The Date

By BorynStone


I sat laid back, foot resting on my knee with an arm atop the back of the sofa. It was at the center of a mall, the seating of the main area arranged likewise to the circle that the rest of the mall branched off of. I was on my phone, looking at the mall's dual story map.

The mall was a rather new one, finished within this past year. All kinds of stores, both upscale and middle class were included, from Saks Fifth to JCPenny. My primary interest though were the restaurants and sports stores. There were some creameries, other treat shops, Smoothie King and mostly Asian food for main dining. A Champs Sports was nearby, where I needed to get some more clothes that fit.

I had recently passed 230 pounds. I've been gaining weight for the past three months, ever since track and field finished. Yeah, I used to be a runner. Standing at 6'4, I was lanky at the time with a weight of 160 and had huge strides that put me above most. I had just finished my senior year of High School, and I was over being skinny. I wanted to be huge. I started lifting weights and developing my upper body, getting a YMCA membership and working out with one of my friends. He happened to be a linebacker from the school's football team, weighing 290, and he was going to meet me at the mall.

I liked him.

I wasn't sure why I hadn't known before. We shared classes, ate out, went over to each others houses. But I hadn't felt anything for him at that time. Yet at the end of Senior year when all the finals were over and we had started partying, I began to feel hot around him. I had started checking out larger guys- but it wasn't just their muscles that turned me on. They needed to be large and husky, with a thick torso. I enjoyed watching their fleshy bodies and fat covered muscles as they walked, their rotund bellys hanging out as a sign of how much they porked out. I wanted to be like that, large with a sexy body that moved fluidly, slightly bouncing with each heavy step.

Jack, my friend, was just like that. He was one inch shorty than me, 6'3, light brown hair and eyes. With Football season over, all the muscle mass he had gained and eating habits he practiced slowly turned his giant body into one giant beefy beanie bag. His arms grew, becoming larger but less defined. He wasn't getting the cardio he needed to keep the fat off... and it piled on. He had a thick neck, giant broad shoulders and a huge back. His pecs grew, but had lost their shape, sticking out in front and to the sides. They were noticeable under every shirt he wore, resting atop his massive belly. His belly. No matter what way he stood or sucked it in, it would be there- a large amount of belly pushing out over his shorts. It wrapped around his body, making cushiony love handles for his arms to fall and rest on. His shorts would always be straining, his hips sticking out for massive tree trunk legs to fill up. When I sat behind him in school, I would always be staring at how his ass filled up and slightly hung from the sides of his chair. His legs ended in size 16 shoes he would need to special order from online. I had nearly tried them on to compare them with my size 14 shoes, but the smell stopped me.

I shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, a boner starting to pop up in my shorts. I loved Jack. I wanted to feel sexy around him. I had specifically dressed up for this occasion. I even had something else planned for after the mall.

I was wearing a fitted T-Tank top, my large shoulders and biceps on show for all to see. When I started working out and eating more, I intentionally started eating more fatty foods to see a belly develop and my body fill out. I was stocky, but didn't have the fleshy overhang I wanted. My stomach and pecs jiggled when I moved, and I had developed love handles. Down under I wore a Jock strap from track, and running shorts to show off my giant legs.I wanted to flaunt my body as much as I could in front of Jack. I was about a year older than him, despite being in the same class. With my Hispanic background, I had dark brown hair and eyes, dark features, and body hair that rapidly overtook me. I had to constantly trim my pubic areas to keep them from literally growing over my pants and out from under my tees. My tank top revealed a pretty hairy pelt on my chest that wrapped around my shoulders and covered my stomach. I had stopped shaving my chin at the end of the school year, quickly growing a full beard within three weeks. My legs were by far the worst. The running shorts revealed fur that went from all over my ass to covering my toes. My visible inner thighs were showing thicker and coarser dark hair from my pubic area. My arms weren't safe either, hair ran down my whole arm from my shoulders down to all of the back of my hand. Each part of my fingers had hair growing there too.

I looked up, slightly uncomfortable in how much I realized I was revealing. Then I thought, "Why should I be worried? I wear this same exact outfit when I work out in the gym." I settled back again, looking into the mid-afternoon crowd. Raising my arms I put my hands behind my head, slouchting comfortably in the seat. I was getting glances from people, both in admiration and disgust. Then I saw Jack in a muscleshirt and shorts that were too small. He was standing in the center of the place looking around for me, one hand on his hip and the other holding up an extra large milkshake. I laughed at how wonderful the big guy was. Still sipping on the milkshake, he pulled out his phone and in a moment mine began to buzz.

"Hey," I said answering the phone, "I'm right over here!" I raised my arm from the couch.

"Huh" He said. I watched him quickly glance around, a dumbfound look on his face before stopping. "Where are you, I can't find you."

"Look to your left- no, stop! I'm sitting." I raised my hand again and waved as he finally saw me.

His round face broke into a slight grin as he hung up and began to walk toward me. I appreciated his body with each step he took.

"What's up?" He said.

"Nothing much. Ready?"

"Not quite," He shook his head, "I'm not gonna finish this, do you want it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure." I reached out and took it from him as he handed it to me. Taking off the dome top and straw, I quickly tilted my head back and gulped down what remained before standing and stretching. "All I really need to do is pick up some new clothes. We can grab a bite then and look around afterwards, if that sounds alright?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want man. You outgrow some?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I passed 230 pounds and some of my clothes have been kinda tight. Champs is a bit that way," I pointed, "Let's head over there."

"Alright" he responded, before we began to walk.

I had called him up yesterday, asking if he wanted to hang out at the mall some. He didn't have any plans, so he said why not. Besides, we tended to do stuff like this together anyway, so it wasn't like it was a date. I began to feel weird. Actually, this was the first time we were alone together while I had feelings for him- besides when we worked out at YMCA or ate afterwards. Usually we'd have another one or two friends with us.

As we walked, people made way for us. I never understood what it would be like from the other side, looking up at a giant let alone two. I guessed people would have mixed feelings of intimidation, envy, or fear. But I never really experienced it myself.

Once we made it to the store, Jack helped me look around. "What are you, XXL and size 34?"

I laughed. "I think I'm size 36 now. Most of my 34's don't fit anymore."

"I think I have a few old things that might fit you now though."

I grinned as I looked through the racks. Most of the old things he gave me were completely stretched, the front of the shirts spreading down and covering hips and groin.

"So what do you want?"

"Anything that's on sale and my size. I only brought like $150 dollars to spend here."

"Maybe you should start wearing sleeves and longer shorts," He laughed, "you look like Sasquatch."

I had always received this constant teasing, but I grinned. I enjoyed having my body.

"Here you are," He said, handing over two fitted tee shirts and compression shorts. "You'll probably look good in these."

"Alright," I said, combining them with a tank top and shorts I picked out. "Be right back" I said, heading to the dressing room.

I actually liked the compression shorts. I hadn't worn them before, but I knew they were big in football. I thought that maybe I should wear them out, before taking them off and settling with what I had dressed in today.

When I was done and exited the dressing room, I saw Jack in the hall trying out a muscle shirt in front of a three-sided mirror. He was posing in front of it, but I had to laugh when he leaned back and it rode up on his gut, revealing his midrift. When he saw me he laughed too and relaxed, his gut bulging out as he slumped his shoulders. He grabbed the shirt from its bottom and brought it over his torso as I walked over, trying to keep calm as I began to feel tingly seeing him shirtless.

His body was large and fleshy, just as his shirts couldn't hide. His gut slightly rolled over the top of his shorts, his pecs sitting atop the large glob, causing his arms to spread out and look thicker while resting.

I picked up his shirt from the floor and handed it to him has he handed me the muscle shirt.

"Mind buying this for me? I really only brought money for lunch. I'll pay you back later," He said.

"Yeah sure," I said, "I think this is all I'm gonna buy as well." I walked over with the clothes and began waiting in line before he caught up to me. "Hey, I forgot to grab some underwear, mind getting some?"

"Nope," He said. He left me for a few moments before coming back with a packet of double extra large jock straps. "You wear these usually, right?"

I nodded. "Yea, they've been getting pretty tight. I think that's the size I need." I felt slightly embarrassed. I only knew one or two other guys who were brave enough to wear those. In all honesty, they were really comfortable in holding up my junk- especially in track. Better than briefs.

"Maybe I should try them..."

As we waited, I pondered my feelings. Should I tell him how I felt? Did he feel the same way? I remember he used to date a girl freshman year. I laughed as she turned out to be a lesbian Junior year, in the end heading to prom with another girl. He never dated anyone else since. Did that mean he was gay, or just wasn't who he was? I felt funny. These thoughts seemed completely girlish, and I definitely did not have that type of personality. Some of my friends even made fun of how I talked, mimicking a really deep voice and making grunting noises. But then again, I never really felt this way until the school year ended. Did it really take that long for my sexuality to develop? I didn't even go to prom. But then again, neither did he.

Finally I checked out.

As we exited, I noticed a cold stone up on the second floor. I pointed. "Hey, want to go there first before heading to the food court?"


We headed up there and both ordered large waffle bowls. We ate against the railing looking down at the steams of people on the ground. Surprisingly, only three or four people were visible on the second floor. I finished my ice cream first, not surprisingly. I was a really fast eater, tending to finish before anyone else even with twice as much food. I walked over to a wastebin and threw the container away. As I turned around, I noticed Jack looking at me for a moment before turning back to his food. He seemed to have an expression for the moment he was looking at me, almost like-

"Hey mind finishing this for me?" He said holding out the bowl and spoon, interrupting my thoughts.

"What? Again?"

"Hey, I did have most of that milkshake I gave you too."

"Alright fine." I took the spoon and started finishing it. We stood together again, shoulder by shoulder, looking down on the crowds. We were in silence.

"Alright, I'm done" I said, patting my stomach and disposing the other container. My stomach was slightly aching.

"Nice job," He laughed, patting me on the back.

I smiled.

"What's next, you said lunch, right?"

"Yeah sure. I think there's a pizza or mandarin place nearby. I got it on my phone, one second." I pulled up my phone and saw the two places. "Looks like the pizza place is a buffet, but I kind of prefer Asian. We're also full, so I doubt the buffet will do us any good." I tried hiding my smile I wanted him to pig out at the buffet, but I thought that might be pushing my luck.

"Are you sure?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, so let's head to the Mandarin Express" I turned, and began walking. I didn't want him to think anything of it.

"Wait, hold on!" He said quickly catching up to me.

"What is it? We're going to the Asian food, right?" I kept walking.

"No. Stop!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers as he did so. "No shouting, no moving."

My body stopped walking. My shoulders relaxed and I stood erect, un-moving, facing the same direction. "What was going on?" I thought. I wanted to move, but at the same time, I didn't want to move. Why should I move? I breathed heavily, starting to panic.

Jack walked around me, a mixed look on his face. He stood about two feet in front, his gut nearly bumping me. His lips began to curl in a triumphant grin. "Hey," He said, slightly leaning back in appreciation of me. In appreciation of what he's done.

"What's going on?" I said in a normal tone. I almost tried shouting, but I didn't want to. The few people in visible range didn't notice us still.

"I know you like me." He said. "Relax."

I calmed down. All I could do was listen to him. Feelings bubbled up inside me.

"I like you to," He smiled, now a sorrow smile. "I've liked you since we met. Since we became friends."

I breathed out. He did feel the same way.

"I guess I should explain it to you. You weren't like me. You didn't like me the way I did. But now you do."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "I've always liked you though. That's why I've been with you."

"No. I made you this way."

My heart skipped a beat. We breathed together for a moment. "What?"

"I made you this way. Why do you think you've started liking bigger men? Why do you think you suddenly wanted to become large like them, to become massive like me? Why do you think you started liking me then, without feelings from before?"

"I thought it was me just not... noticing you before" I responded.

His round face looked sad. He reached out and touched my stomach, rubbing it before putting his hand on my shoulder.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Remember the final football game? The game we through a party at my house for and you got drunk?"

I nodded.

"That's when I hypnotized you. That's why you can't remember how exactly that party went down."

Silence followed. He went on. "I've been taking psychology, learning how the mind works and how everything goes down. That's when I learned hypnotism is actually possible. I've spent so much time looking up online ways to make you like me, until finally I found a full hypnotic guide. One that worked. One that would allow me to control you. And just like that, from that night, I got you drunk, I hypnotized you, made you like guys like me, and made you forget."

I breathed heavily. I felt betrayed. But I liked him. I loved him. A lot. And yet he says that it's fake, and he made me do it. "But I've made my own actions. How would you have known I'd have picked you? It's not possible."

"No, I made you pick me. Why do you think you wanted to work out with me? Why do you think you've wanted to look sexy for me? I even planned this whole date. The first time we'd be alone together, here at the mall. I even picked the gym wear you liked, showing off your chest and arms in the tank top, your legs in your running shorts." At that comment, he reached between my thighs and pulled at the thick exposed hair. "And when we showered together at the gym, you'd show off your ass in the Jock-straps. You wore it here, too. And that after the mall, you planned on going to the beach with me, and without swimwear we'd be in our underwear."

It was true. The thing I planned for after the mall, going to the beach with him as he said. I stood there, dumbstruck.

"Finally I couldn't take it. I wanted you to know, to make your own decisions. Not just be someone who's always after me who was clueless as to why."

I stood there shocked. He did like me. I liked him. But the feelings didn't feel fake.

He grinned again. "I guess you're mine now anyway" He said, dominantly. "You obey me. Try to move."

I tried, but couldn't. I stood still, relaxed as before.

"Alright, we're going to the pizza buffet to pig out, together." He laughed. "I can't wait to see you eat like me."

"Okay" I said. I wanted to go to the buffet anyway. I hoped.

"You may move freely, but have to stay within an arm's length of me." He ordered, before starting to talk in the direction of the pizza place.

As soon as I was nearly out of his reach I panicked and took a quick step to try to keep up with him. It wasn't like my body was acting out of it's own accord though. I wanted to stay near him. We walked together. I felt fuzzy inside. I still liked him. Sure he made me sexually like him, but I emotionally liked him still. I didn't care if I had to follow his orders. While I was studying his face he looked over at me and smiled naturally before turning back forward. I just felt happy with him. After a moment I reached behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, pulling him close. He then shifted putting his other shoulder behind mine and placing his hand on my hip. We walked together like this for some time. Then, he dipped his head and sniffed my armpit. I felt confused for a moment, before he stuck out his tongue and licked it. We stared at eachother for a moment in surprise before laughing together. I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek and neck. We looked at eachother before interlocking lips. My face tickled due to my beard. Enjoying our time, we didn't care if people saw.

We enjoyed stuffing ourselves at the pizza buffet. We got a seat in the back corner were not many could see us gorging together. Jack would leave to fill up our plates before coming back. Mine always had at least twice as many slices as his, in which he'd command me to eat all of. At one point Jack told me I had something on my face before leaning over and eating it off my beard. From then on we started feeding eachother. Despite feeling completely full, we still had almost as much room for desert. My stomach began hurting from the strap of my running shorts, so I had to pull it down over my ass to keep from indigestion. We sat there for a while, guzzling our drinks and talking about college.

We were both going to the state college. He, despite not having the grades, was recruited for football. No wonder really, he was pretty much the largest man on the team. We decided to room together. We both wanted to get as big as we could, had the same interests, so we probably would end up doing all the same things anyway. It wasn't likely we'd have any relationship problems anyway, this wasn't precisely an emotional relationship.

We took my car to the beach. I couldn't stop looking over at him and admiring his belly. I desired so much to have that much stomach sitting on my lap, that much flesh covering my body. When we weren't moving at a stop light, he reached over and started running his hand across my furry arm that rested on the center console.

"I think you're pretty hot." He said, out of nowhere. "I like how you're fuzzy, and have always wanted to see you shirtless and with a beard."

"Well, I do now. Even if you did make me grow it I've always wanted to have one."

He reached over and started scratching my neck and upper back. "You know you're perfectly hairy. It's enough to be completely sexy but not enough to be weird and disgusting. I wish I was like that."

The light turned green.

"You know I thought it was pretty disgusting at first," I said, "It was really weird when I noticed how guys had hair that stopped at their thighs and thinned out from there."

"Hah, I know." Jack said. "When you'd lean over, I saw how the hair spread out over your lower back. It was so scruffy I could imagine you'd have a tail."

"You know I kind of hated my body back then? I was like a stick."

"Really? Even before the hypnosis?"

"Yeah. My torso was so skinny, my legs and hips stuck out like a girl's."

We laughed.

"I'll make you large" He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. You'll be larger than me."

"I hope."

It was still very bright as we pulled into the parking lot. Long shadows were appearing, but the sky had yet to turn orange. Jack was pulling off his tank top as I parked. I had trouble keeping my eyes on the road with the shirtless hunk next to me.

"Keep your clothes on, by the way."

"Alright" I said. Not like I had a choice anyway.

He smiled at me, and placed a hand on my tank-top exposed chest. "I think it's hotter with a tease."

Getting out together, we made our way over to the sand with arms across eachothers shoulders. It was hot, and we both started to sweat as we walked. We sat down on the sand once close enough to the water. We watched people walk by for a while before I felt his hand come up the back of my tank top. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees as he scratched, his hand traveling up and down my back. It felt good, and we sat like this for a while waiting for the sun to set. Once he stopped he lifted the shirt off me. I lay back, allowing him to rest his had on my chest, his other hand messing with my treasure trail. I started running my hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling of the roll of fat on the back of his neck. It felt slightly damp. He breathed heavily.

"You smell really good. Not like soap or deodorant, or a bad smell, but something that just smells natural."

I slightly laughed, my chest jumping for a second. "You know you always smell sweaty."

He smiled. "I do? It must be pretty bad then."

"Yeah, it was always noticeable when we were in close proximity. It was bearable, but I guess that's just natural for large guys like you. Kind of sexy."

My hand made it's way around his back to his side, where I felt his stomach and love handles.

Pushing him onto his back, I smelled his underarms and crawled on top of him, straddling his belly. He grabbed his belly and jiggled it, rocking us back and forth. "You ever think I'm going to lose this weight?"

"Hell no, I've seen your eating habits. There's no way you're gonna lose it. You've gained so much since football season started. You're like one of those football ex-jocks."

He grinned. "I am an ex-jock."

We both laughed before he sat up. With our bellys between eachother we began to kiss, our hands exploring eachother's thick, chunky sides and backs. He began to pull my runner-shorts off.

"Show me that ass" He said.

The sky had turned a dark orange. We both stood up once he pulled down the rest of my pants. Now all I had to cover my thick hairy body with was the Jock-strap that wrapped around my legs and revealed my hairy ass. His hands rested on my butt, pulling me into his large body. "Don't worry, I'll keep you covered."

We turned to the horizon. I stood with my arms crossed and legs apart in a strong stance. Jack wrapped his arms behind me as we stood there, together, waiting, watching for the sun to set. I could feel the sweat on his arms as we stood there, hoping a cool breeze would come. Finally the sun set, and I turned back toward Jack. He had a glow in his eyes, and pushed his lips onto mine, making their way through my beard. His hand fell on my cheek, rubbing the hair as we continued making out, my hands holding onto his large fat body.

His parents weren't home. After the beach we drove back to the mall to pick up his car. He told me his parents were out, and we headed over to his place for the late hours. I picked up dinner on the way back, a whole bunch of shit from Chick-fil-a. Both of us were still hot from the beach, but we ate first anyway.

"C'mon" He said, winking.


"Let's shower." He lead me to the bathroom, turning on the water and turning to me. He slowly pulled my tank top off, leaned forward and smelled my chest.

I leaned forward, smelling his armpit. "You do need to shower" I laughed.

I pulled down my shorts and I started pulling off his shirt. It came off as his body jiggled. I leaned forward, removing his tight shorts and pulling them around his ass. He stepped out of them, and I could see a bulge forming. He reached out and pulled the strap of my undergarment, looking down at my package. Using both hands, he dug around it and pulled it off me.

Reaching forward, I put my hands on his hips and slowly pulled off his boxers, running my hands down his thick thighs. We stood there naked, each getting a hard on.

He started running his hands all over my hairy body, and stepped forward rubbing his body against mine. I kissed his meaty chest and belly, and pushed him into the shower stall. He grabbed me and pulled me in, encasing me in his giant arms. I grabbed the soap and started washing his body, making him raise his arms as I got under there. Turning him around, I rubbed his shoulders and arms, making it down his thick back and into his chubby ass and legs. On my knees I made him turn around again, scrubbing the bottom of his belly, and finally onto his large junk sticking out in front of me. Before doing more with it, he pulled me up and tugged me close into his grasp and kissed me like he was trying to squeeze every ounce of joy out. We melted in eachothers arms and brought us down sitting at the bottom of the shower in sexual heaven. He took the soap from my hand and started rubbing it all over my hairy front, moving it up and down my beefy body. His arms wrapped around my torso and he went into my ass, moistening it up while pulling my pelvis and hard cock into his body. The water ran down our bodies, Jack twirling his fingers in my pelt and fuzzy arms. He grabbed my dick and played with it, and soon we were thrusting into eachother until finally coming to conclusion.

I lay atop him, my arms wrapping around his thick pecs as I used his body as cushion. We were panting, sweaty together, and happy.

In the end I called my parents, saying I was staying over at a friends house. We slept naked in the same bed that night, wrapped in eachother's arms.

I got huge. I had gained another 20 pounds until finally heading off to college with Jack. We went out together many times, mostly buffets trying to stuff ourselves till we were popping out of our shirts. I still worked out, but less often, and muscle mass I had gained over the summer was being buried by the fat I was gaining. I still felt strong. I was just getting... well... fat. Jack continued on the football team though, gaining more muscle and unfortunately losing some of his soft gut. I however, was finally getting the belly I wanted when we reached the same weight half way through the year at 280- he was muscular while I was chubby like our Mall date. He had finally started getting scruffy, he had a diamond patch of muscle hair and could grow a light beard. We both cut our hair short. Then I weighed above him, at 320. My parents had started getting worried, but I was happy so they were glad about that. It was weird being bigger than Jack, finally. He would play with my gut and rounder, thicker body that I was completely turned on by now.

Once summer came Jack let go of his diet again, nearly catching up to me stopping but stopping at 310. At that point I had gotten to 340 though. I was stronger than ever, but much fatter too. Now days I was absolutely covered in hair. It stretched across my back and no part of my chest or huge belly was spared. As I had gained weight I seemed to have just gotten hairier and hairier. I became the beefy cushion he would relax on. I loved every bit of him, and he loved every bit of me. I was a giant, cuddly, human size teddy bear.