Summer In Madrid

By McBaer

I was spending my summer abroad in Madrid, Spain. My classes were all rather easy, so I spent most of my time exploring the city. I also really enjoyed the fact that I did not have to be 21 to drink over here, as waiting another year and a half in a foreign country would be excruciating. I was wandering around some old buildings in one of the older parts of the city one day and I decided to go into one of the abandoned and boarded up buildings. I was a fit and slim young guy, so it was easy enough to slip inside the decrepit tenement to poke around and take pictures.

I spent the better part of an hour searching through the tenement building. It seems like a lot of people just up and left, leaving lot of their things in there rooms. When I got to the basement however, it look like this was a more recently inhabited place. Perhaps some construction workers are doing renovations, I don’t know. What I did see that excited me with the fact that there was a six pack of beer left sitting out. It was still unopened, and I decided to slake my thirst. I didn’t recognize the brand, it had some picture of a bear on it, and it wasn’t something I had seen around when I went out to bars before. I wasted no time in opening one and downing it. It tasted good, slightly bitter, with a lot of hoppy flavor.

As soon as I finished the first one, my stomach started to rumble. I figured I had best get some food and maybe explore some other places. I didn’t want to be greedy, so I left the other beer is sitting there. I started to make my way up the stairs when I felt pain lance through my stomach. I doubled over half way up the stairs, clutching my roiling stomach. I looked down in surprise, and it appeared that my stomach was growing, stretching and pushing out in all directions. I was horrified, thinking I was having some sort of allergic reaction something in the beer, but this was more than that. It felt like my whole body was starting to grow and spread out from the direction of my chest.

I sat down on the stairs and grabbed the handrail, bracing myself against this horrible sensation. It felt like my skeleton was being pulled in every direction, and the pain was quite intense. I watched my tank top start to ride up on my chest, and then to my surprise I saw my abdominals getting far more defined than they were before. I had been in decent shape, but now it looked like I did nothing but work my chest. My pecs were next. The ballooned out, like someone had stuck an air hose in them. I could feel it next in my thighs and upper arms, each of them packing on muscle to the point to where I could no longer sit the way I was before. My arm had to be at least 24 inches around, and my legs felt like tree trunks. I felt the change continue to spread down to the tips of my fingers and feet, my hands looking like I could use a catcher’s mitt as a regular glove, and my feet destroyed my shoes as they grew to what had to be at least a size 16 double wide.

Finally, I felt my head feel like I was getting beaten like a drum. I saw facial hair shoot out from my previously smooth face, lengthening and thickening into a massive beard. My long, trendy haircut was gone. It was replaced by a high and tight, and I could feel the shape of my face and jaw rearranging themselves to better match my new body. As the pain started to fade away, I noticed what appeared to be faded tattoos on my biceps, and I could feel like there was some sort of piercings in my nipples.

The pain slowly begin to fade, and I got to my feet. I almost bumped my head on the ceiling as I was now much taller than I was before. Hell, I would have to turn slightly so I would be able to fit through the door frame to get out of here. I stumbled up the stairs and into a grimy bathroom on the ground level so I could look at myself in the mirror. I was completely blown away by how much I had changed. The slender, carefree college boy that I was when I had snuck in here was completely gone. He was replaced by a muscled hairy behemoth.