The House

Jon came running into the apartment telling Darren he had finally found a house that is enormous that they can afford. "Darren you have to see this place the front of the house looks normal size but in the back there is a room that must be a ballroom it's absolutely enormous. Ceilings that are 30 feet high. And in the backyard there is a huge swimming pool. They said the only thing was the back wall of the ballroom had to be torn out when the last people left but it has been rebuilt. The swimming pool need some care but I'm telling you this place is a steal at the price they are offering. I guess no one has lived in it in 20 or something years."

“Really? It can’t be that cheap.” Darren stepped up to his roommate, on one hand he desperately wanted to get away from the apartment the two were renting that was far too cramped and made it easy for their neighbors to drawn out all other noise. Putting on a jacket over his thin shirt and jeans, he stepped up to Jon who looked a bit to much like an over eager puppy the way he was bouncing on the heel of his feet in excitement. “You sure there’s nothin wrong with it? Termites? Black mold? Serial Killer Graveyard?”

Jon grabbed his keys" it's Pennies on the dollar and I looked all over the place and nothing seem to be wrong. They have all the paperwork from the people who built the back wall and they said the structure is sound no infestation. , only thing is it's been sitting there for 20 plus years and is just finally went back on the market. " Jon grab Darren's hand and pull him out to the car to go look at the house. " it's under $100,000 I want to get it before anybody else sees it"

“O-okay, hold on Jon.” Darren gasped as his friend grabbed him, practically having to run to keep up with the force that pulled him. Whilst the rational part of him knew there had to be some issue for the low price, maybe having something to do with the back wall that was torn down, the slim student shook his head as he headed into Jon’s car, the other man slipping into the driver’s seat. “Hope the place isn’t too far from campus.” Darren said, holding on as Jon just barely sped towards the supposed holy grail of real estate.

When they arrived at the home everything looked like a normal Suburban House out in the woods. Jon walked in hurrying through the front area of the house which was absolutely beautiful. All the amenities you would want. It had a beautiful enormous kitchen which was good because Jon like to cook and it was starting to show on his waistline of his powerlifter frame. When they got to the back room Darren was at awe at the size of the room. He could tell this was an addition to the house. Darren asked the real estate agent " do you know if the previous owners entertained a lot or why they added this. It really doesn't fit in with the style of the home."

When they arrived at the home everything looked like a normal Suburban House out in the woods. Jon walked in hurrying through the front area of the house which was absolutely beautiful. All the amenities you would want. It had a beautiful enormous kitchen which was good because Jon like to cook and it was starting to show on his waistline of his powerlifter frame. When they got to the back room Darren was at awe at the size of the room. He could tell this was an addition to the house. Darren asked the real estate agent " do you know if the previous owners entertained a lot or why they added this. It really doesn't fit in with the style of the home."

Jon pointed Darren to the backyard which was enormous and it had a huge swimming pool almost the size of the ballroom." What do you think Buddy I've saved enough for the down payment and the mortgage will be less than our rent. Can I buy it for us please?"

There was nothing Darren could do or say to talk him out of it. Jon started filling out the paperwork and asked "how soon can we move in?" The real estate informed him it would take a couple weeks but he didn't see a problem.

Darren could only watch as the powerlifter agreed so readily, sighing but deciding to go with it as either wat Jon was moving into the building. As Darren looked around, finding no flaws or issues with the rooms he passed through, even if he still felt hesitant, he had to admit this place perfect.

3 days later Jon got the call that everything was go. To celebrate Darren met him at the house that evening. Jon pulled out a bottle of champagne to celebrate. " Darren I found this chalice in the backyard over by the pool I washed it up do you want to drink from it to celebrate?" Darren looked at the cup with disgust and told him" Hell no. That's gross. I'll drink from the bottle thank you much."

Jon filled the Chalice with the champagne and handed the bottle over to Darren. Both took a giant chug and then hugged each other knowing they would be moving in in a couple days.

The following days had been filled with the two packing up their stuff from their old apartment, filling out the boxes as they headed out. During the process, Darren noticed how Jon seemed to be more swole, probably from a work out as he carried a couple of boxes in each arm, his shirt riding up his belly, exposing more of his hair gut as his large ass and thick thighs stretched his workout shorts.

Darren asked him" buddy have you been hitting the protein shakes you look like you been going crazy in the gym and at the table? "

Jon replied " funniest thing bro I really haven't been eating much more and the gym has been crazy easy lately I've been pounding more weights than I ever have before" he stood there and flexed for Darren and his shirt tore and both be arm and the sides where his belly protruded. At that point Darren also noticed that his pants not only look too tight but they look too short.

"Jesus man. Maybe dial back a bit on working out. Don't want to shred through your wardrobe." The slim student said, taking a look at Jon's immense body, staring at the now exposed thick hairy chest and belly, watching as he picked up more of the boxes and headed for the truck, crouching down that his ass cheeks stretched the shorts. As Jon made his way out, the smaller student blinked as he could have sworn the powerlifter had stretched taller too.

Without any effort at all he loaded up the truck like it was nothing ran back up the stairs so Darren and he can take a last look at the apartment. " we had some fun here but imagine the fun we're going to have at our new place." Jon went to kiss Darren and realized he had to bend down further than usual. " stand up straight buddy I know I'm in good shape but I did just load a truck and I don't want to mess up my back bending down just to kiss you."

"... Jon I am standing straight." Darren said, though figured maybe Jon was going through some late in life growth spurt, so he decided to help him by standing on his toes to kiss the taller man, running his hand over the thick neck and bushy beard the other man had.

The move seemed incredibly easy thanks to Jon’s strength. It was early spring so they thought they should get the pool ready to have a party to be a housewarming thing. Both guys were busy cleaning and Darren was near the drain of the pool and he noticed a weird weed. " have you ever seen a weed like this it's stringy and it almost looks like a hair." Darren was holding up what he thought was a weed and it was about half his body length.

"That's weird." Darren said, looking over the odd coloured weed, plling it out before shaking his head as he stuffed in into the trash bag he had with him. "Oh well, probably have to clean out the pool later. Wonder how Jon's doing sorting the furniture. He thought, heading pver to the main house, passing over stange indents in the ground like something heavy had been placed there before making it over to the door, following the sound of heavy grunting which he assumed was of Jon moving the furniture in place.

"Hey Jon you okay?" Darren called out as he headed towards the room Jon was in, eyes widening as he took in the sight of his roommate, seeing him now significantly larger than he was earlier that day, the new shirt he put on after coming in now in shreds with some scraps sticking to his chest, the shorts he was wearing getting tighter as the behemoth gave Darren his impossibly wide back, too focused on lifting the two couches he had in both hands, lifting them like dumbells as his biceps swelled with each rep.

" I got to get this done man" Jon seemed to be Super focused on getting everything in the house and put in its place. Darren shouted at him. " what's going on with you take it easy. Are you juicing. You know I love you big and strong but I will not put up with drugs." Jon's sweaty body turned around and stood up to full height which look to be almost a foot taller then he remembered earlier.

"Holy Shit." Darren swore, taking a step back as the hulking behemoth stood over him, stomping close as his impressive height forced the smaller man to craned his neck back to see the bearded face of his friend past his heaving gut and pecs.

"You really think I'd juice man." The massive beast said, towering over Darren as he smacked his gut proudly, sounding like a massive drum. "This is all natural little guy."

Darren looked up at him" what the hell is going on with you buddy I thought maybe you were going through a growth spurt but this is more than a growth spurt look at you you didn't even notice that you tore out of your clothes" Darren grabbed his enormous hand and dragged him over to the mirror that was hanging on the wall and at that point Jon saw that his head was higher than the mirror.

"Huh... Guess I have been bulking up a bit." Jon said as he looked at the mirror, having to crouch down to get his head in the frame, the large bear smirked at his reflection, flexing his thick arms as he bumped his broad shoulder against the much smaller man. "Guess I've been gaining mass easier now adays."

Since Darren was on break from school and Jon took the time off of work to move in and hang out with Darren nothing was thought of both of them naked all the time around their new house. Darren definitely noticed he was getting bigger with everything they were doing together and he would mention but Jon would just write it off as his new more intense workouts. Jon instinctively ducked under doors and thought nothing of Darren having to try harder and harder to get up to his face to kiss him. The next morning Darren saw Jon drinking his orange juice out of the old raggedy chalice that they used to celebrate.

"Jon, did you really have to use that weird chalice?" Darren asked the larger man, glancing behind to see the enormous ass cheeks taking up the two chairs Jon was sitting on. The large bear shrugged his seemingly broader shoulder, now having a darker dusting of body hair as he chugged down the juice, his thick bull neck bulging out with each heavy gulp before he finished the cup, putting it down with a deep belly belch, shaking the room a bit. "Woof, that was good." Jon smiled to himself, rubbing his gut as he moved to pour another glass, all while Darren watched his seeming growing friend, realizing how even though the recent growth was getting to him, he had to admit he was liking how much bigger the man was getting.

"Gotta get some more JUICE. You want something from the kitchen honey?" Jon stood up and Darren couldn't believe the size of Jon's muscular belly and that it was at eye level. At this point Darren realized the Chalice had something to do with this.

"Hey man.. where did you find that chalice thing anyway?" The small man asked, Glancing between the weird chalice and Jon, staring at the muscular behemoth as he crouch down to go through the fridge, his wide back and enormous ass cheeks blocking the view of anything behind the growing man.

" Back by the pool it looks like there was a pool shed that was torn down. It look like it was crushed really. It was in the rubble of that"

" since we're not using the ballroom for anything yet do you care if I bring my gym equipment and weights in there? It seems too cramped in the garage"

"Umm... Sure. Doubt we could fill up the ballroom with all our friends anyway." Darren said, knowing he couldn't really say no to the larger man. The smaller man shook his head as he glanced at the chalice, looking it over as the room shook as Jon stomped over, picking up the smaller man and kissing him before placing him back down and heading out to move the weight equipment.

Darren knew there was something up and ask Jon if he wanted to come with him to get out of the house and make " the mortgage payment" hoping to find out something if he went to the real estate agent to find out about the previous tenants. Jon said sure and he went to get dressed when he realized nothing fit. Even his already big shoes (size 16 us/51 eu) didn't even come close to letting him put his foot inside." I'll write the check why don't you just take care of it I got to work out anyways" Darren was concerned bet he was dismissing the fact that nothing fit but he knew he had to get down to what happened to his love.

"sure thing man, I'll head over there now." Darren watching the massive oversized powerlifter head over to get his check book, watching the massive fingers struggle to grip the tiny pen in hand. As Jon struggled with signing the paper, Darren took a photo of the chalice with his phone before accepting the blank check from the bear, getting a kiss as well. "Okay big guy, enjoy your work out." The smaller man said, smiling as he waved to Jon before heading to the car with the GPS set for the estate agent's office.

Darren drove over to the real estate office only to find that it was closed and appeared no one was there anymore. He knew the phone number of the real estate agent so he called him and told him to meet him over at the house as soon as possible. Darren got home satisfied that he was finally going to get down to this and when he walked in the door he was welcomed by a booming voice coming from the ballroom, " DARREN. I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY USED THIS ROOM FOR."

"Jon? What's going on?" Darren said, heading for the ballroom where the deep, house shaking voice came from. He recognized it as a deep version of Jon's voice and headed for the ballroom door, opening it wide... and coming face to face with the biggest foot he's ever seen, practically as big as the doorway alone, forcing his neck up, Darren was stunned to see the massive behemoth that filled the room, gazing at the sheepish smile that was on Jon's gargantuan face, framed by his thick beard as his neck swelled out, thicker than it was proportionate to how Jon was before he left.

"Buddy I just started lifting weights and every rep seemed easier and easier and before I knew it I couldn't get through the door to get some water"

Darren stared, his body shaking from the impossibly deep voice as the giant spoke, rubbing the back of his head with his thick biceps almost stopping him as his wide chest and belly practically filled out most of the room. “... I guess we know why they had to tear down a wall.”

Just then there was a knock at the front door Darren was hoping it was a real estate agent with some answers.


Darren couldn't believe it. In the matter of hours his boyfriend Jon had blown up into a giant well over 10 feet tall and his muscles and gut had grown exponentially bigger as well. At a normal height he would look like one of the world's largest powerlifters. Now there was somebody at the door. Even if it was the real estate agent how would he explain the size of the owner.

"O-okay, I'm going to get to the door, stay here." Darren said, pausing as he saw the gigantic man sitting on the floor, realizing that the behemoth couldn't move around without bringing down most of the room. Earning a rather skeptical look from Jon who was glancing around at his body, rubbing his muscle larger body now. "Yeah, just.. yeah." Darren headed to the front door, practically running before opening up the door, staring at the man standing before him. "What the hell is going on?" The small man asked, earning a sigh of defeat from the estate agent standing before him.

" whatever could you be talking about?" The real estate agent asked with a small smirk on his face seeing the frustration on Darren's face.

Darren held out his hand carrying the mystical chalice. " do you know what the hell this is and where did it come from?"

The look on the real estate agents face changed into concern." Where did you get that and what happened? I thought everything had been destroyed"

"My boyfriend found it outside. Now tell me what the hell-" The slim man practically seethe, interrupted as the house shook, a deep thud echoing out from within the building, both men turning towards the area the ballroom was in as a deep earthshaking laugh boomed.

Darren and the real estate agent ran back to the room walked in the doors of the ballroom and looked up to see Jon standing up holding his arms up touching the 30 foot ceiling. "Look how tall I am buddy. I can touch the ceiling" Darren looked at Jon confused realizing only now he is grasping the concept that he's growing.

Darren looked over at the real estate agent "can you explain how this happened?"

The estate agent stared up at the gigantic man, blushing at the sight of the enormous cock pressing into the hill sized gut before turning his head away to look at the rather upset Darren. "W-well." The man began to say, coughing to clear his throat as his voice came out high pitched. "Well, I guess you should know that this sort of thing happened before," He said, sighing at the shocked expressions he received as he began to explain what happened.

Knowing this Darren calmed down a little bit. At that point the extreme BO coming off of the Giant started to get to them. Knowing this happened before Darren realize that wasn’t a swimming pool it was a bathtub. He looked up at the humongous man "hey buddy after that big work out why don't you go out and go in that pool to clean up a little bit I have to talk to this guy anyways"

"How do I get out there?"

"you know I love it when you show off your strength make a little hole in the wall, we will get it fixed"

Without a second of hesitation, Jon put his humongous fist through the wall like it was a piece of paper.

The building shook wildly from the impact of the giant's fist, the wall practically turning to dust leaving a massive hole. Jon smirked at the display of strength, lifting his bicep to his face and flexing as the smell of his rank body odor aroused him. "Damn, I am pretty huge." He said with a slight moan, his other hand rubbing his gut before he headed out, having to squeeze out the hole, crouching down with his shoulders brushing the sides of the opening. Darren and the agent staring as they watched the gigantic ass disappear around the corner, only sound being the stomping and shaking of the ground before a loud splash sounded out.

Darren moaned slightly aroused but also slightly concerned and turned back to the real estate agent." Start talking"

The real estate agent looked scared." I didn't think this could happen again the people said they destroyed everything. I just left some stuff the giant Left Behind to kind of freak you out. All I know is there was a guy here before who grew his buddy into a giant based off some old witchcraft or cult stuff I don't know. I never saw the people I never knew exactly what happened all you did was hear stories. The government owned the property for the longest time and then they dumped it on us people in the area and never wanted anything to do with it."

"So, this was what made my boyfriend grow into... that?" Darren said, pointing to where the sound of splashing came from. "Wait, what do you mean the government owned the building?"

The real estate agent looked at Darren and his concern. "About three years ago when I started two guys in black suits came to my brand new agency and handed me the deed to this house saying that the threat was no longer around. I had no clue what the hell they were talking about but they gave me a free house. Like I said I couldn't unload it on anybody until you guys came around"

Darren sighed, rubbing his face as he took a deep breath, still catching the strong whiff of Jon's body odor from here. "O-okay, so your tell me the previous residents grew big and the government took them?" He asked slowly, wondering what was going on.

" all I know of is one giant and I'm assuming the government took them. The guys who gave me the deed did give me a card I'll go back to the office and see if I can find it. I'm sorry I never wanted anything bad to happen I was just happy I unloaded the house. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can I promise." The real estate started walking to the door still confused at what he was seeing.


Darren sighed, walked out through the opened wall towards the pool, gasping as he took in the sight of the gargantuan bear filling the bath sized pool, water overflowing as he moved around, soaked body hair sticking to his body with his balding head shining from the liquid he brought up with his hands. The small man watched, taking in the sight of rivers of water trailing down his body, fitting through the rolls of his belly and the creases between his muscles, though Darren's eyes fell to the massive throbbing cock bigger than his own body pressing hard against the mountain of a belly. Jon seemed focused on exploring his body before taking sight of the tiny man gawking at him, with a smile the beast waved to him, urging Darren to come close.

"I LOVE YOU LITTLE GUY. LOOK HOW BIG I AM" it was almost if Jon was not concerned that he was now 15 foot Giant and despite Darren's concern he thought the ignorant Bliss was kind of cute.

The giant grabbed Darren with his massive hand and sat him on his throbbing cock


Darren was surprised by the forcefulness, glancing back up trying to see Jon's face over the massive ridges that were his gut and pecs. However, being on the throbbing cock, feeling the heat radiating off it as his hands felt the pulsing flesh, earning deep moans from the giant powerlifter. With a smirk at what he got from a simple touch, Darren decided to go all in as he rammed his body at the immense shlong, sweat and water soaking him as his hands wrapped around the massive meaty organ, hard as concrete. The entire behemoth moaned, body shifting about from the arousal the ran through him from the action.


"Like that big guy?" Darren shouted, earning deep grunts in response as he moved his body up and down against the enormous cock, struggling to keep his arms wrapped around the gigantic organ, breathing in the manly musky scent that filed his nose as he glanced up at the swollen head, seeing pre starting to spurt out of it as the behemoths arousal took over. The tiny man gasping, his own sweat soaking him as he tried to jerk off the powerful beast, continuing the repetitive action as the beasts breathing got faster and faster, edging closer to climax.

Darren felt like it was getting harder and harder to thrust but he realized Jon was going through another growth spurt and his skin was stretching muscles and gut bulging. He felt the enormous hand grab him off his cock and put him in the palm facing it directly at the enormous head of the penis. He knew what he was in the store he was about ready to be bathed and the most semen he could have ever have imagined. Just then gallons of a white cream covered his body.

Darren was pinned to the giant's widening palm as the force of the cum gushing at him almost knocked the air out of him, the tiny man struggled as wave after wave of warm cream barreled at him, coating him completely before the torrential flood began to stop, leaving Darren able to breath in as he wiped the warm, salty tasting cum off his face, taking in the sight of the gargantuan panting beast that was his boyfriend, seeing Jon breath heavily as he used his free hand to grope his wall of a pec, smirking down with his eyes focused on the tiny man resting in his palm.

"YOU'RE ALL MESSY BUDDY" Jon raised Darren up to his face with such a speed it almost took his breath away. The next thing he saw was a gigantic tongue coming out to his face licking every drop of cum off of his body. Kissing him with gigantic lips tasting everything he thrust upon him.” I LOVE YOU BUDDY, YOU KEEP GETTING SMALLER"

"N-no, you keep growing." Darren said as he panted, breathing in the cum smelling breath of his massive giant, grabbing a hold onto the thick bushy beard hair that surrounded him, before Darren could say anything, Jon's tongue was on him again, moving more slowly as it ran over the tiny man's body, focusing more on the hard cock the little guy had.

Jon tried as hard as he could to put his gigantic lips around Darren's cock but he couldn't create any suction.

"BUDDY I WANT YOU SO BAD. IM NOT GONNA HURT YOU" Jon went to put Darren's entire lower torso into his mouth and begins sucking as hard as he could.

Darren had never felt anything as incredible as this. The feeling was so strong it just bordered on pain but he loved it he could feel all the blood from his body running to the tip of his cock it never had an erection like this before. Even though it was probably 10 minutes it felt like an eternity when he orgasms in a way to put pornos to shame. Every muscle in his body relaxed and for a small man he released so much semen even the giant could taste it.

"HMM, TASTES SO GOOD LITTLE GUY." The gargantuan man smiled, letting the spent tiny go, though not before licking up what he could of the cum, moaning as the new sweat soaked tiny man panted in his palm, staring up at the giant that smiled down at him as he raised his free arm in a proud flex, showing off the bulging muscle and forest of arm pit hair. "ENJOY HAVING A BEAST FOR A BOYFRIEND TINY?"

Gasping for breath still exhausted from the ordeal Darren kept looking up feeling the skin Underneath Him stretching. "I LOVE YOU BIG GUY. Get out of the pool way down I got to see how big you are now I wish I knew what to do." Just at that moment he heard his cell phone ring on the table in the house. Jon put him down and he darted into the house to grab the phone. The giant did as he was told and got out of the pool and laid down next to it anxiously waiting for his boyfriend.

"Y-yes hello?" Darren called out, panting slightly as he answered the phone, not at all worried about how he smelled or was soaked in spit from the giant. "Oh hey, you're the estate agent. Anything new you can tell us? Actually hold on." The small man rushed back outside, taking in the sight of his gargantuan boyfriend laying on the ground with his belly spreading out before him. Before he could let his arousal get the best of him, Darren set his phone to speaker and held it close to Jon's face. "Alright, so what news did you get for us?"

The real estate agent tone seemed nervous. " I have the phone number for you it's for agent Smith I know that sounds cliché they're probably all called that. On the back of the card it said for emergency use only so after this phone call I want out I don't want anything to do with this house or you guys or the government ever again you promise not to call me ever again?"

Darren agreed.

"The number is 888-123-4567. This is too messed up to be true. I'm assuming that loud breathing in the background is your boyfriend good luck to both of you and I really wanted none of this to happen"

"Oh, okay." Darren nodded, typing down the number in his notes of his phone, about to keep talking before the line went dead. "huh, he cut the line on us"

" if I'm going to call them I have to tell them how big you have gotten buddy." There was a tape measure near the destroyed shed and Darren took it starting from top of his head and walking would seem like an eternity down to the soles of his feet. As he looked up at the feet he felt the soft enormous souls in front of him having to crank his neck all the way up to see the giant toes way above his head.


"Oh my god Jon. You are 20 ft. tall. P meters."


"I'm saying..." Darren stepped back, taking in the gigantic muscles, gargantuan gut, and immense height that made up his boyfriend, looking over to Jon's face., noticing his hands were rubbing his body.

"You're an honest to God giant."

Jon turned his head to Darren and use his lips to kiss Darren's entire body.

Darren gasped at the sudden kiss, loving how his lovers soft lips practically covered him as he pressed forward, hugging the giant's bearded face as he wondered just how big Jon would get, getting aroused at the thought of what the powerful behemoth could do.

Despite his arousal Darren knew he had to find out what the government knows and he dialed the number.

"Good afternoon Mr. Williams"

" what how do you know who I am? I got this number from a real estate agent we bought this house from..."

" we are aware of the situation and we have a team that should arrive at your residence within 15 minutes"

"Wait, what you mean team? What's going on?" Darren asked, not exactly comforted by the professional, emotionless response he had gotten. Running a hand through Jon's thick bushy beard that almost swallowed his arm, he listened to what the agent was gonna say, hoping for the best despite the pit forming in his stomach.

Darren placed his hand on the Giant's shoulder yelling up to him" whatever happens I'm with you the entire ride buddy"

"S-so, what's going to happen to us? To Jon?" Darren demanded, receiving nothing but silence from his phone as the agent seemed unwilling to answer him.

The phone went blank and all Darren could do was look up at his Beast.

"WELL... THAT AIN'T GOOD." Jon said deeply, moving his hand to wrap around his tiny boyfriend as the two heard the sound of cars screeching to a halt outside their residence, followed by the rush of wind as helicopters circled over head.

The two men dressed in black came up to the Giant and Darren" I need you to hand over whatever paraphernalia your boyfriend used and I need both of you to head towards that semi pulling up in your backyard."

Darren was terrified but Jon stood up carrying his little buddy and headed towards the semi knowing he didn't want anything bad to happen to his little guy.

Darren scream down to the agents" the chalice is on the table in the ballroom I think he broke it and one of his growth spurts"

Jon reached his hand inside carrying Darren, gently depositing the tiny man before grunting as he crouched down and moved his own body inside, his wide shoulders and chest practically bending the metal out as he forced his body in, pressing his face against the tiny lover before the agents outside got to work closing the back, having to push to door in against the massive soles of Jon's feet. "YOU OKAY DARREN?" Jon asked, his intense body heat filling the interior he filled up, making the compartment feel more like a sauna before the groaning truck began to move, struggling to carry it's immense load.

Darren smiled up at Jon walking between his legs and resting between his cock and ball sack. It had both been the best day of his life and the worst and they had no idea what was going to happen now. He fell asleep resting against Jon's flaccid cock and woke up what seems to be hours later when the truck abruptly stopped .

The door is opened and the Cool Breeze made both the men feel better it was sunny and they could see mountains in the background. The age instead of the end telling both of the men to follow them to the base. They walked up along path where there were two giant Gates that opened.

Darren looked around the complex, seeing guard moving around along with scientist frantically passing through, the ground shaking with each step Jon took, the giant having to duck under the archway of the gate, which closed after he passed through.

Once in the complex the ground seems firmer and Jon's size didn't seem to make the ground quake. The two agents pointed down a hallway "send them with the others"

"Wait, what you mean others?" Darren called but wasn't answered as the two made their way down, heading into a complex warehouse building that was so gargantuan it looked more than big enough for Jon to enter without needing to duck. Following the agents, the two entered the building, the air smelling of strong musk that easily over powered Jon's own odor.

"You lot got company." The leading agent shouting into a room the rest followed in, the first think Darren did was close his eye at the harsh lighting, the moment his eye adjusted, he gasped when he saw at least four other giants, all gargantuan in size and sitting down. The tiny man could only gawk as he looked back at the standing giant he came with towards the other beasts before realizing that all of them were substantially bigger than Jon by leagues.