The Bears in the Woods

My name was Kyle Martin and my best friend Arturo Figuras and I met after college in Santa Monica, California. From the start of our friendship it was surf, surf, surf. We were inseparable and would almost be mistaken for brothers. We both had dark hair, tan, stood 5'9", weighed around 155 pounds and had similar sleek, slender bodies, and just enough of that beach boy definition both look hot (at least I thought so). We were gay, of course, growing as we did Metro Los Angeles, and becoming part of the Santa Monica Pier family.

It was one of those rare LA scorcher days, when the Santa Ana winds brought no relief at all to the inhabitants of LA-LA land. We decided to leave the hot sticky city behind and head for the mountains in my open-topped jeep with our destination specifically a very small town in the mountains northwest of LA. My late grandfather willed his country cabin to my family, and no one had been up there since he passed away over a year ago. I thought the change in altitude would do both of us a world of good so we packed the jeep with a few things and off we sped.

The thought of going from sea level to over seven thousand feet sounded pretty cool to us--no pun intended. Arturo and I left the city dressed in our loose-fitting and colorful surfer trunks with white tank tops and baseball caps we always wore backwards and an ample supply of weed to keep us as high as the mountains.

"Kyle-boy," as Arturo called me, "you sure it's cool to go to this cabin? I mean, your grandfather died there. Isn't that kind of spooky dude?"

I looked over at Arturo and grinned, "Yes dude, it's fine, and no dude, it's family. It can't be scary. Besides my grandfather used to take me there when you were off with your parents on vacation, don't you remember? Heck my grandfather took me there pretty regularly until he got weird on us."

"Got weird?" Arturo asked.

"Yeah dude, we never heard from him for months one year, then he showed up one day and it was the weirdest thing--it was like he completely changed himself."

"Yeah, how man? So we know plenty of weird guys down on the pier bro, don't we?" Arturo asked.

"Well, not like this, bro. He got really big, started lifting weights and my dad said he did steroids. He gained a ton of weight, grew a beard, always had a pipe in his mouth and his hair got all wiry. He started wearing funny country overalls. It got too weird from that point on and my parents wouldn't let him take me anymore.

"Wow dude, did he like overdose on steroids or something?" Arturo said giggling as he rolled another joint.

"Oh fuck you," I shouted. "And hurry with that thing man. I need my head straight and to listen to some tunes before we lose radio reception."

Arturo lit the joint and took a deep drag. "Wow dude, this shit is good."

I reached over and grabbed the joint out of Arturo's hand. "Yeah it's good dude, and fuck dude, you smoked half the thing too." Kyle took a deep draw holding it in and taking a few more hits on it before he let it out. "Oh fuck yeah!" I shouted, "This Bud's For You". We kept smoking all the way to the exit necessary to get to the small mountain town stopping only for some beer and snacks then heading up a curving one-lane road the rest of the way.

"So dude," Arturo said with a glazed expression. "What's this place like, are we close yet? My pants are gonna explode dude if I don't get a blowjob soon."

I reached over and grabbed Arturo's swelling cock. "In due time man. We're gonna be alone in the middle of nowhere for a couple days man. Big trees, wild animals too, and that's not including me." I broke out laughing. "Break open the beer dude, we'll be there soon."

Arturo opened two beers and handed one to me. "Ok Kyle boy, just wait till we hit the sheets."

I was rubbing Arturo's crotch, now with a mission to get to the cabin as fast as possible and party down with my best friend.

The forest was getting thicker as we got closer to the little town called Buckville where the cabin was located. The sun was beginning to set as we pulled into the little town and we stopped at the general store to buy more beer just in case of an emergency. Arturo and I were in the party mood when they entered the small, and the first thing we noticed when we went in there was this thick smell of pipe smoke. Inside the store there were two huge men. Heavily bearded, broad shouldered, massive bodies.. It was hard to tell because of the thick beards and enormous bodies but both looked about six-foot tall, both extremely hairy with huge chests and massive big beer guts hanging over their belts and pipes in their mouths.

"Wow dude," Arturo whispered to me. "Look at this place, this dudes are huge!."

"Just be polite," I replied as we went right for the beer cooler and then to the register.

Behind them they heard one of the big men shout out, "Lookie here, Noah! We got us some LA sissy boys!" And both men broke out in a rather humiliating laugh.

As soon as we approached the storekeeper, the big pipe-smoking bear gave us both a look of contempt. He examined our lean, smooth, defined chests as if there were some deformity about them, then shook his head, took the pipe out of his mouth saying, "You sissy boys better have some ID."

Both of us scurried to produce IDs showing them to the clerk. "Here sir," I said.

With his wide hair-covered lips clamped down on his pipe, the big clerk compared the ID photos with Arturo and myself, reciting our weight, height and age, then said "this will do" and handed back our IDs. Then he packed the beer in an big paper bag and began to laugh again. He was laughing so hard he had to grab his vibrating gut. For a second I couldn't tell what was funnier, the fact Arturo and I were in this store or watching this hairy-faced, hairy-chested gigantic man in overalls with a huge gut that was gonna bust a few buttons on his flannel shirt any second. Still chuckling, he handed the bag to Randy. I wanted to shove that pipe right up his ass.

Then the other man in the store walked over to where we were standing and we were getting paranoid being so stoned and all. The other man walked slowly around us giving us the once-over, then crossing his beefy arms resting them on his huge stomach, then took his pipe out of his mouth for a second. He grabbed his crotch and squeezed it to see our reaction, but we didn't flinch. I was so worried Arturo was gonna get rock-hard seeing him that way. The man had a huge bulge tenting his overalls and I was praying Arturo's trunks wouldn't start to tent out and further subject us to ridicule. Then the man took a deep drag on his pipe, puckered his lips and blew a perfect smoke ring that drifted over to where I was standing and hitting me perfectly in the groin, with the smoke ring dissipating around my young growing bulge. It was as strange as hell, the smoke didn't fan out when it hit my crotch. Rather, it was absorbed into my colorful trunks and became a cock ring around my balls for an instant. I started to sweat right then. I know I must have leaked big time as the pressure around my ball sacs forcing a rather heavy load of cream to shoot out of my cock.

The sensation was so pleasurable, I couldn't stop it and the front of my trunks became saturated with the bulk of my jiz dripping down my legs. I must have climaxed over and over, and must have totally depleted whatever cum was in me. My cock was throbbing now and I could feel it swelling thicker. My crotch was itching like mad as I felt the sensation of my pubic hair rapidly growing against my balls and cock. I shuttered like I had just gotten a big chill sent through me. What the fuck was going on I thought, and will we ever be able to leave?

Then the man turned his attention towards Arturo and blew another perfect ring out, this time hitting Arturo square in the crotch and through his trunks to make an instantaneous cock ring around his balls and cock. Arturo shrieked loudly and a big wet spot formed in the front of his trunks where his cock head was poking. He began to shake erratically just like when he would climax with me and I knew exactly what was happening in his pants. Arturo's head flew back and his eyes closed and he let out a moan I have never heard before. The big man was licking his lips as he watched the thick, white, young cream oozing out through the cotton material of Arturo’s trunks forming thick foaming bubbles that grew until the weight made it drip down the front of Arturo’s trunks. Oh fuck, I thought: this is it, we have entered Hell and we were gonna pay for our homosexual desires. Arturo always came more than me and he kept coming in pulses till I imagined he was totally spent also. Arturo’s head became straight again with his eyes staring right at the big man, then bent his head down and slipped his hand into his trunks.

Arturo was grabbing a cock that was twice as thick as before and, like me, felt the sensation of pubic hairs growing rapidly around his cock and balls. Arturo pulled his waistband out and peered into his crotch, letting out a wail that sent goose bumps through me. Arturo turned to face me, then pulled the waistband out-a-ways and over his altered cock, balls and bush. He looked at me in horror as the cock in his hand was totally out of proportion to his body now. His cock must have grown 4 inches to 11 inches now and the thickness could compare to a beer can. He just shook his head totally confused and speechless.

The big man behind the counter smiled and said, "Now that there's a man's cock!" Arturo fell back against the counter and just slid down the front of it to the floor.

"Let's see what you got there, boy," the other man shouted and I cringed as I released the monster in my trunks.

"Oh God!" I shouted. My cock now was as thick as Arturo's and just as long and my pubes were thick and black.

The big man smiled from ear to ear, seeming quite satisfied with what he accomplished. "NO MORE SISSY COCKS!" he shouted as his eyes gleamed.

I wanted to wake up and find I was having a nightmare but this was so fucking real. Then the big man walked over and lifted Arturo over his shoulder, and was taking him into a backroom.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed and I tried to run to save Arturo, but the man behind the counter grabbed my arms with his huge hands and held me there. I was in tears, shaking, screaming, and begging them to let us alone, but I was helpless. I heard some deep moans from the backroom, and then I heard Arturo wailing in pain. The man had tied Arturo to an big army bed and was preparing to fuck him with his huge hairy cock. I could hear everything from the first moment he penetrated Arturo's tight ass, the gigantic bear’s deep thrust, and the panting and moaning as he began fucking Arturo faster and faster. Arturo kept moaning. I could hear the bed hitting the wall with each thrust into my best friend and lover's ass. The moaning got louder and louder and I could no longer hear Arturo's voice clearly anymore. I heard two voices moaning now, both with deep husky resonance.

In about 10 minutes it was over and the big man returned from the back room all sweaty, trying to adjust his overalls. "That one's done!" he muttered and a chill went up my spine as I knew I was next. The man approached me and held me till his friend Noah could come around to the front. Noah grabbed me tight and as hard as I fought him he was overpowering me and dragging me into the backroom.

As we entered, I could hear a low moaning sound and looked over and saw this huge bearish dude tied to an big army bunk, but any resemblance to Arturo was gone. What was left was a much taller body covered in thick body hair from head to toe. His chest and stomach were a rug of hair, so dense you could hardly see the skin underneath. His face was slightly familiar around the eyes but with the thick black beard and wiry hair it was hard to see. He couldn’t have been less than 300 pounds now. He was enormous.I knew it had to be Arturo, cause the gigantic bear was definitely latino, and this mans hair was pitch black like Arturo's. The size of Arturo's chest had changed radically, and had become huge and his once firm flat stomach was swollen out into a big furry belly, and Arturo's cute bubble butt ass was now large and hairy. It hit me just then as I was thrown onto a similar army bed, what was going to happen to me in a few minutes. I shook and kicked as hard as I could shouting "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOooooo!!"

It was useless as the man behind me was getting ready to breed me and change my DNA, in the process altering my genetic makeup to replicate his. Was this science fiction or was this what hell was like I thought. I felt the huge powerful man's gut sitting on my tight ass cheeks as he got his cock rock-hard for the job. I was moaning as he was releasing his precum into the crack of my cheeks and the hot liquid was making my altered cock rock hard. Tears were running down my face as I to make some sense of things.

"OH FUCK!" I screamed as the big man popped his thick cock into my hole. My ass was throbbing as he stretched me so wide I began to pass wind like crazy. The big man was laughing as he pushed into me. I wanted a piece of leather to bite; I was in so much pain. He grabbed my thin waist and pushed with all he had and again I SCREAMED AND MOANED. With every inch he went in, he was ripping me open and then with one swift push his 11 inches slid deep inside me and I felt like I was going to shit but couldn't. He moaned having achieved this level to complete the process. I was somewhere between reality and insanity as he began to pump me. My head was pushed down into a sweaty big pillow as he pumped me faster and faster and as his hairy gut rubbed over my ass cheeks with every pump, while the bed was hitting the wall giving him more force to go deeper.

His rhythm increased and I could feel the sweat dripping onto my lean back and his cock was stiffening up and getting thicker till the pain was unbearable. I wanted to just pass out, but I knew I would have to endure this transformation cbig turkey. The big man's moaning increased in both sound level and repetitiveness and as his huge ball sacs hardened and tightened up. I knew I had only seconds left as the Kyle I had known, my, body and life as I knew it was going to change completely. The man started to shake violently now and he was grabbing me tighter almost lifting me off the bed to get into me deeper. Then a huge loud shout emitted from his mouth, and I began to feel his cock explode in me over and over. All I heard after that was "OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH" over and over while this big beefy man filled me to the brim.

As the thick creamy sperm seeds permeated my youthful body, it was like my former life was flashing before me, page by page. My physique was changing rapidly as my genetic code was manipulated, and with each passing second my slim 22-year-old body became less recognizable. Like Arturo, I was transforming into a huge bear of a man. My shoulders grew wider, meatier, my arms thicker, hairier, and my flat stomach quickly began rounding outwards. My smooth form became extremely hairy, my ass tripled in size even before he pulled out and my stomach grew a huge round, fur-covered gut and my waist ballooned from a 29" to 54" in seconds. I had a much bigger head and thick hair and beard and I could feel my nipples go from dimes to half dollars, then protrude outward from my chest. My flat chest, covered in hair, inflated outwards into a huge hairy shelf. All this sudden mass alteration made me pass out. The big man pulled out of me and shook the residue off his cock before he pulled up his overalls, then left me tied up like Arturo was and left the room.

The two smiling men went outside and were walking around my jeep and laughing, the big man who had transformed our cocks took out his pipe and refilled it then lit it up and took a draw so big that his chest almost doubled in size. With his cheeks like two oranges, he let loose blowing a huge smoke screen over the jeep totally consuming it, and remained that way for a few minutes. Soon a gush of wind pushed the smoke away what remained of my vehicle now resembled a dusty, dirty 1990s Model Ford Pickup. I suppose a perfect ride for two newest members of Buckville's big mountain men.