The Journal of Geoff Moore chapters 5-7, by Braun1

Day 1 - continued...

Jake said he wanted to see this muscle, flexing his arms into the most amazingly

peaked double biceps pose I'd ever seen, and we should go down to his gym and see

what we could get into. Steve was amazed at how much larger Jake was, and said that

I looked bigger too. All three of us had relaxed by then and were not starving. I

felt fine and was hoping this satisfied feeling would continue. Once we got to the

basement gym, I started mixing all of us some supplement drinks and we each had a

mug full as we moved around the gym. Steve was standing flexing his huge arms,

shoulders so broad he had to turn to get through the door and pecs that looks

more like furry half moons. Steve was the epitome of a hairy muscle stud. Jake on

the other hand had almost no hair at all, but he didn't care. He said he'd probably

shave off what was left because he loved the way his smooth skin felt next to my own

hairy muscle. He was finding out that there wasn't a weight in his gym that he

couldn't lift. He loaded up an olympic bar that he used for squats with 1200lbs.

Stood under it like it might be heavy and squatted. I was right there and after he

pressed it back up on the rack, he turned to me and planted a kiss on me that I'll

never forget. When he had pulled off of me he said, "I just can't believe how

fucking strong I feel." I smiled, very contented, and said "Baby, you ain't felt nothing

yet." I turned and grabbed the bar with one hand, pressed it off the rack, lowered it

and did one arm curls. After about 20 reps I switched hands and did another 20.

Jake was standing there with his mouth open and his huge cock rising. I then looked

over at Steve, who had been watching us, and winked. Giving him a "watch this" look.

I walked over, standing right in front of Jake and flexed both arms as tight as I

could. His cock went to full mast so fast it bounced off of his rock hard abs with a

slap. I just smiled and said, "I told you once today that I could find a good use for

that open mouth, and I still can." Steve broke out laughing and he got us all going.

We were soon all flexing and pumping and feeling and swelling. Before long it was

very evident that we were all very very horny.

Jake grabbed Steve, taking him unawares and scooped him up in his huge arms, looked

over his shoulder and said, "follow me big guy." He bounded up the stairs across the

living room and up another flight to his bedroom. I was not a step behind when he

suddenly stopped at the foot of his bed, unfortunately, I didn't realize he was

stopping and, well, I didn't. I ended up bowling them over and all three of us ended

up in a mass of muscle on the bed. Steve pulled out from under Jake and I and

pulled us both apart. Then he started kissing us, first me then Jake, then back to me,

then back to Jake, his tongue was all over us. It was going to be a good night.

I was laying spread eagle on the bed between the two largest, strongest, most

beautiful examples of manhood I could have wished for and they were now both

working on my cock. Jake had the head shoved so far down his throat I thought

there was no way he could possibly breathe and Steve was taking my balls in his

mouth and finger fucking my ass. I was truly in heaven. Or so I thought. Then it got

even better. Steve got up to three of his huge fingers working and stretching my

ass and playing with my prostate and Jake had turned into Mr. Hoover. I had no idea

what would happen if he sucked down another load of my cum... would he become

even bigger? Would he explode? Would his body rip itself apart trying to grow?

All I knew was that I wasn't going to let that happen. I was quickly falling for both

of these guys and I wasn't going to let anything happen to either of them. I could

feel myself getting close and did not want to cum yet, so I reached down and grabbed

Jake by the head and pulled him up to my face and kissed him. I could taste my own

precum as our tongues wrestled and he started squeezing my pecs, pinching my

nipples and sucking my tongue. My hands were all over his incredible body pressing

his into mine. I could feel the pulse of his heart and it was racing. His hard cock

was pressed against my thigh and I found his hard, round incredible ass and forced

my hand between is cheeks. Oh, God how hot, how tight, I had to have him. I removed

my hand and gently lifted his head from mine and pleaded, "Please, Jake, let me fuck

you?" He could hear the need in my voice and smiled like a cheshire cat. Meanwhile,

Steve was loosing no ground once Jake had move off my cock, he was on it with

abandon, still working my ass as he now had a fourth finger in and was working on

getting the thumb in there too. I looked down at his incredible body, hair flowing all

over me and said, "Steve, I want you to fuck me while I fuck Jake." He sat up on his

knees, reached down between his massive thighs and grabbed his cock with a look of

'you want a piece of this' and I came right out with, "yes, I want it all, fuck me big

man." It was like whatever I wanted these two enormous studs were more than happy

to please. Steve nearly bounced right off the bed as he jumped to get on all fours

and I suggested that we may want to do this on the floor as the bed may not be able

to handle all three of us humping hard. Jake agreed and assumed a position of

resting his hands and chest on the bed with is knees on the floor. I was right behind

him. You would not believe the sight, his back rippled with bulging muscle, no pro

ever had cuts like his, as I position my huge cock, his glutes were flexing and

unflexing and his hamstrings looked like huge cables. I reached around and stroked

his cock, squeezing this incredible shaft and pressed the head of my cock against his

perfect pink pucker. Steve was behind me and I could feel his body pressed into mine.

His huge hairy chest rubbing against my back and his hands were still busy in my hole.

I pressed forward, slowly, not wanting to hurt Jake with my huge pole and I couldn't

believe how hot and tight he was. I applied a little more pressure and his ass opened

up and my cock slid in so fast and easy that I fell forward onto him. He gasped and

then growled like an animal. Such was his pleasure. Moving so fast had dislodged

Steve's hand from my ass, but he quickly moved in to start working me again. Jake was

amazing, it was as if his ass was custom made for my cock. It was firm and tight, and

hot and felt like a satin vice. I moved in and out just a bit and he moaned loudly. I

motioned for Steve to get into me and he started to inch forward. I could feel the

hot head of his huge cock pressing against me, I was a little worried that I couldn't

take all of him, but soon he was buried to the hilt and grinding in me. Now I was

truly in heaven. I turned my head around and Steve attacked me with a passionate kiss.

I looked him in the eye and said "fuck me, fuck me hard buddy." He started slamming

into me with his new huge cock and I was in paradise. I was also buried to the hilt in

Jake who was squirming his ass from side to side and once Steve got into a butt

slamming rhythm, I start slamming into Jake. We must have gone on like that for

almost half an hour when I felt Jake shutter and the dominoes were falling. Jake

reared up and threw his head back and came all over the bed and the far wall, I lost

it and started shooting deep inside of him. After a few shots, I pulled out and shot a

few more times on the bed and floor. Steve screamed an filled me more than I had

ever been filled. Then he too pulled out and blasted the back of my head with a shot

or two.

We collapsed into a heap of sweating, cum covered muscle all over Jake's bed. We

lay there for a few minutes just breathing heavy and basking in what was, for me at

least, the most incredible sex of my life. Finally Jake said, "Would you two get off

of me you weigh a ton?" Steve and I burst out laughing and we crawled up to lay on

either side of this blond giant. I had to chuckle because we looked like some kind of

oreo cookie. Steve and I with our dark hair and skin and Jake with the blond shaved

look. We were content to just lay there and bask in the milk our cookie was dipped

in. There was cum all over the room.

After the three of us showered, (there was no way that we could fit in the show

together), Jake showed us to another bedroom. We had pretty much trashed his

room and especially his bed. At first I thought it was time for round two, but the

look on Steve's and Jake's faces said they were just done in. I felt fine, but I guess

they were still getting used to their new bodies and I had had mine for a whole day.

We did decide to sleep together, not wanting to be parted. Jake laid down on one

side of me and Steve on the other and both of these super men were soon curled up

in my huge arms using them for pillows. I have to say that, looking back, I was never

so happy in my life. Their deep breathing soon lulled me to sleep and the first day

of my journey is over.

Day Two

I woke early the next morning and glanced at the clock on the night stand. Five

o'clock and I was wide awake. I've never been a morning person, but evidently my body

was ready to begin the day. I had to piss and the giant morning hardon was staring me

in the face, almost literally. My cock was so big that it stretched up and over my

mountainous abs and the head rested in between the beginnings of my huge pecs. I

flexed it a time or two and it slapped against my gut with a deep thwack. My feet were

hanging over the bottom of the bed and I surmised that I must have grown some again.

I flexed my thighs, just to see them bounce and they actually shoved against Steve

and Jake away slightly. I thought surely it would wake my giant bed mates, but they

were evidently sleeping deeply. I moved them off of me as gently as I could and slid

toward the bottom of the bed. Standing and looking back at them, they were truly

the most beautiful men I had ever known. Steve looked to be at least 7'2" and around

380lbs. with all his manly hair in just the right places. His huge cock, at least 15"

was standing straight up as he slept on his back. It was waiving with each breath and

looking perfect. Jake must have gotten to 7' over night and looked a little shorter,

but much broader than Steve, maybe 425lbs, his dick was no smaller but even more

perfectly beautiful as it was completely smooth, where Steve's was uncut and veiny.

He lay on his side and had one hand wrapped around it protectively.

I stood there just watching them sleep for a moment, before the urgent need to piss

returned and I headed for the bathroom. I must have pissed for about five minutes,

gave myself a few shakes and decided not to take a shower as I might wake the boys. I

headed down to the gym to see how much more I had grown overnight, as the

bathroom mirrors had left alot to be desired. As I descended the stairs I heard the

breathing and grunts of someone working out hard. I knew Jake and Steve were still

asleep, so I wondered who this could be. As I slowly entered the gym I peered

around the door and what I saw sent an electric shock to my cock.

He was huge, he was black and he was beautiful. Laying on the bench doing heavy

incline presses with his chest heaving and his skin glistening he was incredible. I

could tell from his face he was young, much too young to be so huge. He had to be

at least 240lbs, all beef. He was too into his workout to notice me enter, but as I

approached he placed the bar back on the rack and stared. Lying down the way he

was it was difficult to tell how tall he was, but he must have been about 5'11" or 6'.

He had on tiny red workout shorts that left nothing to the imagination. He was well

hung and as he sat up I could see the full outline of a semi-erect cock being held a

bay by a jock obviously straining with its load. He hadn't said a word but his eyes

were wide like a deer in the headlights. His body was almost completely hairless, he

even shaved his head. He had a broad, square deeply chiseled chest with large

nipples and brick like abs to die for. His legs were huge and flared. He was well

cut showing each muscle with deep separation and his arms were more than large.

Pumped mountains hanging from his amazingly wide shoulders. His eyes were a liquid

brown with golden flecks and as I got closer they, if not his lips, smiled at me.

When I reached the end of the bench, he went to get up and I motioned him to stay

right where he was. He seemed to smile as if to ask what I was doing there buck


"Hi, I'm Geoff." I offered as a way of greeting. His hand shot up, reaching for mine

and he just said, "Troy." I told him he looked fantastic and whatever he was doing, was

surely working. Then he smiled and my heart stopped. Here I was, probably twice his

size, complementing his form. I already had him figured for the silent type, then the

floodgate opened and he explained that he was just about a year out of high school

and Jake had met him at the gym downtown when he was only 13 and had taken him

under his wing, so to speak and told him that he could workout here any time he

wanted. Jake had, obviously, provided him with everything he needed to progress. He

worked 7pm-3am so coming here to workout after work really was great. He just

kept on talking, but I wasn't really listening. His voice was deep, very deep, and

smooth as silk. Then he shocked my socks off. He finally said, "my god, you're huge."

Without another word, he reached out and grabbed my steel hard cock and began to

stroke it. I hadn't even noticed that I had gotten hard, just from listening to this kid.

I let out a loud moan and he smiled again. I could see the bulge in his own shorts

growing and helped him remove them. He had at least a 10" cock. Jake definitely

knew how to spot potential. It as amazingly proportioned, long but not too thick.

The head flared and was bright burnished red. Now he was licking my piss slit and I

was about to loose it. I wanted to hold back so he could have the full effect of

what he was about to become. If, that is, I was still producing supercum?. I pulled

away from him and reached down and picked him up like he weighed nothing. Carried

him over to a wrestling mat and laid him down. He again reached for my cock and I

grabbed his hand and just said, "Not yet." Troy looked disappointed until I reached

down and spread his legs. I licked my way from his perfect diamond shaped calves up

to his amazingly large balls. The smell of his funky sweaty crotch was driving me mad

and I took all of his cock in one swallow. He gasped and grabbed my head. Troy was

now fully hard had swelled up to about a foot long and much thicker. I thought he

would loose it immediately, but he held on and I started to really work his fine tool.

He began running his hands over my shoulders and arms. I could feel the cum just

building in my balls and quickly moved to 69, pushing my dripping cock into his hot

mouth. He sucked hard and I knew I wouldn't last much longer. He could only take a

few inches of my fat rod, but he more than made up for it in effort. I started

thrusting into his mouth and he was deep in mine. He lost it first and shot load after

load down my throat. I wasn't far behind and thrust hard into his hungry mouth and

came. His lips were so tightly fitted around the head of my swelling cock, that he

had no choice, but to swallow or drown. He swallowed and swallowed and I kept on

cumming. It was intense to say the least. I was rewarded by another shot of Troy

juice just as I finished. We lay there at peace for a second or two and then Troy was

pushing me out of the way and doubling over in pain. It looked even more intense

than when Steve had transformed, but Troy was bigger to start with and I hoped he

would be bigger to end with as well. I didn't have long to wait as he started growing

almost immediately. His breath was ragged and his eyes were bugging out. He just

stared at me and I walked over to the bar and started mixing protein drinks. I filled

up every jug and picture I could find and carried them over to the mat. He was

already up at least 50 lbs by the time I got back and he was still growing. His body

just seemed to be swelling, larger and larger, keeping in his perfect proportion.

The first thing I noticed was his cock, it as at least 16" and still swelling and rock

hard. His already chiseled abs were swelling into more like

cobblestones, and his chest just kept getting thicker and thicker. His cleavage was

quickly turning into a striated crevasse. His pecs were so broad, his chest looked

steel plated. His shoulders were already so wide and huge that he would have

trouble with regular doors and his legs were gigantic. At least 40" and still

swelling. He started trying to talk, between his panting breaths, and just said,

"Hungry." It was almost a growl. I put the first jug to his lips and he grabbed it and

sucked it down so fast, I couldn't believe it. He was sweating like a mad man and

between swallows he was panting for air. The second jug of protein drink went just

as fast and he just kept on drinking and growing. As I watched him lift the jugs to

his lips, I could see the completeness of his growth. His arms must have been at

least 30" around and he had to have at least a 25" neck, traps that pushed at the

side of his head and a back so rippled with thick and sinewy muscle it looked like

snakes playing under his ebony skin. Still growing. When he emptied the last of the

juice he stood up. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Here was an 18 year old, at

least 500lb, 7'6" superman with a 20" cock. that had a smile from ear to ear. He

was looking me straight in the eye. It was amazing, neither Jake or Steve had matched

me in size, but Troy did, almost pound for pound and this after I had grown for a

full day.

I could not believe it when he spoke, his voice was even deeper than before. He

looked at me, then at himself in the mirror and said, "Man, this is fucking hot." Almost

a tiger purring. And then over and over as he posed like a pro, "I can't believe it, I

can't fucking believe it. I've dreamed of this all my life." As he posed, every muscle

was in bold relief. His biceps were so peaked and striated, there was no way he even

looked human. His arms were bigger than most peoples heads and his legs looked

bigger than tree trunks. But, his most impressive feature was his ass. I couldn't

believe how tight his ass looked. It was cut and striated and hard and square and

looked like a couple of raging beasts fighting under his skin as he flexed and flexed.

I was so hard, just watching this incredible stud, I couldn't help myself and I walked

up behind him and pressed my cock up along his crack and back and press my balls

under his butt. I thought I would shoot right there and then, he wasn't just hot

looking, but was incredibly hot. As I pressed my chest into his bulging back, I could

feel his heat his body. It was hot like a fever.. He just kept flexing. I could feel

his hard muscle flexing against mine. His incredible glutes were squeezing my balls.

I could barely reach around him, he was so huge. When he lifted his arms for a

double-bicep pose, I slipped my hands around him and reached for his pecs. It was

electric. His skin was completely smooth, no hair at all. I grabbed his nipples which

were huge and hard and his mantra stopped and a moan to give the dead a hardon

escaped his lips. I could feel his purring all through the length of his body. He

surprised me again, quickly turning around, his fat cock slapped against my thigh and

his huge hands grabbed either side of my head and he pulled my lips to his. I swear

the electric was on full voltage as our tongues wrestled and he ended up sucking

mine into his mouth. He started to ease down my body, but I caught him under his

arms and lifted him for another kiss, and so I could go down on his magnificent cock.

I wanted his first super cum all to myself. Knowing how it would make me feel, but

more than that, to give him all the pleasure I could. With our bodies pressed tightly

together, I slipped down his sweaty torso, sucking and biting all the way. He was

close to loosing it. I barely got the head of his incredible tool in my mouth and he

let go with an unbelievable amount of spray. Even I had a hard time coping with such

an abundance, but I managed I kept on sucking after he stopped cumming, his moans

were louder now and he was thrusting even harder. I could feel his cock swelling

again and soon I was rewarded with another load of his tasty spunk. Again, I was in a

haze of satisfaction. My body began to feel warm all over and I knew then that while

others might grow from my cum, the only way I was truly satisfied was swallowing

their loads. He reached down and hauled me to my feet, as if I weighed nothing and

again plunged his talented tongue into my mouth. Only now, he was again tilting his

head back and looking up at me. Their cum must also be making me grow. His hands

were all over me, feeling every muscle pressing his body tighter and tighter against

my own. My cock was still hard and leaking precum everywhere. Troy began rubbing

his body against mine, literally jerking me off with his body. I was ready to explode

when he stopped suddenly, stepped back and turned around, got down on all fours

and squeezed and relaxed his gluteus. Who was I to refuse? But, I wanted to see

his face so I picked him up and carried him over to the bench. For the first time I

got a good look at his amazingly small hole. He grabbed is ankles and pulled his

legs wide and said, "fuck me." I wasted no more time and plunged into him. Forcing my

cock deeper and deeper, I knew I wouldn't last long. He was so tight and hot. He

showed now signs of pain, so I thrust in the last 8" all at once. My balls hit his ass

with a thwack and I pressed my mouth down to his and kissed him as I ground my

spewing cock inside of his tight hole. I couldn't' stop. I was again loosing control

of my lust and just lifted myself up and started driving into him, hard and fast.

Faster and faster. He was grunting now with each thrust and humping back at me. His

ass tightened even further and I watched as an arch of cum shot out of his cock and

splattered against the wall. He shot at least 5 shots against the wall and another 5

or 6 hit him square in the face. His whole body was flexed tight. Ripples of muscle

and incredibly deep striations all over. Even his neck was flexed. I blew again and

cum was soon gushing out of his ass, running down the bench and puddling on the


I collapsed on top of him and he just wrapped his huge arms around me and held me,

both of us panting so hard I wondered if there was enough air in the room to satisfy

us. He licked my ear and said, "Geoff, you can work out with me anytime" and we both

laughed so hard we fell off of the bench. He showed me where the gym showers

were and as we showered and washed each other, I explained the whole story to him.

The explosion, the scene at Jake's Gym, Steve turning into a super hairy muscle stud,

Jake's incredible smooth golden mega bod and then we decided to go up an wake the

boys with a cum shower. He couldn't wait to see Jake. Evidently, Jake was more than

just his muscle mentor. We dried each other off and Troy told me he was glad he

didn't have to work today. I was glad I woke up early enough to find him still working


We decided that we were both pretty hungry and had better load up for the sleeping

beauties, so we mixed up some more supplements and downed a few dozen protein

tablets and Troy started posing again. Flexing those huge biceps was just getting me

in the mood for our little prank. I joined him flexing, but he was a pro. Even giving

me pointers and I asked if he had competed. He just laughed and said, "Yeah, I'm the

teen state heavyweight runner up." I just shook my head and said, "Not any more. You

are the champ in my book." We both laughed and headed up stairs. I peeked in and as

we suspected, both Steve and Jake were still fast asleep. Standing at the foot of

the bed, I reached down and grabbed Troy's semi-hard cock and whispered, "Man, I just

love your cock." Troy smiled and grabbed mine, smiling to say he felt the same. He

whispered "I can't believe how big Jake looks." Then he just stared at the sleeping

giants as if to memorize every detail, all the while his firm grip on my dick never

faltered. His rod was now full hard and we were both leaking precum to the point

of dripping. With my other hand I stroked his mega arm. His forearm looked like a

ham wrapped with steel cables. He flexed it for me and veins bulging everywhere you

looked. His upper arm was now in constant tension as he stroked. His cock was

swelling even more and beginning to feel like hot steel as he got closer. I know I

was about to loose it and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. His head snapped

around and soon our faces were locked. My cock pointed directly at Steve and Troy's

pointed at Jake. It soon became too much and we shot. Ribbons of cum were hitting

the guys in the face, on the chest on their legs on the cocks...everywhere. Jake

opened his eyes first then Steve lifted his hand and scooping my cum off of his

chest, licked it clean. Jake smiled and said, "I see you've met Troy." After the

introductions were done. Troy and I looked at each other, smiled dove on top of

them, causing the bed to break and all of us ended piled on the floor.

Jake grabbed Troy and started stroking his hard, defined, incredibly smooth muscles.

I could see in his eyes that he was in full lust for this young super stud. At that

point I lost track of those two because Steve was chewing on my left nipple and all I

wanted was more. Steve rolled me on to my back and slid up my body until we were

crushing our mouths together and tongue wrestling like hungry lizards. As he

ground his cock against mine, I could feel every bulge of his massive frame. His

huge arms wrapped around me tightly and his hairy thighs pressed against my own.

Then he pulled his mouth from my own and licked the sweat from my face. He then

whispered, almost a growl and yet a plea, "Please, Geoff, make me bigger." He pulled

up then and looked me straight in the eyes. He was so beautiful, his sandy brown

hair now fell past his shoulders and down his back, framing those electric green

eyes, that danced and sparkled like they had a life of their own. I smiled, "Buddy, if

you want it, you know how to get it." and I flexed my cock against his for emphasis.

He moved so quickly, I could almost feel a breeze. His mouth clamped over the head

of my massive rod and his tongue was like a pleasure machine. It swirled around the

head and dove into my slit, I had to concentrate so as not to loose it too quickly. I

was holding my own until he did, what I would have considered impossible, and taking a

deep breath, plunged his mouth down over my enormous shaft. I could soon feel is

nose buried in my hairy crotch and my cock being massaged by his powerful throat. I

knew I was going to loose it when he abruptly pulled off, panting for air. Steve

stood up, and I was shocked. His body was dripping with sweat and he was panting like

a marathoner at the end of the race. He smiled and said, "I don't want you to cum yet.

I want this to be your biggest load ever and make me into a monster." There was no

denying him anything, and I loved it. Here was the most beautiful hairy man, I've every

known and he was begging for more of me. He lifted me to my feet and then grabbed

my cock and led me from the room. As we were leaving, I looked over at Troy and

Jake just in time to see Troy's massive black pole sliding effortlessly into Jake's

tight ass. I knew from experience that Troy was going to have the fuck of his life.

Steve led me down to the gym and walked over to the bar. My balls were now aching

for release and precum was drooling down the shaft and dripping off of my balls.

Steve pulled me close and kissed me again and said again, "I want all you have to give,

but I want to be ready, this time." He grabbed a couple of bottles of liquid

supplements, that I hadn't noticed before, from behind the bar and, still stroking my

cock with one hand, he raised the bottle to his lips and swallowed the contents.

Then he grabbed the other bottle and placed it at my lips and said "drink". I sucked it

down completely. The he drank another and said, "I think, I'm ready, how about you big

guy?" I had to ask, "Steve, are you sure you want to do this?" He smiled, never missing

a stroke on my ready to burst cock, "I've wanted this forever, the muscle, the power,

the sex, it's more than I ever fantisized..more than I ever dreamed..Yes, to be as big

and sexy as you, is what I want, more than anything in the world." He replaced his

hand with his mouth and started stroking my dick. Looking down on his broad

shoulders, I could barely imagine them even bigger, but I was too lost in the passion

of the moment to give it much thought. If Steve wanted this, then so did I. I would

give him all I could. I lost all sense of time as he deep throated me again and again.

He was all over me like a sucking machine. His hands moved between my balls and my

butt and as he played with my twitching ass, I could feel myself loosing control. He

must have sensed it as well, because he chose that instant to ram his finger up my

hole and immediately he found my prostate. I could hold back no longer and began

to unload what felt like gallons of cum down his waiting throat. He sucked and I

came and came and came. I began to see stars, it was so intense. Lost in the feeling.

Who knows how much time passed? I barely noticed when Steve pulled, or rather

fell off of me. I looked down just as he doubled over. I couldn't believe it. His

hard rippled stomach was actually distended he had swallowed so much cum that even

his powerful abs couldn't stay flat. I was spent and knelt down next to him, trying to

keep him from hurting himself as he thrashed about, bellowing in pain. Just as

quickly as it started, it stopped and his body went completely ridged. His gut was

flat again and I guess he had absorbed all of the power cum. Then he began to

shake, just a slight tremor at first, then it was building to more forceful

convulsions. Each convulsion seemed to cause him to get bigger. His muscles were

thickening. Mighty pecs exploding with power. His shoulders, already larger that

any bodybuilders, got even larger. His neck was now thicker and he was still

growing. His waist appeared to narrow or was it just his torso getting larger and

larger? His head was soon lifted off of the floor by his expanding back. His legs

were getting thicker and huge veins swelled all over his body. His arms were

amazing, huge as basketballs, laying along side a torso that was still expanding. His

calves were now so thick and cut that, had he still had his previous thighs, they

would have rubbed together with each step. The process seemed to be slowing, His

body hair was thicker than ever now and was like a fur rug across his mountainous

pecs and abs. At first, it did not appear that his cock was going to join in the

growing, but just as I noticed this it sprang to life and was immediately hard,

throbbing, swelling. Easily now as large as Troy's and still swelling thicker and

longer. The head was now as big as a fist and throbbing a deep purple, slipping out

of its cowl, begging for release. I barely closed my lips on it and flicked it twice

with my tongue and was rewarded with an incredible load for the second time this

morning. His cock was throbbing in my fists as I stroked and pulled, I wanted every

drop he had to give. I drank and drank and was feeling more and more satisfied. I

could feel it spreading out all over my body. This was far more intense than it had

been with Troy or Jake. I couldn't move. My mouth was clamped on the head of

Steve's massive cock and could not move. When he was finally spent, I released and

fell on top of him. I could feel his massive tree trunk thighs flexing against my

pecs, but still couldn't move. The satiated feeling was stronger and stronger. I

felt myself being lifted and realized that Steve was pulling me up along his body,

pressing my body into his. He held me tight and I could feel him swelling, but he had

stopped, hadn't he? Damn, it was me that was swelling. He flipped me around like I

weighed nothing so he was looking in my eyes. First, I could feel our massive pecs

pressing into one another and then our cocks pressing between two incredible sets

of abs. As I swelled, Steve just started whispering and holding me against him. The

incredible heat of our bodies was causing us both to sweat rivers. I could feel our

bodies pulse with the last of the growth and I realized that while our pecs were a

matched set, my feet were lower than Steve's. I was again bigger.

After lying there for a few minutes, I knew Steve would be hungry, but he made no

motion to get up lest he push me onto the floor. I stood up rather off balance. It

was kind of like being drunk, but this drunk was on muscle, sweat, sex and power. I

reached a hand toward Steve and he looked up at me in awe. That wondering gaze of a

boy, looked completely out of place on this incredible stud before me. His hair was

longer than ever, reaching down his back to the incredibly swollen bubble butt. The

hair on his chest was a little darker and it seemed to get darker as it worked it's way

down his torso, to his nearly black hairy crotch. His cock hung almost to his knees

and was so thick, you just knew it couldn't be real. His balls were the size of

grapefruit and hung down almost half the length of his cock. Standing before me

was the epitome of the a male. Powerful beyond words to describe and sexual beyond

anything mortal. Steve leaned into me and kissed me deeply. Cupping his huge hand

behind my head pressing gently to add more force to the kiss. He pulled away then

and said, in a deep and drippingly warm voice, "thank you, big guy." He moved behind

the bar and fixed us both some shakes. As he mixed, I looked over my body. I was

now even more enormous than I could have imagined. I was at least 7'11" tall and had

to weigh over 600lbs. All muscle, except for the gargantuan piece of meat that

hung between my powerful thighs. Even I was amazed as I flexed in the mirrors. My

biceps flexed up as big as my head, and my pecs were like boulders hanging hard and

tight from shoulders and traps that would never fit through a normal doors again.

My gut was so tight and hard that my abs and obliques were in constant relief even

when not flexed. Flexing my quads and hamstrings brought every vein in my legs to

the surface over incredible thick cables of muscle. Steve walked over and handed

me a blender full of whatever concoction he had been mixing and grabbing my ass, he

said, "the view is just as incredible from back here." We chugged down Steve's mix

and I felt I had to have him. Now.

I grabbed his amazing hairy hard ass and squeezed with my huge hands. Kneading it and

rubbing my cock against his. We were both hard and dripping with precum. He

nuzzled my ear and tongued my neck and purred, "Fuck me, baby, I want you." Well it

doesn't take a load of bricks to get me going so I lifted him up, just as I had done to

Jake the day before, and lowered him onto the enormous head of my prick. His

weight pushed him down along my shaft until we were completely locked together.

He started squeezing my cock with his tight ass and I started lifting him up, but he

stopped me and grabbed on to my neck and began pulling his body up and down my

shaft. His muscles were all flexing and relaxing as he used the new power of his

body to pleasure my swelling cock. Just then, his body was rocked with a tremor

and he threw his head back and started unloading all over me. His cock shot creamy

white spunk all over my chest and face. When his ass clamped down on the base of

my cock, I lost control and started thrusting with all the power I could muster. His

body was trembling and I could feel the waves of pleasure pulsing through him. My

load was building and I knew I was going to explode, so I lifted him up until only the

head of my cock was still inside of his tight hole, and then dropped him. As he slid

down my shaft, I lost it, blowing an incredible load deep inside of him. He collapsed

against me and we were both sweating like pigs. He threw his arms around me and I

walked toward the showers, with him still impaled on my dick. The warm water of the

shower seemed to bring him around. He kissed my shoulder and my neck and rubbed

his dick against my abs. I could feel small shudders run through his body.

After a few minutes he lifted his head and kissed me. Then he comes out with, "I hope

the other guys aren't upset." "Why would they be?" I ask him puzzled. "Because that

was the last of the supplements we just finished and we'll have to go for more." I

just smiled. Well we'll just have to go to town and stock up, I wonder if that cute

guy at the sports shop was working today? I lower Steve to the floor and wash him

completely, he returns the favor and after we dry off we head back up to see if the

other two are interested in a little trip to town.