The Journal of Geoff Moore - Chapters 1-2

Day 1

The journal of Geoff Moore

The events of the last few days are so amazing, so mind blowing that I've decided to

write everything I can remember down in hopes of understanding it later.

The first thing I should note is that we really have to go back to yesterday when this

whole thing started. So, I guess this is really Day Zero. I was just finishing my

morning run and feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. As usual, I decided to end

the run with a quick steam at the field house and then a long soak in the whirlpool.

The field house is a great place these days for observing the prime men on campus.

Spring football practice is in full swing and most of the guys on the team are

working out trying to work off the winter bulk. I, however, could never be

confused with any of these prime beef boys as I have a typical runners build, 5'10",

slim torso, tight legs, firm butt just a bit if hair in the right places. Just to finish

out the description, I have shoulder length sandy brown hair (usually pulled back in

a pony tail) and hazel eyes with a slim face and a slightly hawk like nose.

I arrived at the field house covered in sweat as I was really pushing myself to

increase both distance and time all at once. Not the most logical method, but it keeps

me improving. As I entered the locker room, I could smell that there were alot of

sweaty guys there. The aroma of sweating men and grunts from the weight room

immediately caused a rise in my shorts and the very familiar tingle in my cock. It was

electric. I forced myself to think of exams and term papers, just to keep from

going full rod. Although I had been there during many of the team workout's, spring

practice was always different. Half of these studs were doing everything they could

to add bulk trying to impress the coaches and the other half were working toward

the definition that would set them apart on the summer beaches. I walked past the

door to the weight room and there stood the dream man of the team, Brad Phillips.

The team musclegod and captain. He was a junior and still had the honor of being the

only guy on the team that they wanted as captain.

He was 6'3" with short cropped blond hair, a perfectly trimmed mustache and a body

to die for. We're talking everything was perfect. Broad shoulders, firm pecs that

stretched the tape at least to 55" with a waist of 30" the taper was dramatic. His

legs are like long columns of muscle with 20" calves and 32" thighs. He should

have been a bodybuilder instead of a football player, but his two most outstanding

features kind of throw off the proportion. He has enormous arms, taped and

published in the school newspaper at 23" flexed and then there was his less

published, but better known (at least to the guys in the locker room)

appendage--Brad sported a cock that would have made a porn star stare. It was at

least 8" very thick even completely flaccid and hung below were balls the size of

lemons. He said that it prevented any bodybuilding shows because there was no way

he was "jamming that meat in a tiny bikini and strutting for some judges."

Brad was just finishing a set of squats. Straining, his huge quads were pumped and

striated. Veins covered his legs which were almost completely hairless. His entire

body was covered in sweat and the floor was actually wet around where he stood.

The 400 lb. bar now firmly back on the rack he turned toward the mirror giving me a

great view of is perfect solid ass. He flexed his huge thighs and squeezed his butt. I

thought I would cream my shorts right there and then. He noticed my stare and

turned to his training partner and said, "Looks like Geoffs really enjoying the show."

I didn't realize it until then, but I had become completely hard and my shorts were

tented out like I had stuck a cucumber in there. Needless to say, I was mortified. He

just went on flexing and I turned and ran for my locker and the steam room. I

figured I needed some place to calm down and a steam was the ticket. I managed not

to see Brad again until I was leaving the gym. He was standing by the door and talking

to one of the cheerleaders. You know, big boobs, tight sweater type. He looked my

way and started laughing and talking behind his hand. I just knew he was telling her

what had happened in the weight room. I couldn't stand it and I ran. I kept running

all the way across campus. With this cheerleader the event was sure to make the

evening news. Brad was always kind and a real gentleman, I just couldn't believe he

could be that cruel.

As I approached the science labs and was rounding the turn for home, I heard then

felt an explosion. One of the labs windows was flying out and black smoke was

pouring through it like a smokestack. There was a second explosion and then a third.

I started to run toward the building to see if there was anything I could do to help,

and was knocked flat on my back on the ground as the a fourth explosion rocked the

air. I guess I was knocked out then, because the next thing I remember being helped

up by an EMT who was trying to ask if I was OK. All I could hear was a loud ringing in

my ears and felt like I was sitting in molasses. There was black foaming glop

everywhere. I had been covered with it and the EMT was trying to clean it out of my

mouth and nose so I could breathe. I had actually been hauled about a hundred feet

from where I last remember standing and that area was now a swamp of this slime.

The EMT had cleaned my airway and asked if I was OK. I told him that I felt ok, but

just a bit slimy. He smiled at that and it was then that I realized that he was

gorgeous. This gorgeous guy had given me mouth to mouth and I had slept through

it. Just my luck. EMT Harris then checked me over and said that I looked OK and if I

wasn't feeling dizzy, I could go home and get cleaned up. There was nothing I wanted

more at the moment. I asked if he thought I should go to the hospital, but he said

that if I felt sick or dizzy in the next couple of days, I should go to the campus

health center and have myself checked by one of the doctors there.

I walked home, dripping black slop everywhere. When I reached the front door to my

apartment I decided to strip right there and make my way for the shower. It took over

an hour of showering and cleaning to get the gunk off of me and out of every

crevice in by body. Looking in the mirror I could see that the slime appeared to have

darkened my hair to a more medium brown and stained my skin a deep tan. I thought,

cool, I can never get a decent tan, being fair skinned, but this looked as good as any

tan I'd ever seen. I felt hungry and exhausted. It was only around noon, so I decided

to check the fridge and basically attacked it. When I was finished, there were no

leftovers, cold cuts or bread left. I decided that it was time for a nap. Although I

rarely can fall asleep during the day, I felt so tired, I just had to curl up on my bed

and in moments, I was asleep.

I slept all afternoon and through the night. My dreams were a combination of

exploding buildings and fucking Brad Phillips. Brad's huge cock rammed in my ass

and stroking deep inside. His huge pecs heaved and flexed as he rode me like a

stallion. His sweat was dripping down over his brick like abs, which were pressing

against my throbbing cock. I could feel his cock swelling inside me. With each

thrust it seemed to get larger and larger. His muscles were pumped and he threw a

quick double biceps flex and that was all she wrote for me. I shot load after load

all over my chest, his chest, the bed everywhere. More than I had ever cum before.

He just kept thrusting and thrusting. I couldn't believe the intense pleasure I felt. I

placed my hands first on his huge pecs, pinching his nipples. Sliding my hands down

over his abs I could feel the heat of our passion. Then I began rubbing my own

stomach and could feel the immense tool thrusting deep inside me. Again I was hard

and I could feel my juice building in my balls. Did this guy ever stop? He reach

down with is huge strong hands and stroked my cock. The heat of is hand and the

strength of his pounding was more than I could take. I shot again even more

forcefully than before and cum was now welling up in my abs as well as being all

over my face. I could feel my ass try to tighten around his cock, but it was like

trying to squeeze a steel rod. Brad then did something I did not expect...He reached

down with his incredible arms, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me against his chest.

Then he kissed me with the full force of his powerful body. He came inside me with

such force that cum was running down his cock and dripping off of his balls. Brad

pulled his massive cock out of my ass and shot three more huge streams of cum onto

my face and torso.

I woke in the early morning, not believing that I had slept the whole day away. I was

covered in drying cum and realized that I must have shot several times in my sleep.

Let me just say, I am not a morning person. Normally it takes a crow bar to get me

out of bed, but this morning I had to take a piss so bad there was no putting it off.

I stumbled out of bed in the dark and staggered toward the bathroom. Nothing seemed

to be working correctly. I even banged my head on the door jam and stumbled into the

wall. I took my normal position standing over the toilet and let loose. Man did I have

to piss. I'll bet I stood there for five minutes just, pissing and pissing. When I

finally finished, flicked and flushed. I decided I may as well just get the day started

and reached over to flick on the light. Still not really awake,I couldn't seem to find

the switch. It seemed lower than it used tobe. I stood in front of the sink and when I

found the switch I nearly had a heart attack at what I saw. Someone else was staring

back at me inthe mirror. It took me a minute to realize that it was me. The sheer look

of horror on my face was quickly replaced with curiosity.

Some how my hair was now black as night, I had a square handsome jawline, eyes

so incredibly blue I must have blinked 20 times wondering if this was still a dream,

even my mustache was black and the three or four day beard on my face was

completely black. My face was broad with sharp cheekbones. I was truly good

looking, stunning. That was just the beginning. My hair now ran halfway down my back

and was very thick and wavy. The light switch should have told me, it wasn't lower, I

was taller. Much taller. I hadn't hit my head on the door jam, but the door sill.

Standing straight I found that my nose was equal to the top of the door, I must be

over 6'6". I started really looking at myself now. I had grown hair all over, no not

all over, just in all the right places. I had huge muscles. My pecs were like

mountains, I had to bend to look over them. My arms would easily match Brads, I

thought, and just look at the size of my hands. How had I not noticed these

monsters as I pissed? Then I cock...?? I looked down and grabbed it in

one of these incredible paws and hefted a huge piece of meat. At least a foot long

maybe more, and so thick that even my new hands could barely get all the way

around with it soft. I then noticed my legs. All I could think was WOW. Huge

bulging muscles everywhere. Even my calves jutted out in bold triangles of power

when I flexed them. Soft black hair covered these two mountainous tree trunks. I

was fucking huge.

I bolted from the bathroom almost ripping the door off it's hinges. Rifled through

my desk to find a tape measure. I wanted to see just how big I had grown. I measured

my forearms, flexing my hands made huge cables of muscle writhe under the skin.

They were 16 inches at their largest. I reached down and grabbed my cock, but then

decided to save that for last. My arms measured 26" flexed, my chest 65", waist

30", quads 35", calves 23" and I was 6'9" tall. I grabbed the bathroom scale, but it

only went up to 300lbs and I left it spinning. All this flexing had made veins stand

out in bold relief all over my muscular body and I was feeling me incredibly horny.

Reached down between my huge thighs and grabbed my now huge cock. It felt heavy

with blood and was already half hard. I started stroking it and it quickly came up to

full measure. I wanted to see how big it was, but didn't want to stop, the pleasure

was so intense I thought I'd shoot right away. I didn't. I must have beat it relentlessly

for about 5 minutes before I felt the beginning of orgasm, deep in my, now, huge

balls. I stopped and grabbed some lube from the night stand and slathered it all

over this huge shaft. Stroking slow and easy, both hands working my new toy, my

precum was flowing out and I guessed I really didn't need the lube. I reached the

point of no return and could feel the sensation of blast off deep within my body and

more cum shot out of my dick than ever had before. I shot not only all the way

across the room, but the cum was soon dripping off the walls and ceiling. I came and

came. I must have shot about a dozen huge streams. Before my huge new toy got

soft I grabbed the tape measure. It was 14" long and 8" around with a head that

flared to 9" around. My balls were the size of tennis balls and hung low in their

sac. The intensity of my orgasm left me dazed. Was it real or a dream? I decided to

take a shower, as now not only was there dried cum in my hair, but also wet cum

everywhere. The shower seemed small and far too short for me, but I made due as

best I could. After toweling off and shaving, I realized that probably nothing I had

would fit this new body. I rummaged around looking for anything that would fit. I

finally found a tank top that used to be too baggy for me, now it was like a second

skin. I also found an old pair of my ex-roommate's workout shorts and strained to

get them over my thighs. After I positioned my huge cock, it was evident that I was

never going to be able to hide anything about my body. I was getting horny again, but

more than that I was hungry. After yesterday's feeding frenzy, I knew there was little

left in the kitchen, but I was willing to eat just about anything, when I remembered

that I had some of that bodybuilder protein powder from when I had tried to put on

some weight a few month's ago. I looked at the bodybuilder's picture on the label

and then flexed my huge biceps and thought how small he was and how I used to wish

for guys like that to let me suck their cocks. Now I was the huge monster and

before the day was out, someone was going to suck my cock.

I went through the entire package, mixing and drinking six blenders full, but I was

still hungry. I downed the last of the milk that I had and decided that I needed to

find more to eat. I knew there were no shoes in the house that would fit so I

squeezed my boat like feet into a pair of sandals and as I passed the mirror I flexed a

little and damn if I didn't look even bigger. The tank top was straining to contain my

huge pecs and the shorts looked like they would split any minute. I headed for town

and store I knew sold bodybuilder sized clothes and supplements. My car seemed way

too small and even with the seat all the way back, my huge legs had no where to go,

but I made the best of it and arrived a few minutes later in the parking lot of the

sports shop.

The clerk at the counter stared at me and his mouth dropped open, I guess I was a

site. He was a cute blond with a great ass that I had admired from afar every time I

was previously in the store. I told him what I wanted and he said he could easily fill

the order but that I should try the clothes on just to make sure that they would fit.

It was an amazing feeling. Here was this hot kid that used to never give my skinny body

a second look and now he looked me over like he was trying to memorize every bulge.

He said that if I wanted I could use the storage room to change, as I was probably

too big to comfortably use the regular changing rooms. I said ok and grabbed my

selections and he showed me to the door of the store room. He smiled again and it

almost took my breath away. He was very handsome and one buff little stud. I asked

if he would like to watch me change, and he said that there was nothing he would like

more, but that he would loose his job if he didn't watch the counter. I managed to

throw him a smile and a wink and he said I should let him see each outfit. As I tried

each item on, I couldn't believe the sizes. Yesterday they would have seemed like

tent's but today even the triple-x's were snug across my shoulders and chest. The

shorts were filled with my cock and balls and only the largest jock would contain

my meat. The clerk had said that this was the size jock usually used by football

players with a protective cup filling up the extra space. By the time I had finished

trying on the last of my selections I was incredibly horny and needed badly to get

off. My cock was pushing up beyond the waistband of my new shorts and wanted

relief, so I pushed some huge boxes against the door and slipped out of the shorts.

I grabbed my enormous dick and scratched my amazing balls a few times. That was all

it took and I was completely hard. Was my cock even bigger, it sure looked that way

from my vantage point? Veins bulged out all around my thick shaft and I stroked like

my life depended on it. The pleasure was so intense that I knew I would blow at any

second. I could feel my huge balls rising up and soon I was shooting my thick spunk


I cleaned up the best I could, wiping up my huge loads with my old clothes that I'd

have to throw away anyway and then moved the boxes and headed back into the store.

The clerk asked if everything was OK and I replied fine, but that I needed to find some

new shoes. He glanced at my feet and there was that awe struck look on his face

that said "not even if we are lucky". He measured them at size 17 EEEE. He said that

he could order me some, but that he didn't think they could be in before the

following week. I couldn't go a week without shoes so I asked what were the largest

he had and he said size 15 EEE. I took them and crammed my feet into the small

sneakers. I thanked him and gave him my phone number so he could notify me when

the rest of my order was in. He promised he'd call, and if I wanted he could even

deliver them. I told him that would be just great. I handed him my plastic and was on

my way with 10 new shirts, 5 pairs of shorts, 5 jocks, the sneakers and 10 bottles

of weight gain protein powder. Almost $800.00 and I knew I couldn't keep that up

very long.

When I got home I went straight for the kitchen and started mixing shakes. The

hunger was almost painful. After I finished off one full container of the powder,

enough normally for two weeks, my hunger had subsided enough for me to think what

was next. I was feeling really strong and really horny, so I decided to see just what

these muscles could do. I flexed a few different poses in the totally inadequate

mirror in my bedroom. Mental note: get a bigger mirror. I could swear that I felt

bigger than before, but that was crazy wasn't it? Never the less, the rag top I was

wearing felt tight across my shoulders and chest so I grabbed the neckline and tore

it open, exposing just to top of the crevasse that was the beginning of my pecs. It

looked so hot, I reached in and the feel of the hairy hardness was amazing. I felt a

stirring in my crotch and said enough is enough, I am not going to jerk off again

today. I'm going to find someone to do it for me. I split the sleeves of the rag top to

give my massive arms room and changed into a clean jock and some, what on any other

guy would have been, baggy shorts.

I decided that the car was just too uncomfortable, so I walked into town with my

duffel bag on my shoulder. I was headed for a small gym across town from campus.

I wanted to try out this new body in a less public setting than the field house gym. I

had seen this small hole in the wall gym a few times and seen some pretty big guys

coming and going, so I figured it would satisfy my desire to both heft some weight

and find someone to take care of my ever ready cock. On the way I was the center of

attention. I heard several "Oh my god's" and a few "damn's", it was an incredible rush to

feel like the town's topic of the day. As I entered the gym I saw is was just as dark

and dungeon like as I had expected. Small desk in front, no attendant, cement block

weight room with every kind of free weight you can imagine, and a lockeroom and

shower at the rear. All of it was bathed in the dim white light of the buzzing

fluorescent fixtures overhead and no windows. The buzz of the lights was soon

replaced by some hard pounding rock n'roll so it wasn't all bad. Just then the desk

attendant returned. I guess he had been changing the music as he looked like a rock

n'roller with better than average muscle. He stared at my chest, arms and then

blatantly at my basket.

I just smiled and said "Hi, I need a workout, how much?" he replied automatically that

it was $5 a day or $15 a week or $40 a month. His mouth was actually hanging

open. I handed him a five and that seemed to bring him around. He was cute, long

sandy brown hair, framing a slender face with green eyes and a tight little body. I

would have to guess he was about 5'7" 150lbs. He had a baggy shirt on, but you

could tell he spent quite a bit of time in the gym. He had a nice set of forearms and

hands and he wore those tight bike shorts that show off everything from the waist

down. He had a very nice package, firm little ass and good thighs. Of course, it

would take both of his to even come close to one of mine, but that was ok. He

showed me where everything was and told me the rules. It was like he was in some

sort of trance. He kept is eyes on me as we walked through the gym and lockeroom.

Several of the guys were checking me out and I could feel eyes all over me. It was

getting me real hot. Most of them seemed to be leaving and I was more than a little


I decided to start with some bench presses. I loaded a bar with 350lbs and

positioned myself on the bench. Just as I was about to grab the bar this incredible

crotch appeared above my face and in a deep stern voice, "never without a spotter,

son". The voice and the crotch belonged to a huge guy named Jake. At least he was

huge from this angle. He offered to spot me and I just said "thanks" and pressed out

10 easy reps. This was amazing, it felt like I wasn't lifting anything. Jake and I

switched places and he pumped out ten reps. From this angle I could see that he

must have been about 30 and had spent most of that time in the gym, 5'11" and about

240lbs with light, almost white, blond hair pulled back in a tail and very blue eyes.

His face was hard to gage as I pretended to strained with the weight, but as he stood

up I noticed a ready smile and a hefty shift in his shorts. Jake then says, "Ok done

with warm-up?" I nod. "Good, let's get on with it." He grabs some more plates and the

bar goes up to 400lbs. I easily complete my set and he struggles a bit with his. He

asks if I want more and I nod. He grabs some more plates to take the bar to 450lbs.

I look him square in the eye and grab another few and take it to just over 500lbs.

He gets a worried look on his face and says "I'm not sure I can spot you with that

much." I look around and only the rocker is left in the place beside Jake and I.

"Don't worry, I can handle it, really." He looks a little stunned, but after I finish my

set I can see a stirring in his shorts. I stand up and take off my shirt and flex my

massive pecs. Striations ripple across as they flex and his mouth drops open. I'm

feeling bold and more than a little horny so I say, "I can think of a great use of that

open mouth." He immediately snaps it shut and we both chuckle. Jake says he was

really finished with his workout when I got here and that he needs a good shower,

but if I want he can keep spotting me. I say thanks, but all I've got left is shoulders

and arms and I'll be heading for the shower too. I watch as is great ass moves to the

lockeroom. Nice hard bubble butt on that man.

I walk over and grab a couple of 100lb dumbbells and easily pump out a few curls.

It appears that there is no end to my strength and with no one else around I grab the

big dumbbells at the end of the rack. They look like they've never been used. They

are marked with a big white 250 and I heft them up and easily curl them as if they

were nothing. The pumping does seem to be having an effect, however, my arms look

bigger. Pumped. Veins popping up and swelling. I force one of these monster

dumbbells over my shoulder and do triceps extensions. Nothing, it feels like

nothing. I walk over to the barbell rack and lift the whole thing off the floor.

Grunt. Damn this feels great. I grab the nautilus machine, one with four stacks, over

1500lbs plus the machine and easily lift it. I feel invincible. Muscles swelling and

pumping. It was then that I heard an audible gasp. I turn around and there is the

rocker. "Damn buddy, you are the strongest son-of-a-bitch I've ever seen" he states

with his eyes as wide as saucers. He looks worried and continues with "I'm sorry,

man, I should have told you when you got here that the gym closes every Thursday

between 2pm and 6pm. I'm not sure why, but it's always been that way, so I've got to

lock up soon. I'll be happy to wait and let you out after you've showered. OK?" All

the while he is talking he is watching my body and most of the time his eyes are glued

to my crotch. I must have been half hard and he was more than half. His tight

spandex shorts showed the outline of a very respectable piece of meat. I smiled and

told him that it was fine and I'd know better next time. He went up front an locked the

door and changed the sign to closed. As he leaned over the desk to put the keys in

the drawer I got a great look at his ass. Just what I needed. My cock sprang to life

and I headed for the showers. As I entered the locker room I could see steam

flowing out of the shower and realized that Jake must still be in there. I quickly

stripped and walked for the showers, towel over my shoulder instead of around my

waist as usual. This new, powerful body was making me bold. I was horny as hell, and

Jake appeared to be the answer to my need. As I walked into the shower I could feel

my huge cock slapping against my thighs.

There was Jake all muscle, all blond, so sexy you could just eat him alive. His huge

muscles all flexed and tensed. I then realized that he was standing under a shower

beating his cock to a pulp. At first, he didn't realize I was there, I just stood and

watched. Finally my own cock, now fully hard and being caressed by the water from

his shower, was ready. I laid a hand on his chest and squeezed firmly and said, "Can I

give you a hand with that?" His response was shock and a smile. He stepped away from

the flowing water. I reached down and grabbed is thick meaty cock and slowly, much

more slowly than he had been, slowly stroked him. Squeezing precum on my hand and

rubbing it all over his cock. He looked up at me and said "I wanted you the second

you came in that door." Now it was my turn to smile. "And I knew when you hung your

crotch over my head while I was benching." He then reached up, grabbed on to my

shoulders and pulled himself up my body. I could feel his muscle against mine and it

was driving me nuts. I grabbed hold of his tight ass just as he kissed me. His lips

met mine and I parted them just a little and he drove into my mouth with incredible

passion and skill. Squeezing his ass just seemed to make him loose control even

more and he started stroking my cock. "Man, how big is that thing, it must be better

than a foot long?" he asked with a groan. I said that it was more like 14 inches and

hadn't been satisfied in a long time. He then started rubbing my cock with his. I was

definitely fully hard and swelling. Still holding his butt cheeks, I raised him up

easily, kissed and sucked each of his pecs and lowered him again so he was now

straddling my cock. The feeling of shear power was intense. This huge powerful

man was being fully supported on my cock. I grabbed his hips and used his crack to

stroke my own raging cock. His balls were sliding along my shaft and his cock was

rubbing my abs. He just started moaning in pleasure. It was then that I noticed the

rocker standing in the shower doorway watching us and stroking his dick. As I

noticed before, quite respectable. It was at least 8" of uncut glory with a thick

shaft and nice broad head. He smiled and I smiled back and said, "Why don't you join

us?". He moved so fast that he slid the last few feet on the wet tile. I thought he

would fall into us, but he stopped just short and immediately went to work on the

head of my cock, which was protruding between Jake's thighs. I was lost. I couldn't

hold out much longer, but wanted very much to fuck big Jake. Just then the rocker

reached between Jake's legs, just below my cock and grabbed my balls and squeezed.

Jake was sucking and biting my nipples and stroking his own cock and now this

beautiful young boy was sucking the head of my cock and squeezing my balls. I lost

it, giving both of them just a quick warning, "I'm gonna cum." and I did. Stream after

stream of cum splashed over the boy's chest, all over the floor and between Jake's

legs. For a second I though it was over - - boy was I wrong. Jake began squeezing

his legs together and thrusting his hips and I stayed hard. Never letting him droop,

even an inch. I could tell he was close and he grabbed me hard around the neck,

pulled himself up and kissed me, all the while humping my gut with his hard rod.

Soon my pecs and abs were covered with his cum. I picked him up further, holding

him by the waist and sucked in his still throbbing cock. I sucked in all that was left

and licked him clean. This gave the boy his first opportunity to see all of my cock

and he took full advantage. Licking and stroking every inch. There was no way he

could possibly fit more than the head of it in his mouth, but he was determined to

taste all of it.

I looked up at Jake and down at the boy, then back up to Jake and said, "I want to fuck

you....Now." He looked a little worried, but nodded. I looked back down at the boy

said, "what is your name anyway tongue boy?". He looked up smiling and around his

still licking tongue said "Steve.". "Well, Steve" I said, "Jake's ass it about to get the

ride of his life, how about getting it ready for me?" I lowered Jake so that his ass

was right at eye level with Steve. Steve dove in. To say Steve was passionate bout

rimming Jake was like saying the Pope is a little religious. I started nibbling on Jakes

pecs. Sucking his nipples and Jake was soon writhing in pleasure and begging me to

fuck him. I raised him and began then lowered him toward my still incredibly hard

cock and Steve just kept right with us. I could see the look of amazement on Jake's

face as my hot steel rod began entering him. I eased up a little, but it was not easy as

Steve's hot mouth was all over my shaft as I entered Jake. Then the boy turned face

up between my legs and started licking my balls as he held onto my thighs, hanging

there like some sort of monkey. I was quickly loosing it again and press Jake

further down on my cock. He wrapped his legs around my waist and started pulling

up and down on my dick. The intensity of this hot stud was amazing.

Here I am, with two studs going all out to pleasure me and I'm out of control. The

boy has moved behind me and is now beginning to try to get at my ass. More and more

of my huge cock disappears into Jake and it becomes more apparent that he is lost in

lust as his eyes just sort of glaze over and the sweat begins pouring off of his

body. He shoots again, stream after stream all over my gut, his ass tightens and I

can hold out no more. I can feel the explosion building and racing along my cock

and bursting deep within his body. I must be washing his guts with my cream as soon it

is forcing itself out of his ass and there is Steve, just waiting. He is able to lap up

some before it runs down my powerful legs onto the tile floor, but Jake collapses

onto my chest and I can feel my dick softening inside him. Poor Steve looks little sad

that this huge cock wasn't pouring inside of him and I just smile and tell him that

there is plenty of time. I then notice that of all of us, he has not yet cum. I gently

set the exhausted Jake down on the floor and grab the boy by his waist. I pull him

up and kiss him deeply. He responds quickly by grabbing my neck, sucking my tongue

into his mouth and wrapping his legs around my waist. He begins thrusting his cock

against my abs, already slick with Jake's cum. I can tell he is close as his dick is rock

hard and throbbing. I pull him tighter into my body and am rewarded with load after

load of teen spunk all over my abs and crotch.

I finally pull away from his embrace and let him down to the floor. He must be

feeling good because now he doesn't take his eyes from their lock with mine and says,

"Why don't we get cleaned up, get something to eat and head back to my place. It's not

big, but we could get to know one another better." Just then Jake pipes up "Well my

place is big and you would both be welcome." I just smile and nod my assent. Both

guys help me wash up and I squeeze into my clothes and we head outside. It turns

out Jakes the only one with transportation so we all climb in his truck. His truck is

huge, one of those tall beasts with tires as high as your waist. With Jake and I in the

front there is little room left for Steve so he jumps up on the back and we take

off. We stop off at a market and he picks up some steaks saying he'll fix Steve and I a

meal we'll never forget. Which is great news because I'm starving again.

to be continued.....