrapping around my back and actually lifting me up off the ground. “Man, it’s great to see ya, Mr. Bart.” he smiled the same perfect smile he always had. “Uh, can I come in?” “S…sure Bryan” I mumbled in distraction as the study Bryan brushed past me into the house. His firm ripe ass bulging in the tight sweats as he sauntered cockily into my house.

“So, you’re probably wondering how I became a hunk, huh Mr. Bart?” Bryan asked innocently while taking off his unzipped warm-up to reveal the perfect torso only hinted at until now. “You can call me Jayson. You’re not my student anymore. And yeah, Bryan, I mean, shit… look at you” I replied, my mouth starting to dry out. “Well, it all started when I got to L.A., I was looking for work and I met this dude who got me hooked up doing commercials. Anyway, he got me some cutting edge stuff that turned me into the stud you see before you. And I got starting doing print ads and even some soap opera gigs”. “I…I’m proud of you for becoming such a success” I stammered as Bryan dropped his sweat pants in front of mean to reveal his grey boxer briefs. His dick looked like a sausage stuffed in his pants and his firm round ass was perfect in every way. “I even started doing some porn” he continued as he tugged at the waist band of his boxers. “Bryan… what the hell are you doing?” I managed to say while trying to remember to breathe. “Well, ya see Mr. Bart … I mean Jayson … I’ve been dreaming of coming to see you ever since I changed to say thank you for all you did for me. You believed in me when I was just a stupid teenage kid. Well, as you can see, I’m a man now and I want to share some of this body with you.” “Whh … what are you talking about Bryan?” I mumbled, my own swollen dick pressing against the fly of my jeans. “Oh, I think you know what I mean, Jayson” Bryan smiled his perfect smile and yanked down his boxer briefs. His big, fat, thick dick tumbled out dripping with precum and rose to attention. ‘Oh my god…” I mumbled as Bryan pressed his soft lips against mine and kissed me, his tongue deep in my mouth. He pulled away, leaving me dazed and seeing stars. “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of this day” he whispered in my ear, his sweet hot breath tickling my cheek. I could no longer control myself and I dropped to my knees and pulled his perfect cock into my mouth as Bryan groaned with pleasure.

As a rose and wiped Bryan’s cum from my lips he smiled a wide grin. “That was so fucking hot Mr. B. It was even better than I dreamed”. Bryan looked at me with his tantalizing green eyes and grinned. “It’s time for your present” he smiled and pulled a syringe from his duffel bag on the floor and pulled off the cap. He pressed his hard nipples against my chest. ‘Wh… what are you talking about” I muttered, still dazed by the events of the day. “I want you to be an even bigger stud than me, Mr. B.” he purred, his hot breath against my cheek. With one forceful move, before I could speak, he jabbed the syringe into my leg and emptied its contents. “Whh … what the fuck” I managed to stammer as I grabbed the pain in my leg. Suddenly my mind started to cloud over and an immense pressure filled my body. It felt as if and air hose was stuck inside of me. I could feel myself expanding. My body was getting heavier, wider, and fuller by the minute. “I took one dose of model serum and it turned me into this” he motioned to his flawless physique, “ I just gave you a full dose of the bodybuilder serum” he grinned, “I just can’t wait to see what my mentor looks like with a shitload of muscle on him”.

“Uhhhh…. fuck” I groaned, I could feel my body swelling and filling with raw power. My shirt was tight on my swollen body and my jeans were becoming painfully tight. Buttons began popping off of my shirt allowing my ballooning pecs to unfurl and reveal their awesome roundness. I reached up and tore the remains of my shirt from my insanely wide shoulders and thick neck. As I reached to touch my huge pecs, these newly minted mounds of power, I brushed my large orgasm inducing nipple as I did so and felt my engorged cock dance with pleasure in my skin-tight jeans. My huge meaty forearm touched my huge rock hard bicep as veins snaked across the still expanding muscle. My triceps flared out into massive tear drops making my arms at least 27 inches around. My lats expanded out away from my body giving me the appearance of having wings. A sickening ripping sound came from my jeans as the pressure of my beefy quads became too much for the fabric to take. I reached down and ripped the denim from my body, revealing my freaky, and vein covered powerhouse legs. My diamond shaped calves supported enormous legs that flared away from my body. My fat, swollen cock flopped out of the tattered remains of my underwear and dripped precum. As suddenly as the transformation has started, it stopped and my head cleared and allowed me to fully process the changes that had occurred to my body.

I was now so heavy and wide that as I waddled toward the mirror above the couch my thighs rolled around each other, struggling for room. I could feel my massive naked ass, big and rock hard in bouncing the cool air of the family room as I walked. My lats were so wide and my arms and chest so thick and full that I couldn’t even touch my own nose. As I gazed at my massive new body I could see Bryan reflected in the mirror behind me, jacking off. I turned and looked at him, “Is this what you wanted Bryan?” I purred as I gazed into his eyes. Bryan was in awe of the total freakish stud I had grown into. He crossed the room, and came up behind me, his dick at full attention. He placed his warm hand on my bulbous chest and began to massage my pec and big nipple. “Oh, fuck yeah” he purred into my ear, his stiff cock brushing against my huge bubble butt.

The next morning, after a night of the most hot and passionate sex I had ever experienced, as Bryan still lay asleep in my bed, I sauntered into the bathroom and drained my thick dick. I noticed a syringe sticking out of Bryan’s duffel bag, I picked it up. It was labeled “bodybuilder” just like the one that he had injected me with. An evil smirk crossed my face as I had an idea. I crossed to the bedroom, feeling the floorboards creak under my new weight and climbed onto the bed, the mattress creaking under me. Bryan’s beautiful chest rose and fell with his breath. He was so beautiful, so perfect, and yet so small compared to the muscle beast I had become. His arms were still tied to the headboard where I had left them last night. I straddled him with my naked body, my fat cock slapping his chest, and leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He woke and lazily smiled at me. “Shit, Jayson… last night was just incredible … the best I’ve ever had. I love you so much”. “I know” I cockily replied “I love you too, dude”. “Can you untie me man? “ Bryan asked realizing that his arms were still tied above his head. “You know Bryan, I love what you did to me, your old mentor’s never looked better” I smirked as I flexed and popped out my massive chest, “but I still think that there is something you can do for me”. “Whh … what do you mean?” Bryan groggily asked. “I mean, Bryan, I want a big fucking protégé, and boyfriend, … so I want you to grow”.

I grinned and jabbed the syringe into his thigh, emptying it. A look of panic crossed Bryan’s face. “What the hell did you just do?” he screamed, suddenly awake. “I think you know, lover” I replied with a grin “ I can’t wait to see the new you”. “Oh shit” Bryan muttered looking at his duffel bag and realizing that the bodybuilder serum was gone. The growth serum was already taking effect. I could see Bryan’s eyes glaze over as his body began to swell with new growth underneath me. It was so fucking hot, making my studly protégé into an even bigger stud. I couldn’t help but jack off onto his swelling pecs. Bryan’s abs expanded under my ass as I straddled his growing body, no longer the tight abdominals of a model but now the thick distended abs of a pro bodybuilder on gear. I could feel his body raising me up as his once perfect round ass grew into a huge bubble butt and pushed up against the mattress. Bryan’s quads swelled under me causing me to lose my balance and fall off his body. His neck and shoulders grew thick and wide with new muscle. I watched as his arms, still tied to the headboard grew bigger and bigger. The once perfect, toned arms grew into thick round beefy guns and wide powerful vein draped forearms that easily broke the ties as Bryan flexed his cannons. This show of power by my still groggy protégé caused me to shoot my load again.

Coming to, Bryan sat up in the cum soaked bed and looked down at his new massive frame. “Oh, fuck….” Bryan groaned. “Fuck, fuck” he panted, “Is that really me?” Bryan staggered to his feet and caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror. “What am I going to do?” Bryan moaned as he raised his arms into a mind blowing double bicep pose causing his own dick to drip cum. “I can never model or be on a soap opera now. I’m too fucking huge”. I sauntered up behind my sexy bodybuilder protégé/boyfriend and kissed his thick neck as my thick dick slapped his big round bubble ass. “Oh, fuck … yeah” he moaned fully realizing how big and hot had become. Turning and kissing me he sexily purred “Who needs Hollywood, anyway”.