The Gift

“Come on, honey, you can do it! Just two more!” The lean, muscular trainer encouraged the much skinnier man as he attempted to lift what would be considered a beginning set of weights.

The thin man huffed and puffed as he tried to left the bar off of his chest, but couldn’t seem to move it far. “I can’t..I can’t do it, Jake! Help!” With the utterance of that last word, Jake put a hand under the bar and helped get it up onto the rack.

As he sat up and panted, Jake put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Daniel. We’ll give it another try in a day or two.”

“No, that’s just it!” Daniel stood up, and wiped his face with a towel. “Jake, we’ve been at this for months. I come in with you, and lift weights and completely wear myself out, and nothing!” He brought up a boney arm and flexed his bicep, or lack of bicep in his case. “I’ll never be a big man, and that’s that. Honey, I appreciate you trying to help me, but I think it best if we just stop chasing a pipe dream like this. I’ll just be that hot guy’s skinny boyfriend. It’s fine.” With that he turned and headed to the showers.

Jake sighed as he watched his boyfriend’s narrow ass retreating. Daniel had wanted this so much, and now he was giving up. True, the thought of him getting buff was exciting to Jake, but he hoped Daniel knew he loved him no matter what he looked like. Sure, he told him as much many times, but he was never sure if Daniel believed him.

This weighed on Jake’s mind for the next few days leading up to Daniel’s birthday. They had planned for his new, ripped body to be a gift for them both, but nature apparently was not allowing that. So he drove all over town in an effort to fine Daniel something that would make his feel better about himself.

Jake was in a section of town he’d never been in, perusing through knick knacks in a small shop. An elderly woman approached him and said, “You are looking for something for your beloved. Something that will give him confidence, yes?”

Flabbergasted, Jake nodded. “How did you know?”

She pointed up at his nose and replied, “I know that face. Come.” She turned and led him through a small doorway to a back room. In it were even more exotic-looking objects. She went over to a clothes rack and, after sifting through for a few minutes, produced a tropical shirt that was mostly browns and greens. Holding it to Jake, she said, “This is good. It will help your lover become the man he could be.”

Jake held the shirt and looked it over. It wasn’t hideous, and it would match Daniel’s eyes. And it looked about his size. “How do I know if it will fit him?”

The old lady laughed and laughed until she had to stop to catch her breath. “No worry of that! You take it, yes?”

Jake paid the woman the negotiated price and left the shop with his acquisition. He really hoped Daniel would like the shirt and it would at least brighten his day.

And it turned out Daniel could stand for some day-brightening. He was still feeling pretty down, and said he didn’t want a party, a request that Jake honored. They just had some carryout and watched TV on the couch. At one point between shows, Jake produced a gift bag. “Happy birthday, honey!”

Daniel couldn’t help but smile as he took the gift. “Aww!” He looked in, and pulled out the shirt. “Interesting…thank you sweetheart.” He gave Jake a kiss and stood up, holding it out in front of himself. “I hope it’s not to big on me.”

“Only one way to find out!”

Daniel nodded, and removed the baggy sweatshirt he was wearing, revealing his thin torso where you could definitely make out a few ribs. He slipped the tropical shirt on and buttoned it. “Hey, it fits pretty nicely!” Looking in the mirror, he added, “I like the color - it brings out my eyes...which you probably knew already.” He leaned over to give Jake another kiss. “I think this is my favorite shirt now.”

Daniel wasn’t lying, as he showed by wearing it to work the next few days in a row, and kept it on afterwards, only taking it off to shower. He even wore it to bed. It must have been made from some miracle fabric, because it never wrinkled or smelled. Jake didn’t mind, since it was making Daniel happy.

By the end of the weekend, Jake started to notice changes in his boyfriend. He looked, somehow, not as skinny. It was especially noticeable in the shower - his concave abdomen was neutrally flat, and his arms looked a little thicker. Jake thought it must be a change in posture or something, and didn’t think anything more of it.

The next two weeks were supposed to be their vacation in celebration of Daniel’s birthday, but they cancelled their plans just after that last trip to the gym. Daniel didn’t change his schedule, probably because he planned on staying home and moping. However, the day after Daniel’s birthday Jake’s boss must have overheard him telling a coworker about it, because he begged him to go to an out-of-town meeting on what would have been the first few days of his vacation. When Jake asked Daniel about it, he smiled. “That’s okay sweetheart! I’ll be fine here for a few days.”

Then man who picked Jake up at the airport wasn’t the same as the one who dropped him off just four days earlier. Of course it was Daniel - he could tell by the tropical shirt he wore if nothing else. But he must have put on 30 pounds in that short amount of time! His arms and legs were thicker, showing a little muscle tone under a thin layer of fat. His belly was actually a taut round thing nearly the size of a basketball. Amazingly, the shirt still fit him perfectly.

“Hi, sweetheart!” Daniel rushed to Jake and gave him a big hug and a kiss. He could feel the softness of Daniel’s belly pushing into him. Jake was a little stunned, mostly by the physical changes, but also because Daniel usually had a thing about public displays of affection.

They got the luggage into the car and headed home. Jake sat there in the passenger seat in silence as Daniel drove and hummed a tune. He look over at how the seatbelt curved around a belly that his boyfriend didn’t have when he left. Eventually, Jake broke the silence. “Uh, Daniel, honey?”

“Yes, sweetums?”

“Um, you’re looking, um, healthy.”

“Thanks!. I must say I feel pretty good!”

“Uh, that’s good. Um, what I meant to say is, you seem to have, you know, put on weight.”

Daniel’s smile never broke. “I suppose I have.”

“I mean, a lot for only a few days.”

“Well, maybe I’m just making up for lost time or something.”

“Maybe.” But Jake knew it had to be something about that shirt.

The next few days, Jake’s suspicions were confirmed, as Daniel gained another 40 pounds. He seemed to be gaining faster than before, and even though he was more half again his original weight, he didn’t seem to care. In fact, he hardly seemed to notice.

When Jake got home from doing errands, Daniel was sitting on the couch clad only in his briefs and that shirt. His belly rested on his thicker, muscular legs, covering about half of their length, yet the shirt still fit him. He raised a piece of fried chicken to his mouth with one of his muscular-yet-fat arms and took a huge bite. He chewed and swallowed and said, “Hey, sweetheart! How did things go? I’ve just been having a little snack!” He chuckled and pointed to the three-quarters-empty bucket next to him.

Jake looked at his partner with concern, though there was a twinge of some feeling he couldn’t identify. He sat down next to his lover and held one of his hands. “Daniel, honey, I think we may want to go see a doctor.”

“Why, are you sick?”

“No, it’s because of this.” He put a hand on Daniel’s ball-belly and the twinge from earlier got slightly bigger. “I definitely think you should be checked out by a medical professional.”

“Why? I feel just fine!” Just like the last time Jake brought this up, Daniel started getting defensive. “I’ve never felt better than I do now! Why should I go to a doctor like there’s something wrong with the way I feel?”

“Because! You’ve gained like 80 pounds in a little more than a week! That is not healthy or natural.”

Daniel got up, his huge belly covering his crotch, but staying round and firm. “I don’t want to talk to you when you’re like this.”

“I’m like...what?”

“I think you might be a little jealous! Yes, I think that’s it. The fact that I can eat as much of whatever I want.” He reached over and grabbed the chicken bucket. “And even so I can probably out-lift you. Jealous.” Not waiting for a response, he watched his partner’s wide ass and even wider belly retreat down the hall. And that tiny feeling returned to the back of his mind.

Daniel’s growth continued at an alarming rate. After another three days, he gained even more than he had the previous three. Jake stopped estimating, and figured there was no way he could convince his boyfriend to step on a scale. He had to be well beyond 300 pounds by now. Maybe nearly 400... it was impossible to tell.

Sitting on the sofa, Jake was lost in thought about what to do about this situation, not to mention the stirring sensations he got when he saw Daniel. Just then, Daniel strut-waddled in clad in only the shirt - he had claimed that nothing else fit anymore, not even his underwear. Jake was inclined to believe it, as his ass consisted of two wide globes that wobbled as his walked. His belly was even bigger, yet just as round, verging on two feet in diameter. He stood there, probably wondering if Jake was going to start another argument.

Jake looked at that mass of man his boyfriend had become in under two weeks, and felt a slight flush as his eyes cascaded down his taut sphere of a belly. Feeling he should still say something, he formulated his words carefully. “Daniel, you know I only say the things I’ve said because I love you, and am concerned for your well-being.”

Daniel nodded.

“Well, I’m just worried about what that shirt is doing to you. That’s all I wanted to say.”

Daniel got a lewd smile on his face. “So, what you’re saying is you’d feel more comfortable if I were to take it off?” He slowly undid the buttons, one by one.

Jake’s flush turned into a blush. “That’s not exactly…”

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve been checking me out the last few days.” Daniel parted the shirt revealing the round expanse of his gut with the deep belly button just south of center. His powerful chest was covered with a layer of fat that was just starting to rest on the shelf below.

Jake’s cheeks were rather red now, and whatever blood was not in his face was headed elsewhere. “I wasn’t…”

“Oh, no need to deny it!” Daniel sauntered (or as close as could come to a saunter) over to Jake and put one knee on the sofa so his belly was hanging over him. “Do you want to touch it, Jake?”

Jake looked away, almost afraid to admit something to himself. After a moment, he said, quietly, “Yes.” He tentatively put a hand on Daniel’s huge belly, feeling its warmth and roundness. Though it was firm enough to hold its shape, the fat gave slightly with the pressure of his touch. Jake stifled a gasp and started rubbing it with both hands.

Daniel moaned a bit at the attention his gut was getting, but the smirk never left his face. “That wasn’t the ‘it’ I was talking about.” He moved closer and raised his belly slightly, revealing the shadowy area under it.

Jake gulped and reached a hand under his boyfriend’s huge belly. His eyes went wide and he said, nearly dumbstruck, “Daniel! Your…”

Daniel just smiled between groans. “Yes, honey, I’ve grown in more ways than one! Now, I think we need to take it for a test drive, don’t you?”

Jake was shocked at how forceful Daniel was being, but he had to admit he liked it. He pretty much let Daniel have his way with him, and felt that fat belly pressing into him as well as other sensations.

Afterward, as they lay in bed in each other’s arms, Jake kissed Daniel and said, “Okay, I won’t say anything about the shirt anymore.”

After another four days, Daniel’s growth seemed to have stopped. His belly ended up sticking out just past his knees as he sat, and stuck out two and a half feet wide when he stood. His beefy muscles were just hidden under enough fat that Jake couldn’t really see their definition, unless Daniel flexed, that is. But it was clear to anyone that he has a strong, powerful build. He carried his weight proudly and pretty much as easily as before.

Daniel’s attitude toward the shirt changed suddenly as well. He no longer insisted on wearing it all the time, although it never stopped being a favorite. Shopping for other clothes started with Jake going by himself and getting a pair of 4XL gym shorts, which turned out to fit pretty well.

For the next few months, the pair were in heaven. Daniel seemed nearly insatiable in the sack, which was just fine by Jake. As Valentine’s Day rolled around, the amorous activity only seemed to increase.

In the evening of that special day, Jake and Daniel exchanged presents. Jake opened his to find a nice hat. He looked at it closely and said, “Hey, thanks, honey!”

Daniel smiled and said, “I found it in the back room of a little exotic shop on the far side of town. You will not believe what that old lady had to say!”