The Hairy Tell

Tim was feeling stressed and exasperated after a long first half of the week. He was amazed at how many things had gone wrong over the course of two days. His girlfriend had broken up with him, his best friend from back home announced he was moving across the country, and he had just found out he was on track to fail a class needed in order to graduate this year with his business degree.

In need of a brief respite from his thoughts, he went for a walk, seeking out the first dive bar he could find near his off campus apartment. He zigzagged through the city streets, setting his eyes on a bar that had all the signs of a place he could just forget his troubles.

Tim walked in, pleased to find the place was dimly lit despite it being a sunny Wednesday afternoon. There was a familiar smell of stale beer hitting his nose as he looked around, waiting for his eyes to adjust so he could find a space at the bar. Finally he saw a few open stools at the back corner. He walked back and picked the middle seat, hoping the empty seats flanking him would be a barrier to conversation with other people seated at the bar.

The bartender, an older, burly man wearing a tank top, with an obscene about of body hair exposed, took Tim’s order, poured the beer, and opened a tab, all without saying a single word to Tim.

Odd, Tim thought, but then felt that maybe it was best, as he really wasn’t in the right state of mind to socialize.

As Tim sipped his drink and looked around, he noticed there wasn’t a single woman in the place. But then again, it was a dive bar on a Wednesday afternoon, so he supposed the crowd of older men was more the type to be there at that time.

The bar stool to his right screeched as someone pulled it back.

“Great,” Tim thought, his chance for the privacy he wanted decreasing by the second.

Without looking over, Tim could feel that the person who just sat next to him was a few inches closer than he liked.

Deciding to ignore the new arrival, Tim straightened out so he was facing the bar, looked down at his beer, and mindlessly played with the coaster.

Out of his peripheral vision he saw the strangers left arm reach forward and rest on the bar, holding money out to get the bartenders attention.

What Tim could not help but notice was how muscular and hairy the arm was. Thick, black hair running along the entire arm, down to the hands and fingers.

“I’m so glad that’s not me,” Tim thought. He had always been proud of his tall, lean, swimmer’s build and his perfect, unblemished, milky white skin. The only hair on his body was the black wavy hair on top of his head, and the smallest wisps of hair under his arms and above his penis. Everything else was smooth, for which he was very grateful.

After ordering and having a few sips of his beer, Tim’s neighbor spoke.

“Nothing beats a cold beer after a long day,” he said in a deep, strong voice.

“I guess,” Tim said, not even looking over at the man.

A few moments later, the man spoke again.

“What brings you here?”

“No offense man, but I’m not in the mood to talk,” Tim replied curtly, hoping it would be the end of the conversation.

“Not sure what you are doing here then. You could have had a beer at home. Most people here are looking to talk, and other things…” the man said.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Tim said, turning to face the man.

Tim froze. Sitting next to him, very close next to him, was a tall, powerful looking man. He was probably in his mid- to late-forties. He had salt and pepper hair on his head, kept short on the sides and longer on the top, which ran in with a full, trimmed, salt and pepper beard. He was wearing a polo shirt with all the buttons undone, which allowed his long, thick chest hair to be on full display. The hair Tim had see on his arms did in fact run up his arms all the way to the short sleeves, showing no signs of tapering off. And when Tim glanced down, he saw the man’s powerful hairy legs straddling the bar stool, with shorts that did little to conceal a very prominent bulge.

This man was, without question, an Alpha.

As the rest of Tim’s body spun to catch up with his head, his right leg came in contact with the man’s hairy leg. Tim felt a tickling, tingling feeling run up his leg and spine, settling somewhere deep in his brain.

He shook his head briefly to try and recover. As he stopped, he made eye contact with the man. His eyes were a brilliant blue color, with a mischievous twinkle. Tim felt his ability to turn away fading with each passing moment.

“You do realize this is a gay bar,” the man stated.

“No, I guess I…. no, I didn’t,” Tim said, surprised that he didn’t put the pieces together before.

“A lot of men say that,” the man said with a smile.

“No really, I… I’m not… I’m… I have a… had a girlfriend,” Tim said, trying to make it clear.

“Well, even straight guys get horny for something else sometimes,” the man said, playing off Tim’s fumbling excuse.

“I’m not… looking for anything,” Tim said.

“Well, sometimes people are looking, other times they are found,” the man said in a way that had a certain dominant undertone, the smile gone from his face.

“Listen, I’m… I’m not gay, I’m here by accident, and I’m not looking for anything. In fact, I’m not even horny, IN CASE YOU CAN’T TELL, and even if I were, I would never be into you!” Time said, trying to muster all the courage he could to send this stranger a clear message.

Unfazed, the man’s strong hairy arm reached up toward his own neck. He slowly fished through his dense chest hair before pulling out a small necklace that a deep blue stone set in an elaborate silver clasp.

Tim watched the man’s deliberate moves, unable to speak or even blink. He couldn’t help but think he had seen that necklace somewhere before. He kept staring and staring into the blue stone, surrounded by all the black chest hair.

Suddenly Tim felt a large hand squeeze his right thigh, and another squeeze his neck before he blacked out.

Tim heard fingers snap.

His eyes opened.

He was seated at the bar, the strange man still seated next to him, but he was no longer looking or talking to him.

Tim glanced at his beer only to find that it was all gone, though he thought he had only had a few sips.

Having had enough of the weirdness going on, he got his credit card from the bartender and paid his bill.

As he stood up to leave, the man next to him said, “See you soon, Timmy.”

“Whatever,” Tim said, and left the bar.

After leaving the bar, Tim grabbed a six pack from a corner store and headed home. He sat on the couch watching TV and drinking beer, until he started to get horny.

He headed to his bedroom, stripping down naked on his way, ready to watch some porn and have a good stroke session.

As he lay down on the bed, preparing to go to some of his favorite websites, he could feel his arousal increasing in anticipation. His balls were starting to churn, and his five inch flaccid penis was starting to inflate to its full, seven and a half inches.

Suddenly Tim felt a surge through his entire body. A chemical wave, similar to an adrenaline rush, hitting his entire body all at once. He lay naked and spread eagle on the bed with his eyes closed, waiting for it to pass.

Several seconds later, the feeling subsided.

He opened his eyes, more aroused than ever, and desperate to ejaculate.

He reached his arm to his laptop to start searching videos.

“What the FUCK?!?!” Tim shouted.

He was staring at his arm. But it didn’t look like his arm. In place of it was a slightly more muscled arm, with long, thick, black hairs. Everywhere.

Lost in disbelief, he turned his head to look at his other arm.

But he didn’t get that far.

His chest and stomach. They were covered in a dense pelt of black hair. Top to bottom and side to side. More hair than he could ever even remember seeing on any man, let alone him.

Tim moved his hand up to his chest to touch the hair and see if it was real.

As he moved his fingers through the dense black hair, his nipples started to harden. And a little pre-cum escaped from his penis head. Then a little more…

Stimulation of the newly formed hair was causing sensations Tim had never felt before. The more he touched the hair, the more he wanted to. Needed to.

After several minutes of feeling up his new body, Tim’s erect cock jumped three times without ever being touched, and then began to ejaculate. Ten powerful shots of semen rained down on his hairy chest and stomach.

Tim lay still for several minutes, eyes closed, recovering from the orgasm.

When he finally sat up in bed, he looked down at his body. His smooth, nearly hairless body.

All the hair he had seen, and touched, was gone. Or had it ever been there?

“What the hell? I must have had too much to drink,” Tim said out loud, unable to think of any other reason for what had just happened.

The next day was filled with five back to back classes on campus, which kept Tim busy. There was little time to think about the odd day he had yesterday at the bar and at home.

He returned to his apartment late in the afternoon, tired but ready for his usual quick stroke before dinner. He was twenty two after all.

He unceremoniously stripped down, sat on the couch, and searched his favorite porn site for the latest videos added.

He scrolled through a lot of videos, women playing with themselves, lesbian action, men in their twenties and thirties fucking their girlfriends, until one video caught his eye.

The thumbnail pic was a woman in her twenties, on her back being fucked by a man. A man his late forties, covered in body hair.

Tim felt his cock jump.

He started the video.

The hairy older man walked into a bedroom, totally naked, with a giant, heavy penis swinging between his legs. He looked at the naked woman on the bed as he ran his hands through his hairy chest.

Tim didn’t have any warning. The wave of chemicals overtook his body, immobilizing him for several seconds.

When it passed, he looked down at his body. He was coated in a pelt of black hair. Arms, hands, legs, feet, chest, stomach… covered.

“Looks good,” Tim thought. “Masculine. Virile. Sexy.”

He was too deep in heat to question anything.

Tim began stroking his body hair as the video continued to play.

He watched as the hairy older man penetrated the woman and began to thrust. He watched the man’s body hair and muscles as he fucked. Amazed at what a specimen the man was. Such a masculine man. The kind of man who needs to spread his seed. The kind of man no one could resist.

Tim watch the man’s body as he began to grunt and shout, ejaculating into the younger woman. Tim’s cock erupted in unison. Ropes and ropes of semen shooting out all over Tim’s hairy body.

And just as the night before, all the body hair was gone just as quickly as it had grown in.

Now Tim knew that whatever was happening to him wasn’t a dream.

Tim barely slept all night, worried about what was going on. Was he losing his mind? How could this be real? Luckily his Friday schedule was light, with only two classes in the morning. The rest of the day was spent working mindlessly as a cashier at a local grocery store to help pay his bills.

As he scanned customers groceries, the monotony allowed him the free time he had been hoping to avoid. Time to think about what had happened the past few days. Ever since he had gone to that bar.

As his mind wandered, he started thinking about the two cycles of hair growth, and how good it felt to touch his hairy body. How hot it was to see that hairy older man fuck. How powerful and masculine that man looked.

Then Tim started to study the men coming through his line. Wondering how hairy each man was.

He was enjoying the game for an hour or so, until he looked up and saw the next customer in line. A man in his mid-thirties wearing a tight t-shirt. Blond curly hairy was spilling out over the entire collar of the t-shirt, and going up his neck at least an inch. His arms were covered in a forest of blond hair so thick, Tim couldn’t see the skin below.

A thin necklace with a blue stone hung out over the top of the man’s t-shirt, resting on top of the blond hair.

This time Tim felt the wave coming.

He called his manager over and said he had to take a break right now to use the restroom. He ran to the back, and into a stall.

Tim lifted up his shirt and began stroking what he knew would already be there. Thick, black hair, all over his abs.

Within a minute, his cock was spraying the far wall of the stall with his semen.

As his body hair began to vanish, Tim began to think more clearly. This all started when he had the weird encounter in that bar.

He had to go back. It was his only chance to figure this out.

It was a Friday night at the dive bar, but the vibe was surprising not different from the Wednesday night when Tim was there. The same amount of men in the bar, no apparent influx of a weekend crowd.

Tim scanned the room, looking for the man he spoke to Wednesday, but didn’t see him. He knew it was a long shot.

Just as he did a few nights earlier, he found a stool at the bar, placed an order with the stoic bartender, and sat drinking his beer, lost in his thoughts.

He ordered a second beer. As he drank it, he replayed everything in his head from the past few days, using all logic that he could to dismiss what he thought he saw and experienced. Maybe it was just a result of the stress he had been under.

There was a screech from the empty stool next to him being pulled out.

Tim’s heartbeat started racing, but he didn’t move.

Out of the corner of his eye, just as before, he saw a muscular, hairy arm reach out, flagging the bartender for an order.

Tim instantly knew who that powerful hairy arm belonged to.

The man repositioned himself, brushing his hairy legs against Tim’s smooth legs, causing a tingling sensation to run up Tim’s entire body, settling in his mind.

That was all it took.

The chemical wave was released, paralyzing Tim in his seat for several seconds, while black hair pushed out of every pore in his body. Within moments Tim went from a smooth, swimmers build to being one of the most hirsute men in the bar.

With the exception of the man next to him.

“Hi Timmy,” the man said, his deep voice now familiar and pleasing to Tim.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but now I CAN tell when you are horny,” the older man said, as he reached up and ran a single, long finger along Tim’s hairy forearm.

“Uhhhhh….,” an involuntary release from Tim.

“That’s right Timmy. Now I can always tell when you are horny, can’t I, boy?”

Two long fingers now dragged across Tim’s forearms.

“UHHHHH….,” Tim’s body shuddered with the stimulation from the man.

“How would you like to always feel this way, boy? I can make it happen,” the man said, a predatory look in his eye.

“I… How… Yeahhhhh…,” Tim said, eyes glazed over, drunk with pleasure.

“Heel,” the man said as he stood up.

Tim stood, ready to follow.

The man walked to the back of the bar and down a dimly lit narrow hallway. He opened the door at the end of the hallway, revealing a small room, lit only by candlelight.

In the middle of the room stood a sling.

“Strip,” the man ordered.

Tim didn’t pause to question the command. Within a few seconds all of his clothes were removed.

The man studied Tim’s body in silence, occasionally turning him for a different view.

“Do you like being hairy, Timmy?” the man asked.

“Yes… I… I think… it… I like the way it looks… and feels,” Tim muttered.

“Real men are hairy, boy. And you want to be a real man, right?” the man asked, though it was clearly not meant to be answered.

“Listen up, Timmy. You have two choices right now. One, you can live the rest of life with what I have done to you. Whenever you are turned on, everyone will know it, because hair will grow all over you instantly, and remain until you ejaculate. A hairy tell for whenever you are horny. Two, I can finish the job, and make you permanently hairy. It’s your choice, boy.”

Tim knew the answer right away.

“Permanently hairy…,” he responded with vacant eyes and a smile on his face.

“Get in the sling, boy,” the man said, a statement not to be questioned.

Tim situated himself on his back, feel in stirrups.

The man stripped naked, his powerful, hairy body on full display. His giant, heavy penis swinging between his legs. He looked at Tim in the sling as he ran his hands through his hairy chest.

He pulled the necklace out from deep within his chest hair, so Tim could see it.

Tim could tell this man was not looking to make love. He was looking to mount and breed.

And so it began.

With a barely adequate amount of lube, the man pushed his cock head into Tim’s hairy virgin hole. Without pausing, he pushed deeper and deeper, the shaft sinking in, clearly focused on his own pleasure.

His big, thick, hip-to-hip bush hit Tim’s ball sack, signaling that he had sunk balls deep into the warm, tight hole.

“Good boy, Timmy, you’re a good boy,” the man said, pausing to let the feeling of his entire cock register with Tim.

Tim reached up and ran his fingers through the man’s tangled, thick, black chest hair, occasionally brushing against his erect nipples.

Tim felt the man’s cock swell in response, undoubtedly releasing a stream of pre-cum deep inside of him.

Then the thrusts began. The man turned into a hairy animal, grunting, thrusting, dripping sweat. A full on mount.

Twenty minutes of mating, until the noises shifted, becoming louder and more intense.

Tim’s prostate couldn’t take much more stimulation either.

A low growl came from the man, which increased to a scream accompanied by three strong pelvic thrusts.

Tim knew what that meant. Insemination.

His cock spasmed and volleyed cum all over his and the man’s hairy bodies.

The man collapsed on top of Tim, his larger, stronger, hairy body enveloping Tim.

After several minutes, the man pushed off of Tim, his partially erect cock sliding out of Tim.

“Looking good, Timmy,” the man said.

Tim looked down at his body. Despite ejaculating, the newly formed muscle and the pelt of black hair coating his body remained. The hair was even thicker than before... so thick on his chest that he could barely even see skin. It swirled over his shoulders and met a dense forest covering his entire back. Tim was never going to be able to hide this fur. He was a beast. Every inch of him was covered in thick swirling man-fur.

“In case you’re wondering, it’s permanent. And with is comes a permanent horniness for men. High testosterone. And they all know it,” the man said, as he placed a necklace, the same kind as the one he was wearing, around Tim’s neck. "You'll enjoy this. Eventually you'll start getting bigger too. All that testosterone is gonna get you jacked. All my boys get huge eventually. "

Tim smiled, excited for his new body and life. He was a hairy beast of a man, and no shirt would be able to contain all that fur.

The man laughed, knowing that Tim wasn’t even registering the photos and detailed plans posted on the wall for how to stealthily get the hypnotic pendant in front of Tim, or for how to cause Tim’s girlfriend to break up with him, his failing grades, and his friend to move away.

The man had found Tim, targeted him, claimed him, and turned him into an extremely hairy, permanently horny man.

The man would enjoy mounting Tim several more times throughout the night. Tim's body steadil

But tomorrow when the man would pick his next target.