The Ointment Store

An Excerpt from "The Ointment Store" on - Multiple authors


In one of the major American cities, in a remote place in the Chinatown district, a small shop open’s up its doors for the first time. All the people living in the neighborhood have no idea how this shop just opened up one sunny morning. One day the place was empty and the next it was occupied. The owner of the place, seen sweeping the sidewalk in front of the store, happens to be an old, small, Chinese man. Anybody looking at him could see no wrong about the little man. He just seemed like your normal typical gentle grand father. In his shop, you can find jars of all sorts filled with ointments that could do all sorts of amazing stuff. The local people had a bad feeling about that place and stayed away from it. Those who visited Chinatown had no clue about the place and went in, curious to see what the old man had to sell.

Guy walked down the street after his workout. His muscles ached all over, but it was worth it. He was getting beefier by the day, and loved every second of it. He was 21, with shaggy blonde hair, in need of a little shave. He had a youthful look to his face, but his body was something else. He was 5'10", tipping the scales at 210 pounds. He had solid muscles all over, but his pecs, ass, and arms had great development.
He had been working out for the past few years in an attempt to get big, and it was beginning to look like he was going to make it, but he was getting so sore after his workouts it was getting hard to keep going. As he walked his aching bod past a store, he looked in. Ointments... tons of them. Maybe they had something for muscle aches.
The store smelled funny, probably because of the inscence burning. Guy walked around aimlessly, when a little old man came behind him, speaking something quickly in Mandarin. Guy turned around, and the little man squinted. He spoke in English now "Oh, very sorry young man. I thought you were one of the neighborhood children coming in on a dare." He laughed. "Are you looking for something in particular?". Guy grinned and put his hand out for the old man to shake. "Well, I'm Guy, sir. I'm looking for something to help with muscle aches. I'm looking to get big, but muscle pain is keeping me from exercising."
The old man smirked back and shook Guy's hand. "You're a very polite boy, but you do not need to call me sir. You can call me grandfather Yuan. Or just Mister Yuan if that suits you better. Follow me, Guy, I think I have just the thing for you."
Mr. Yuan plodded back into the shelves in the darkness, and Guy followed closely behind, reading the jars he could. In a few moments, Mr. Yuan stopped and grasped a heavy jar of a blue-hued cream, and passed it to Guy. "This should be perfect, I think." Guy looked it over. It was worth a shot. "How much, Mr. Yuan?" He said as he rooted through his wallet. "Nothing!" He chuckled. "It was refreshing to meet such a polite young person in this day and age. Just promise me you'll come back to visit!" Guy agreed. If this stuff was any good, he'd definitely come visit. There was something peculiar about Mr. Yuan that made Guy want to know more about the shop.
The two talked for a while before Guy went home, eager to try the cream. His muscles ached intensely, and he wanted relief. When he got back to his apartment, he stripped down, and did what the english instructions Mr. Yuan wrote for him said. He applied the cream over every inch of his body and rubbed it in. It was cold at first, but felt good. It was late, so Guy decided to go to bed, and see how his muscles felt in the morning.
Guy rubbed his eyes open before his alarm went off. He sighed in relief... his muscles didn't ache one bit! That cream was fantastic!As he pulled himself out of bed, he felt a little strange. He looked down and gasped...Guy couldn't believe it. His muscles had swollen larger overnight. He had lost his amateur bodybuilder sized frame, and was now a bulky, pro framed competitor. With a grin, he stood from his bed and walked to the mirror, checking out every nuance of his inflated bod. He rubbed his pecs, checking out their new weight and form, massaged his shoulders and biceps, turned to see his wider back and bubble butt.
"This... this is amazing! I'm ready to compete in a real tournament like this!" He laughed. "I gotta see how much I weigh!" He ran to the bathroom, making his legs tense and the floor shake. He laughed to himself the entire time. He stepped on his bathroom scale and grinned when it blinked the numbers 262 on it's red display. 52 pounds of solid beef overnight... not a stretchmark to be seen. Even his dick looked bigger! His mind began to mull over what could have caused this amazing change, but kept drawing a blank, until he remembered the cream. Mr. Yuan had given him what he wanted. A cream that would help his muscles soothe, so he could get big.
He had to test this body out. He put on his biggest workout clothes, which were a little snug now, and assembled his other gym gear. He was out the door and on his way to a gym where no one would know him. When he found a suitable gym, he walked in and surveyed the joint. He laughed to himself when he realized he was the biggest guy there. "This is great!" He thought "I'm huge compared to everyone else here. This should be fun!"
He began working out, lifting the weights he always did, but found that they were too light. He kept increasing the weights, deciding they were too light, until he found one that provided him a substantial challenge. Everyone in the gym watched him, talking about the new guy who had the body of a greek god. As the workout dragged on, his clothes felt tighter. He felt a breeze on his stomach, and looked down, seeing only pecs. Big... Swollen pecs. With a quick glance in the mirror, he could see his body had swollen even larger than when he woke up. He gulped, put the weights down, and moved his bulky frame into the scale room. He could see his massive shoulders taking on a bullish quality in the mirror as he stepped on the scale. 299 pounds... almost 40 more pounds. He heard a tearing noise as his bubble butt grew bigger, followed by a seam popping on his shirt as his lats spread.
He gulped.
What should he do?

>>Bring that lumbering body to Mr. Yuans, stat!>>Ride it out, see what happens