The Making of a Muscle Bear

The Making of A Muscle Bear

A young guy look at the bodybuilder who bullied a hot gay boy. He pause open his laptop. Made a small scan. Look at the guy story. Time to change it. He tap on his laptop. Let s try this magic for a test drive.

Shawn breathed. Inhale, push. Exhale, lower.

He growled as he pushed two 90 pound dumbells. Almost there… almost at fucking rep 12…almost.. One more.

He exalted all the air he had inside him as he did the final push.

And tightened his chest at the top, his arms trembling, his chest burning as he finished the last rep.

He let them go as his chest and triceps gave out, and jumped off the bench, feeling his chest with his finger. The cuts in his pec seemed damn perfect. It felt good… really good. It was his new record, he had finally made a break through. He smiled. He actually increased the reps on each exercise or added a good five pounds.

Damn, that felt good. He looked around, and he saw Dylan. The boy was a fag alright. He was about 5 foot 8 max. A low fat 150 pound with beautiful curve around the ass. It seemed to almost naturally follow him, a clear bubble butt. In those very tight running shorts. Usually he was a bit of a geek, always either on a computer or reading a book. His clothes seemed plain, like he would grab the first thing he found. Wearing glasses. He was cute in a nerd kinda of way. He almost seemed normal. Yet he was clearly a fag.

What pissed Shawn off the most was how Dylan simply felt comfortable showing off. He was reading that pink book with a man with beautiful abs on it. His locker had the picture of The Rock on it. He openly admitted he was gay and freely shared which guys he found to be hot … or not. Moreover there was rumor that - and maybe that’s what pissed off Shawn the most - that Dylan had a monster dick and a mean set of balls. A fag with a man’s dick, who could believe that a fag could be hung like a horse? He did want it to be rumor but glance at the guy once when he was changing and that thing was nine inches, soft.

Because of that he had then taught him a lesson or two. And made him do his homework. A fair trade for letting the bitch sucks his dick. Dylan spotted him. Shawn smiled back. And Dylan rushed back into the changing room. Normally Shawn was done working out by now, but today he had more energy and had almost doubled his time working out. Still, if his muscles grew it was all good, right?

In the locker room, now, Shawn was a bit nervous. His beard seemed to be less present. There was a time he would shave at least once a day but now it seemed to take him 3 days to have a full beard. His hairy chest seemed to be less hairy and more smooth. Even his package at 7 hard inches seemed to feel a bit less full in his hand than it was the last time he let off some steam. So he waited for Dylan to leave, and followed after him.

Dylan was rushing toward his car. It was the new model silver beetle with a

“moon roof” opened in the top. Inside it there were a number of stuffed animals and action figures. Half of them were obviously Pokémon, with a Pikachu on the passenger seat. The rest were super heroes and anime characters. He reached for the door handle - and saw the big hand of Shawn reach around him to lean on the door frame.

“Hey,” Shawn growled. Dylan winced.

“Hey Shawn.” Dylan didn’t mind the blow job so much - Shawn was really hot, even if he roughed him up a bit, it was never as bad as some of the other guys. And let’s face it… Shawn reminded him a lot of someone in between The Rock and Bruce Wayne, the Batman, as played by Christian Bale at his best. So who in their right mind wouldn’t want to at least touch some of that?

Still, sucking Shawn off would mean that he would get a few bruises and probably have to do his homework, which he did not want to do because this weekend there was a cosplay event he didn’t want to miss. He was going to go as Clark Kent, with an open shirt and a Superman emblem blue lycra shirt under it. He even got the hair cut for it to go with the costume and all.

“What’s with the new hair cut?” Shawn growled. He decided Dylan looked even faggier with it.

“Huh? You don’t like it?”

“No. I need you to do a paper … and to take care of this.” Shawn thrust his denim-covered bulge forward suggestively. Dylan looked down, defeated.

“Fine, where do we…”

Shawn raised a hand to cut him off.

“Your room,” he said. They were across the hall in the same dormitory. Shawn left him and walked to his pickup. He grabbed the wheel of his car. That’s when he noticed - his knuckles always had a bit of hair coming out, Shawn was a hairy guy but - now they looked smooth. Even his finger nails seemed to be shaped, with a gleam almost like nail polish.

“Like, what the hell!” he snapped. His voice sounded smooth, higher pitched without his usual growl, instead, it was almost a purr. “Like, this isn’t my voice! This ain’t how I talk!”

He started to breath harder, panic settling in. “What is going on?”

He almost shouted, but strangled the cry when he saw someone looking at him strangely. It was okay. No need to panic, probably just exhaustion from the hard workout, he only needed to sleep it off. Just a bit of hair and a strange voice was nothing to worry about. He drove back to the dorm, forcing himself not to think about it. Still he knew something was not right.

He arrived at the parking lot of his dorm, and when he was backing into his spot, he saw his face in the mirror and saw a stranger. He let out an involuntary “nyhaaaai!!”

The sound of his voice was extremely high a bit like Mika from the song Grace Kelly. His face looked much younger. Instead of his manly face, he was seeing a boyish version of himself, but he had never looked this boyish. He had big eyes with long, dark lashes, he actually had high cheek bones - he couldn’t believe it. His lips seemed to have swollen fuller, his nose became smaller and more delicate, his entire face seemed softer, and his hair had became a long mane with a natural wave in it that could belong on those women in shampoo commercials. He open his mouth stunned. Despite the large body, with that face and hair, he made Justin Bieber look manly next to him. He was frozen, unable to speak. How the hell could he go back to his room, to campus, to anywhere that people knew him, looking like that?

He forced himself to breathe, and licked his lips. He could feel his puffy lips pressing under his tongue. They tingled - they shouldn’t do that. He knew he had to get to his room, even if it meant going past the lawn outside the dorms, where other students were taking advantage of the warm evening. He got out of the truck and walked quickly towards the entrance. People looked at him stunned. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. A giant man coming out of that pick-up - much bigger than anyone who lived in the dorm - but with such a pretty-boy face. It was almost as if he was one of those “head transplant” morphs or something. Before he could get to the door, though, he was blocked by a few of his friends.

“Who the hell are you, fag bait?” said one of the guys, pushing Shawn. Or trying - he was still bigger than the guy. But Shawn felt it like a punch, his muscles suddenly feeling very sore after the day’s workout.

“Hey, stop it, that hurt,” Shawn purred. No no no no. Why did he talk like that?

“God, I think he’s prettier than your sister, Logan,” Alexander snorted. Alexander was quarterback of the football team. He was known as Alexander the Great II, for the number of women he fucked and for the many victories he brought to the team.

Logan press his lips and narrowed his eyes toward the QB.

“Did you just bad-mouth my sister?”

“Logan,” Alexander growled, “Chill.”

Shawn seethed. He knew he should be smashing those guy’s heads together. He was bigger, stronger, they feared him. Didn’t they? He made a step and was bitch-slapped by Alexander.

“Who said you could get closer?” the QB growled.

“Hey leave him alone,” Dylan yelled, running up between the two of them. “What are you doing? No hitting people!”

Alexander glared at the interloper.

“Listen, little bitch-boy,” he said, grabbing Dylan’s t-shirt.

“ALEXANDER SMITH, YOU STOP THAT!” A sharp, female voice commanded.

Alexander almost jumped two feet into the air, whirling around. That’s when he saw Mary Smith coming. Mary was Alexander’s sister. She was one of those women you really really did not want to mess with, or cross. She was the president of the student body, a cheerleader and pom-pom girl, and editor of the school paper, and she could make sure a boy at that school would be unable to get a date (or a scholarship) with a single editorial - and had done so once or twice when a certain frat was found using roofies. But more importantly she was two years older than Alexander and because their parents were away so much, she had almost raised him by herself. And her brother always got that particular cowed look when she was mentioned.

Mary crossed her arms. A few women - two cheerleaders and a sorority girl and oh, no, the co-anchor of the local television news - had come with her. Now he was trapped. He couldn’t bitch at his sister and if he touched Dylan in front of those women he would be seen as a jerk. His sex life would be over on that campus and those women could make it so he would be publicly hated.

“Let him go. Now.” Mary was follow by her friends.

“Hi, Dylan,” the two cheerleaders said.

“Oh hi girls,” Dylan said, with a big friendly smile. “It’s all right, Mary, Alexander and I were just talking, uh, we were just talking about that new dog Sherry and I were looking at. You know the one we were debating between calling Lassie or Jenny…”

Mary looked again at Alexander and he shrugged, and he and Logan made their escape. Mary watched them walk off. The women all smiled and chatted with Dylan. How they all liked the fag, Shawn had no idea. Dylan seemed to attract woman like flowers attract bees. They always seemed to hang around him. Despite his being a capital-N nerd, they all loved him. They seemed completely comfortable around him. It wasn’t really fair.

“Thanks again, Mary, but seriously it wasn’t necessary. Still that was nice. Mary rocks,” Dylan said, fist in the air. She smiled.

“God, why is it that I like you? You are such a geek.” She shook her head.

“Because I make up for it with enthusiasm and energy,” he said with a big goofy grin.

For the first time, Shawn realized that despite being so weak, and gay, and bullied, Dylan never showed it. He always seemed to smile. Shawn realized that the women were looking at him, so he smiled and said, “Gotta go,” and hurried inside to his room.

Shawn walked to his room. He needed to know what was going on. He was freaking out.He heard a knock on his door.

He didn’t want to open it. He didn’t want to be seen like this. He looked in the mirror and wondered what was happening to him. There seemed to be no more change.

“Shawn it s me. Are you alright?” Asked Dylan. “Shawn open up”.

“Like gosh what do you want?” He was seeing blurry…was he crying?…Even his speech seamed woman like.

Dylan looked at him. “Are you alright? I am really glad you are finally out of the closet…but I have to admit. I am surprised you don’t look like anything you did a few hours ago” He put a hand on his arm. “I am happy though that you are out there and I just wanted to tell you that I support you.”

Shawn waved his hand “This is not me.” He said in a high voice. “This is not right…something is doing this to me” He was waving his hand like a teenage girl having her first PMS.

“What do you mean?” Asked Dylan confused.

“Dylan help me…someone put a spell on me or something”.

Dylan looked at Shawn again more closely. “Alright girl calm down”.

“Don’t call me that” He winced. God before he would have broken his teeth for that. Now he was…well…he didn’t know..he couldn’t even think. Everything just seemed soo cloudy and confusing in his head.

“Alright calm down….is there anything else that is…wrong?” Dylan asked. He had a hard time believing it but he had to admit it. Shawn looked nothing like he used to. Even his muscles were bigger.

"I don’t know " Shawn cried. He froze as he felt a sensation in his crotch.

“No.” He winced. He looked down and grabbed his dick…it seamed… smaller.

“What is wrong?” Asked Dylan.

"M-my cock…"He cried


Shawn looked inside his pants…his cock was now about 1 and a half inches soft….and his balls…were soo smooth and tiny. It made it look like a small clit was hanging between his leg…with two little peas. He pulled his pants and underwear all the way down “Look at my cock it’s gotten smaller.” He cried. His face tuning red. At the mention of his tiny member.

Dylan looked at it.

“Alright…someone must have done a spell or something” He said stun. He knew that Shawn was not that small.

“What am i going to do now? I can’t even have sex anymore.” Shawn said as he wiped his tears with his hand.

“Relax…just calm down Shawn. A crying guy is not sexy. In fact, you may not be as hott anymore, but you are really cute” Tried Dylan.

“I don’t want to be cute.” Growled Shawn. “I want to be sexy and manly and have a huge cock between my legs and smell like a real man again. I mean Christ, I smell like a freaking rose.” He screamed.

“Oh…now that you mention it you do smell nice” Pointed out Dylan. “Look you can still have sex though” He said.

“Not with this clit.” Growled Shawn.

Dylan sighed and slowly kissed him lifting his chin. “Yes you can.”

Shawn didn’t move. He looked at Dylan and he felt himself blushing. He felt so weak. Dylan very carefully removed the rest of Shawn’s clothes.

“There you go. You have a pretty, beautiful shape.” He said calmly. “Flex for me. You still like doing that don’t you?” Shawn slowly flexed his massive arms. Then looking at Dylan he noticed his eyes turn a bit darker as he slowly began to pass his tongue over Shawn’s flexing biceps. Which were now easily the size of footballs. Definitely as wide and definitely as hard. He let out a small soft moan as Dylan’s tongue slid up and down each of his veins. His moans were soft but very high. He could feel his face blushing and his cock hardening in his pants. What was that? He had never felt anything like it! He never knew Dylan could do this to him with his tongue.

Dylan smiled him a coy smile. “You didn’t think I was only good at giving pleasure through blow jobs did you?” Shawn opened his mouth to talk, but Dylan pushed his finger in it. “Shhh don t talk.” He said. “Just suck it.” Shawn hesitated, but did as he was told. He expected Dylan’s finger to stay still, but no…as he sucked it he realized Dylan had other plans.

He could feel the finger teasing his tongue. He already knew that the tongue held a lot of sensation in it, but Dylan teased him with it to a whole new level. Shawn was starting to drool as Dylan got him to use his new dick sucking lips in a way that made Shawn feel…that there was…something missing in his mouth…something big. He slowly looked down at his puny cock. It was really small, but he never remembered it ever before being quite so hard. In fact, his cock usually never leaked that much, but now…his clit was really wet with his own precum. Dylan removed his finger with a loud pop. “Let me take the lead.” Shawn’s heart beat faster and his lips pressed together hard…only adding to this new very empty sensation in his mouth. “Now turn around and get on all fours on the bed”. Dylan said.

“But.” Started Shawn. He was not a bitch, no no no.

“Relax alright.” Dylan kissed Shawn again this time with a lot of tongue. Which only helped to tease Shawn’s tongue and mouth even more. he then felt Dylan grab his ass and start squeezing it with those his nice strong hands of his. Dylan then left his lips. “We will do this together…you can tell me when to stop at any time. I will be real gentle.” Very slowly he guided the soft smooth feminine hulk to his hands and knees. Presenting Shawn’s beautiful tan ass muscular ass. "“You have beautiful legs” Dylan said. Shawn blushed.

“I… I… ummm.. th-thank you.” He was sounding like a very shy virgin girl now. God he hated himself. This seamed… this was… wrong. He wanted to stop. He was about to turn around and tell Dylan he didn’t want this. But then, he felt Dylan’s hands slowly spread his meaty, hairless, glutes and then he felt a new naked sensation taking over him. “D-Don.” He suddenly felt something pushing against his virgin back entrance. It was just putting a bit of pressure, not penetrating. The sensation felt unnatural…yet the warm moist sensation of that tongue…was the most amazing, pleasurable feeling he had ever experienced. He felt his ass slowly begin to relax and open up to Dylan’s probing tongue despite his conflicting feelings. And those hands! They were making his thick muscular glutes go limp. Also, Shawn did not realize it, but his body had become a bit leaner and he had begun to push his ass out and up higher…making it more easily accessible to Dylan. His mind was trying to fight it, but his body loved the worship and the attention it was getting.

“Dylan what are you doing? It feels…” Shawn’s voice seamed less hesitant then before. Not as confident and forceful.

“Relax.” Dylan growled. He was now trying to push his finger inside. Shawn screamed as though he felt the sharp pain of his insides being spread. The finger moved away from his entrance.

“Shawn, it’s alright it is going to hurt the first time,” Dylan said, “but you have to let me in. You need to let me push further. It’s always like this with a virgin… your asshole is just not used to having something put in it yet. But as I go deeper… you will want to be filled. Think of it as a work out. No pain, no gain!”

He hadn’t expected the high-pitched or loud screams from Shawn. It was kind of sexy though. It just meant that he would need to be a little more careful with this ass. At least for now.

“Good boy,” said Dylan. He slowly licked his lips. As his finger slowly played with Shawn… invading his hole. Shawn felt something happening. As he pushed his ass a bit he notice his hand getting larger. The nail no longer had polish on it… and small dark hairs were starting to push out of his knuckles. His deeper voice growled,“Fuck… easy… there. My voice… It…it’s starting to sound…”

Suddenly, Dylan pushed a bit deeper. Shawn felt a strange sensation. It was a small pressure point inside him. His glutes squeezed those finger in panic, almost breaking them. They slid out of his ass. He felt it, that strange sensation inside him… as if something was missing back there. Dylan could see his cock slowly starting to grow a few inches. His balls were still small but, at least now he could see them between his legs.

" Shawn! I think the curse is reversing!" Dylan exclaimed.

“Put that cock in my ass,” Shawn ordered. It was almost the same way he had forced Dylan to take his cock in his mouth when he bullied him. Only this time he was begging for Dylan’s cock up his ass!

“Excuse me,” growled Dylan. Shawn finally heard the zipper go down.

“Dylan. I know how to break the curse. When you push something in there. I… I return to normal,” he said. He saw some of his body hair emerge slowly from his skin. “Please… I am turning back,” he growled.

Shawn felt something just pressing on his ass. It was something very long and thick. It was easily rubbing up and down and all around the side of his massive butt.

“Jesus! That thing has to be near a foot long,” thought Shawn.

“Ask me nicely and properly, or I am walking away,” said Dylan.

“If you do that I will…” Shawn began, but as he said that, Dylan moved his cock away from his buttocks.

“Fine! I want you inside me, Dylan. I want you to push inside my massive prime beef ass and take my virginity. I am begging you to make me a man again,” Shawn said, his voice slowly growing softer and tender.

“Was that so hard?” smiled Dylan.

Shawn only hoped that after being penetrated he would be back to normal.

He froze as he felt that thick pressure on his hole. His ass tensed.

“Maybe we could…ummm… lube it before…” he said.

Dylan smiled, "Remember that you wanted to become a man? What was that you said when you made me take your cock in my mouth to the hilt when you grabbed my hair?

“How about you take it like a man?” Dylan growled.

Shawn had thought that taking a finger in his hole was painful, but as he felt Dylan’s thick, 3-inch mushroom, he realized that a finger was nothing! As for Dylan, despise pushing hard, he couldn’t even push past his cap in one go.

Shawn’s cries whet from a high tenor to a baritone. His eyes teared a bit. He could feel his jaw becoming wider as he growled. He had never felt such a pain in his life!

“How could those fags take something so big?” Shawn asked himself. “Christ! Dylan, you are so fucking huge,” he growled. “Couldn’t you be any gentler?”

Shawn’s long, wavy hair was now becoming shorter, returning to his normal buzzed sides with messy spiked hair, gelled up. His eyelashes were shortening. His nose became wider.

“Want me to quit?” Dylan smiled. He was enjoying the moment. His fingers sliding down Shawn’s massive, deep, 6 no… 8 pack. He could feel them flex and unflex under his fingers with every breath Shawn took. Shawn was truly a beautiful specimen.

Shawn growled. “Little bastard! You know I don t want to stop,” he said. Despise the pain of having that huge mushroom in him, he wanted him to continue. And to his surprise, he didn’t want to continue just to be normal again, but also because that sensation deep inside him… was burning. He wanted to be filled. And the provocation from Dylan was really starting to turn him on. His cock was rock hard. He could feel it getting bigger,leaking precum between his massive legs. He was even starting to enjoy the feeling.

It was hard . Painful almost like a workout, but that feeling inside him of being slowly filled… at first seemed repulsive but now felt so good. No, it was more then that. He was finding a new kind of sex. One that provided even more pleasure then fucking. Who knew? He had never imagined that there was such a pleasurable sensation inside that tight hole of his.

The sensations continued as he felt himself becoming stronger and stronger. He felt his jaw widening. His tongue slowly licked his deflating lips. As his voice growled deeper, Dylan was pushing himself deeper inside Shawn. His cock was finally half-way in, and his lower body felt tired. Shawn was just that tight. Years of toning his muscle, even his gluts, gave he an ass that was very hard to break. Yet, he could feel light hair slowly spread under his fingers on Shawn’s abs. Shawn’s shoulders even seamed a bit wider.

Shawn was growling now even deeper now. His penis was swelling and swelling, slapping between his legs.

“Harder. Come on lover boy, I need to cum. I am so damn close,” Shawn said, his voice commanding… and maybe a bit affectionate. He was even meeting his strokes. He could feel that Shawn wanted it, badly. He wanted Dylan to finally push that fat cap inside him and press on that very tight point inside him. He wanted it despite a shame that lasted just a moment, that Dylan would cum inside him. It have become more and more a challenge.

Not nervous, any longer, he was eager. He loved pushing the boy … and him pushing him. It was turning him on. He loved the feeling how the boy would grab his tight muscles and abs and press hard on them. trying to make him move. He loved the feeling of flexing every inch of his muscles while Dylan rammed him hard… testing him. He loved how between each breath the boy would lick his triceps, worshiping his muscles in a way he wished would happen more often. He could not get enough of the feeling of his now thick legs covered with dark hair ,covered in his sweat with that boy sweating and breathing heavily on top of him. Worshiping and yet not dominating him… it felt more that Shawn needed to prove himself in every touch that Dylan gave him. He needed to fight for that cock.

“I am so close,” whispered Dylan. “I… I’m going to cum. You are so tight. Do you want me to cum deep in you? Or all over you?” He growled. His nails raked across Shawn’s abs, very hard, breaking the skin and drawing blood. It was raw. It was primal. There wasn’t a need for more foreplay. It was a primal need. It took all his restraint not to cum inside that muscle beast. And tO take his virginity and mark him as his own.

Shawn could barely hear him. That thick pole, to his surprise, bent up inside him and finally touched that pressure point. The feeling of being lifted from within already had him cumming all over his chebst and arms, making him black out for a second. All he remembered was a moan… a deep meanly moan. Yet, even as he came over his chest, he could feel he was still very hard. He could feel the cum dribbling down his chest and arms.

He tried to catch his breath. “I want your cum inside me,” he ordered.

Dylan came inside him. Shawn reveled in the feeling of the cum spreading inside him. Shawn felt the cum pushing inside of him. He was surprise by how much cum Dylan had made. Most people usually ejaculated two or three times, but he felt as if Shawn’s cum was overflowing. It felt like a gallon of liquid! He could feel the wall of ass spreading as the thick white liquid filled him. He then felt it getting absorbed by his body… into his veins… his biceps, triceps and forearms… his jawline and cheekbones. He felt this heavy cream filling him, becoming a part of him, moving up his body as his forehead and brow grew wider. His eyebrows grew in bigger and darker giving him a more powerful glare. His neck started to feel tight as a bigger Adam’s apple pushed out, bigger then he ever had. A clear dark five o’clock shadow was forming on his now square jaw, more masculine then he had ever had. His balls felt more and more heavy as thick hairs covered them.

Dylan sat up. “Wow! That was fantastic!” he said. His hair was messy and full of sweat. And he had a happy grin on his face.

“Yeah,” smiled Shawn.

Dylan got up to get his pants.

“How about round two?” asked Shawn.

“Say what? I just blew a load in you! I can’t go right to it.”

“No problem. I am hard. Let me do you,” Shawn said with a smile.

“Hey what?” growled Dylan. But Shawn already had two big hands lifting him off the floor and flopping Dylan on to his chest…

Dylan woke up later in the night. “Great,” he thought. “I guess I just closed my eyes for a bit.” He needed to get away from Shawn. He liked him but now that the curse was gone… more then likely, they would go their separate ways.

He looked at the night table, and saw the time… 1 am. They had slept for 3 hours. Dylan never slept so early. It was just a nap from what he considered the best sex of his life. Shawn seamed asleep.

He very slowly moved out of the bed, when an arm caught him. It was dark and he could barely see.

“Where are you going, D?” asked Shawn.

“Herrr… my room,” said Dylan.

“I’m horny,” Shawn said, his now deep voice coming out as a rumble.

Dylan’s mouth opened in shock. “What the hell? Already? What was he? A fucking rabbit?” he asked himself. He was about to complain when two lips pressed on to his. Two big arms wrapped around his body. Dylan realized that he was simply speechless.

As Shawn moved away from Dylan, breaking the kiss, Dylan realized his arms were magically around Shawn’s waist. “How did that happen?” he wondered.

Dylan could see Shawn’s shadow above him, lifting him up as a powerful hand grabbed his cock and gave it a long stroke. He was about to compose himself, when he felt two meaty ass cheeks press against his hardening cock. He genuinely thought he could probably have one last go at this.

Shawn growled as he could feel that cock push into him. “GOD!” he thought, “I could definitely go all night long with that cock up my ass.”

He could feel his testosterone levels rising. His sex drive seamed to increase every time he was fucked or sexually stimulated. He could feel his balls growing almost as much as his love for this little fella.

“God!” Shawn thought, “these balls are getting really heavy! I’ll be damned if I let this be the last time I get that hot cock in me tonight, after all, the night’s still young.”

After he came in Shawn, Dylan fell asleep. He relaxed his body, and smelled something… something very good. Shawn was next to him, and he had that smell. It was a very mainly smell that seemed to come only from sweaty hunks.

“Eau de musk maybe?” Dylan wondered. “Damn, that’s sexy. Too bad I have to go back to my room.”

He moved one leg. He couldn’t see Shawn, only his shadow. He hoped that he would not get up. He then managed to move his ass off Shawn’s bed. He walked and ran into a very powerful chest. It was so dark he couldn’t quite see it, but clearly there were some very powerful muscles there. Much more then he remembered. His nose bumped on a a ten-pack with ridges so deep, they could swallow his hands.

“Was Shawn taller or something?” he asked himself.

“Hey,” Shawn said, his voice deep and rumbling, causing vibrations to Come from deep within that giant chest. It seemed more like a Russian or a German voice.

With a swift gesture, Dylan suddenly found himself on the bed.

“SHAWN!” he snapped. “You’re doing this on purpose!”

Suddenly, he fled something wet surround his cock, slowly going down his limp member. He felt a tongue tease his member, licking up and down his shaft. And despise his best intentions, his cock became hard again.

The mouth released his half-hard member as he felt a tongue teasing his massive uncut cockhead. Dylan’s toes curled in pleasure as Shawn played with his sensitive parts. He couldn’t quite see Shawn, dut he could see a cocky smile and an very proud and confident stare looking at him. His cock became very, very hard, like a steel rod. As if he hadn’t had release in weeks.

“You were saying saying D?” Shawn asked with his deep, sexy voice as he grabbed Dylan’s ass. “I mean, I need to…” And that’s when Dylan felt his member being completely swallowed by Shawn. All nice inches were being deep-thrated to the hill. Shawn then sucked the base of his cock, like an expert cocksucker, and moved up and down. The feeling made Dylan moan. But what drove him over the edge was he could feel a thick goatee teasing his balls.

“Shawn had never had a goatee,” Dylan thought. His mind tried to function, but all he could do was shout, “Jesus Christ! I’m gonna fucking cum!”

Dylan felt a smile around his cock. The mouth left his tortured cock, and suddenly Shawn’s mouth was on his lips, wrapping his arms tight around him. And something really tight squeezed that cock of his. He came

He was still asleep when something very big and hairy moved away from him. He didn’t know what it was, but it felt like a giant arm the size of his torso. It kissed his cheek. A bear teasing his cheek “No. I’m asleep.” Dylan kept his eyes shut tight. “I just can’t any more” He grumbled. His body was exhausted.

Shawn smiled and look at the mirror. He barely recognized himself. His face was darker. He eyes seemed to glare more than looking back. His thick 5 o’clock shadow was heavier than before with a powerful goatee. His powerful chest had a very deep cleft…

“Shawn.” He heard a voice behind him. He looked at Dylan.

“Is it over?” Dylan asked.

Shawn grinned. “No babe, it’s just the start!”

SHawn smiled at the whiny Dylan and scratched his furry eight pack. Despiste the thick, dark, musky hair coating them, his abs seemed even more visible. He look at that cute little face that tried to deny having been woken up. Dang…he was cute. And… Shawn was honestly tempted. He looked at the exhausted boi in the bed and almost felt guilty…almost. When Dylan tried to leave him as though nothing had happened, it made him angry. The heavier his balls got, the angrier he seemed to grow. It was like an exponential surge of testosterone. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to scream at Dylan.

Instead his cock suggested something much more productive. He could feel himself changing. Dylan had gained his respect by protecting him from those dumb jocks. Despite the fact that Shawn was always a bully. But what won was how gentle he was during sex. He could have completely broken him, but instead he took his time and was gentle with his touch. Even when he was weak. Yet pushing him with a certain respect. It allowed him to explore something new. Maybe it was the curse, but he suspected that the curse had more to do with him feeling like a protective alpha over his mate. ****Edited till here.*****His more manly appearance as well as … maybe those protective and possessive feeling. In his mind DYlan was his dammit. The idea to be left at a simple sex anger him it made him want to grab him and pin him down and fuck him and make him his. And he did. After that he got that beautiful cock inside him of course. He licks his lips tempted again. Look at the time. '' Nah I got to go''' He said loving that deep new voice. Maybe he could get that tongue to clean him again.. his massive member go haft hard at the thought. Great. Yeah …he could see the problem with a massive cock now. More over his cloth felt alright tight a size two small… everywhere. He needed to go shopping two. Dylan put the sheath over his head. '' Good.''Said Dylan with a lot of relief in his voice SHawn eyes narrow. What did he mean good? Did he want him gone? Like hell he was getting rid of him like that. He took a step. Look down . And saw a pair of boxer with batman logo on it. He smiled evilly.

'' I will see you later my D'' He said Closing the door.

Dylan opens his eyes. What the hell did he means by '' I will see you later?'' Why later. They had sex enough for a life time and more over the curse is clearly broken what could he want more. There was no way Shawn would want a stable relation. He was clearly an top alpha dog. And even If Dylan didn t mind a cock or the look. He was perfectly fine on his own. No string . And nothing to own to no one. He definitely was not Shawn type. And what he mean by '' My D?'' He probably miss hear. This was supposed to be a therapeutic sex no more. Hell if he wanted to keep the curse clear he would only need another guy to fuck him. He would be okay with sex once in a while with him but nothing more. He looks at the time. Shit he missed one class and haft of the period of the second. He quickly took his stuff . Trying to find his underwear but as he search he look at time. He needed to hurry to his last period. He quickly when to his room put on a Venom cap. It did look more cool then the spider-man one. And rush to his class.

Dylan finish his class. He had to fight no to fall asleep. He blamed Shawn for this it was absolutely his fault. He missed 3 h of class. For what simple sex? Alright amazing incredible out of this world gorilla sex … But of course that had nothing to do with it . He walk out and saw his best friend waiting for him . Ben . Ben was a really good guy. They met at a D and D role play. He was straight but Dylan didn’t mind when the guy was s level 60 paladin and the only healer of the groupe you had to be nice whit him. The guy next to Ben was Leonard also know as the wizard . Not because of D and D but because he is pure magic with a computer. While skinny Leonard was actually hot beautiful blue eyes and black hair cut very short . He kept for himself . Dylan had a crush on him for the longest time . Problem he was not sure if he was gay . “So is are is there a reason why you were late ?” Ask Ben . " No reason just alarm cloak . " Dismiss Dylan . " something is up" Said Leonard . You couldn’t hide anything from the wizard . The wizard took a step and narrow his eyes . Using what Dylan called the stare. Dylan took a step back . The wizard took two . " so hum what are you going to dress at the cos play like . " Ask Dylan trying to avoid more questions.The trick to that was to ask some of his own “we had that talk like 10 times already.” Ben point .Dylan didn t care as long they change topic . Suddenly Ben and the Wizard stood very still . Dylan felt a very large warm presence behind him . then pair of batman logo underwear was hanging in front of him. Held by tow very large digit attach to a giant slightly hairy hand. " you forgot something in my room D " said a very deap and powerfull voice . Breathing down his neck. Dylan frooze " I am very very curious to see what you are wearing under those pants . I have a feeling you are going commando ." Dylan could feel a smile as he add" And the idea turn me on."

Dylan turn around . This was going to far . This was…by the green light of the green lanthern. The man infront of him looked completely out of place. He didn t seamed to belong in school he seamed to belong in the new avenger movie between Captan Amarica and the hulk… or a very very expensive porn movie. The man infront of him remind me of that gay porn start Zeb atlas…when he did not shave. He was by no mean over hairy … simply that he was not a body builder that shave and you don t see those a lot. He reconize shawn slightly by the face …but that was it. Shawn skin seamed darker a bit closer to latino when before he was pretty pale. He had very intense black eyes looking at him like he was lunch. His hair were kept short but it seamed to be still have a decent volume to it. The man was looking down at him towering him to a perfect 6 foot 8. A wide jaw that seamed to belong to someone who have been chewing tabasco all his life. Just for more effect Shawn had a very deep five o cloack shadow. Under a very powerful goat that remind Dylan of last night. When he wonder what that feeling that tease his ball when Shawn gave that blow job. Of course there was other thing was amazing about the cocky ….fucker infront of him. He kept searching for flaws there as to be flaws other then that stupid .. biggot grim. Shoulders …no… they were large as if he was wearing pad …yet it was clear it was not . More over his neck was still showing . As if to show he stil got something wide to deap troath him like he last night…. biceps… let s not go there. Despise the thick black hair on the arm that was suppose to show less of those muscle. Each of these arms seamed able to lift him and do rip and some… when Shawn cross his arm he could swear he heard a small ripping sound from that black shirt. Chest… he bet he had something that look like man boobs…. no… the chest perfect . It was perfectly raise up and naturally proud like a lion before roaring… and the shirt was not lying on how hard and perfectly shape those massive pecs were… Dylan look at those clear push out nipples against the thin fabric. his cock got hard in his to tight jeans…feeling the disconfort in his pants that had to underwear to make it any easier because that giant ass was holding it in good grip. The fore harm was so large and thick with muscle cord that Dylan knew better then grab them away. Abdomen !!! Yes… every guy had a little bit of fat in the front . He only had to focus on those…. perfectly hard 8 abs…that made his shirt look as if it naturally came with an 8 pack and a very narrow waste. Flaws? Of course not. Why would some one had an other flaw other then that grim and those playful eyes.

" Ha! " Shawn tough . He could see his boyfriend face turning completly red… He didn t plan to be so agressive . He wanted to talk it out first . But when he saw that skinny boy with black hair coming a bit to close to his D. He tough he would grab his with one hand and break his next. Something in him allowed him to quickly rationalise that this boy didn t know that D was his. So he made it clear. My boyfriend . His underwear for me to wave mine. Did he just create a scandle in school for the next month? Yes. Did he care? No. As long they understood that D was his and he would crush anyone who touch him . He was fine .. More over it was really sexy to see D blush and his cock getting hard in those pants and people looking at him with water drooling envy. He could see D trying to fight to look lower. Awwwn… He had to admit he truly was starting to feel horny . WOuld it be wrong to pick him up . Put him on his shoulder and slap that nice round ass in front of everyone and get to their room? He couldn t help him and wink at him. " Trying to say something mean" He ask in a very deep voice.

He saw D about to say something when Alan . SImply walk next to D. Put a hand behind his shoulder . " Sup Dylan." He said kissing him on the chick. Shawn felt a muscle jerk . His jaws squeeze tight . His deep eyes brow came together. He will kill him. " Ha new one ? So he got the batman. You forgot the superman at my place " Alan smile a devious grim at him. He knew . Alan knew. ALan knew who he was . And now he was putting his big faggy paw all over his D. He tried to stay calm but the testostérone in his body would not allow him. He could imagine himself punching Alan in the face. And it would be good. He heard his own knuckle crack as they made a punch. " Hum. Yeah" said Dylan. " Just a one night stand" Shawn eyes narrow at D . " I think not" He said . " Your ass belong to me " He said deep clear and loud enough for the corridor to hear.

Dylan green eyes look at him stun. Then narrow . " Just. Stay away from me" He snap. Grabbing his batman boxer . Shawn held it a second . And lean ." No. " He said in his hear releasing the underwear before D walk away . He wanted to follow him talk but. He focus on Alan. He then focus on Dylan two friend that were looking at him with bugg eyes." Scram" He order. And poof. They dissapear. He could get use to this. He then look Alan directly in the eyes. Time to make things clear.

Shawn grab Alan and pin him on the wall . Hard . '' What the fuck .'' He snap. His forehead receive the wall. '' Now listen '' Growl Shawn. His cock about haft hard was pushing against Alan ass. It felt like a giant tube was pressing in rup.. Alan almost expected Shawn to rape him on the wall like an animal. Right here in the middle of the school… yet…despise this he felt himself quite turn on by the situation. Shawn lean and whisper. '' First if you have Dylan underwear I dam expect you to give them back to me. Second. You come close to D and I will break you. Am. I .Clear.He is mine '' He growl Twisting Alan hand. '' YES'' He snap.

''Good''Shawn let him go and was about to look for D but … dammit it was time for his own class.

Dylan came power walk in his room. He arrives and threw his underwear on the bed. The nerve! What did he think parading his underwear like that. What next? The guy just wanted sex so he stayed mainly that s all . He removed his cloth. And took a shower. His cock …to his shame was still painfully hard. He had to admit that Shawn look awesome. He knew a part of him wouldn t mind to be fuck and fuck that beautiful man. He stroke his cock calmly. His out of proportion cock seamed to hurt. He calmly took shampoo. Eh….who did those extra bottles belong to? There was his soap and all but…there was simply more. He shampoo quick . Forgetting his erection a moment. He came out of the shower. New tooth brush. Use. Next to his. An electric shaver.WHat the hell? He when back to his room and his jaw drop. On one side of the bed was his night table with his green lantern light lamp under it his collection of comic. On the other side. A new night table with a normal light and a collection of man supplement and so on. On one side of his room all his collection of movie and poster of justice league almost exactly in the order he put them. On the other side was a big smelly gym bag as well as Shawn football uniform. He recognizes the number. He. didn t . Was the only thing he tough before angry he when to the drawer. For cloth. On one side was all his underwear most of them with a logo of his favorite hero. On the other side was his pink 12 inch dildo and a giant bottle of lube follow by a single pair of Egyptian slick made black boxer… what s with that?

Dylan spend over an hour looking in his …. room. His other drawers was full of Shawn cloth.This was insane. He had a roommate but when he search the apartment the stuff were simply gone.All was left was the bed the rest gone…who could move all the furniture in about 1h or 2h? He called Jace.

'' Jace….where are you. '' Dylan try

'' I moved out from my apartment your boyfriend was pretty insistent on me leaving. I have to say man. I am straight but that dude is really hot. Where did you fetch him? He moved my stuff in his hold room like it was nothing. Then move his.''

'' He is not my boyfriend. '' Said Dylan

'' … he is not? But you slept with him last night. I had to go in an hotel room cause you were so dam loud. ''

Dylan pause taking a moment to digest that. His chicks turning red. Where they that loud? Really?

'' He told me it s the best way so I could get some sleep . I have to agree.You are a screamer.''

'' I AM NOT A SCREAMER '' Scream Dylan at the phone

'' Normally no but with him you are.'' Jace was feeling humorous today. Dylan could see his smile through the phone. He wonder if he could strangle him trough the phone two.

Dylan spend over an hour looking in his …. room. His other drawers was full of Shawn cloth. This was insane. He had a roommate but when he search the apartment the stuff were simply gone.All was left was the bed the rest gone…who could move all the furniture in about 1h or 2h? He called Jace.

'' Jace….where are you. '' Dylan try

'' I moved out from my apartment your boyfriend was pretty insistent on me leaving. I have to say man. I am straight but that dude is really hot. Where did you fetch him? He moved my stuff in his hold room like it was nothing. Then move his.''

'' He is not my boyfriend. '' Said Dylan

'' … he is not? But you slept with him last night. I had to go in an hotel room cause you were so dam loud. ''

Dylan pause taking a moment to digest that. His chick turning red. Where they that loud? Really?

'' He told me it s the best way so I could get some sleep . I have to agree.You are a screamer.''

'' I AM NOT A SCREAMER '' Scream Dylan at the phone

'' Normally no but with him you are.'' Jace was feeling humorous today. Dylan could see his smile through the phone. He wonder if he could strangle him trough the phone two.